WPF FlowDocument - Fonts only black and white - wpf

Our app has a WPF FlowDocumentScrollViewer that shows a flowdocument with text in three font colors: Lavender, #FFFFFFE8, and Orange. The background of the Viewer is set to transparent, with the window behind it having a Black background. This works fine for everybody except for one customer. For him, the Lavender colored text shows up as white, and the text that should be the other two colors shows up as black. Black text is hard to read against a black background.
I imagine there is some windows setting that is causing the font colors to be displayed in black and white on his computer. Can anyone please point me to the correct setting? And is there anyway to override this behavior in the xaml or code behind?


materialDesign:BundledTheme Foreground remains black in dark theme

I am using the materialDesign:BundledTheme.
SecondaryColor="Lime" />
The text in the ListViews turns from black to white when the theme switches from 'Light' to 'Dark'. The borders of my TextBoxes turns from black to white as well. The text inside of my TextBox remains black though. It is difficult to see the text due to this.
I have attempted to track down the Setter of the Foreground via the Live Visual Tree.
It says it comes from a BindingExpression. I looked online to see if I could find the source in a more definitive way. I came upon the 'DependencyPropertyHelper.GetValueSource' method. It says that the Foreground property is Inherited. I cannot figure out why this text remains black when it should turn white like the border does.

How to make window border brush dynamic

So if a user of windows 10 sets a bunch of pictures to be shown as Desktop Background "Slideshow", the accent color is being changed to fit each picture
now all windows opened on that desktop are gonna have the same accent color as border color, but when i use WPF to Design my program's interface, the window's border will have the solid color that i picked while designing.
So is it possible to set my border brush to be dynamic just like other windows?
Thanks in advance

How to overlay white text on a white background in WPF so that it is viewable

My WPF VS 2008 application is working with many different images that are assembled and displayed at runtime. I would like to display some white text on top of those images. My problem is that some images contain a white or light color background.
My question is - is it possible to somehow specify a property or specify a setting in the image object, BitmapImage object (where the image is loaded from), or some other WPF object such that when white pixels from one image overlap white pixels from the other image - they turn a different color so the text will be viewable?
I think it depends on how you 'draw' your text on the images. If you use e.g. a Label, you can try out the 'DropShadowEffect', see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms748273.aspx
This effect should work with all WPF objects and you can try out some transparent black soft shadows surrounding the text (a little bit like a glow).
This will only be visible in bright environments if you adjust the opacity right.
Decided to use a dark background color for the text that is only partially (.35) opaque. This means that the background color of the image comes through for the most part, but for lighter colors it yields enough contrast so that the text is viewable.

how to Paint non-client area in winForms transparent? .Net 4

im developing a custom form and i want that the non-client area be transparent. im handling the non client area painting via message number "0x85" and this is what i have tried so far:
Paint using the color "Color.Transparent" -> the non-client area was painted black. If I had used an image of red or black or green, it works perfectly, but transparent = black
Created a transparent image of the size of the form and used the method "myGraphics.DrawImage("img.png")". the background remained black. If I had used an image of red or black or green, it works perfectly also...
Not paint anything (hoping that i just would stay transparent)... not worked
Getting parts of a window transparent requires hardware support, a video adapter feature called layering. Use the form's TransparencyKey property. Set it to an unusual color, like Color.Fuchsia. And draw with that color to get the video adapter to omit the pixels.

Dark Background of new WPF Ribbon becomes gradient?

I am using the new Version of MS WPF Ribbon (Version MS WPF Ribbon 3.5.40729.1) with Windows 7 and I am trying to change the Background of the Ribbon. Everything looks fine if I use light background colors.
But e.g. if I choose "Black" a white gradient is shown with the black. It does not seem to be possible to remove the white and simply have a black background. And it looks ugly, especially when every Textcolor normally is white. (Tabheaders get white background and are not readable anymore)
In the samples, (I leave everything as is) if I set Background=Black directly in the ribbon's property, the effect is the same.
What do I have to set or do to get rid of the white gradient color?
There's a hard-coded gloss effect in the RibbonGroup template. It's lame, but the only way to get rid of it is to override the temlate for RibbonGroup. If you have Blend, just extract the template and rip out the offending LinearGradientBrush.
