WinForms ListBox with readonly/disabled items - winforms

Is there a way to make some of the items in a ListBox readonly/disabled so they can't be selected? Or are there any similar controls to ListBox to provide this functionality?

ListBox doesn't have support for that. You can bolt something on, you could deselect a selected item. Here's a silly example that prevents even-numbered items from being selected:
private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
for (int ix = listBox1.SelectedIndices.Count - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
if (listBox1.SelectedIndices[ix] % 2 != 0)
But the flicker is quite noticeable and it messes up keyboard navigation. You can get better results by using CheckedListBox, you can prevent the user from checking the box for an item:
private void checkedListBox1_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e) {
if (e.Index % 2 != 0) e.NewValue = CheckState.Unchecked;
But now you cannot override drawing to make it look obvious to the user that the item isn't selectable. No great solutions here, it is far simpler to just not display items in the box that shouldn't be selectable.

#Hans solution causing that the item id selected for a short time and then selection disappearing. I don't like that - this can be confusing for the enduser.
I prefer to hide some edit option buttons for the item that should be disabled:
if (lbSystemUsers.Items.Count > 0 && lbSystemUsers.SelectedIndices.Count > 0)
if (((RemoteSystemUserListEntity)lbSystemUsers.SelectedItem).Value == appLogin)
bSystemUsersDelete.Visible = false;
bSystemUsersEdit.Visible = false;
bSystemUsersDelete.Visible = true;
bSystemUsersEdit.Visible = true;
Here is the list that lists the users and disallow to edit user that is actually logged in to the edit panel.

ListBox doesn't have a ReadOnly (or similar) property, but you can make a custom ListBox control. Here's a solution that worked pretty well for me:
public class ReadOnlyListBox : ListBox
private bool _readOnly = false;
public bool ReadOnly
get { return _readOnly; }
set { _readOnly = value; }
protected override void DefWndProc(ref Message m)
// If ReadOnly is set to true, then block any messages
// to the selection area from the mouse or keyboard.
// Let all other messages pass through to the
// Windows default implementation of DefWndProc.
if (!_readOnly || ((m.Msg <= 0x0200 || m.Msg >= 0x020E)
&& (m.Msg <= 0x0100 || m.Msg >= 0x0109)
&& m.Msg != 0x2111
&& m.Msg != 0x87))
base.DefWndProc(ref m);

I know this is old thread, but i'll post a workaround for other readers in future.
listBox.Enabled = false;
listBox.BackColor = Color.LightGray;
This will change background color of list box to Light Gray. So this is not builtin "native way" to do it, but at least gives user some feedback that he is not supposed to / can't edit that field.

To get read-only behaviour I have MyCBLLocked, a boolean associated with the MyCBL checkbox list control, and on the CheckItem event I do:
private void MyCBL_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e)
if (MyCBLLocked)
e.NewValue = e.CurrentValue;
So instead of
MyCBL.Enabled = false;
I use
MyCBLLocked = true;
and the user can scroll through the many selections but not mess things up with changes.


How To Detect If WPF ComboBox Is In EditMode

I'm writing a .NET 4.5 C# / WPF app where I must specifically detect if a ComboBox is in edit mode. In other words, I need to know only if the mouse cursor is active and blinking in the editable portion of the ComboBox, and the ComboBox is ready for input from the user's typing on the keyboard.
I've tried "TextBoxBase.GotFocus", "TextBoxBase.GotKeyboardFocus", etc.
These events fire even when a user simply clicks on the ComboBox, which doesn't make any sense (why does a "GotKeyboardFocus" event fire even when I haven't even touched the keyboard?).
Anyways, how can I detect ONLY when the mouse cursor is active and blinking in the editable portion of the ComboBox, and the ComboBox is ready for input from the user's typing on the keyboard?
Got it...
void cmbMyComboBox_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var obj = (ComboBox)sender;
if (obj != null)
var t = (TextBox)obj.Template.FindName("PART_EditableTextBox", obj);
if (t != null)
t.MaxLength = 16;
t.GotFocus += (s, a) => { MyFunction(); } };
t.LostFocus += (s, a) => { MyOtherFunction(); } };

