Jquery persistent css selector equivalent to '.live()' - css-selectors

So today I just came across the 'live()' function that binds any future and past elements to the whatever event you choose, such as 'onclick'.
Right now I'm having to set up buttons like the following each time I load a new button via ajax ...
$('a.btn.pencil').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon ui-icon-pencil'}});
$('a.btn.bigx').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon ui-icon-closethick'}});
So, instead of calling these lines each time I use ajax to add a new button, is there a similar way to tell JQuery to setup my buttons ANYTIME I add new ones?
Thanks for any help!

Mmh not really. But there is the function .ajaxSuccess() which is triggered whenever an Ajax call is successful. So you could do:
$('body').ajaxSuccess(function() {
$('a.btn.pencil').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon ui-icon-pencil'}});
$('a.btn.bigx').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon ui-icon-closethick'}});
But this will run on any links with the classes, not only on the new ones. But if you append them on a time (i.e. not multiple a.btn.plus at once) you might be able to use the :last selector (a.btn.plus:last).
You can also create a function and just that from your callback functions:
function links() {
$('a.btn.pencil').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon ui-icon-pencil'}});
$('a.btn.bigx').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon ui-icon-closethick'}});
and in the Ajax call:
success: function(msg){
This way you can pass the parent element to the function in order to find the link only inside this element (so the code would only work on the new links).
A last option would be generate a custom event but in the end this would be similar to just doing a function call in your case so you gain not much.

You can use delegate in your success function too
$("body").delegate("a.btn", "hover", function(){

There is a Jquery Plugin called livequery which covers your requirements.
I like to think of this plugin as Jquery .live() but without the need for an event ('click') etc.
You can find more info here//
Jquery - Live Query Plugin


AngularJs Restangular get in interval

I must check data in API every for example 5sec and pass to array which is binding to html. When I invoke function in $interval like this:
$interval(refreshData, 5000);
It works, but destroy any other action which I doing for example close dropdowns etc.
What is the best way for create GET in specific interval?
I saw that in Firefox is ok, only Google Chrome,cancel any actions like coil selected dropdown list etc. when I load data to variable in promise. Anyone have idea why it happen?

How to implement callback in ngHistory in Pubnub?

When trying to retrieve the history message in the on event , the loading time is too long.
The spinner show and hides too fast. But the message is not yet loaded.
How can we calculate or get the exact time to make the history load?
$scope.limit = 100
PubNub.ngHistory( {
channel : $scope.channel,
limit : $scope.limit
$rootScope.$on(PubNub.ngMsgEv($scope.channel), function(ngEvent, payload) {
Thank you so much for trying out the PubNub AngularJS API! I'll try
to provide some help. There is a little bit of a difference between
the PubNub JS API and the PubNub AngularJS API in this case.
Behind the scenes, The PubNub JS API history() method returns instantly,
and invokes the callback when the given "page" of history is retrieved.
The AngularJS API, in its quest for simplifying this interaction, does not
take a callback - instead, it calls $rootScope.$broadcast() for each message
in the returned history payload.
In this version of the AngularJS API, it's not currently possible to "get inside"
the 'ngHistory' method to provide a callback. However, there are 2 solutions
available to you: one has always been there, and the second one I just added
based on your feedback.
1) See codepen here (http://codepen.io/sunnygleason/pen/afqmh). There is an "escape hatch" in the PubNub AngularJS API that lets you call the JS API directly for advanced use cases, called jsapi. You can call PubNub.jsapi.history({channel:theChannel,limit:theLimit,callback:theCallback}). The only thing to keep in mind is that this will not fire message events into the $rootScope, and you will need to call $rootScope.$apply() or $scope.$apply() to make sure any changes you make to $scope within the callback function are propagated properly to the view.
2) See codepen here (http://codepen.io/sunnygleason/pen/JIsek). If you prefer a promise-based approach, I just added an ngHistoryQ() function to version 1.2.0-beta.4 of the PubNub AngularJS API. This will let you write code like:
PubNub.ngHistoryQ({channel:theChannel,limit:theLimit}).then(function(payload) {
payload[0].forEach(function(message) {
You can install the latest version of the AngularJS SDK using 'bower install pubnub-angular'.
With either of these solutions, you should be able to display and hide your spinner
accordingly. The only difference is in #2, you'll want to write code like this:
var historyPromise = PubNub.ngHistoryQ({channel:theChannel,limit:theLimit});
historyPromise.then(function(payload) {
// process messages from payload[0] array
Does this help? Let me know what you think. Thank you again so much for trying this out.
Can you programmatically turn the spinner on at history call time, and programmatically disable it at callback time?

ng-table , getData called more than once, why?

