Why does Silverlight 4 ClientHttp WebRequest prompt the user for a login and password? - silverlight

One of the new features of the client http stack in Silverlight 4 is the ability to supply network credentials. When I use this feature Windows shows a "Windows Security" message box that prompts the user for a login and password (text in the box is "The server xx at xx requires a username and password. Warning: This server is requesting that your username and password be sent in an insecure manner (basic authentication without a secure connection)."). I'm setting the login and password as shown below so I'm not sure why this is displayed. My code is:
var request = WebRequestCreator.ClientHttp.Create(new Uri("http://myserver:8080/gui/?list=1"));
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("login", "password");
request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(OnRequestComplete), request);
If I enter the username and password into the messagebox the request completes successfully. For a number of reasons I'd rather prompt the user for the login and password so I'd like to avoid the messagebox if possible.
My setup is Silverlight 4 final, VS 2010 final, Windows 7 x86. The application is out of browser with elevated permissions.

If you call to the web server is a cross-site call you will have to specify a client access policy on the web server to enable the authorization header. You should either place the XAP file on http://myserver:8080 or add a clientaccesspolicy.xml file to the web site on http://myserver:8080.
Tim Heuer has some more information about how Silverlight 4 enables Authorization header modification.

The warning about 'requesting that your username and password be sent in an insecure manner' likely means that you are not sending the data over ssl (https) which would be by webbrowser standards, a secure connection.
You can't get past this because this prompt is showed or not showed depending on the users internet security settings. The only way you can fix it from your end is by using ssl.


Create GraphClient with UsernamePasswordProvider with client secret

I created a desktop application that talks to Graph API (Beta).
In the development version, I deployed it on the application I created myself on Azure AD. As one of the requirements is not to show login dialog when using the application, I decided to go with UsernamePasswordProvider, which I provide the user name and password of my account and everything works fine (I didn't put client secret in my application).
When I'm about to deploy it on customer's network, I asked the admin and he provides me the service user name, password, tenant ID, client ID, and a client secret.
I tried using Postman to check if I can get an access token from those info and I can only if I provide the client secret along with user name and password.
When I'm back to the code, UsernamePasswordProvider's constructor accepts IPublicClientApplication which has no option to create the application with client secret.
I understand that there is a reason behind as the secret can be easily stolen if the application got decompiled but, if I'm (in fact, my client) not serious about this, is there any way to initialize the GraphClient by putting user name, password, and client secret together for authentication?
Important, the Username / Password flow is not recommended because your application asking a user for their password is not secure. For more information about this problem, see this article.
If you still would like to use it, you could put username and password of that user in Key Vault and fetch those in your code.
string keyVaultName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("KEY_VAULT_NAME");
var kvUri = "https://" + keyVaultName + ".vault.azure.net";
var client = new SecretClient(new Uri(kvUri), new DefaultAzureCredential());
var secret = client.GetSecret(secretName); // get username or password here
I recommend you to use ClientCredentialsProvider, it enables service applications to run without user interaction.

How does NTLM SSO in a Windows Domain works?

I made a proof of concept for single-sign-on in TypeScript using NodeSSPI. This works, I get the username where I'm logged in on our corporate AD domain - without entering any account information or credentials. But I want to know how this is possible in detail, cause it works in IE and Chrome out of the box. I found this MSDN article about NTLM which says:
Username of the logged in user is send to the server
Server generated random number challenge and send it to the client
Client encrypts the challenge with the user password hash and send it back to server
Server sends username, challenge and challenge-response to DC
DC compares the PW with the database and authenticates the user if it matches
I'm especially wonder about step 1 and 2: Where does this happen? How is e.g. the username transfered to the server? Is it part of the http request? I took a look in the request from the chrome developer tools and couldn't see any header or other information which indicates that e.g. my AD username is send to the server.
Please note: These questions only apply to SSO where no credentials are supplied by the user! Cause when the user enters his credentials this is clear.
Is it part of the http request?
Yes. As described in RFC 4559, you should see the WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate header from the server's response, and as a consequence the Authorization header from the client.
If the developers tools don't show this, please come back with a network capture.

