how to secure my server methods - silverlight

i've just read a few posts on hiding Silverlight code in some way.
Main conclusion was that you can obfuscate it, but you can't realy hide it, so secure things must be done at the server.
But then, anyone can see via Fiddler what kind of data is posted to a particular webservice. For instance, they can see that i'm calling UpdateCustomer.asmx.
And if they do, what can i do to stop them from calling that asmx too?
Is there a way to allow only 'my silverlight app' to call that method?

Nope. Someone can always reverse engineer your Silverlight application to steal whatever authentication credential you use. You can make this reverse engineering process more tedious than it would be otherwise, but you can't make it impossible.
Why is it a problem if someone accesses your URL from a custom client? You're authenticating the user, right?

I suppose if you wanted to be really paranoid, you could marshal all calls from your client application through one web service endpoint and encrypt the payload...something like:
Client application hits endpoint "givemeatoken.asmx"
Server generates some key token
Client encrypts all calls using said token, passing them to single endpoint "onlyservice.asmx"
Server decrypts payload of calls using token, and routes calls to "real" web services.
Server retrieves results of call, re-encrypts using token, and passes back to client
Client decrypts results and does what it needs to do.
But that's just crazy talk....and kind of pointless, since you could reverse engineer the Silverlight code itself to figure out what the "real" services would be. If you really want to secure your app, use authentication; both on the client side and the server side (i.e., calls to the services require an authentication ticket of some sort)


Exposing API Endpoints in Frontend Application

I am building a frontend application using react and I am wondering whether it is risky to expose API endpoint URLs (ex: on GitHub, assuming that the endpoint has several security measures that are not exposed such as CORS and JWT Token Bearer Authentication. I would assume not, since, if someone were to take the endpoint and send requests, they would need a token and be allowed to do so by CORS.
Is there any security risk in doing so?
Yes. Don't add the base url of your api on github in plain view. Even though you might have CORS and Authorization, that doesn't stop a malicious actor to keep spamming your back-end.
What you do is create a .env file in your root folder. You can use a library like #beam-australia/react-env and there are others as well.
You add in the .env file the values that are important for your environment and that are usually secrets, and you want them to not be visible in your code. You do it like so:
And then you access this variable in your code with env("API-URL") ( in the #beam-australia/react-env case, but others libraries work the same). Keep in mind that you need to add .env in .gitignore so that the .env file is not pushed to github.
Regarding requests, you can make one like so:
This way your code will be stripped of the API's base url and if someone sees your code it will see only the endpoint, not the full url.
Publishing the code of the API is risky on its own. Somebody can find a vulnerability in it and instantly hack it. If you add the address of the API to the code you help this kind of attacks. They can get the address with some investigation; OSINT and social engineering too, but better to reduce the attack surface.
As of the secrets, they must never be near to the code, because you or another developer can accidentally publish it. It happened too many times with many developers, so better to take this seriously. If you want to keep the address in secret, then you must extract it from the code and put it in the configuration of the production environment which is imported from a totally different location than your code. Using environment variables like Alex suggested is a good idea for this. Nowadays it is common to use docker, which has a way to manage secrets, so you don't need to reinvent the wheel: Another aspect that the configuration belongs to the actual instance. In OOP terms you want to describe the injected properties of an object in its class or in a global variable, which is an antipattern.
As of client side REST clients like javascript applications running in the browser or Android/iOS apps, you must not publish your secrets along with the REST client, otherwise it is not a secret anymore. In that case you need a server side part for the REST client and for example sign and encrypt JWT there with a secret key. It is your decision whether this server side part of the REST client sends the HTTP request to the REST API and in that case you can hide the URI of the REST API or it just manages the JWT and the client side part of the REST client sends it. If the server side part of the REST client sends the HTTP request to the REST API, then you can even use traditional sessions with session cookies between the client side and the server side parts of the REST client, but you cannot use them between the server side part of the REST client and the REST API where the communication must be stateless. Though it does not make much sense to have a separate REST API if you don't have multiple different REST clients in this scenario e.g. browser clients for JS and JSless browsers, Android and iOS clients, fully automated clients running on servers, etc. So don't confuse the REST client - REST API relationship with the browser - HTTP server relationship, because they are not necessarily the same. Most of the REST clients run on servers, not in the browser.

How to authenticate a WPF application against the server?

