Which's better: MDI children, or modeless dialogs? - winforms

What's the pros and cons for each of them?

It depends.
Use MDI (or tabbed MDI) if the user will generally focus on one document at once, and will want to see as much as possible.
Use owned non-modal forms (such as toolwindows) if the user will want to interact with many smaller forms at once.
You can also use both, a la Visual Studio.

It depends on many factor, the most important is how do you want your user to interact with your application (or how does he/she choose to do it).
For example the old internet browsing way was with a lot of different windows that would clutter up the taskbar. Now the new trend is with tabs and everyone is moving toward it.
On the contrary, MS Office is moving on the opposite direction. You used to have a lot of files opened in a single window but now they are cluttering up in the taskbar.
What is great about tabs is that you see them all at once and you can swap between then fast with hotkeys. Office however, was hiding those files in [menu bar]-[windows]-[file name]. Much of a pain to change between files.
MDI was first invented for two obsolete modes, which are "mosaic" where every window is arranged to have about the same height/width and "cascade". I never met a single user which liked those modes.
New trend is to have clipping windows, like Slaks said, such as in Visual Studio or most developpement environements where you need to see a lot of data at once. This method is the clear successor of the "mosaic" mode, but with the big advantage that whenever you resize or move a single window, all the other auto-rearrange.

+1 for #SLaks's answer.
It may be important for your users to have some dialog-style windows that are actually modeless if they will need to use the displayed data as part of another task.
For example, some of the dialogs in SQL Server Management Studio are actually modeless, even though they may have OK and Cancel buttons; the Database Properties window is such a beast.


How does a GUI framework switch windows/window views/forms on Windows?

From what I understand, a GUI will have its windows, window classes, and use these for the main windows and all the buttons and tabs etc.
These would all have handles and be rendered either with the Windows GDI or another backend such as OpenGL. When a user interacts, say by clicking on a widget, there will be a callback function/event handler and it'll do its job. But what is happening when the user clicks on a button that switches the (I'm not sure what to call this so I'll call it a "form" - by this I mean the visible set of all menus and widgets and things - like on Google Chrome I have this tab open right now and I could move to another one that displays a different website and GUI) form.
How does the GUI framework change all the windows on the screen? I can understand it could change what's being rendered with the API of choice, like OpenGL, but how does it get rid of all the old windows and load the new ones? Does it disable all the child windows through their handles, and just leave them there on the screen, but unseen and not accepting input? Does it delete everything and create new windows? How does it actually perform this change (efficiently too)? I may be making a mountain out of a molehill here - if I'm overthinking this please let me know!
I once made a very bad game, using c Win32, the GDI and Direct2D, and when you pressed "play" it'd go to the game, but I just had to hide the buttons in a very glitchy fashion - I had no clue how to perform the "switch."
I have never ever used a "proper" GUI framework like Qt nor have I ever built one myself so apologies for any errata in the question, please correct me. I ask because I want to make my own GUI framework as a long term project (nothing special just something I can say that I've achieved) and I am at a loss as to how I can implement this from a low-level perspective, or rather how industry standards such as Qt will implement this at the lowest possible level.
Any answers would preferably not refer to managed code or any scripting languages, or external libraries - I want to know how to do this in c Win32 + any arbitrary graphics API. Thanks in advance.
This is accomplished by altering the z-order (the idea being that the windows form a stack from closest to the user to furthest away) of children at the appropriate level. The direct children of every window are in some z-order even if they are arranged such that they don't actually overlap.
For example, in the case of a tab control there will likely be a single child associated with each tab, that child representing the view for that tab. When a button is clicked the child for that tab is moved in the z-order so that is above all of its siblings (the forms for the other tabs). Those windows for the tab children will all be the same size (the empty area of the tab's client window) so bringing the child to the top of its parent's z-order will cover all other views.
In the case of the window's API you alter z-order placement via SetWindowPos, if you are going to roll your own (as WPF does) then you will need to re-implement this idea in some manner.

In WPF, only disable/hide minimize function, allow everything else

My WPF application has a number of "pop-up" dialogs. There's no real need to show them on the task bar. Problem is that by turning off "ShowInTaskBar", they can be minimized to what I think is a somewhat unconventional representation (just above the taskbar), and as such can be inadvertently pushed down in z-order behind the "parent" or other windows, thus seemingly disappearing, but still deactivating the parent while open. There's no real need to minimize them anyway (user might as well just close/cancel), so I think it would make sense to disable minimize functionality for the "pop-up" windows. What would be the most straightforward way to do that (still allow resize/maximize/restore)? As best I recall, this was no big deal in "old-fashioned" Win32/MFC/Winforms - either a checkbox setting to disable the minimize box or a simple tweak of the system menu.
One of the favoured solutions I've seen in a related Q&A was to make the window "NoResize", but I want most of them resizeable. Another answer was to customize the title bar... is that really necessary? Would it be possible/feasible/advisable to access and tweak the system menu in WPF? Any "gotchas" in doing so?