For some reason when getData uses angular resource to bring the data it is being called twice, causing the resource to do it REST request twice too <--- bad...
Any idea why and how to solve it?
Here a working testcase/plunker example that recreates this scenario (look at the browser console - "getData being called...." displayed twice ) b.t.w as you can see I'm not really using the resource to bring real data, just to demonstrate the scenario, In my real app I do use the resource to bring real data and its being called twice just like in this example,
Thanks ahead
After looking into the src of the ng-table I noticed the following
$scope.$watch('params.$params', function(params) {
$scope.params.settings().$scope = $scope;
}, true);
Which means that the tables calls it 'getData' on count/filter/group/groupBy/page/sorting
which explains the behavior I was seeing.
When you call params.count(...) you ask ng-table to refresh data as you change page size. That's why you have two get-data calls.
If you don't want to have paging, then remove calls params.count and params.total.
If you need paging, then set page size and do not change it in getData.
This happened to me with a weird reason. getData get called twice on init (first load) only. changing page or sorting didn't call getData twice. The reason was that at init the ng-table directive was hidden in the template file.
Thank #Alexander Vasilyev. I understood my problem as you said. I want to explain a litte more here. In fact, the object "params" is the object configuration the table ng-table, then if "params" changed (ex: count or a property of the object), ng-table will invoke function getData() to refresh table.
In my case, I want to get information in the object "params" and change it but I dont want to refresh ng-table. I did it by cloning object "params" et work his object copied. Clone the object in JS with jQuery :
var resultParams = jQuery.extend(true, {}, params.$params);
And then, I will work on the object resultParams instead of "params" original.

Unable to wrap functions assigned with events parameter in backbone model

Motivation: I want to wrap all functions within backbone model with log functionality to make it more easy to follow function calls.
I am iterating over models functions and warping them with underscores wrap().
But it looks like event function bindings from 'events' hash doesn't get wrapped as it looks like these functions are copied and stored somewhere in DOM, not sure.
Has anybody came to this problem as well or any ideas how to workaround?
Manually entering console.log() in these function is not what I am looking for.
I think you're experiencing the same problem as when people are trying to test the functionality provided with the events -hash. Spying on the event callback directly on the View doesn't work, but spying on the class prototype before instantiating works.
// This won't work
var view = new SomeView();
spyOn(view, 'onClick');
view.$el.click(); // spy isn't called
// This works
spyOn(SomeView.prototype, 'onClick');
var view = new SomeView();
view.$el.click(); // spy is called
Try iterating over the prototype of your 'class' right after creating it, because that should be where the methods called by the events -implementation should reside.

UI hash problems with Backbone Marionette Layout

In the following Layout, I am adding a CollectionView to display a SELECT list within onRender. Immediately after that, I am using the ui hash to enable or disable all controls within the view. This does not work for the SELECT generated by new App.View.Categories.
Should it? Or does the UI hash not work on Regions within a Layout?
App.View.UploadFile = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({
template: '#upload-file-template',
category: 'td:nth-child(4)'
inputs: 'textarea, select, .save'
onRender: function(){
new App.View.Categories({
collection: App.collection.categories
}) // generates the SELECT list
console.log(this.ui.inputs); // Length 2. Missing select.
console.log(this.$('textarea, select, .save')); // Length 3
'disabled', (this.model.get('upload_status')!='staged')
This should be working the way you expect it to work. The code in question in the Marionette source is here: https://github.com/marionettejs/backbone.marionette/blob/master/src/marionette.itemview.js#L49-L51
The call to bindUIElements() is what converts the ui hash in to jQuery selector objects, and it is called right before the onRender method is called.
Are you seeing errors? Or is the selector simply returning nothing, and having no affect on the elements?
Ah! Of course... I wasn't paying attention to your code close enough. You're correct in that the UI element selectors happen before you're adding the the sub-view to the region. I've never run in to this situation before... but this seems like something we would want to fix / support.
For now, the best workaround I can suggest would be to call 'this.bindUIElements();' at the very end of your onRender method. This would force the ui elements to re-bind to the selectors.
I'll also add an issue to the github issues list, to look in to a better solution for this. i don't know when i'll be able to get to this, but this will at least get it on the list of things to fix.
