nptl SIGCONT and thread scheduling - c

I'm trying to port a code that relies on SIGCONT to stop certain threads of an application. With current linux nptl implementation seems one can't rely on that in 2.6.x kernels. I'm trying to devise a method to stop other threads. Currently I can only think on mutexes and condition variables. Any hints is appreciated.

If you are relying on stopping and resuming other threads, then your application will eventually fail.
That is because, you cannot guarantee that you're not going to stop a thread while it has a mutex taken which protects a shared resource. This would result in deadlock, as any other threads (possibly including the one which stopped the first thread) which then need to wait for the mutex, will wait forever.
I'm sure it is possible, but also, you're doing it wrong.
NB: such mutexes probably exist in parts of the C library, even if you have none in your own code. If you have none in your own code and it is nontrivial, I'd be surprised.

How are you sending the signals to the target thread? If you use pthread_kill() to send SIGSTOP / SIGCONT to a single thread, it should work.


thread safety in GNUTLS

The version of GNUTLS is 3.5. I want to use a child thread to handshake with remote peer.
In my child thread, I just use gnutls_handshake().
In the parent thread, can I use pthread_cancel() to cancel the child thread safety regardless of the current handshake state?
If I have registered the pull/pull_timeout/push functions with pthread_cleanup_push/pthread_cleanup_pop,
can I cancel the child thread?
i have emailed Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos(current maintainers of gnutls) ,his answer as follow:
gnutls functions were never designed as pthread cancellation points. I
have not thought that much, but I believe your main concern is memory
leaks right? It may be that if you deallocate the session in another
thread it may just work; though you may have to create a stress test
for that to verify that this is possible.

User-level threads context switching: How to detect when a thread is blocking in C?

As the title suggests, is there a way in C to detect when a user-level thread running on top of a kernel-level thread e.g., pthread has blocked (or about to block) for I/O?
My use case is as follows: I need to execute tasks in a multithreaded environment (on top of kernel threads e.g., pthreads). The tasks are basically user functions that can be synchronized and may use blocking operations within. I need to hide latency in my implementation. So, I am exploring the idea of implementing the tasks as user-level threads for better control of their execution context such that, when a task blocks or synchronizes, I context-switch to other ready tasks (i.e., implementing my own scheduler for the user-level threads). Consequently, almost the full use of the OS’s time quantum per kernel thread can be achieved.
There used to be code that did this, for example GNU pth. It's generally been abandoned because it just doesn't work very well and we have much better options now. You have two choices:
1) If you have OS help, you can use the OS mechanisms. Windows provides OS help for this, IOCP dispatching uses it.
2) If you have no OS help, then you have to convert all blocking operations into non-blocking ones that call your dispatcher rather than blocking. So, for example, if someone calls socket, you intercept that call and set the socket non-blocking. When they call read, you intercept that call and if they get a "would block" indication, you arrange to resume when the operation might succeed and schedule another thread.
You can look at GNU pth to see how you might make option 2 work. But be warned, GNU pth is full of reported bugs that have never been fixed since it was abandoned. It will give you an idea of how to implement things like mutexes and sleeps in a cooperative user-space threading environment. But don't actually use the code.

How to trigger spurious wake-up within a Linux application?