Assume the following:
I have a WPF Application which reads a text from a file an sends the
text to my server REST API via a HTTPS and the server sends a
response which depends on the text which was send in request
The WPF Application should be the only one which gets a useful response
to this request - so the WPF Application has to show somehow to
the server, that the request is send from the application itself.
The user of the WPF Application should not be asked to enter any login credentials
What are the best practices here?
My thoughts:
the WPF Application could send a hard-coded password along with the
request which is checked on the server side - but that sounds not
like a good solution to me because the security depends on the fact that
nobody is able to sniff the HTTPS Request.
Is it possible to sniff the HTTPS Request to get the password easily?
Thanks in advance
If your server already supports HTTPS the client knows the server is trusted based on the cert it is using, so that side is handled. (client trusts server)
To ensure trust the server needs to do the same. (server trusts client) The client should hold a cert it can pass to the server so the server can verify the clients identity.
Like always this brings up the problem of how to hide the key in the client, of which there are various schemes but since the client needs to get the key eventually you cannot prevent a dedicated hacker from finding that info, only make it harder for them. (obfuscation etc)
Depending on your application the best is a simple white-list of clients allowed to connect. Some apps can do this but many cannot since they don't have the users IP's etc, but it's something else to keep in mind if it fits your use-case.
You can send a password to the server like you suggest. As long as the message is encrypted (HTTPS) your probably fine. Nothing is 100% secure. It can be intercepted via a man-in-the-middle style attack, but these are fairly rare, or at least very targeted, so it would depend on what your software does etc.

How to protect RESTful service?

Contemplating building an Angular 2 front-end to my website. My question is not necessarily related to Angular but I want to provide full context.
Application logic that displays content to user would shift to the client. So on the server side, I would need to expose data via a RESTful JSON feed. What worries me, is that someone can completely bypass my front-end and execute requests to the service with various parameters, effectively scraping my database. I realize some of this is possible by scraping HTML but exposing a service with nicely formatted data is just a no-brainer.
Is there a way to protect the RESTful service from this? In other words, is there a way to ensure such service would only respond to my Angular 2 application call? Authentication certainly isn't a solution here - I don't want to force visitors to authenticate and the scraper could very well authenticate and get access, anyway.
I would recommend JWT Authorization. One such implementation is OAuth. Basically you get a json web token ( JWT ) that has been signed by an authority you trust that tells about the user and what resources they can access on your api.
If the request doesn't include an Authorization token - your API rejects it.
If the token has been tampered with by someone trying to grant themselves privledges after the token is signed by the authorization authority - your API rejects it.
It is a pretty cool piece of kit.
This site has information about OAuth implementations in different languages, hopefully your favorite is listed.
Some light bed time reading.
There is no obvious way to do it that I know of, but a lot of people seem to be looking at Amazon S3 as a model. If you put credentials in your client code, then anyone getting the client code can see them. I might suggest that you could write the server to pass a time limited token back to the browser with the client code. The client code would be required to pass it back to the server for access. This would prevent anyone from writing their own client code, as only client code sent by the server would work, though only for some period of time. The user might occasionally get timeouts, but that depends on how strict you want to make the token timeouts. Of course, even this kind of thing could be hacked by someone making a client request to get a copy of the token to use with their own client API, but at that point you should be proud that someone is trying so hard to use your API! I have not tried to write such a thing, so I don't have any practical experience with the issue. I myself have wondered about it, but also don't have enough experience with this architecture to see what, if anything, others have been doing. What do angularJS forums suggest?
Additional References: Best Practices for securing a REST API / web service
I believe the answer is "No".
You could do some security by obscurity type stuff. Your rest API could expose garbled data and you could have some function that was "hidden" in your code un-garble it. Though obviously this isn't fool proof, but if you expose data on a public site it's out there regardless of server or client rendering.

Securing Play's REST APIs

I am trying to use Play 2.x with backbone.js for a project. My intention is to create RESTful APIs at the server end (all response bodies are in JSON and all request bodies are in JSON also).
I would like to use Facebook OAuth (server side) to authenticate my requests. For this purpose I'm using play-authorize for OAuth. The issue I am having is that the user session information is stored in the Session Object in Play. I don't really want to use play-templates in my HTML code, how can I use the Session Object on the client side without the play-templates.
Also what measures can I use to prevent CSRF/XSS attacks while using Play.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, but be aware that Play is stateless. That means that the "Session" is stored in a cookie that gets sent to the server. You can store string values to that cookie and access them from the browser.
Now, you don't want to store critical values in there, but something that the server side code recognizes and lets you work with to solve your problem.

