Re: Expander control in silverlight 4 - silverlight

I have installed the latest silverlight toolkit and dragged the expander control onto my design, there is some kind of an error going around with the name spaces, and my intellisense stopped to work after I added the control, following is the xmlns that is added to the application when I dragged the control onto the xaml editor:
Can anyone please identify why would this happen?

It's been a long time since you posted your question, but in the case you still have the problem, I tell you that I had it too and it was a conflict in versions. In Silverlight 4, controls of the toolkit are integrated to the framework. And your xmlns:toolkit should reference a dll, not a http uri.
My problem was I was using RC version of Blend. So I advise you to check your VS2010, Blend and Silverlight version to make sure they're aligned.


XAML, WPF and Windows 8

I'm hoping someone here can explain to me the difference between WPF and XAML exactly in this context:
I have an application (an XBAP specifically) written in VB.NET using MVVM & Repository Pattern, implementing the the usual INotifyPropertyChanged, OLEDB etc etc.
The front end of the application is written in XAML.
From what I understand there is nothing specifically "WPF" about this application. In my view its XAML + VB.NET; where does the WPF come in? Given windows 8 and the "death of Silverlight/WPF" that I keep hearing about, what should I be doing to "upgrade" my application to ensure its future?
I would greatly appreciate someone clearing up this confusion for me.
XAML + your code behind is WPF. You are using WPF. XAML is the markup used for defining the interface in WPF.
And I wouldn't worry too much at this point about "the death of Silverlight/WPF". Just because Windows 8 supports HTML5/JavaScript doesn't mean WPF has gone away. At least, not yet.
See also.
An XBAP (XAML Browser Application) is a kind of WPF XAML application, that runs in the browser. Nothing more, nothing less.
WPF isn't going away anytime soon; in fact, it received a number of enhancements in .NET 4.5. Windows 8 will continue supporting WPF whether it's run on the desktop or as an XBAP. There's no need to "upgrade" your app, but if you want to take advantage of the Windows Store and the new user interface, it's not difficult to port your WPF XAML to WinRT XAML.
See, WPF can be called as the Successor of WinForms . In WPF WE have this XAML that is simply XML but Is more powerful and has greater properties .
WPF isn't dead !
Talking about Windows Store Apps, Silverlight has lots to do with WPF and XAML
Your XBAP application uses WPF : XAML for the UI and VB.NET for the code behind.
If you want to be sure, check if the namespaces you use in the code begin with "System.Windows".
Your XBAP is just a kind of project you can create with the WPF technology. (that's an application which shows several web pages as its UI).

Strange Design Problems With Infragistics Controls

I'm working on an existing WinForms application and I am having some weird issues with Infragistics controls in a WinForms app.
When I open a form or usercontrol in the project that has Infragistics controls on it, it looks like
I cannot access any of the controls in the design surface. Clicking does nothing. And, all of the controls appear in the lower area.
So I created a new test solution and dropped some Infragisstics controls on and got this
Anyone know what's going on?
When I've run in to similar issues before it's tended to be a license or version problem, the Infragistics libraries contain code stopping them working at design-time if a valid license isn't installed. To resolve this, I'd first recommend deleting all of the *.licx files in your solution. These can be easily corrupted especially if you're using source control and should be regenerated correctly when you go in at design time. If that fails, then I'd try uninstalling and reinstalling Infragistics ensuring the version installed matches those of your projects' reference.
P.S. Realise this is far too late to help the original poster but hopefully will help people coming across similar issues in the future.
This happens when Visual Studio cannot find the Design assembly. The components refer to a designer and if Visual Studio cannot find the designer, it makes the assumption that the object is a component instead of a control and places it in the system tray.
Typically, this indicates that something when wrong with your installation of the components, so the usual solution is to re-install.

