Behavior of a pipe after a fork() - c

When reading about pipes in Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, I noticed that after a fork the parent can close() the read end of a pipe and it doesn't close the read end for the child. When a process forks, does its file descriptors get retained?
What I mean by this is that before the fork the pipe read file descriptor had a retain count of 1, and after the fork 2. When the parent closed its read side the fd went to 1 and is kept open for the child. Is this essentially what is happening? Does this behavior also occur for regular file descriptors?

As one can read on the man page about fork():
The child process shall have its own copy of the parent's file
descriptors. Each of the child's file
descriptors shall refer to the same
open file description with the
corresponding file descriptor of the
So yes, the child have exact copy of parent's file descriptors and that refers to all of them, including open files.

The answer is yes, and yes (the same applies to all file descriptors, including things like sockets).
In a fork() call, the child gets its own seperate copy of each file descriptor, that each act like they had been created by dup(). A close() only closes the specific file descriptor that was passed - so for example if you do n2 = dup(n); close(n);, the file (pipe, socket, device...) that n was referring to remains open - the same applies to file descriptors duplicated by a fork().

Yes, a fork duplicates all open file descriptors.
So for a typical pipe, a 2 slot array (int fd[2]), fd[0] is the same for the parent and child, and so is fd[1].
You can create a pipe without forking at all, and read/write to yourself by using fd[0] and fd[1] in one process.


File descriptors before fork()

I know that if I call the open function before the fork(), the IO pointer is shared between the processes.
If one of these processes closes the file calling the close(fd) function, will the other processes still be capable to write/read the file or will the file be closed for everyone?
Yes. Each process has a copy of the file descriptor (among other things). So one process closing it won't affect the copy of the fd in other process.
From fork() manual:
The child inherits copies of the parent's set of open file
descriptors. Each file descriptor in the child refers to the same
open file description (see open(2)) as the corresponding file
descriptor in the parent. This means that the two descriptors
share open file status flags, current file offset, and signal-
driven I/O attributes (see the description of F_SETOWN and
F_SETSIG in fcntl(2)).
From close() manual:
If fd is the last file descriptor referring to the underlying open
file description (see open(2)), the resources associated with the
open file description are freed; if the descriptor was the last
reference to a file which has been removed using unlink(2), the file
is deleted.
So if you do close(fd); it closes only the reference in that process and other process holding another reference to the same file descriptor can continue to operate on it.
Whenever a child process is created, it gets a copy of the file descriptor table from the parent process. And there is a reference count corresponding to each file descriptor, that is the number of processes currently accessing the file. So, if a file is open in master process and a child process is created, the reference count increments, as it is now open in child process as well, and when it is closed in any of the processes, it decrements. A file is finally closed when the reference count reaches zero.

How to direct the stdout of a childprocess to both stdout and a file [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to print both to stdout and file in C
(4 answers)
Writing to both stdout & a file
(7 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
In my program , I use fork and execvp to create a child process. Now i want to direct the output of the childprocess to both stdout and to a file in the current directory. So how can this be achieved?
You can't have one file descriptor be tied to two things - there is no way to make write(x, "hello world") write to both std out and a file. Instead, you have to have three files - the child's standard out fd, which the parent reads from, the parent's standard out fd and the parent's fd to a file.
Here's what you do:
Parent dups fd 0 to some other fd (the parent's std out needs to be moved to something other than 0).
Parent calls pipe() to create a pipe, and if necessary dup2()'s it to put it on fd 0.
Parent opens the output file that is to be written to.
Parent forks the child.
The child process inherits the open FDs of the parent, including the pipe on fd 0 and the open file.
Child closes the FD for the output file.
Child execs the actual program.
Child will write to fd 0 (which happens to be the pipe created by the parent) as it normally does.
Parent will read from the pipe and will write to the moved FD for its std out and will also write to the FD for the output file.
The loop that reads from the pipe and writes to stdout and the output file has to run until the child closes its end of the pipe, so you may need to create a thread to do this in the background.
FYI, this is how every shell in the world implements pipes ala cat file | grep hello
you should read about select() system call that can be used to direct i/p or o/p to multiple file descriptor do 'man select'

dup2 / dup - Why would I need to duplicate a file descriptor?