ADFS vNext Client Authentication (WPF) (Windows Server 2016 Preview 3)

I have a Windows Server 2016 TechnicalPreview 3 with a configured ADFS vNext, as first client I have created an MVC Application as a ReplingPartyTrust.
The authentication with the ADFS work really well with the MVC Application.
Now to the problem: I have written a Native Application (WPF) which i want to authenticate against the ADFS.
The Steps i did are:
To inform the ADFS of my new WPF Client i ran the the following PowerShell Script:
Add-ADFSClient -ClientType Public -Name “MyClient” -ClientId “E1CF1107-FF90-4228-93BF-26052DD2C714” -RedirectUri “https://E1CF1107-FF90-4228-93BF-26052DD2C714/redir´”
To authenticate the client (Code-Wise) i used the following NuGet-Package:
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory (3.5 (Alpha))
Then I wrote the following code:
string authority = "https://win2016preview.server.local/adfs/ls";
string resourceURI = "https://adfs.server.local/MyMVCApp";
string clientReturnURI = "https://e1cf1107-ff90-4228-93bf-26052dd2c714/redir";
string clientID = "E1CF1107-FF90-4228-93BF-26052DD2C714";
var ac = new AuthenticationContext(authority, false);
var ar = await ac.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceURI, clientID, new
new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.Auto, new
With this code, the client should authenticate at the ADFS (over OAuth i think) and prompt the user to enter his organisation credentials.
If i run the application this window appears:
I choose Yes (Ja) and the credential prompt opens. In the same time the following exception occures
In the event log if the server ADFS the following error message appears:
Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Protocols.OAuth.Exceptions.OAuthAuthorizationUnauthorizedClientException: MSIS9321: Received invalid OAuth request. The client 'E1CF1107-FF90-4228-93BF-26052DD2C714' is forbidden to access the resource 'https://adfs.server.local/MyMVCApp.
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Protocols.OAuth.OAuthAuthorization.OAuthAuthorizationRequestContext.ValidateCore()
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Protocols.ProtocolContext.Validate()
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Protocols.OAuth.OAuthAuthorization.OAuthAuthorizationProtocolHandler.GetRequiredPipelineBehaviors(ProtocolContext pContext)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.PassiveProtocolListener.GatherDeviceSecurityToken(ProtocolContext protocolContext, PassiveProtocolHandler protocolHandler)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.PassiveProtocolListener.OnGetContext(WrappedHttpListenerContext context)
As far as i can tell, the ADFS recognizes the Client Id and tries to authenticate it. But the ADFS rejects the Client.
Did i forget to configure something? The client should just prompt the user, which authenticates against the ADFS, so the client can habe the AuthenticationToken.
I hope you can follow me. Thank you in advance!
The solution is very simple :)
Add the property IssuanceAuthorizationRules (Add-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust )
-IssuanceAuthorizationRules '=> issue (Type = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/authorization/claims/permit" value = "true");'

WCF Service with Domain Validation

I am working on a Messaging Application built using WPF and WCF-RESTful site.
This application is used inside intranet as well as internet. The application prompts for authentication (custom login screen in the messaging application) when it accessed through internet (outside the domain).
We have written authentication logic in the WCF service like below:
using (PrincipalContext pc = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, domain))
if (!pc.ValidateCredentials(userName, password, ContextOptions.Negotiate))
return string.Empty;
The Website's application pool is set to use NetworkService. The website's authentication is "Anonymous" as the Intranet User's do not require to authenticate.
I do not get any error or exception. Instead, it always returns "false" for any username even though the credential are correct.
Can you please tell me what I am missing here?
Take a look here http://travisspencer.com/blog/2009/07/creating-users-that-work-with.html plus if userName is in format domain\userName try to parse it from the domain name and send only the user part as argument to ValidateCredentials

salesforce how to login with javascript without security token

I have set up the custom login page for my application using the following resource.
However this approach requires security token for each user if the user is in untrusted network and the security token changes when user reset password.
How can I set up so that I allow multiple user login from this page? Currently only I can think of is have an extra input box so that user past the security token along with username and password. I wonder if salesforce allow javascript to grab security token dynamically for each user
OAuth2 is a security implementation that allows users to access their Salesforce data without having to enter their user/password in an untrusted application or do nasty token management themselves.
Salesforce has a guide on how to implement OAuth2 for web sites. It can be difficult to set up if you don't have any experience with OAuth2, but there are plenty of guide available.
I would also recommend using something like Firefox's RESTClient addon (or something like it) to test the use of OAuth2 to get a feel for authenticating against Salesforce .
Are you sure you have white listed the IP?
I strongly belive if you get the IP of server where your custom login page is hosted and put that in list of white listed IP's then User will not required to enter their security token.
to find the ip of your server(where your page is hosted)
- try to login with your custom login page
- login into SFDC and go to setup -> user profile-> login history
there you will see last login from IP
Copy above IP and
Again go into Setup -> Security control -> Remote site setting
and add above copied IP.
this way SF will not required security token when user is login from that IP.
Use this code for just login:
