How is the lagged fibonacci generator random? - c

I dont get. If it has a fixed length, choosing the lags and the mod over and over again will give the same number, no?

To be precise, the lagged Fibonacci is a pseudo-random number generator. It's not true random, but it's much better than, say, the more commonly used linear congruential generator (the standard generator for C++, Java, etc). I'm not sure why you think it will give the same number all over again, but it's true that like all pseudo-random number generator, it has a period after which the sequence of numbers will repeat again.
The multiplicative LFG has a period of (2^k - 1)*2^(M-3). For practical parameters, this is actually quite huge (LCG's period is only M).
The only catch with LFG is that the initialization procedure is very complex, and the mathematics behind it is incomplete. It's best to consult the literature for good choice of parameters and recommended procedure for proper seeding.
As an illustration, a multiplicative LFG with parameters (j=31, k=52) and modulus m=2^32 is seeded with an array of 52 32-bit numbers.
Additional references:
More details on this generator and the seeding algorithms can be found in papers by Mascagni, et al.

It's not random, its pseudorandom
From this
Lagged Fibonacci generators have a maximum period of (2^k - 1)*2^(M-1) if addition or subtraction is used, and (2^k-1) if exclusive-or operations are used to combine the previous values. If, on the other hand, multiplication is used, the maximum period is (2^k - 1)*2^(M-3), or 1/4 of period of the additive case.
So, given a certain seed value, the sequence of output values is predictable and repeatable, and it has a cycle. It will repeat if you wait long enough - but the cycle is quite large.
For an observer that doesn't know the seed value, the sequence appears to be quite random so it can be useful as a source of "randomness" for simulations and other situations where true randomness isn't required.

It's random in the same way that any pseudorandom number generator is--which is to say, not at all.
However, lagged fibonacci (and all linear feedback shift register PRNGs) improve on a basic linear congruential generator by increasing the state size. That is, the next value depends on several former values, rather than just the immediate previous one. Combined with a decent seed you should be able to get fairly decent results.
From your post, it isn't clear that you understand that the underlying state is stored in a shift register, meaning that it isn't static but updated (by shifting each value one place to the left, dropping the leftmost value, and appending the most recent value on the right side) after each draw. In this way, drawing the same number over & over again is avoided (for most seed values, at least).

It all depends on the seed. Most random number generators do give the same sequence of numbers for a fixed seed value.

Random number generators are often one-to-one functions where for every input there is a constant output. To make it "random" you have to feed it a seed (which must be "random"), like the system time or the values of computer memory locations, for example.
If you're wondering why you don't just straight up use the seed (the time, etc.), it's because the time is sequential (1,2,3,4) whereas most pseudorandom number generators spit out numbers that appear random (8, 27, 13, 1). That way if you're generating pseudorandom numbers in a loop (which happens very fast), you're not just getting {1,2,3,4}...


How to model random variables?

