SQL Server 2008 hosting recommendations [closed] - sql-server

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I am currently working on a project that is hosted at GoDaddy and it has a large database. (Periodically inserting millions of rows). It keeps filling the transaction logs and since GoDaddy sets the SQL user up without permission to basically do anything, I cannot truncate it. The 200mb database max is not ideal either. A VPS isn't in the cards for this company just yet, so I am stuck trying to find a shared hosting provider that office SQL Server 2008 only hosting.
Soooooo, my question is, does anyone know of a hosting company that does SQL Server 2008 hosting that they can vouch for and give high marks?
Cheers guys & gals!

To make a long story short, the more resources you use, the less likely you will be able to use a shared service provider to meet your needs. If you run a Google search, you will find numerous :) However, at some point you will need to get some dedicated resources if you plan on using SQL Server.
It sounds like you are trying to save costs, which is totally understandable, but as the old saying goes "you pay cheap, you pay twice".

DiscountASP.NET looks like a good option for a problem I'm working on at the moment which has similar requirements. They start you off with 500MB of space (+1GB TLog), and you can sign up for more.
Disclaimer: I haven't signed up with them yet, but I've been looking at some of the alternatives, and I keep heading back...


How to improve SQL Server skills if the workplace does not provide opportunities for it? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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So for context, I picked up MS SQL Server because the job required it. Currently, I'm able to do basic querying, and joins.
I hit a roadblock when I researched on how to improve, because the information seems to be overwhelming.
For example, some threads say to learn more about Database Administration while others seems to suggest that pursuing a certification by Microsoft is the way forward. Then I came across Data Engineering which is apparently different from Database Administration.
From what I gather, it looks like I should be working towards becoming a Data Engineer or Database Administrator. However, I'm not sure how I can go about it from where I am currently.
I just want to get better at it, and I'd love to hear what you guys feel is an appropriate way forward.
Thanks guys!
Brent Ozar to the rescue! While you are there check out the many resources they have on their website.
Go to StackOverflow and dig through some of the SQL questions and try to answer some. Even if you don't figure it out you'll learn a ton by trying.
People hiring Data Engineers are usually looking for formal training and education and you might not get far self learning. The name Database Administrator is a bit of a misnomer. Many places use Database Administrator and Database Developer interchably, especially places with heavily data driven systems where most business logic in the database. If you are interested in working with the data, and structuring the data, you probably want Database Developer, if you prefer maintaining the system, performance tuning and such then Database Administrator is the way to go. But like I said there is quite a bit of overlap with both roles.
Getting Into a Database Administrator Position
How to Get a Junior DBA Job – Part 1

Combine server database and embedded database electron / react application [closed]

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Closed 3 months ago.
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I'm developing an electron application with react and I would like to combine data from an embedded database and server database. Some data on the server has permissions and both database will have the same schema. I saw rxdb but I'm not sure I can achieve that.
Do you have any recommendations?
I think rxdb will work for your approach.
You can store data locally and also replicate data from the server to the client.
If you want to do queries over the full data-set, you can replicate the local store and the server-store into a local in-memory collection from rxdb and run queries there.
DISCLAIMER: I'm the author of rxdb
I assume you want to replicate the remote server locally to provide faster response times and offline capabilities. I further assume that because your question includes "react" you're looking at how to replicate in the browser.
This is conceptually possible, but labor intensive. You'll wind up using a suite of APIs to access remote values, and database calls to some kind of web-based local storage.
You could conceptually merge the local storage database with the remote database, but I have found when I have done this it's often easer to consider a store-and-forward approach. YMMV.
I would then create an SDK in my application that would route between the local and remote storage, so that the front-end didn't have to worry about the complexity of how the data were stored, managed, merged or what have you.
Good luck!

How does a web server and database server work together? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How does a web server and database server work together to provide the necessary services and information to the client's web browser?
Originally, I thought the database and the web server were one and the same (that is, I thought the database was on the web server); but apparently they're separate entities?
Your question is verrrrrry open ended, but I think you will find the following helpful. For this I will be using PHP and MySQL references, but there are many out there.
Your second question first: They are separate services that can, but don't have to be, on the same hardware. If you are on Linux, this is often referred to as the LAMP stack (Linux Apache MySQL PHP)
As far as the actual integration, this is done with SQL queries, that are run using PHP. The result of those queries is then parsed and formatted, also using PHP. That result is then passed to your web browser using HTML.
Like I said, very open ended, but this should give you somewhere to start.

Where to start in creating Database? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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A friend of mine is a property manager and rents out units in building. currently everything is in folder and he is looking to have them in computer (Database).
I want to help him since I think I do good in programming and I have good Mysql knowledge (CRUD). However, I am not sure about the starting point so I have 2 questions:
1- In terms of hardware, do I just install mysql server on his computer? Or do I get him t buy another computer and have mysql on it (so it is standalone server)? Or do I need some specialized server for DB?
2- Are there certain steps (high level bullet points would do as I would take it from there) I need to follow? Or even if you can recommend a link I can read?
I have knowledge with Mysql, Java, C++, and PHP
Thank you
I would try someone like site5, hostgator for cheap/good hosting but not godaddy since their interface is usually for people who do not code. Also if you're on a mac install the site locally using mamp, or xampp for windows and then export the database to a live server which can cost anywhere from $5-$15/month.

What is the cheapest way to move on from SQL Server Express, and does it make the MS stack un-usable for a low margin web app startup? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm preparing to embark on a web app development that will make little to no money, but I can make it work on minimal hardware (£35 a month VPS server)
The only problem is the DB size restrictions of SQL Server Express make me feel that if it grows, yet doesn't make much money, I would get stung with a big licence cost.
So I'm asking, what is the cheapest way to get another edition of SQL Server running on that VPS?
I'm looking to buy a copy of SQL Server Web Edition, or lease it, but it seems very confusing how to go about this. I've found this link from a ServerFault question. It says you can use this link to go about it.
The question boils down, what is the cheapest cost that someone can buy a licence for SQL Server Web edition that allows it to be installed on rented hardware.
My hosting company's minimum cost for SQL Server licensing is £200 a month, which feels like a waste of money. They offer good value and reliability for the VPS itself http://www.fasthosts.co.uk/Virtual-servers/
I know Azure is an option, but I'm really interested in keeping the cost down lower than Azure for the moment. Obviously if I scaled to a point where it would be cheaper for me to move to that fine, but I feel it would be better to keep to a fixed cost until reaching a certain size.
I know about Biz Spark, but this doesn't seem to work for these low margin ventures.
Should I just bite the bullet and switch to Java for my programming needs, due to this one single fact (I really enjoy working with the Microsoft stack)
Does anyone have experience of doing this?
I think this is an important question to be answered as this would have a serious impact in choosing a development framework for future web applications.
You could run MYSQL with a .NET web app. Or run SQL2008R2 Express has a 10GB size limit
I have just spoken with a friendly representative from http://www.bytes.co.uk/ called Kathy.
She informed me of the SPLA licensing agreement, and that it would cost ~£10 a month to use SQL web.
To me this is great news, suddenly it is very possible to use a high end microsoft product at a cost that is compatible with a freemium model.
Find a reseller close to you and find the price.
