visual studio 2010 database project, is there a visual way? - database

started a visual studio 2010 database project. however i am only able to write sql in a text mode, there is no functionality in making the table for example in a visual view as exists when you add a new database to app_data folder and the work on it there.
is this the only way and there is no visual way of doing this in the visual studio 2010 database project? or am i missing some obvious way of getting to it?
thank you
also if there is a tutorial anywhere (video maybe!?) please link it. i only found importing a database from an existing script video using a wizard. would like new database from scratch without wizard.

There is a simple workaround you can use to have visual design capabilities. You need a dev database set up anywhere. Now create a schema synchronization with Visual Studios built-in Schema Comparison. This will allow you to pull changes between your dev database and your database project back and forth.
Since you can sync in both directions, you can make changes to your database via database diagrams from inside VS (via the Server Explorer) or you can use SQL Server Management Studio (or whatever else you like). When you're done, simply sync your changes using the schema comparison. It works in the opposite direction too, simply change one of your scripts and then sync with your dev database.


How to set the SQL Database Project in the Visual Studio 2017 connected to the Database?

I am working on SQL Database Project in the Visual Studio 2017. Purpose is to push only the Stored Procedure Changes to VSTS Git.
Instead of connecting to the Database from the Project Solution, I am using Import SQL Scripts.
In this approach, any changes in the stored procedure has to be copied and pasted on the stored procedure in the Project Solution.
How to set the SQL Database Project in the Visual Studio 2017 connected to the Database? And Connecting to the Database should not allow Import option to extract the all other database objects such as Table, View from SQL to Visual Studio. We do not want all other scripts. We just need only those Stored Procedures to be sync with database environment.
At present, we are making the changes to the Stored Procedures in the SQL Management Studio. Further then, we manually copy the SQL Script from SQL Management Studio to Visual Studio Environment.
Whether, will it be possible for us to have the changes auto-sync between SQL Management Studio to Visual Studio (or) by refreshing the Visual Studio Project.
In Visual Studio, go to Tools -> SQL Server -> Schema Compare. At the top of the new window, access the dropdown, and put your local DB connection (where you've added the stored procedure) on the left, and your DB project on the right. Hit Compare, and then Update. This should update the dbo directory in your Database project to match the local db schema, whether you're adding 1 proc or 100.
At this point, you'll also need to add a reference to the stored procedure to your database project in VS. Put the .sqlproj into a text editor, add the reference (there will be lots of examples to copy; it should be easy), save, and build the project to make sure you got it right. git add, commit, and push!
This only works if the schema of your local DB matches what is in the VS project. If you want to copy something from a database with a different schema, I think you're stuck copy-pasting.
AFAIK, there is no way to automate this, but I would love to be corrected about that. It would save me so much time at work. :)

How do Visual Studio 2013 Database Projects work with TFS online and EntityFramework code first migrations

Fairly long title, but hopefully self-explanatory!
I'm starting a new project in Visual Studio 2013 using Entity Framework 5.0 with code first migrations.
I've connected my project to TFS Online using git - I'm interested in trying TFS Online as it offers source control management for 5 free projects (similar to BitBucket) but with strong Visual Studio integration.
I've not used Database projects in Visual Studio 2013 and I've found little information for how this all fits together.
What I'm trying to acheive is to create a simple Visual Studio solution with 2 projects - one an MVC .NET project and the other a database project. My goal is that code first migrations will make the neccessary changes to the sql scripts in the database project (which are managed under git source control). My web.config points to a local .mdb file as my database which is what is updated when I run update-database in EF which is what I feel is the problem.
How can I point EF to use my database project for code migration, and subsequently how can I automatically build my development database into a local .mdb file when debugging my solution?
Entity Framework Code First is a way to manage your SQL Schema. The single source of the truth lives in your code base. Migrations adds a way to move from one version of the schema to another. The SQL schema is a by-product of the build process.
SQL Server Database projects are also a way to manage your SQL Schema. The single source of the truth lives in your SQL Server Database project. You can use schema compare to generate scripts that move from one version to another.
Given that these technologies overlap in their intent and functionality, it doesn't really make sense to use them together. When you're using entity Framework Code First, leverage Migrations when you can (and when the features are sufficient for your situation).
When you're unable to use Migrations, you could use SQL Server Database projects to manage the schema and keep them in source control.
You should consider installing the SQL Server Data Tools as a replacement for the SQL Server Database projects should you want to use these. The data tools are a more advanced version of these projects, even if they might require Visual Studio 2012 to run for now. I suspect a version for Visual Studio 2013 will be available when Visual Studio 2013 hits RTM

SQL Database Tools in Visual Studio 2012

I'm trying to setup my Visual Studio Project to be able to use only one IDE for managing SQL objects using TFS 2012. Is there any way to configure my project connected to a source control and if for example I go to SSMS and try to modify a stored procedure, automatically takes the one in the source control or vice versa using Visual Studio 2012 check out a procedure and from SSMS shows me that is checked out?
No matter where I'm (Management Studio or Visual Studio 2012)the SQL objects are synchronized.
Microsoft doesn't provide any built-in support but you can link your SSDT database project to SSMS using the latest version of SQL Source Control, which is a commercial tool developed by Red Gate, the company I work for. Steps are:
Download SQL Source Control and install it (it has a 28-day free trial)
Load SSMS, right click on your database in the object explorer and select the Link to Source Control option.
In the Link dialog, browse to the database project folder in your repository.
That's it. It's now set up. Simply use the Commit and Get Latest tabs to keep your database in sync with your database project in source control.
I'd be happy to assist should you hit any problems. Please add a comment to this answer or contact

Create database and add data during application installation

I have developed a windows form application. I have also created a database on sql server and added data to this database.
Now i want to install this application at clients place. I want to know the ways to move my created database on client's location. How can i do this during application installation? If i have to include database scripts in installation file and run can i do it? If its a long process please specify links which helps me in accomplishing this task.
Thankyou very much.
Look at the GDR R2 database project (part of Visual Studio).
You can use this to reverese engineer your existing database into scripts within a Database project, and place under source code control. You can synchronise existing and deploy fresh databases from this project.
Visual Studio 2010 SQL Server Database Projects
An Overview of Database Build and Deployment
Visual Studio Database Guide
You can also use commercial tools such as those sold by RedGate.

Best way to browse an mdf file from a local computer?

I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC site which will have a database. While I'm in this very early testing/concept phase I'm not hosting the database anywhere, just inside the local mdf file. What are some tools I can use to connect to the local test server so I can browse the tables and run test queries against the information in them without having to implement my own code/views? I'm interested in something like Sequel Pro for the Mac or phpmyadmin for linux (OS doesn't really matter since I'm working on a Mac developing inside a win 7 virtual machine).
(NOTE: I realize it is possible to get the table info dumped via Visual Studio, but it seems slow and not too useful... unless I'm missing a good way to use VS2010 the way I'd use one of the tools mentioned above?)
You can use SQL Server Management Studio Express to browse it, and do several other useful things as well, including table design and the like.
Consider using the built in tools right within Visual Studio. You'll need SQL Express installed, but you won't necessarily need Management Studio.
Go back to the Visual Studio installer (Repair or resintall features), and ensure that's selected as a feature.
Open Server Explorer, and create a new Data Connection.
Choose Microsoft SQL Server Database File
find your .mdf
Server Explorer then gives you a drill down of your Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, etc.