I want to know how to model random variables using "basic operations". The only random function I know, at least for C, is rand(), along with srand for seeding. There probably exists packages somewhere online but lets say I want to implement it on my own. I don't know if there are other very common random functions, but if not, lets just stick with rand() and the C language.
rand() allows me to pseudo-randomly generate an int from 0 to RAND_MAX. I can then use mod to get an int in some range. I can next mod 2 to choose a sign and get negative numbers. I can also do rand()/RAND_MAX to model values in the interval (0,1) and shift this to model Uniform(a,b).
But what I am not sure about is if I can extend this to model any probability distribution and at what point do I have to worry about accuracy especially when dealing with infinities and irrational probabilities. Also, this method is very crude so I would like to know of more standard ways using basic tools if any.
A simple example:
I have the random variable X such that Pr(X = 1)=1/pi and Pr(X=0)=1-1/pi. Since pi is irrational, I would approximate the probability of getting 1/pi with rand() and choose X=1 if I get an int from 0 to Round(RAND_MAX*1/pi). So this is approximating twice, once for pi and another time for rounding.
Is there a better approach? How would one go about modeling something more complicated such as a continuous random variable on the interval (0,infinity) or a discrete random variable with irrational probabilities on a countably infinite set. Would my approach still work or would I have to worry about rounding errors?
EDIT: Also how does the pseudo-randomness instead of randomness of rand() change things and how would I account for these changes?
I can then use mod to get an int in some range
No, you can't. Try it with dice. You want a number between 1 and 5. So you take the roll mod 5 (kind of, it would actually be ((roll-1)%5)+1). This maps 1 to 1, 2 to 2, etc. 5 to 5 and 6 to 1. You now have 1 twice as likely as any other roll.
The correct way of doing this is to find the nearest power of 2 higher than your range, mask out the bits of the random number above that power of 2 then check if you're in range. If you aren't in range, try again (will potentially loop forever, in practice the average number of retries is less than 2). This assumes that your random numbers are a stream of bits and not something else. This is usually a safe assumption for decent generators.
I can also do rand()/RAND_MAX to model values in the interval (0,1)
No, you can't. That's not how floating point numbers work. This generates a horrible distribution.
Either the number of bits in the integer is smaller than the number of bits in the mantissa, then you'll just have a bunch of floating point numbers you can't ever generate. Or the number of bits in the integer is bigger than the number of bits in the mantissa and then you'll truncate your integer when converting it to floating point before the division and will generate certain numbers much more often.
in the interval (0,1) and shift this to model Uniform(a,b).
This makes things even worse. First you lose bits in one direction, then you lose bits in the other direction.
To actually generate uniformly distributed floating point numbers in an arbitrary range is harder than it looks.
I've done some experiments to figure this out myself a few years ago, learning floating point internals in the process and I've written some code with a lot of comments with reasoning here:
In short, to generate random floating point numbers in an arbitrary range: find the bigger absolute value of the range. That is the start, the other end of the range is the end. Figure out the next representable number from start to end. Subtract that next number from start, that becomes the step. Calculate how many steps exist between start and end. Generate a uniformly distributed random number between 0 and number of steps. start + step * random number is the answer. Also, because of how floating point work, this might not be exactly what you're looking for. All possible floating point values are most certainly not possible to generate using this method (except in very special cases). But this method guarantees that every possible value is equally likely.
Notice that your misconceptions are very common. Almost everyone does those things. Random numbers in the industry are anything but random. The word random in computer science pretty much means "predictable, repeatable, easily breakable and exploitable, quite possibly not well distributed". And don't get me started on the quality of the "random" number generators in standard libraries. If you dig around my github stuff, you'll find a package for Go with a long README rant about this.
I'm not going to respond to the rest of your question, those bits require a book or two.

