Dynamic access to tables from another database inside an user function - sql-server

I have an user defined table function in SQL Server that aggregate data from several tables including a couple of tables of another database. That is done hardcoding the name of the database in the queries, but we want to make the database name configurable (because our databases usually share the server with the databases of other applications).
I tried to construct a dynamic query string inside the function using the database name that is stored in a configuration table, but:
When I tried exec(#sqlStatement) SQL Server said that execute string is not allowed inside a function.
Then I tried exec sp_executesql #sqlStatement and the function was created, but when you execute it SQL Server says that inside a function you can only run extended functions and procedures.
So the question is: is possible create a function or stored procedure that access a table in another database without having to recreate the function when the database name is different?

I would really recommend that you settle on fixed database names, so you can avoid this entire problem of using dynamic sql. Can't you come up with unique database names like: your_company_name_XYZ and your_company_name_ABC? if that is not an option you will be doing lots of dynamic SQL, you should read The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL by Erland Sommarskog
All of the restrictions you mention in the question are a limit of SQL Server functions. You can generate and execute dynamic SQL within a stored procedure with no problems.


SQL Server stored procedure - designate database to use

I am tasked with creating a stored procedure from a script I wrote which will update tables with data.
Since I run this script against a dev database and a live database, we have always manually changed the USE DATABASE in the script before running.
I am looking for a way to use USE DATABASE within a stored procedure.
Is this possible without having to create two stored procedures of the same script for each database (dev versus live)?
Assuming you mean MS SQL Server. You cannot use USE ... within a stored procedure, but you can directly reference a different database with fully qualified object notation.
Do note though that if you need that database name to be variable then you will need to use dynamic SQL to set the dbname.

Is it Possible to call Functions and Stored Procedures of One database In another database- Azure Sql server

I need to call function from another database to a database within the Azure sql. That is ,
there is a function in DB1. I need that same function in DB2.
How to call it from DB2?
Both database are in azure Sql server
Maybe you can see this documentation:Reporting across scaled-out cloud databases (preview).
Elastic query also introduces a stored procedure that provides direct access to the shards. The stored procedure is called sp_execute _remote and can be used to execute remote stored procedures or T-SQL code on the remote databases. It takes the following parameters:
Data source name (nvarchar): The name of the external data source of type RDBMS.
Query (nvarchar): The T-SQL query to be executed on each shard.
Parameter declaration (nvarchar) - optional: String with data type definitions for the 4. parameters used in the Query parameter (like sp_executesql).
Parameter value list - optional: Comma-separated list of parameter values (like sp_executesql).
The sp_execute_remote uses the external data source provided in the invocation parameters to execute the given T-SQL statement on the remote databases. It uses the credential of the external data source to connect to the shardmap manager database and the remote databases.
EXEC sp_execute_remote
N'select count(w_id) as foo from warehouse'
It means that you can call the Functions and Stored Procedures of One database In another database, just need to modify the SQL statement.
Hope this helps.

USE Statement in SQL Server

I am currently using USE [databaseName] in my stored procedures. However, is there a way that I can point this at the current local database and not give a database name? I know this may sound a bit obscure but its highly likely that I will be using these Stored Procedures in many different databases.
remove the USE [databaseName] from your stored procedure.
By default, the stored procedure will run on the current database (in which SP is created)

Run a SQL Server procedure from Excel

I'm using SQL Server 2008 Enterprise. I created a procedure in one database. The procedure is composed of several queries to different databases and the final combined result set is being displayed.
I try to execute it via Excel, so the results will appear automatically in Excel sheet, but I'm getting the error:
The query did not run, or the database table could not be opened. Check the database server or contact your DBA. Make sure the external database is available and hasn't been moved or recognized, then try the operation again
I created a simpler procedure that queries only one database, and the results displayed at the Excel sheet with no issues.
Hence I suspect that, the original procedure failed due to the fact that I'm querying several databases in the procedure, when in the connection details of the "External Data Properties", only one database is mentioned.
My question is - can it be solved? Can I use multiple databases in the procedure and see it in the Excel?
I transformed the procedure to have Table Variables instead of Temporary tables and I've added "set nocount on" to the beginning of the procedure.
The second action solved the issue.
The first action improved the response time of the procedure.
(Copying key parts of #Roni's answer)
create procedure dbo.xxx
set nocount on

How to use a system stored procedure in LINQ to SQL

I'd like to add the "msdb.dbo.sp_help_job" system stored procedure to a LINQ to SQL object, but I can't figure out how to specify it. If I create a new Data Connection in Server Explorer and specify the "msdb" database of the server I want, and navigate to "Stored Procedures", that procedure is not listed. Am I looking in the wrong place?
I've added regular (user defined) stored procedures in the past with no problem. I know I could get there by executing it via "ExecuteCommand" on the data context, and I could also create a "wrapper" stored procedure that did nothing but call "sp_help_job", but I'd like to know how to hook it up directly to LINQ, or if it's even possible.
The System Stored Procedures are not actually sitting inside your database, but rather the Read-Only Resource database.
However, here's how you can make it possible to find them:
Accessing System Databases/Tables using LINQ to SQL?