WPF VirtualizingWrapPanel Selected Item Change cause scroll

I have implemented a virtualizing panel that works pretty well, the panel implements IScrollInfo. I am in the process of getting it to work using a keyboard. The Panel is used in a ListView as the ListView.ItemsPanel. When the user presses down the selected item correctly changes but no scrolling occurs and when you reach the last visible item you can not press down any longer. I am trying to figure out how to have the panel aware of the selected item and scroll appropriately. I have tried searching around but I cant seem to find anything related to what I want to do. A point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Here is the code for the VirtualizingWrapPanel
So I found a solution that works fairly well, I am not sure if it is the best route to take but it seems to work fine.
In the ArrangeOverride method while looping over the children I do the following.
var listViewItem = child as ListViewItem;
if (listViewItem != null)
listViewItem.Selected -= ListViewItemSelected;
listViewItem.Selected += ListViewItemSelected;
In MeasureOverride I make a call to CleanUpItems in here we will need to unsubscribe from the selected event.
var listViewItem = children[i] as ListViewItem;
if (listViewItem != null)
listViewItem.Selected -= ListViewItemSelected;
I also added the following three functions.
private void ListViewItemSelected(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var listViewItem = sender as ListViewItem;
if(listViewItem == null) return;
var content = listViewItem.Content as CollectionViewGroup;
if(content != null) return; //item is a group header dont click
var items = ItemContainerGenerator as ItemContainerGenerator;
if(items == null) return;
protected override void BringIndexIntoView(int index)
var offset = GetOffsetForFirstVisibleIndex(index);
private Size GetOffsetForFirstVisibleIndex(int index)
int childrenPerRow = CalculateChildrenPerRow(_extent);
var actualYOffset = ((index / childrenPerRow) * ChildDimension.Height) - ((ViewportHeight - ChildDimension.Height) / 2);
if (actualYOffset < 0)
actualYOffset = 0;
Size offset = new Size(_offset.X, actualYOffset);
return offset;
The GetOffsetForFirstVisibleIndex function will probably vary depending on your implementation but that should be enough info if anyone else is having trouble coming up with a solution.

Record items visible to user in ListBox

I have a ListBox or DataGrid filled with thousands of entries. I would like to know items that the user has looked at (scrolling, searching or otherwise). How can I tell what is visible to the user in the ListBox?
Bonus: Set a timer so that the item has to be shown for a minimum of N milliseconds (in the event the user is just pulling down the scrollbar).
Update: This is a near duplicate of Get items in view within a listbox - but the solution it gives, using "SelectedItems", is not sufficient. I need to know the items whether they are selected or not!
All you need to do is to get the underlying StackPanel that's inside the ListBox. It has enough information about which elements are showing. (It implements the interface IScrollInfo).
To get the underlying StackPanel (or actually VirtualizingStackPanel) from a given ListBox, we'll have to use VisualTreeHelper to go through the Visual Tree and look for the VirtualizingStackPanel, like so:
private VirtualizingStackPanel GetInnerStackPanel(FrameworkElement element)
for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(element); i++)
var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(element, i) as FrameworkElement;
if (child == null) continue;
if (child is VirtualizingStackPanel) return child as VirtualizingStackPanel;
var panel = GetInnerStackPanel(child);
if (panel != null)
return panel;
return null;
Now that we have the StackPanel, we're very close. The StackPanel has the properties VerticalOffset and ViewportHeight (both coming from IScrollInfo) that can give us all the information we need.
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var theStackPanel = GetInnerStackPanel(MyListBox);
List<FrameworkElement> visibleElements = new List<FrameworkElement>();
for (int i = 0; i < theStackPanel.Children.Count; i++)
if (i >= theStackPanel.VerticalOffset && i <= theStackPanel.VerticalOffset + theStackPanel.ViewportHeight)
visibleElements.Add(theStackPanel.Children[i] as FrameworkElement);
MessageBox.Show((theStackPanel.VerticalOffset + theStackPanel.ViewportHeight).ToString());