How to generate either 0 or 1 randomly in C

I have read so many posts on this topic:
How does rand() work? Does it have certain tendencies? Is there something better to use?
How does the random number generator work in C
and this is what I got:
1) xn+1 depends on xn i.e., previous random number that is generated.
2) It is not recommended to initialize the seed more than once in the program.
3) It is a bad practice to use rand()%2 to generate either 0 or 1 randomly.
My questions are:
1) Are there any other libraries that I missed to take a look to generate a completely random number (either 0 or 1) without depending on previous output?
2) If there is any other work around using the inbuilt rand() function to satisfy the requirement?
3) What is the side effect of initializing the seed more than once in a program?
Code snippet:
Here my intention is to make d1 and d2 completely independent of each other.
My initial thought is to do this:
But as I mentioned earlier which is based on other posts, this is a bad practice I suppose?
So, can anyone please answer the above questions? I apologize if I completely missed an obvious thing.
Are there any other libraries that I missed to take a look to generate a completely random number between 0 and 1 without depending on previous output?
Not in the standard C library. There are lots of other libraries which generate "better" pseudo-random numbers.
If there is any other work around using the inbuilt rand() function to satisfy the requirement?
Most standard library implementations of rand produce sequences of random numbers where the low-order bit(s) have a short sequence and/or are not as independent of each other as one would like. The high-order bits are generally better distributed. So a better way of using the standard library rand function to generate a random single bit (0 or 1) is:
(rand() > RAND_MAX / 2)
or use an interior bit:
(rand() & 0x400U != 0)
Those will produce reasonably uncorrelated sequences with most standard library rand implementations, and impose no more computational overhead than checking the low-order bit. If that's not good enough for you, you'll probably want to research other pseudo-random number generators.
All of these (including rand() % 2) assume that RAND_MAX is odd, which is almost always the case. (If RAND_MAX were even, there would be an odd number of possible values and any way of dividing an odd number of possible values into two camps must be slightly biased.)
What is the side effect of initializing the seed more than once in a program?
You should think of the random number generator as producing "not very random" numbers after being seeded, with the quality improving as you successively generate new random numbers. And remember that if you seed the random number generator using some seed, you will get exactly the same sequence as you will the next time you seed the generator with the same seed. (Since time() returns a number of seconds, two successive calls in quick succession will usually produce exactly the same number, or very occasionally two consecutive numbers. But definitely not two random uncorrelated numbers.)
So the side effect of reseeding is that you get less random numbers, and possibly exactly the same ones as you got the last time you reseeded.
1) Are there any other libraries that I missed to take a look to
generate a completely random number between 0 and 1 without depending
on previous output?
This sub-question is off-topic for Stack Overflow, but I'll point out that POSIX and BSD systems have an alternative random number generator function named random() that you could consider if you are programming for such a platform (e.g. Linux, OS X).
2) If there is any other work around using the inbuilt rand() function
to satisfy the requirement?
Traditional computers (as opposed to quantum computers) are deterministic machines. They cannot do true randomness. Every completely programmatic "random number generator" is in practice a psuedo-random number generator. They generate completely deterministic sequences, but the values from a given set of calls are distributed across the generator's range in a manner approximately consistent with a target probability distribution (ordinarily the uniform distribution).
Some operating systems provide support for generating numbers that depend on something more chaotic and less predictable than a computed sequence. For instance, they may collect information from mouse movements, CPU temperature variations, or other such sources, to produce more objectively random (yet still deterministic) numbers. Linux, for example, has such a driver that is often exposed as the special file /dev/random. The problem with these is that they have a limited store of entropy, and therefore cannot provide numbers at a sustained high rate. If you need only a few random numbers, however, then that might be a suitable source.
3) What is the side effect of initializing the seed more than once in
a program?
Code snippet:
Here my intention is to make d1 and d2 completely independent of each
My initial thought is to do this:
But as I mentioned earlier which is based on other posts, this is a
bad practice I suppose?
It is indeed bad if you want d1 and d2 to have a 50% probability of being different. time() returns the number of seconds since the epoch, so it is highly likely that it will return the same value when called twice so close together. The sequence of pseudorandom numbers is completely determined by the seed (this is a feature, not a bug), and when you seed the PRNG, you restart the sequence. Even if you used a higher-resolution clock to make the seeds more likely to differ, you don't escape correlation this way; you just change the function generating numbers for you. And the result does not have the same guarantees for output distribution.
Additionally, when you do rand() % 2 you use only one bit of the approximately log2(RAND_MAX) + 1 bits that it produced for you. Over the whole period of the PRNG, you can expect that bit to take each value the same number of times, but over narrow ranges you may sometimes see some correlation.
In the end, your requirement for your two random numbers to be completely independent of one another is probably way overkill. It is generally sufficient for the pseudo-random result of one call to be have no apparent correlation with the results of previous calls. You probably achieve that well enough with your first code snippet, even despite the use of only one bit per call. If you prefer to use more of the bits, though, then with some care you could base the numbers you choose on the parity of the count of how many bits are set in the values returned by rand().
Use this
(double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX
completely random number ..... without depending on previous output?
Well in reality computers can't generate completely random numbers. There has to be some dependencies. But for almost all practical purposes, you can use rand().
side effect of initializing the seed more than once
No side effect. But that would mean you're completely invalidating the point of using rand(). If you're re initilizeing seed every time, the random number is more dependent on time(and processor).
any other work around using the inbuilt rand() function
You can write something like this:
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
If you want to generate either a 0 or a 1, I think using rand()%2 is perfectly fine as the probability of an even number is same as probability of an odd number(probability of all numbers is equal for an unbiased random number generator).

Improving "randomness" when extending the range of rand()