WCF security between WinForms client and Shared Host webserver

I have developed this WinForms client, which interacts with a server (ASPX Application) by means of WCF calls. I would now like to deploy the server to my shared webhost, but I'm kinda new to WCF and especially the security possibilities behind it.
The goal is to kind of secure the WCF service, so that not everybody that knows or finds out the endpoint address can call it. Rather, only my WinForms client must be able to call the WCF service.
I do not need authentication on a user basis, so no authentication is required from the user of the client. But I want only instances of this WinForms client to be able to interact with the service. The information passed between server and client is not very sensitive, so it's not really required to secure it, but it's a plus if it can easily be done.
Is this possible with a Shared Host (IIS) environment (no HTTPS at disposal) ? What bindings and options should I use ? I suppose wsHttpBinding, but how would I setup the security options ?
Using .NET 4.0
From what I understand, you have an internet-facing service which you want to limit to only your client app to be able to call - correct? Or do you envision other clients (like PHP, Ruby etc.) also wanting to call into your service at some point?
To secure your message, you have two options in WCF - message or transport security. Over the internet, with an unknown number of hops between your client and your service, transport security doesn't work - you're left with message security (encrypting the message as it travels across the 'net). For this to work, you typically add a digital certificate to your service (only server-side) that the client can discover and use to encrypt the messages with. Only your service will be able to decrypt them - so you're safe on that end.
The next point is: who can call your service? If you want to be totally open to anyone, then yes, you need wsHttpBinding (or the RESTful variant - webHttpBinding). If you want to allow non-.NET clients, you're typically limited to no authentication (anyone can call), or username/password schemes which you will validate on the server side against a database of valid users.
If you only want to allow your own .NET client in, then you can do several things:
disable metadata on your service; with this, you would "hide" your endpoints and the services they provide - someone using a "metadata scanner" (if that exists) wouldn't be able to just stumble across your service and find out what methods it provides etc. This however also makes it impossible for another developer outside your organization to do an Add Service Reference to your service.
you could define and use a custom binary http binding - only other clients with this setup could even call your service. The binary http binding would bring some speed improvements, too. See this blog post on how to do this.
you need to somehow identify those callers that are allowed in - one possible method would be to put an extra header into your WCF messages that you then check for on the server side. This would simply make sure that a casual hacker who discovers your service and figures out the binary http binding would still be rejected (at least for some time). See this blog post here on how to implement such a message inspector extension for WCF.
the ultimate step would be to install a digital certificate on the client machine along with your service. You would then set up your client side proxy to authenticate with the service using that certificate. Only client machine that have that certificate could then call into your service.
It really depends on how far you want to go - WCF gives you a lot of options, but you need to decide how much effort you want to put into that .
The first thing you need to ask your self is: "What can someone do to your WCF service if they connected their own customized client?" Look at all of the functionality that is being exposed via WCF and assume that it could be accessed at will. You have absolutely no control over the client, and you will never have this ability.
HTTPS is beautiful, its a damn shame that your forced to be vulnerable to OWASP A9: Insufficient Transport Layer Protection. If it where up to me, I would move to a different host that cared about security. If you are throwing usernames and passwords over the network, then your putting your users in danger.
One of the biggest problems I have seen with a WCF service is that they had a "executeQuery()" function that was exposed. The developer allowing the client to build queries to be executed by the server. This approach is fundamentally flawed as you are just handing your database over to an attacker. This type of vulnerability isn't SQL Injection, it falls under CWE-602: Client-Side Enforcement of Server-Side Security.
Along the same lines as CWE-602 is OWASP A4: Insecure Direct Object References. Could an attacker fool your WCF service into thinking its another user by providing a different user id? Are you trusting the client to tell the truth?
The next classification of vulnerabilities that you must take into consideration is OWASP A1: Injection, other wise known as "Taint and Sink". For instance if you are exposing a function where one of its parameters is being used in a CreateProcess() which is invoking cmd.exe. This parameter could be controlled by the attacker, and there for this variable is "tainted", the call to CreateProcess() is a "sink". There are many types of vulnerabilities along these lines, including but not limited to; SQL Injection, LDAP Injection, XPATH Injection. These types of vulnerabilities affect all web applications.