Silverlight OOB User Menu Control

Well ... at the risk of sounding like I really don't know anything about programming, I have a question about controls in Silverlight 5.
I have an OOB App that I am working with, but I need to add the User Menus (File, Edit, etc.) that are normally seen at the top of all apps. There used to be a control in VS (the Menu control) that was easily configurable. What is the control used to create the User Menus in Silverlight 5? The Context Menu is not what I am asking about. That is the right mouse click menu ... so that's not the answer ...
Please, understand my problem. It's been since Silverlight 2 since I worked in Silverlight. I appreciate any information you kind folks would be willing to provide.
There is no such thing available directly from Microsoft (meaning it's neither built-in or present in the Silverlight Toolkit).
You will have to use third-party controls such as DevExpress or Telerik.
EDIT: Some more advice in response to your comment.
Another possibility is to create UIs from scratch. There are two forms of UIs that I found inspiring lately, both of which don't use any ribbons or drop-down menues at all. The first is to use "Windows 8"-like dashboards instead of traditional menues, the other is the Windows Azure Management Portal (a web application).
I don't use traditional UI frameworks for menues myself, but mostly because I don't like those approaches and I'm picky with how user interfaces should work and look like.
But obviously you have to make a serious time investment to go new ways. And it will heavily depend on your application what approach makes sense.
Here's one simple approach that could work in a number of cases, I used it for a database application (I call it the Windows-Phone-7/8 approach):
The screen is divided into the "page" area and information bars. The information bars contain no menues, just who's logged on, a back-button, a home-button, and context-sensitive buttons depending on what's in the view. So basically it behaves like a web browser and you navigate through the app by clicking on "links" (buttons that take you elsewhere).
There's only one page area, so no windows and no popups. I've gone to the extreme of making even dialog windows to be pages.
Now you need menues. You do that with "dashboards", ie. pages that present some overview stuff and buttons that lead to the other areas of your application.
Although you could have action buttons like save or delete on the page itself, I put them in the bottom bar (but they are still dependent on the page your on) - that is exactly how it works in Windows Phone 7/8.
One last advice: The real effort is usually not in the menus anyway. Beside your application logic itself, it's a lot of little things like login screen, error handling and how to present error messages (look at the windows azure management portal for how they did that really nicely) and gracefully failing on session timeout. There's also a lot of nuisance on how you manage your data (ria-services, etc.).
So as long as you don't need fancy data grid grouping, rich-text edit or excel-like pivot controls, a toolkit might not help you as much as you'd hope - because they give you only the controls, not the entire UI.

WPF Performance Problems with derived TextBox controls

I have a WPF application that renders input forms based on form-configurations saved in a database.
The forms have many controls (100+) and most of these controls are derived from a TextBox-control. On some machines (fast Hardware, Win7 32Bit, also some elder, Windows XP 32Bit), after entering data to a lot of these forms, input performance goes down. Every keystroke gets a delay of some milliseconds and the only solution to resolve this is to close the application and restart it.
My derived control overrides the metadata of the DefaultStyleKeyProperty to set a custom template.
I'm currently reasearching the app in SciTech memory profiler, but maybe someone has already experienced a similar problem with derived TextBoxes and can give me a hint and spare me some more hours/days investigating the problem?
Look also here
It sounds like you may have something stopping the controls on the "used forms" being GCed.
Firstly opening and use as many forms as possible looking at the windows task manager to see if you memory usage is going up – if it is not there is no point looking for memory leeks
Check you are removing all events handlers you forms/controls have put on any long lived objects.
Check that any objects you databind to implement INotifyPropertyChanged, see KB938416
I have in the past had good results using the Red Gate memory profiler.
You don’t need to have controls created that the user can’t see, 100+ controls will have a cost.
Can you use something list a list control in virtual mode, so your TextBox controls are only created when visible.

What are my options for filtering custom .net controls from the WinForms toolbox of Visual Studio 2008?

Visual Studio 2008 does a much better job of detecting and adding controls from projects to the toolbox for use in the forms designer. If you have an assembly with a UserControl- or DataSet-derived type, then it will automatically detect and add that control to the toolbox for designing forms. This is slightly better than the old system in 2005 that made you manually add controls and would occasionally forget them, etc.
However, on the legacy, monolithic project I am working on (now upgraded to vs2008) this means many controls that I don't want and don't need (and a redesign would not be warranted against so much legacy code :( ). I imagine that if I made certain types internal or private, then they wouldn't show up. However, I need many of those to remain public, but not show up in the toolbox. Furthermore, with so many controls getting added to the toolbox, opening the winforms designer slows significantly.
Is there an attribute or other mechanism that prevents toolbox appearance (that wouldn't otherwise affect functionality) ?
Would filtering using such a mechanism improve performance while still autodetecting new types that SHOULD be in the toolbox? (I know you can disable the autodetect, but its nice to have in many cases)
Have others encountered this irritation on large solutions (with many csproj/vbproj files)?
Edit: Thanks everyone! I knew it had to be simple (and was likely an attribute) but that fills the gap. Nice to know that I was in good company in not knowing about ToolBoxItem(false).
The following attribute should hide it from the toolbox:
If you apply it to all the types you don't want to show, it will still show any new ones you create without this attribute. Note, you may have to manually remove the items to start with.
This blog post shows some other attributes you may want to use.
Go through the toolbox and for each custom control that you see that you want to hide, add the following attribute above the class:
Of course, this is a compiled attribute and will affect everyone using the code, so I only recommend doing this for controls that don't make drag-drop sense. Otherwise, you will probably make someone that loves that control very very angry. :)