I am playing around with a pair of algorithms I found on other SO posts (listed in the references below), and am trying to find out how to improve the distribution. I am effectively extending the range of a random number by doubling the number of bits, and want to ensure that the distribution is as uniform as possible, while removing (or at least reducing) the effects of modulo bias and other artifacts for a shuffling algorithm that would be using the result of my modified random number generator.
So, it is to my understanding that if I initialize my RNG with a constant seed (ie: srand(1)) I will get the same pattern of deterministic outputs from calling rand() in a for loop. Now, if I were to initialize my seed via srand(time(NULL)), it would be a different pattern, but it still might not help me with the following problem: I am trying to figure out if I were to implement the following algorithm:
Take two random numbers a,b
Calculate a*(RAND_MAX+1)+b
Would I be able to:
Generate every possible coordinate pair (a,b), where a,b ∈ Z+ on [0, RAND_MAX] (a and b are positive integers between zero and RAND_MAX inclusive).
Maximize the uniformity of the entire distribution (ie: an optimally flat histogram).
While the output of rand() is supposed to be uniformly distributed, I don't know if it's guaranteed to give me values for N,N+1 calls to rand each loop and give me every pair listing in point (1) before the random sequence repeats itself again. My new random number generator could theoretically generate random values on [0, RAND_MAX ^ 2], but I don't know if there might be "holes" aka values in this range that can never be generated by my algorithm.
I attempted to get further on this question myself, but I couldn't find information on how long a random sequence generated be rand() in C goes until it repeats itself. Lacking this and other information, I couldn't figure out whether or not it is possible to generate every pair (a,b).
So, using rand(), is it possible to achieve point (1) and if so, are there any solid suggestions on how to optimize its "randomness" according to point (2)?
Thank you for your time and assistance.
I later revisited this problem and simulated it using an 8-bit PRNG. While it could indeed generate every possible coordinate pair, the distribution was actually quite interesting, and definitely not uniform. In the end, I read several articles/papers on PRNGs and used a Mersenne Twiser algorithm to generate the additional bits needed (i.e. MT19937-64).
Extend rand() max range, Accessed 2014-05-07, <>
Shuffle array in C, Accessed 2014-05-07, <>
As pointed out in the comments, the behaviour of rand() is implementation dependent. So, let's make a few simplifying assumptions to get to the point of the question:
rand() can generate all values from 0 to RAND_MAX. Justfication: If it could not, then it would be even harder to generate all possible pairs (a, b).
rand() generates a statistically random sequence. Justification: The result of composing two random functions (or the same one twice) is only as good as the base random function.
Of course, we shouldn't expect the result to be better than the building blocks, so any deficiencies in the rand() implementation will reflect itself in any functions composed from it.
Holes in the distribution
Seeding rand() generates a deterministic sequence for a given seed, as the seed determines the PRNG's initial state. The sequence's maximum period is 2N where N is the number of bits in the state. Note that the state may in fact have more bits than RAND_MAX, we'll assume RAND_MAX = (2N - 1) for this section. Because it is a sequence, generating two successive "random" N-bit values a and b means that a ≠ b. Therefore, the method a*(RAND_MAX+ 1)+b will have some holes.
A little explanation on a ≠ b: PRNGs work by maintaining an internal state of N bits. It uses that state uniquely to determine its next state, so once the same state recurs, the sequence starts to repeat itself. The number of states gone through before the sequence starts repeating itself is called the period. So, technically we could have a = b, but that implies a period of 1, and that's a very bad PRNG. For more information, a helpful answer on PRNG periods has been posted on the Software Engineering site.
An algorithm without holes
One way to allow successive "random" calls to be equal is to generate 2 N-bit numbers, but consider only a certain number of bits significant, i.e. discard some. Now, we can have a = b, though with very slightly less probability than another random number c. Note this is similar to how Java's random number generator works. It is seeded with 48 bits, but outputs a 32-bit random number, discarding 16 bits (assuming # of bits in seed = # of bits in state).
However, since you need values larger than RAND_MAX, what you could do is use the above method, and then concatenate the bits, until you get enough bits to reach the desired maximum (though again, the distribution is not quite uniform).

How to get pseudo-random uniformly distributed integers in C good enough for statistical simulation?

