Any samples or any suggestions to achieve animations likeThirteen23 "blu" application? - wpf

Thirteen23 have one twitter client application which is amazing. You can see the demo from this link I want to do some animation like this for my startup/splash screen. Any Sample or suggestion how i can achive thesese kind of animation in WPF.

The startup animation in that application is not done in WPF. It is a sequence of png images played back by WPF, prerendered in a external tool (Adobe After Effects). Here is an example tutorial, how to generate particles.


Silverlight "Processing..." indicator

I'm interested in including a "throbber" in my Silverlight application but since it is such a common thing I'd like to download one or follow some simple tutorial. Can you suggest a site that can tutor me in this or that can just provide one for me to download?
By "throbber" I mean the thing that an app uses to show that it is processing. Sorta like the spinning blue Lifesaver in Windows 7 or the spinning beachball in OSX or any other of the million out there.
Also, to be clear, I'm not talking about altering the SilverLight app loading one.
Thank you
Take a look at the BusyIndicator control.
The Blacklight Busy Indicator (Loading Animation) looks really nice.(Download: Example: Interactive Controls - Loading Animation

Render Silverlight Animation to video file

I need to be able to render a silverlight storyboard animation to video. The animated content itself could be simple UIElements, Images or even two or more videos playing at the same time.
Several ideas came to mind like RenderTargetBitmap on a single frame basis, but:
1) I've never tested this against video embedded content
2) Don't know how to actually compose the video from the generated images.
Expression Encoder was also on my mind, but I don't know if it's possible to integrate it in a Silverlight/XBAP app to fulfill what's expected from it.
What's your opinion on this?
Your best bet if you just need to capture this sort of thing would be to use the Expression Encoder 4's screen recording feature, or a tool like TechSmith Camtasia.

Loading indicators for Silverlight

I'm looking for nice loading indicators for Silverlight.
I found a few, but all are terrible.
I would like something this -
If you're looking for the functionality of masking/disabling an area while loading data and displaying a message above it, the Silverlight Toolkit has something like that. It's called BusyIndicator there. The default template will show a progress bar, but you can change it to anything you like.
If you're looking for some fancy style/design/animation, I can't help you much. But you can browse the Silverlight galleries out there and look for just any animation then (and not just specifically for a "loading indicator") that you could then use for that purpose.
I don't know if these are among the terrible, but here are a few.
Silverlight ‘Loading’ Spin Icon in XAML
Simple Ajax Style Loading Animation in Silverlight
Customizable Loading Indicator for Silverlight 3
There are ActivityControl in project template of Business Application (WCF Ria Services).

WPF solution design of slideshow application

Been thinking about this for hours now. Im building a simple slideshow application, where the user creates slides through a web application and publishes them to a wpf "player". The user is allowed to create two types of slides one based on html and one based on xaml (thought this would be easy).
When i get the slide to the player i have to determine how to render/load the slide. The HTML slide i convert to xaml (code i found on msdn) as a flowdocument (but now what to do with it?). The Xaml i just get in "raw" xaml.
My plan is to convert both of these to xaml, then have the slide load the xaml in someway and display it, but how? And would this setup be the proper architecture? please bear in mind that this is a small player application.
Any help on either architecture or on how to display these are highly appreciated.
Look at the Slide.Show project from Vertigo. It a WPF project released under codeplex. It may give you ideas on the design.
Why not just display them in the web page? There are a huge number of slideshow applications for the web already.

Need example of Flex or silverlight application that enables interactive drawing on a video

I am trying to evaluate which technology is best for my needs.
I need to display a video I get from some remote device, and let a user
interactively draw on it lines, polygons etc.
I searched and couldn't find any existing applications with this ability
(all the flash applications only displayed video).
Could anyone point me to such an application?
I haven't seen a specific app that allows you to do that, but I can tell you it would be fairly trivial to build it in Flex. You would simply create a transparent Sprite over the video clip, then use the Drawing API bound to various mouse events to do your drawing.
The final image can be saved by using BitmapData.draw() over the container that holds both the video and the canvas, and you can pass a bytearray encoded as PNG or JPG to a server-side script to save it.
I can't speak to Silverlight as I've never used it - but a Flex dev could build a basic sample of this for you in Flex in about 20 mins just as a proof of concept.
Where does your expertise lie?
Silverlight you could knock up a proof of concept rather easily and as Myk points out you could do the same in Flex. So your best bet is really whichever technology your current expertise lies in.
In Silverlight you could use a InkPresenter control above a MediaElement control in about 2 minutes up and running with a video file.
I think the hard part is finding a way to display realtime video from your specific device.
Silverlight supports streaming video so having that device talk with Windows Media Server or Silverlight Streaming sounds like the best bet.
Julie Lerman wrote an Silverlight app that you can draw on Images:
the article was presented at a magazine:
Hopes this helps.