Windows Phone 7 - Deselecting ListBoxItem in nested ListBoxes

I have a ListBox with dates.
Each ListBoxItem (date) have another ListBox with that date's events.
When I select an event it gets highlighted (SelectedIndex/SelectedItem) and I navigate to another Pivot. This works fine.
My problem is that every ListBox has it's own SelectedItem. I want to clear the SelectedItem from each ListBox, but I cannot get it to work!
Here's my try:
//Store a reference to the latest selected ListBox
public ListBox SelectedListBox { get; set; }
private void SelectionChangedHandler(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
ListBox lstBox = ((ListBox)sender);
//This row breaks the SECOND time!!
var episode = (Episode)lstBox.SelectedItem;
episodeShowName.Text = episode.Show; //Do some code
episodeTitle.Text = episode.Name; //Do some code
episodeNumber.Text = episode.Number; //Do some code
episodeSummary.Text = episode.Summary; //Do some code
resetListBox(lstBox); //Do the reset !
pivot1.SelectedIndex = 1;
private void resetListBox(ListBox lstBox)
if (SelectedListBox != null)
SelectedListBox.SelectedIndex = -1;
//If I remove this line, the code doesn't break anymore
SelectedListBox = lstBox; //Set the current ListBox as reference
var episode is null the second time. How come?
I found the problem!
private void resetListBox(ListBox lstBox)
if (SelectedListBox != null)
SelectedListBox.SelectedIndex = -1;
//If I remove this line, the code doesn't break anymore
SelectedListBox = lstBox; //Set the current ListBox as reference
When I set the previous selected ListBox's SelectedIndex to -1, the SelectionChangedHandler event gets triggered again (of course) and screws up ! :D
Easy fix:
private void SelectionChangedHandler(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
ListBox lstBox = ((ListBox)sender);
if (lstBox.SelectedIndex < 0)

How can I show scrollbars on a System.Windows.Forms.TextBox only when the text doesn't fit?

