I have informations about some objects stored in BigTable(coordinates and few more) and I have to put this objects on Google map. How can I do that? (Please write some code example. I am using java for my application).
Working with Google Maps requires some background knowledge. I suggest starting here: http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/index.html. I would imagine that you'll use your server-side code to generate javascript from your objects in BigTable, which gets rendered in the client web pages and adds the markers to the map.
I'm working on creating a dynamic map of the factory at which I work. I would like to create a map that can zoom in and out with different elements that will populate depending on the zoom level. I can't find any tutorials that DON'T involve using some sort of maps API to just create a quick maps app. I want to use my own images, my own elements, but with the basic functionality of Google Maps, and I'd like to use React if I can.
Where can I go for this? It's difficult to find anything that talks about the basic "tile structure" coding logic of a zoomable web app that will render different images (in my case would be the "zoomed" images of the same factory) depending on the zoom level. Thanks, any help helps
Background: I have just finished a course on Udemy called The Web Development Bootcamp. The main project for this course was to create a web app called Yelpcamp, which is essentially a campsite rating and discussion site. You can see the current working version of my app here: https://radiant-eyrie-76078.herokuapp.com/. It is built using node and express.
Problem: I would like to add a map to each campground showing where it is in the world. When a user adds a campground they will put in a location in a form and I need to take that location and convert it to latitude and longitude. I am using mapbox to add the map and I was able to get a simple map added to each campground. I now need to figure out how to take the input from the user and geocode it (convert it from a name to an exact location). Mapbox has a geocoding api, but I cannot figure out how to use it in this way. It seems that it can only be attached to the map directly.
Question: How can I take this location user input and geocode it so that it can be used by my mapbox map?
The Geocoding functionality of Mapbox does not require the presence of a map, and be called from the SDKs directly. That is, the input text of the geolocation can be user-provided or come from anywhere else (say, a DB, or a preexisting list of places).
Since your app is Node-based, you probably want the forwardGeocode function of the Geocode API in the JavaScript SDK.
Recently I am working on a mobile app project which has been developed back in 2016.
Around 4500 users are currently using it.
It was developed using AngularJS (v 1.7.8) and IONIC (V1.1.1). We have to stick with these older version for now.
It has a google map feature.
It is done by first calling "geocode" funtionality of google map java script API and then we use "ui-gmap-google-map" directive from "angular-google-maps 2.2.1 to render the map.
Now it started giving error.
We have to use google map API_KEY now.
To get the geocode the app is making a call to this google map API.
Now we have to append an API_KEY in the URL to make it work.
After getting geocode (lat and lng), we used to pass it to "ui-gmap-google-map" angular directive ("center" attribute) in the view to render the map. I am guessing this "ui-gmap-google-map" is internally making calls to google map service and passing the geocode and then render the map.
The map which is being displaying is covered with gray color and water mark "For development purpose only".
Now here the question is, how I can pass the same API_KEY to "ui-gmap-google-map" ?
Please help or show me some direction.
Thanks a lot.
You should switch to angularjs-google-maps
If you need to pass in an API key to the javascript, you can set a scope variable in your controller (e.g. $scope.googleMapsUrl="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_KEY_HERE";). This can be set from a constant value in your app to standardise the API key to pass to google for multiple controllers.
I want to incorporate arcgis maps as small embeddable maps when dealing and presenting addresses. However, the application is not using Dojo in any way and it seems like the arcgis javascript api is dojo based. Is it possible to incorporate the maps without having to slap parts of Dojo into the project? In a similar way I can embed Google maps for example? If that is not possible I'm afraid it would be a deal breaker for using this product.
You can create maps with leaflet and use arcgis services via plugin http://esri.github.io/esri-leaflet/ It doesn't have full functionality of esri js API, but can be suitable in many cases.
I looking for an API that can manage some api keys of different map sources like google maps, openstreetmaps and other providers with a common language.
The goal is to write something like the following and work across multiple maps sources
map.source = commonMapSource.Sources.GoogleMaps;
var placemark = commonMapSource.Overlays.Placemark;
Is there something like what I'm looking for?
I created something like this a long time ago for Bing and Google maps. These types of wrappers are not common anymore as the map controls change too fast. Also, it's often against the terms of use of the map providers to mix data with other maps. For example using coordinates from Bing Maps geocoder can not be used in Google Maps. If you are looking for a single map control that you can switch the data providers in take a look at OpenLayers: http://openlayers.org/
Actually yes, although I'm not exactly sure if it has been kept up-to-date with the latest API changes from all the providers.
It's called Mastraction: http://mapstraction.com/
Supposedly supports (copy&pasted directly from the site above)
Google – v2 and v3
MapQuest and MapQuest Open
Microsoft Bing – v6 and v7
Nokia Here
Ordnance Survey OpenSpace
Nokia Ovi
I did try it a couple of years ago and worked well enough for simple stuff.