I'm trying to understand the use of dup2 and dup.
From the man page:
dup and dup2 create a copy of the file descriptor oldfd. After successful return of dup or dup2, the old and new descriptors may be used interchangeably. They share locks, file position pointers and flags; for example, if the file position is modified by using lseek on one of the descriptors, the position is also changed for the other.
The two descriptors do not share the close-on-exec flag, however. dup uses the lowest-numbered unused descriptor for the new descriptor.
dup2 makes newfd be the copy of oldfd, closing newfd first if necessary.
dup and dup2 return the new descriptor, or -1 if an error occurred (in which case, errno is set appropriately).
Why would I need that system call? What is the use of duplicating the file descriptor? If I have the file descriptor, why would I want to make a copy of it? I'd appreciate it if you could explain and give me an example where dup2 / dup is needed.
The dup system call duplicates an existing file descriptor, returning a new one that
refers to the same underlying I/O object.
Dup allows shells to implement commands like this:
ls existing-file non-existing-file > tmp1 2>&1
The 2>&1 tells the shell to give the command a file descriptor 2 that is a duplicate of descriptor 1. (i.e stderr & stdout point to same fd).
Now the error message for calling ls on non-existing file and the correct output of ls on existing file show up in tmp1 file.
The following example code runs the program wc with standard input connected
to the read end of a pipe.
int p[2];
char *argv[2];
argv[0] = "wc";
argv[1] = 0;
if(fork() == 0) {
close(STDIN); //CHILD CLOSING stdin
dup(p[STDIN]); // copies the fd of read end of pipe into its fd i.e 0 (STDIN)
exec("/bin/wc", argv);
} else {
write(p[STDOUT], "hello world\n", 12);
The child dups the read end onto file descriptor 0, closes the file de
scriptors in p, and execs wc. When wc reads from its standard input, it reads from the
This is how pipes are implemented using dup, well that one use of dup now you use pipe to build something else, that's the beauty of system calls,you build one thing after another using tools which are already there , these tool were inturn built using something else so on ..
At the end system calls are the most basic tools you get in kernel
Cheers :)
Another reason for duplicating a file descriptor is using it with fdopen. fclose closes the file descriptor that was passed to fdopen, so if you don't want the original file descriptor to be closed, you have to duplicate it with dup first.
dup is used to be able to redirect the output from a process.
For example, if you want to save the output from a process, you duplicate the output (fd=1), you redirect the duplicated fd to a file, then fork and execute the process, and when the process finishes, you redirect again the saved fd to output.
Some points related to dup/dup2 can be noted please
dup/dup2 - Technically the purpose is to share one File table Entry inside a single process by different handles. ( If we are forking the descriptor is duplicated by default in the child process and the file table entry is also shared).
That means we can have more than one file descriptor having possibly different attributes for one single open file table entry using dup/dup2 function.
(Though seems currently only FD_CLOEXEC flag is the only attribute for a file descriptor).
dup(fd) is equivalent to fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD, 0);
dup2(fildes, fildes2); is equivalent to
fcntl(fildes, F_DUPFD, fildes2);
Differences are (for the last)- Apart from some errno value beteen dup2 and fcntl
close followed by fcntl may raise race conditions since two function calls are involved.
Details can be checked from
An Example of use -
One interesting example while implementing job control in a shell, where the use of dup/dup2 can be seen the link below

redirect file to the program execute by execv()?

I'm writing a C program where I fork() read a file in parent and pass to child via a pipe, then in child redirect the file receive from the pipe to the program I want to execv,
For example, if I exec /bin/less with doc.txt, I will read doc.txt in parent and pass to child, then execute less with the string receive from the read end of pipe.
Everything else is ok, except the execv() part.
I have read the man page for execv(), but it doesn't really help on doing this...
Any help?
Since any forked child share the parents file descriptors, you can simply redirect stdin to a file descriptor with dup2() then just fork and exec away in your child process.
When the child process reads data from stdin, it'll read from the file descriptor you opened (which could be a descriptor to your doc.txt).

Do not want a parent and its child process to share the same file descriptor table

I open a file in program A. Its file descriptor is 3. Using fork followed by an execve I execute another program B, where I immediately open another file. This files descriptor is 4. If A and B was not sharing the file descriptor table then the file descriptor of file opened in B should have been 3. I need to create child processes not sharing the parents address space including open files.
Thanks a lot
The child doesn't share the same FD table, you simply forgot to close them in the child or mark them close-on-exec.
Close the file before execing the new process. Do that in the code between the fork() and exec().