Unable to drag and drop telerik components on windows forms

I am trying to drag and drop Telerik RadGridView on my windows form. But instead of showing on the form(in designer view), it shows the control just below the designer i.e. the area where some of the controls like DataSet, Binding Source, FileDialog controls are shown when added to the form from the toolbox.
The same problem happens for any rad control like RadButton, RadLabel etc. I can work on the control by using the controls added to the form, but the problem is that in case of some controls like RadGridView, the smart tag is not available that makes a lot of things easier.
I think I am missing something, so that I am unable to drag-drop the controls. Can any one help me out?
Can also be caused by a version mismatch. I had the latest version installed but code base referenced previous version (specifically 2011 Q2).
An uninstall of latest and install of 20011.Q2 fixed it for me.
This is caused by missing design time assembly in your GAC. Uninstall the all telerik controls from your computer, reinstall them and then update your project references. This should solve the problem.
More info at this link.
you must ReInstall your telerik product then open your project and reload your toolbox.
this sometime happen like you update your visual studio or you install a new package of telerik.

Where has Microsoft's WPF/Silverlight Charting gone in .NET 4.0?

Forgive me for being a little naive perhaps, but it seems that System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Charting has vanished from VS2010, and blend 4. I'm trying to make a bar graph with a line overlayed, but can't even get started because I can't find the appropriate controls.
I know I could use an external graphing package, but I'd like to try the inbuilt controls first.
You mention Blend so I assume that you are refering to the WPF/Silverlight chart controls.
The System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Charting namespace is part of the WPF Toolkit. You will have to download this toolkit and reference it from your project.
The question has been clarified to indicate it is about WPF controls. The answer below refers to the Winforms and chart controls. I'm leaving it here in case other people find it useful.
The original MS Chart controls were never part of the framework. They are an separate project.
You can download them here.
There is also more info on their project page.
There is an addon to the IDE, (here), but it's for VS2008, I don't know if it will work with 2010. I would assume they are going to update it at some point, but there doesn't seem to be any information on when that will happen.
I stand corrected, .Net 4.0 apparently now has built in chart controls. You shouldn't need to install anything. You'll need to make sure you are targeting framework 4.0.

Windows Phone 7 Charting/Graphing Controls

We're working on a Windows Phone 7 prototype application and we need a Graphing/Charting control to work with. We looked at the Silverlight Toolkit, which has some controls that look like they would work great. However, we can't get that to work. Whenever we add a control to the XAML from that toolkit, it will throw an exception when trying to load the XAML at runtime, even though it appears to work in the designer. I think that it's because there's some dependencies that the phone doesn't actually support.
Does anyone know how to fix the problem or know of charting software that works on Windows Phone 7?
Here's an example of code that doesn't work. We downloaded and installed the 4.0 beta of Silverlight Toolkit. Added the DLL as a reference. Added this to import the namespace:
then added this to make a chart:
the designer shows the pie perfectly, however when I try to compile and deploy it throws an exception saying that it can't find the MainPage.xaml. Which leads me to believe that MainPage.xaml isn't compilign correctly (not sure, as I'm still a newbie at Silverlight)
Here's the exception:
System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException occurred
Message=2255 An error has occurred. [Line: 36 Position: 2]
on this line:
System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(this, new System.Uri("/Twitpic;component/MainPage.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative));
You can probably reuse some of the things provided by the silverlight toolkit, which is open source:
You might have to recompile some stuff against the win phone APIs, but it should work :-)
It looks like someone else has had the same issue as you and solved it by using the Silverlight Toolkit version 3
Just found these free WP7 charts: amCharts for Windows Phone 7
If you are looking for great charting on WP7, I suggest Visifire. Note that its a commercial offering. Has gesture support too! I've seen very less charting vendors who've optimized charting for mobile-form-factor like these guys do.
You can try MS Toolkit, if you are looking for free basic charts.
Playing around more, I was actually able to get Visifire to work. Just had to browse and add the reference to System.Windows.Browser. I don't know if this is the best way to make it work. But it'll do until the Silverlight Toolkit gets updated.
Macadamian team developed and gives for free a Chart Control. You can pick it up at
Just a quick plug for my own graph control I recently released to open source:
Check it out, it scales to hundreds of thousands of points and responds to pinch,zoom,translate and tap gestures:
A couple of options worth a look.
David Anson's blog and thread posting on charting.
Chart Control for Phone
Why didn't I think of that in the first place? [Windows Phone 7 Charting example updated to include reusable, platform-consistent Style and Templates] - Delay's Blog
And a commercial offering.
Silverlight, WPF & WP7 Chart Controls
This one too
