Silverlight Threading and its usage - silverlight

Scenario : I am working on LOB application, as in silverlight every call to service is Async so automatically UI is not blocked when the request is processed at server side.
Silverlight also supports threading as per my understanding if you are developing LOB application threads are most useful when you need to do some IO operation but as i am not using OOB application it is not possible to access client resource and for all server request it is by default Async.
In above scenario is there any usage of Threading or can anyone provide some good example where by using threading we can improve performance.
I have tried to search a lot on this topic but everywhere i have identified some simple threading example from which it is very difficult to understand the real benefit.
Thanks for help

Tomasz Janczuk has also pointed out that if the UI thread is fairly busy, you can significantly improve the performance even of async WCF calls by marshaling them onto a separate thread. And I should note that the UI thread can get awfully busy doing things that you wouldn't anticipate would chew up cycles, like calculating drop-shadows and what-not, so this might be worth investigating (and measuring) for your application.
That said, I've been writing LOB apps for the better part of two decades, and synchronous IO aside, I haven't found a lot of scenarios where adding multiple threads in an LOB application was worth the additional complexity.
Edit 4/2/10: I had lunch with Tomasz Janczuk and some other folks from the WCF team the other day, and they clarified a few issues for me about how WCF works with Silverlight background threads. There are two things to be concerned with: sending data, and receiving it (say, from duplex callbacks or async call completions). When you send data, the call will always be made from the thread that actually makes the call. So if you have a lot of data that needs to be serialized, you might get a small performance boost by marshaling the outgoing call onto a background thread (say, by using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem). But it's not likely to be a substantial performance boost.
However, when you receive data, either through a duplex callback, or through an async xxxCompleted method, the data is always received on the thread on which the connection was originally opened. This means that if you're opening the connection explicitly, it will receive data on that thread; but if you're opening the connection implicitly, it will receive data on the thread on which you made your first outbound connection. This won't make a lot of difference if you need to update the UI on every callback, since you'd just have to marshal the call back onto the UI thread. But if there are times when you just need to store the data for future reference or processing, you can get yourself a significant performance boost by opening your connection on a separate thread, so that you can receive and process callbacks without waiting on the UI thread.
Hope this helps. Thought I'd write it down while I still have it reasonably fresh in my head.

The same advantages apply to Silverlight as to other applications. If your are doing a long running calculation on the client and don't want to tie up the main/ui thread, then threading is an obvious choice.
Also, I haven't researched it, but I would imagine if you are running a multi-core machine, you could improve performance by splitting work into multiple separate threads.


Why do major DB vendors not provide truly asynchronous APIs?

I work with Oracle and Mysql, and I struggle to understand why the APIs are not written such that I can issue a call, go away and do something else, and then come back and pick it up later eg NIO - I am forced to dedicate a thread to waiting for data. It seems that the SQL interfaces are the only place where sync IO is still forced, which means tying up a thread waiting for the DB.
Can anybody explain the reasons for this? Is there something fundamental that makes this difficult?
It would be great to be able to use 1-2 threads to manage my DB query issue and result fetch, rather than use worker threads to retrieve data.
I do note that there are two experimental attempts (eg: adbcj) at implementing an async API but none seem to be ready for Production use.
Database servers should be able to handle thousands of clients. To provide an asyncronous interface, the DB server will need to keep the resultset from the query in memory, so you can pick it up at later stage. It will quickly become out of resources.
A considerable problem with async is many many libraries use threadlocal for transactions.
For example in Java Much of the JDBC specification relies on a synchronous behavior to achieve single thread per-transaction. That is you write your transaction in procedural order.
To do it right transactions would have to be done through callback but they are not. I know of only node.js that does this but its unclear if its really async.
Of course even if you do async I'm not sure if it will really improve performance as the database itself if is probably doing it synchronous.
There are lots of ways to avoid thread over-population in (Java):
Is asynchronous jdbc call possible?
Personally to get around this issue I use a Message Bus like RabbitMQ.

Implementing multithreaded application under C

I am implementing a small database like MySQL.. Its a part of a larger project..
Right now i have designed the core database, by which i mean i have implemented a parser and i can now execute some basic sql queries on my database.. it can store, update, delete and retrieve data from files.. As of now its fine.. however i want to implement this on network..
I want more than one user to be able to access my database server and execute queries on it at the same time... I am working under Linux so there is no issue of portability right now..
I know i need to use Sockets which is fine.. I also know that i need to use a concept like Thread Pool where i will be required to create a maximum number of threads initially and then for each client request wake up a thread and assign it to the client..
As for now what i am unable to figure out is how all this is actually going to be bundled together.. Where should i implement multithreading.. on client side / server side.? how is my parser going to be configured to take input from each of the clients separately?(mostly via files i think?)
If anyone has idea about how i can implement this pls do tell me bcos i am stuck here in this project...
Thanks.. :)
If you haven't already, take a look at Beej's Guide to Network Programming to get your hands dirty in some socket programming.
Next I would take his example of a stream client and server and just use that as a single threaded query system. Once you have got this down, you'll need to choose if you're going to actually use threads or use select(). My gut says your on disk database doesn't yet support parallel writes (maybe reads), so likely a single server thread servicing requests is your best bet for starters!
In the multiple client model, you could use a simple per-socket hashtable of client information and return any results immediately when you process their query. Once you get into threading with the networking and db queries, it can get pretty complicated. So work up from the single client, add polling for multiple clients, and then start reading up on and tackling threaded (probably with pthreads) client-server models.
Server side, as it is the only person who can understand the information. You need to design locks or come up with your own model to make sure that the modification/editing doesn't affect those getting served.
As an alternative to multithreading, you might consider event-based single threaded approach (e.g. using poll or epoll). An example of a very fast (non-SQL) database which uses exactly this approach is redis.
This design has two obvious disadvantages: you only ever use a single CPU core, and a lengthy query will block other clients for a noticeable time. However, if queries are reasonably fast, nobody will notice.
On the other hand, the single thread design has the advantage of automatically serializing requests. There are no ambiguities, no locking needs. No write can come in between a read (or another write), it just can't happen.
If you don't have something like a robust, working MVCC built into your database (or are at least working on it), knowing that you need not worry can be a huge advantage. Concurrent reads are not so much an issue, but concurrent reads and writes are.
Alternatively, you might consider doing the input/output and syntax checking in one thread, and running the actual queries in another (query passed via a queue). That, too, will remove the synchronisation woes, and it will at least offer some latency hiding and some multi-core.

