How to provide global functionality in multi-user database app - database

I have been building a multi-user database application (in C#/WPF 4.0) that manages tasks for all employees of a company. I now need to add some functionality such as sending an email reminder to someone when a critical task is due. How should this be done? Obviously I don’t want every instance of the program to be performing this function (Heh each user would get 10+ emails).
Should I add the capability to the application as a "Mode" and then run a copy on the database server in this mode or would it be better to create a new app altogether to perform "Global" type tasks? Is there a better way?

You could create a windows service/wcf service that would poll the database at regular intervals for any pending tasks and send mails accordingly.
Some flag would be needed to indicate whether email is send or not for a particular task.


Timer when multiple instances are running ( eg cloud )

Problem: Creating a timer through application will have duplicate the timers when multiple application instances are running.
Problem area: create a timer on cloud.
Can redis be used as timer on cloud? For example, write a record to redis and set ttl(time to live). Once TTL is reached, redis messaging system can be used to receive notification( thereby, executing the task).
The problem is redis seem to be having only publish subscribe mechanism. That means all app instances receive the notification, duplicating the task.
Any suggestions?
Had the same issue a while ago. There are different strategies.
You cloud provider may already have a solution.
Create some sort of Control Database. And lock/check using this db whether the timer is already running for particular instance or tenant.
Send messages to messaging system and make sure duplicates removed.
Run timer process inside lightweight container. Some sort of microservice.
Use any third parties to achieve these.
Every solution has its own pros and cons.

MVC3 Job Scheduler - XML Export

I am new to the community and looking forward to being a contributing member. I wanted to throw this out there and see if anyone had an advice:
I am currently in the middle of developing a MVC 3 app that controls various SQL Jobs. It basically allows user to schedule jobs to be completed in the future, but also also allows them to run jobs on demand.
I was thinking of having a thread run in the web app that pulls entity information into an XML file, and writing a window service to monitor this file to perform the requested jobs. Does this sound like a good method? Has anyone done something like this before and used a different approach? Any advice would be great. I will keep the forum posted on progress and practices.
I can see you running into some issues using a file for complex communication between processes - files can generally only be written by one process at a time, so what happens if the worker process tries to remove a task at the same time as the web process tries to add a task?
A better approach would be to store the tasks in a database that is accessible to both processes - a database can be written to by multiple processes, and it is easy to select all tasks that have a scheduled date in the past.
Using a database you don't get to use FileSystemWatcher, which I suspect is one of the main reasons you want to use a file. If you really need the job to run instantly there are various sorts of messaging you could use, but for most purposes you can just check the queue table on a timer.

Running task as windows service out of band of iis

We have a web app in which a request for a long running or high processor process is called.
We want to create a windows service to off-load this from the IIS servers. We will install this service on multiple machines to lower the wait time for these jobs. One idea we are looking at is serializing the Job object into Sql Server with its JobType as another column.
The job service will claim the job by updating the row with its indicator, this will keep other services from picking it up. Once the job is complete the service removes that entry.
What I am looking for is other, possibly better ideas to accomplish the Job Service Queuing.
I would say this is a great way to handle this issue. The only thing I would add is that while I don't know what the Job object is or how it is created, you might be able to offload this as well. Instead of creating the object and serializing it to the database, simply store the raw data in SQL. Let the Services handle building the Job object themselves from the ground up. That way you cut the serialization out of the mix. However, if this isn't possible, I would say that your solution seems to be the most viable.
If you do go this route, you could look into optimization of your Service offloading. For example, you could wake extra services when the load gets busy and then put some to sleep when the load lightens.