For a System.Windows.Forms.TextBox with Multiline=True, I'd like to only show the scrollbars when the text doesn't fit.
This is a readonly textbox used only for display. It's a TextBox so that users can copy the text out. Is there anything built-in to support auto show of scrollbars? If not, should I be using a different control? Or do I need to hook TextChanged and manually check for overflow (if so, how to tell if the text fits?)
Not having any luck with various combinations of WordWrap and Scrollbars settings. I'd like to have no scrollbars initially and have each appear dynamically only if the text doesn't fit in the given direction.
#nobugz, thanks, that works when WordWrap is disabled. I'd prefer not to disable wordwrap, but it's the lesser of two evils.
#André Neves, good point, and I would go that way if it was user-editable. I agree that consistency is the cardinal rule for UI intuitiveness.
I came across this question when I wanted to solve the same problem.
The easiest way to do it is to change to System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox. The ScrollBars property in this case can be left to the default value of RichTextBoxScrollBars.Both, which indicates "Display both a horizontal and a vertical scroll bar when needed." It would be nice if this functionality were provided on TextBox.
Add a new class to your project and paste the code shown below. Compile. Drop the new control from the top of the toolbox onto your form. It's not quite perfect but ought to work for you.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class MyTextBox : TextBox {
private bool mScrollbars;
public MyTextBox() {
this.Multiline = true;
this.ReadOnly = true;
private void checkForScrollbars() {
bool scroll = false;
int cnt = this.Lines.Length;
if (cnt > 1) {
int pos0 = this.GetPositionFromCharIndex(this.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(0)).Y;
if (pos0 >= 32768) pos0 -= 65536;
int pos1 = this.GetPositionFromCharIndex(this.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(1)).Y;
if (pos1 >= 32768) pos1 -= 65536;
int h = pos1 - pos0;
scroll = cnt * h > (this.ClientSize.Height - 6); // 6 = padding
if (scroll != mScrollbars) {
mScrollbars = scroll;
this.ScrollBars = scroll ? ScrollBars.Vertical : ScrollBars.None;
protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e) {
protected override void OnClientSizeChanged(EventArgs e) {
I also made some experiments, and found that the vertical bar will always show if you enable it, and the horizontal bar always shows as long as it's enabled and WordWrap == false.
I think you're not going to get exactly what you want here. However, I believe that users would like better Windows' default behavior than the one you're trying to force. If I were using your app, I probably would be bothered if my textbox real-estate suddenly shrinked just because it needs to accomodate an unexpected scrollbar because I gave it too much text!
Perhaps it would be a good idea just to let your application follow Windows' look and feel.
There's an extremely subtle bug in nobugz's solution that results in a heap corruption, but only if you're using AppendText() to update the TextBox.
Setting the ScrollBars property from OnTextChanged will cause the Win32 window (handle) to be destroyed and recreated. But OnTextChanged is called from the bowels of the Win32 edit control (EditML_InsertText), which immediately thereafter expects the internal state of that Win32 edit control to be unchanged. Unfortunately, since the window is recreated, that internal state has been freed by the OS, resulting in an access violation.
So the moral of the story is: don't use AppendText() if you're going to use nobugz's solution.
I had some success with the code below.
public partial class MyTextBox : TextBox
private bool mShowScrollBar = false;
public MyTextBox()
private void checkForScrollbars()
bool showScrollBar = false;
int padding = (this.BorderStyle == BorderStyle.Fixed3D) ? 14 : 10;
using (Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics())
// Calcualte the size of the text area.
SizeF textArea = g.MeasureString(this.Text,
this.Bounds.Width - padding);
if (this.Text.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine))
// Include the height of a trailing new line in the height calculation
textArea.Height += g.MeasureString("A", this.Font).Height;
// Show the vertical ScrollBar if the text area
// is taller than the control.
showScrollBar = (Math.Ceiling(textArea.Height) >= (this.Bounds.Height - padding));
if (showScrollBar != mShowScrollBar)
mShowScrollBar = showScrollBar;
this.ScrollBars = showScrollBar ? ScrollBars.Vertical : ScrollBars.None;
protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e)
What Aidan describes is almost exactly the UI scenario I am facing. As the text box is read only, I don't need it to respond to TextChanged. And I'd prefer the auto-scroll recalculation to be delayed so it's not firing dozens of times per second while a window is being resized.
For most UIs, text boxes with both vertical and horizontal scroll bars are, well, evil, so I'm only interested in vertical scroll bars here.
I also found that MeasureString produced a height that was actually bigger than what was required. Using the text box's PreferredHeight with no border as the line height gives a better result.
The following seems to work pretty well, with or without a border, and it works with WordWrap on.
Simply call AutoScrollVertically() when you need it, and optionally specify recalculateOnResize.
public class TextBoxAutoScroll : TextBox
public void AutoScrollVertically(bool recalculateOnResize = false)
if (recalculateOnResize)
Resize -= OnResize;
Resize += OnResize;
float linesHeight = 0;
var borderStyle = BorderStyle;
BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
int textHeight = PreferredHeight;
using (var graphics = CreateGraphics())
foreach (var text in Lines)
var textArea = graphics.MeasureString(text, Font);
if (textArea.Width < Width)
linesHeight += textHeight;
var numLines = (float)Math.Ceiling(textArea.Width / Width);
linesHeight += textHeight * numLines;
if (linesHeight > Height)
ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical;
ScrollBars = ScrollBars.None;
catch (Exception ex)
BorderStyle = borderStyle;
private void OnResize(object sender, EventArgs e)
m_timerResize.Tick -= OnDelayedResize;
m_timerResize.Tick += OnDelayedResize;
m_timerResize.Interval = 475;
Timer m_timerResize = new Timer();
private void OnDelayedResize(object sender, EventArgs e)
Resize -= OnResize;
Resize += OnResize;
