How i can turn off autocompletion in Extjs combobox? - extjs

When I selected some item in combobox and then I'm trying to select another item in same combobox, I can see only one item - those which is selected right now. I believe that happens because of autocompletion. Does anybody know how I can disable it or something. I need to see all values on each click, regardless if something was selected already or not.

Add triggerAction:'all' to your config.

better add disableKeyFilter:'true' to your combo box


How to access click event of option in React dual list box?

I am using react-dual-listbox. Here I am able to select the columns and deselect and use the selected values. But, I want to access the selected option in selected items on click of that particular item.
Ex: if 2 options are selected. If i click on second one, It should give me the value and index of the selected option. I saw something to use selectedRef for that purpose, But I am new to React.
Could anyone please help me out.

Disable vaadin combobox dropdown

Hi in vaadin combobox i have only one item added which is in select by default.
So now there is no need in drop down option.
Is there any way to disable dropdown option in combobox?
You can try setting the combobox to read-only or disabled if it only has one option. combobox.setReadOnly(true) will make it look like a label while combobox.setEnabled(false) will grey it out and disable the dropdown.
Well, what do you want to show instead? Just a Label? Then check if the container-size you add to the combobox is 1 and show a Label with the only "option" instead.

CheckBox seletion on space bar press

we are using wpf, want to select templated checkbox of datagrid on space bar press when an item get selected in the datagrid. Kindly help me to achieve the same.
Any suggestion will highly appreciated. Thanks
set IsTabStop=True property of the checkbox and thus the checkbox will be selected and deselected on hitting spacebar.Hope this will help.

silverlight combobox - highlight a few items in the popup list

I'm wondering if I can make fake sections in the popup menu:
The rule would be, if the 5th character of the displayed item is different from the 5th char of the previous item in the menu, it has to be highlighted
What do you think?
To achieve this would be a hack.
Normally the items that appear in the popup part of a combo box will be an instantiated data template, and each gets its own data item and has no clue or knowledge of the other items in the list, so you couldn't use a converter or anything else to achieve this behavior.
What you could do though is inject (attach) your own control into the popup part of the combo box, and take over the rendering of the data items. How you do this will depend upon which combo box you are using (i.e. MS or some other vendor's) and would be a whole new question.
Would that be easier if I were to create my own combobox as follow:
a TextBox associated with a Button that when pushed would popup a datagrid in which I could implement this conditional formatting?

Binding a combobox to a database and gridview

I am displaying a database table on a grid view and displaying a selected item's details in a detailsview.
Here's the problem:
There's a combobox in the detailsview and I want to display the added value's string on grid and I want the combobox to select this value.
It will be possible to update, delete the selected item from grid or add a new item. And I couldn't do the transformations of string- comboboxitem-database item. And I am quite confused on the binding operations. I hope my question is clear enough. Thanks in advance for any help.
One solution that may preserve your sanity. Only allow edits in your detailsView. Use the grid to Add (clicking an Add Link which shows the detailsView) or Delete. Is it really necessary for the user to be able to edit in either place?