I'm writing a Monte Carlo simulation and am going to need a lot of random bits for generating integers uniformly distributed over {1,2,...,N} where N<40. The problem with using the C rand function is that I'd waste a lot of perfectly good bits using the standard rand % N technique. What's a better way for generating the integers?
I don't need cryptographically secure random numbers, but I don't want them to skew my results. Also, I don't consider downloading a batch of bits from a solution.
rand % N does not work; it skews your results unless RAND_MAX + 1 is a multiple of N.
A correct approach is to figure out the largest multiple of N that's smaller than RAND_MAX, and then generate random numbers until it's less than that value. Only then should you do the modulo operation. This gives you a worst-case rejection ratio of 50%.
in addition to oli's answer:
if you're desperately concerned about bits then you can manage a queue of bits by hand, only retrieving as many as are necessary for the next number (ie upper(log2(n))).
but you should make sure that your generator is good enough. simple linear congruential (sp?) generators are better in the higher bits than the lower (see comments) so your current modular division approach makes more sense there.
numerical recipes has a really good section on all this and is very easy to read (not sure it mentions saving bits, but as a general ref).
update if you're unsure whether it's needed or not, i would not worry about this for now (unless you have better advice from someone who understands your particular context).
Represent rand in base40 and take the digits as numbers. Drop any incomplete digits, that is, drop the first digit if it doesn't have the full range [0..39] and drop the whole random number if the first digit takes its highest-possible value (e.g. if RAND_MAX is base40 is 21 23 05 06, drop all numbers having the highest base-40 digit 21).

What is a pseudo-random integer?

I am reading a C book. In the description of the rand() function, they say:
rand returns a pseudo-random integer in the range 0 to RAND_MAX.  RAND_MAX is implementation dependent but at least 32767.
I don't understand; what is a "pseudo-random integer"?
Informally, a pseudorandom number is a number that isn't truly random, but is "random enough" for most purposes.
Computers are inherently deterministic devices. The processor executes specific commands in a specific order, and programs control how the processor does so. Consequently, it's hard for programs to generate random numbers because no deterministic process can create a random number. Thus what many programs do is use a pseudorandom number generator, which is a function that produces numbers according to some deterministic formula that appear to be random but actually are not. Most programming languages provide some sort of pseudorandom number generator for general programming use, and when true randomness isn't needed they work just fine.
However, they have their limitations. In cryptographic settings, in many cases true randomness is required in order to prevent attackers from guessing the workings of a system and compromising it, for example. In this case, it is possible to get truly random numbers by using specialized hardware that can amplify background noise or use quantum effects. This sort of randomness is extremely hard to generate, though, and so it's not commonly used unless absolute unpredictability is required.
From wiki entry : Pseudorandom number generator
A pseudorandom number generator
(PRNG), also known as a deterministic
random bit generator (DRBG), is an
algorithm for generating a sequence of
numbers that approximates the
properties of random numbers.
In other words, its approximately random (to a known extent), but not truly random in the sense of random noise from a physical source.
It means that the number may seems to be random but the truth is computer can't generate a truly random number, it works out a number based on a logic which tends to be random.
Like observing time difference in keystrokes, and then using it as just an input in calculating a number. Such things combined with several other inputs tend to give random numbers but in reality its just an algorithm which tends to give random numbers. If the same conditions are matched, it will give the same number.
To add some pedantry to the other correct answers that you've already received, there really is no such thing as a "pseudorandom integer" (or for that matter, a random integer). This is the point that John von Neumann was making in his famous quote (which is usually misleading abbreviated to just the first sentence):
"Any one who considers arithmetical
methods of producing random digits is,
of course, in a state of sin. For, as
has been pointed out several times,
there is no such thing as a random
number — there are only methods to
produce random numbers, and a strict
arithmetic procedure of course is not
such a method"
Consider the number 7. Is it a random integer? If it is, is it a pseudorandom integer or a true random integer? What about the number -10? Clearly these questions don't make sense (obligatory link to xkcd 221).
So, as others have pointed out, what the book actually means is that the number is generated by a pseudorandom (i.e. deterministic) number generator as opposed to being obtained from a truly random sequence. There are several different pseudorandom number generator algorithms and the best ones generate output that is statistically indistinguishable from a true random sequence.
It means that it generates a number sequence that exhibits the properties of a random number in terms of distribution, but which is mathematically generated and deterministic in its output for any particular seed value.
You can see this by creating a program that uses such a function to generate a short sequence, and observing that each time you run it it generates the same sequence. This option surprises the unsuspecting, but is also quite a useful property in testing code. When a less predictable sequence is required, one normally initialised the PRNG with a seed value that is itself unpredictable, often derived from the current system time, since it is not normally predictable when a program will be started.
Pseudo random number generators are not normally suitable for security applications such as data encryption, or on-line gambling applications, where their ultimate predictability could be a serious weakness.
In most computers, a random number is considered psuedorandom because it is not completely random.
Basically, the current time is used to generate a random number, so it can be predicted what number will be generated initially, and for most applications, this is fine.