Some background:
I have an application that relies on third party hardware and a closed source driver. The driver currently has a bug in it that causes the device to stop responding after a random period of time. This is caused by an apparent deadlock within the driver and interrupts proper functioning of my application, which is in an always-on 24/7 highly visible environment.
What I have found is that attaching GDB to the process, and immediately detaching GDB from the process results in the device resuming functionality. This was my first indication that there was a thread locking issue within the driver itself. There is some kind of race condition that leads to a deadlock. Attaching GDB was obviously causing some reshuffling of threads and probably pushing them out of their wait state, causing them to re-evaluate their conditions and thus breaking the deadlock.
The question:
My question is simply this: is there a clean wait for an application to trigger all threads within the program to interrupt their wait state? One thing that definitely works (at least on my implementation) is to send a SIGSTOP followed immediately by a SIGCONT from another process (i.e. from bash):
kill -19 `cat /var/run/mypidfile` ; kill -18 `cat /var/run/mypidfile`
This triggers a spurious wake-up within the process and everything comes back to life.
I'm hoping there is an intelligent method to trigger a spurious wake-up of all threads within my process. Think pthread_cond_broadcast(...) but without having access to the actual condition variable being waited on.
Is this possible, or is relying on a program like kill my only approach?
The way you're doing it right now is probably the most correct and simplest. There is no "wake all waiting futexes in a given process" operation in the kernel, which is what you would need to achieve this more directly.
Note that if the failure-to-wake "deadlock" is in pthread_cond_wait but interrupting it with a signal breaks out of the deadlock, the bug cannot be in the application; it must actually be in the implementation of pthread condition variables. glibc has known unfixed bugs in its condition variable implementation; see and related bug reports. However, you might have found a new one, since I don't think the existing known ones can be fixed by breaking out of the futex wait with a signal. If you can report this bug to the glibc bug tracker, it would be very helpful.

How Blocking IO Affects A Multithreaded Application/Service In Linux

Am exploring with several concepts for a web crawler in C on Linux. To decide if i'll use blocking IO, multiplexed OI, AIO, a certain combination, etc., I esp need to know (I probably should discover it for myself practically via some test code, but for expediency I prefer to know from others) when a call to IO in blocking mode is made, is it the particular thread (assuming a multithreaded app/svc) or the whole process itself that is blocked? Even more specifically, in a multitheaded (POSIX) app/service can a thread dedicated to remote read/writes block the entire process? If so, how can I unblock such a thread without terminating the entire process?
NB: Whether or not I should use blocking/nonblocking is not really the question here.
Blocking calls block only the thread that made them, not the entire process.
Whether to use blocking I/O (with one socket per thread) or non-blocking I/O (with each thread managing multiple sockets) is something you are going to have to benchmark. But as a rule of thumb...
Linux handles multiple threads reasonably efficiently. So if you are only handling a few dozen sockets, using one thread for each is easy to code and should perform well. If you are handling hundreds of sockets, it is a closer call. And for thousands of sockets, you are almost certainly better off using one thread (or process) to manage large groups.
In the latter case, for optimal performance you probably want to use epoll, even though it is Linux-specific.

Shared POSIX objects cleanup on process end / death

Is there any way to perform POSIX shared synchronization objects cleanup especially on process crash? Locked POSIX semaphores unblock is most desired thing but automatically 'collected' queues / shared memory region would be nice too. Another thing to keep eye on is we can't in general use signal handlers because of SIGKILL which cannot be caught.
I see only one alternative: some external daemon which accepts subscriptions and 'keep-alive' requests working as watchdog so not having notifications about some object it could close / unlock object in accordance to registered policy.
Has anyone better alternative / proposition? I never worked seriously with POSIX shared objects before (sockets were enough for all my needs and are much more useful by my opinion) and I did not found any applicable article. I'd gladly use sockets here but can't because of historical reasons.
Rather than using semaphores you could use file locking to co-oridinate your processes. The big advanatge of file locks being that they are released if the process terminates. You can map each semaphore onto a lock for a byte in a shared file and know that locks will get released on exit; in mosts version of unix the bytes you lock don't even have to exist. There is code for this in Marc Rochkind's book Advanced Unix Programming 1st edition, don't know if it's in the latest 2nd edition though.
I know this question is old, but another great solution is POSIX robust mutexes. They automatically unlock and enter an "inconsistent flag" state when the owner dies, and the next thread to attempt locking the mutex gets an EOWNERDEAD error but succeeds in becoming the new owner of the mutex. It's then able to clean up whatever state the mutex was protecting (which could be in a very bad inconsistent state due to asynchronous termination of the previous owner!) and mark the mutex as consistent again before unlocking it.
See the documentation on robust mutexes here:
The usual way is to work with signal handlers. Just catch the signals and call the cleanup functions.
But your watchdog daemon has some merits, too. It would surely make the system more simple to understand and manage. To make it more simple to administrate, your application should start the daemon when it's not running and the daemon should be able to clean up any residue from the last crash.