HTTP in Silverlight is slow when not running in the main thread

I have made a test project that makes HTTP POST requests in silverlight (using the HttpWebRequest and WebClient classes). I consistently get a performance of approximately 20 calls/s, which I think is very slow. The only data I send and receive are small strings (some 20 characters). What surprised me was that WCF (SOAP over HTTP) showed a similar performance. However, when I did the same test, but made sure all program logic ran in the main thread, performance went up considerably, up to some 150 calls/s.
Can anyone explain what could cause this effect? I mean, multithreading cannot cause such a slowness by itself.
Note: all my tests are using a localhost connection.
Update: after extensive research, I conclude that the performance problem is inherent to Silverlight v3.
When you do your WCF calls without starting up a separate thread, they are executed on the UI thread, and they are not executed immediately, they are instead executed when the UI thread has enough time to do it.
Check this blog post, it may be just what you are after. Contrary to what you found, he finds that WCF calls on a background thread are faster - obviously because the thread is not required to do any other work.

Is opening too many threads in an application bad?

I have a C# winform application. it has many forms with different functionalities. These forms wrap to a WCF service. for example
form1 calls serviceMethod1 continuously and updates the results
form2 calls serviceMethod2 continuously and updates the results
The calls are made in a different thread per each form, but this is ending up with too many threads as we have many forms. Is this bad and why? and is there a way to avoid this given my scenario?
How many threads are you talking about? If you have a lot of threads, you'll lose a bit of performance due to context switching - but in practice I wouldn't expect this to become a significant problem until you have an awful lot of them.
One alternative would be to use a Timer though (it sounds like a System.Timers.Timer or System.Threading.Timer would be most appropriate) - schedule each service call to be made on a regular basis, and the timer will use the threadpool to fire the calls. I suspect that although you say you're calling the services "continuously" you actually mean you're doing it regularly - which is exactly the kind of situation a timer is good for.
To answer the question frankly: It depends entirely on the OS and app design, but this question may indicate a shortcoming in the program's design.
You want to learn the allocation requirements of a thread on your target architecture/OS, as well as keep your threads relatively busy/avoid polling, and to configure priorities correctly if you really do have a lot of threads. 'Many' threads may be 8 (or fewer, if busy), or 100+ if they have relatively little work to do, it ultimately depends on your needs and design.
As tests for some tests/objects/operations, I have used more than 100, and occasionally more than 1000 working threads. No explosions happened, though I have never had a true need for those operations to be that parallel in a shipping app (unless the aforementioned programs are being used in very unusual circumstances), and it made more sense to put the actual implementation into some centralized task manager. If you have time-critical/real time applications, then these tasks may be best on another thread. If they are short lived, consider a thread pool.. well, there are many ways to attack many problem classes...
You can use WCF asynchronious proxy
In Visual Studio, when you add Web Reference you can check "Generate Asynchronous operations" to generate an asynchronious proxy.
While the threads spend most of their time waiting for server response - even hundreds of threads are unlikely to degrade performance (CPU-wise). Otherwise, use thread pool and queue "request and update form once" tasks when previous update completes.
More important problem might be loading service with too many simultaneous requests.
As a general rule, you won't gain anything by having more threads than you have CPU cores. There are exceptions to the general rule, but I doubt they apply to your case.
From the OS' point of view, threads are no longer the lightweight things they used to be, but are almost as costly as full processes. Implementing thread synchronization correctly is not a simple task, debugging multi-threaded applications is a lot harder than a single threaded one.
With green threads, it is not an issue. Green threads being sort of a virtual thread, which is what you will generally get with Java and C#.
The benefit of threads in many apps is not to crunch more numbers but to allow lots of things to go on at once with good responsiveness, so having a lot of threads can be very useful for some things and will not always have any real cost.

Duplex Callbacks or Client-Side Threading for Responsive WCF Clients

I have a certain service where specific functions will take longer to call than others, sometimes they might take seconds to return. In order to prevent the client's UI being blocked when this happens what is the preferred solution:
Use a Duplex channel and simply use the callbacks to update the UI when data is received.
Use a separate thread to call the service, and simply use request-reply operations, and then update the ui thread when data is returned.
Which solution is better, particularly when interoperability is favored but not strictly necessary, and in your opinion, which one is faster (and cleaner) to implement and maintain?
If you implement callback contracts then you are removing the need for the client to implement multithreading code. This might not be a significant advantage when working with .Net clients (as VS will auto generate the asynch proxy code for you), though could prove beneficial when working with clients of other platforms/languages.
Which one is cleaner? Well, that depends whether you are a client or server developer. If, as I suspect in your case, you are both, and you can just use .Net for client and server, then I'd probably be tempted to avoid callbacks for now. If you'd have implied that the service calls where taking 45 seconds then I'd say call back contracts, it really is subjective, but if I were to stick my neck out then I'd say that if responses take longer than 5 seconds then it is time to move to callbacks.
You should implement a CallBackcontract.
Here is an example.
