Google App Engine authorization with Google Apps Domain - google-app-engine

I have successfully followed the examples to gain an AuthSub token to authorize my GAE application to have access to the user's Google Calendar.
I have added the domain parameter to the method gdata.auth.generate_auth_sub_url so that the application is authenticated against a Google Apps Domain user. The app is then installed in one of our test domains.
This is working fine, however, each user in the domain has to go through the process of authorizing the app to use the calendar. In other Marketplace Apps that I have tried, this authorization is done once for the whole domain when the app is installed.
How is this achieved?

This page describes how Marketplace apps can access the gdata APIs on a user's behalf.


Unable to add custom Domain w/ Google App Engine

I'm unable to map a custom domain to my Google App Engine app. The steps I've already taken are:
I'm the admin of the Google Apps account
I'm the owner of the Google App Engine Account
I've added the domain to the "Domains" section of Google Apps
I've verified ownership of the domain within Google Apps
I've correctly setup the MX records of the domain
I've checked that the domain was correctly setup using:
However, for the last 3 days in the Domains section of Google Apps it says "MX records setup validation in progress".
Additionally, when I go to add the domain within the Application settings of the Google App Engine account I get redirected to a sign in page (despite already being signed in, and an admin within Google Apps, and the owner of the Google App Engine app). Either way when I go to sign in again I just get redirected back to the signin page and I'm not able to get any farther.
Also, I have billing enabled for the App Engine account. I've configured app engine domains numerous times before and never had these issues. Any help would be appreciated.
Following #presveva's suggestion I setup a new Google Apps account (despite already having an existing one) and the first page after creating a new Google App was a server error. After refreshing the page and verifying ownership of the domain I went to add the domain to App Engine.
On the "Please accept the Google App Engine terms and conditions to continue" page, first of all no terms even showed (numerous XMLHttpRequest errors on the page), and after submitting "I accept. Continue to add this service" the next page stated "An error occurred while trying to install this application. Please try again later."
This process is horribly broke and would be great if Google addressed this.
I know this this post is old but I ran into the same issue.
All ready running Google Apps for my primary domain.
Created a new app and registered a new domain name for that.
Don't want to get a new payed Google Apps account for the app domain.
#presveva is right but there is one way around it.
Use your current Google Apps account and add the app domain as a alias for your primary domain.
Make the admin account of your Google Apps domain owner of the Google App Engine (GAE) application.
Add the GAE app to your Google Apps account via the Google Apps admin interface.
Setup a custom domain name for the domain alias, your new app domain.
Note: If you use Google Sites for your domain you can't use www. Disable sites if you want to use GAE.
For now, the only one way for using custom domain in GAE is signup a Google Apps account (domains article).
Notice that the domain need to be the primary domain of account, a new account for domain.
The docs I have linked mentions a free single-user account but it has been replaced by a 50$ credit for a business Google Apps account (forum annunce)

Google App Engine authentication with password

I am really fed up. All I see the Google App Engine tutorial was just making the example on how to authenticate without password. What if I want to authenticate directly from my gmail account, how can I do it???
User the google provided users service which can use your google account for auth.
Google App Engine provides several useful services based on Google infrastructure, accessible by applications using libraries included with the SDK. One such service is the Users service, which lets your application integrate with Google user accounts. With the Users service, your users can use the Google accounts they already have to sign in to your application.

Is there a google app engine api?

I want to implement some form of access control for a REST API implemented in App engine. Is it possible to get the list of GAE Applications that a user has permissions to administer or view in the app engine console. Or whether the user has permissions to administer/view the current application.
Note: the Users API does not work for me because this is a rest server called by another google app not a web service called by a user from the browser. OAuth API seems promising but I was unable to find an OAuth scope or rest endpoint for getting GAE related information.
there is no API that can provide a "list of GAE Applications that a user has permissions to administer." Google Cloud Endpoints on App Engine (Trusted Tester program) may be useful for hosting custom RESTful APIs with user authorization may be useful, read more here:
There must be an API as the Google Eclipse plugin is using it.
But it is not documented.

Can a multitenant google app engine (java) application authenticate with google apps users?

So now Google released the multi-tenant feature for gae.
Assuming i am going to implement a google app engine application and put it on google apps market place.
suppose and bought the application.
can usera from doma and userb from domb authenticate to this application with their google apps domain username (in other words) can usera#doma and userb#domb use authenticate with gae?
Thanks in advance
Google does not limit users when they go through OpenID or Google Accounts authentication procedure, your code should do this. After user is authenticated control is handed back to your code - at this point you should check users data and decide to pass the request through or not.
Also, if you want to use and as your domain names on GAE you need to own this domains and create separate Google Apps account for each of them. This means that random user cannot have email address (unless you manually created an account for them on Google Apps).

How to send email on behalf of users in Google Apps?

I'm writing an app which needs to post emails on behalf of users of our Google Apps Premier domain. I see there is a way to do this using the AppEngine Mail Service if you have the admin credentials. I want to know how to do this from a normal Java app running on say Tomcat.
I haven't done this, but if you have a Premier Apps domain then you should be able to enable and use oauth (you cannot with the free version) and follow these examples to send email on behalf of the users in your domain: if I understand your question correctly.
App Engine is a platform. You can't use App Engine services without writing an app that runs on App Engine.