Real-time synchronization of database data across all the clients

What's the best strategy to keep all the clients of a database server synchronized?
The scenario involves a database server and a dynamic number of clients that connect to it, viewing and modifying the data.
I need real-time synchronization of the data across all the clients - if data is added, deleted, or updated, I want all the clients to see the changes in real-time without putting too much strain on the database engine by continuous polling for changes in tables with a couple of million rows.
Now I am using a Firebird database server, but I'm willing to adopt the best technology for the job, so I want to know if there is any kind of already existing framework for this kind of scenario, what database engine does it use and what does it involve?
Firebird has a feature called EVENT that you may be able to use to notify clients of changes to the database. The idea is that when data in a table is changed, a trigger posts an event. Firebird takes care of notifying all clients who have registered an interest in the event by name. Once notified, each client is responsible for refreshing its own data by querying the database.
The client can't get info from the event about the new or old values. This is by design, because there's no way to resolve this with transaction isolation. Nor can your client register for events using wildcards. So you have to design your server-to-client notification pretty broadly, and let the client update to see what exactly changed.
You don't mention what client platform or language you're using, so I can't advise on the specific API you would use. I suggest you google for instance "firebird event java" or "firebird event php" or similar, based on the language you're using.
Since you say in a comment that you're using WPF, here's a link to a code sample of some .NET application code registering for notification of an event:
Re your comment: Yes, the Firebird event mechanism is limited in its ability to carry information. This is necessary because any information it might carry could be canceled or rolled back. For instance if a trigger posts an event but then the operation that spawned the trigger violates a constraint, canceling the operation but not the event. So events can only be a kind of "hint" that something of interest may have happened. The other clients need to refresh their data at that time, but they aren't told what to look for. This is at least better than polling.
So you're basically describing a publish/subscribe mechanism -- a message queue. I'm not sure I'd use an RDBMS to implement a message queue. It can be done, but you're basically reinventing the wheel.
Here are a few message queue products that are well-regarded:
Microsoft MSMQ (seems to be part of Windows Professional and Server editions)
RabbitMQ (free open-source)
Apache ActiveMQ (free open-source)
IBM WebSphere MQ (probably overkill in your case)
This means that when one client modifies data in a way that others may need to know about, that client also has to post a message to the message queue. When consumer clients see the message they're interested in, they know to refresh their copy of some data.
SQL Server 2005 and higher support notification based data source caching expiry.

Change Notification with Sql Server 2008

I have an application that consists of a database and several services. One of these services adds information to the database (triggered by a user).
Another service periodically queries the databases for changes and uses the new data as input for processing.
Until now I used a configurable timer that queries the database every 30 seconds or so. I read about Sql 2005 featuring Notification of changes. However, in Sql 2008 this feature is deprecated.
What is the best way of getting notified of changes that occurred in the database directly in code? What are the best practices?
Notification Services was deprecated, but you don't want to use that anyway.
You might consider Service Broker messages in some scenarios; the details depend on your app.
In most cases, you can probably use SqlDependency or SqlCacheDependency. The way they work is that you include a SqlDependency object with your query when you issue it. The query can be a single SELECT or a complex group of commands in a stored procedure.
Sometime later, if another web server or user or web page makes a change to the DB that might cause the results of the previous query to change, then SQL Server will send a notification to all servers that have registered SqlDependency objects. You can either register code to run when those events arrive, or the event can simply clear an entry in the Cache.
Although you need to enable Service Broker to use SqlDependency, you don't need to interact with it explicitly. However, you can also use it as an alternative mechanism; think of it more as a persistent messaging system that guarantees message order and once-only delivery.
The details of how to use these systems are a bit long for a forum post. You can either Google for them, or I also provide examples in my book (Ultra-Fast ASP.NET).
Yes, this blog post explains that Notification Services is now deprecated, and also what the replacements or alternatives are, going forward.
For your purposes - getting notified of changes that occurred in the dataase - it sounds like you want SQL Server Change Tracking. But the notification is a pull model - your app has to do the query on the change table.
I failed to figure out if SqlDependency continues to work with Notification Services deprecated.
There are a number of different ways of tracking changes in the database: either by triggers that maintain temporal structures such as backlogs, tracking logs (aka 'audit tables') or using the change-tracking facilities in SQL 2008 as references in another answer. Irrespective of whatever mechanism you use, you have the problem of notifying your homegrown service of the change. For this, you can use the Service Broker and event-based activation. From what you describe, it seems like having the application wait on an event from the queue.
If you don't wish to have the service hang around and sleep on the queue, you can investigate into firing the service into life 'on-demand' by using the external activation mechanism in service broker.
You can use the System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency (which works with Service Broker on) to subscribe to changes in a table.
