Issues loading SWF with External SWF Files - using SWFObject and ExternalInterface - swfobject

I'm having issues with loading a SWF that references external SWF files...
The main SWF loads fine if the HTML file is in the same folder as all the SWFs using the following code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
var params = { allowScriptAccess: "always" };
params.quality = "high";
params.wmode = "transparent";
var attributes = {id:"IDofSWF", name:"IDofSWF"};
swfobject.embedSWF("event_so_js.swf", "flashContent", "700", "400", "7.0.0", false, flashvars, params, attributes);</script>
<div id="flashContent"> <object data="event_so_js.swf"
name="IDofSWF" id="IDofSWF" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
width="700" height="400"></object></div>
But as soon as I move the HTML file out of that folder to the root folder and update the links, it doesn't load correctly - it seems that it's having trouble with the external SWF files. I did have it successfully load one of the external SWF files directly, but it's having trouble with the main SWF. All of the SWF files are in the same folder, so I don't know why it's having issues. Here's the code for the HTML file when it's in the root folder:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
var params = { allowScriptAccess: "always" };
params.quality = "high";
params.wmode = "transparent";
var attributes = {id:"IDofSWF", name:"IDofSWF"};
swfobject.embedSWF("folio/event_so_js.swf", "flashContent", "700", "400", "9.0.0", false, flashvars, params, attributes);</script>
<div id="flashContent"> <object data="folio/event_so_js.swf"
name="IDofSWF" id="IDofSWF" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
width="700" height="400"></object></div>
There is also a link on the page that calls a function in the actionscript using ExternalInterface, so it could be that causing the issues. The code for the link is:
<a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('IDofSWF').clicky()">
Any help would be awesome, because it's really confusing me.

Sorted it out...
I updated all the actionscript paths so that they were relative to the location of the html/php file, not the main swf.


How do I load Google Maps script in a Chrome extension using Angular?

I am building a Chrome extension using AngularJS that is using Google Maps (specifically Locations).
I am looking for functionality that is similar to
<html xmlns="">
<style type="text/css">
font-family: Arial;
font-size: 10pt;
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', function () {
var places = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(document.getElementById('txtPlaces'));
google.maps.event.addListener(places, 'place_changed', function () {
var place = places.getPlace();
var address = place.formatted_address;
var latitude =;
var longitude = place.geometry.location.lng();
var mesg = "Address: " + address;
mesg += "\nLatitude: " + latitude;
mesg += "\nLongitude: " + longitude;
<input type="text" id="txtPlaces" style="width: 250px" placeholder="Enter a location" />
The above works fine if it's not a Chrome extension. However, because I'm building a Chrome extension when I try to load the Google Maps script
I get an error saying
Refused to load the script '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self'".
When I change the manifest to
"content_security_policy": "script-src 'self'; object-src 'self'",
I still get the same 'Refused to load script' error.
So my question is: how do I load the Google Maps library without loading it directly in the HTML file?
I was able to add to the manifest. It wasn't working before because I wasn't reloading the files to chrome. Now that I reloaded, that is working!
By default, inline script won't be executed and only local script is loaded.
Besides adding remote url (starting with https) in content_securiy_policy field, you should also extract your inline script to an external file then include it.

loader not showing up in chrome-extension

I've an app that retrieve server data using ajax. I've tested in localhost, the loader work fine, but when I install my extension and click on the browser action popup, the loader won't show. The little popup delayed for 2 second and shows the result.
<div class="cssLoader" ng-show="loader">Fetching...</div>
app.controller('MainControl', function($scope, $http){
$scope.loader = true;
url: "",
method: "GET",
}).success(function(data) {
$ = data;
$scope.loader = false;
Without seeing more of your code it is difficult to know for sure. Nonetheless, my suspicion (based upon the fact that your code works outside of the Chrome extension environment but not inside that environment) is that since you're operating in a Chrome Extension environment, you'll need to include the ng-csp directive (see Chrome documentation or Angular documentation).
I developed an Angular app inside a chrome extension and I needed to use ng-csp in order for Angular to load and fully function properly.
Essentially, Chrome extensions (and even more apps) place a number of restrictive security permissions on the browser environment and ng-csp tells Angular to operate in a way that is more consistent with a strict CSP.
I have included an example below that shows loading the entire Angular application properly:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="myApp" ng-csp>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>My Extension</title>
<link href="css/index.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- Include in the next line your Angular library code -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/angular-lib.js"></script>
<!-- Include in the next line your custom Angular code such as the $http to load the loader -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/myapp.js"></script>
<!-- Place your HTML code for the 'Fetching' anywhere here in the body -->
According to the docs, CSP "is necessary when developing things like Google Chrome Extensions" (more info can be found on the linked page).
Furthermore, besides defining ng-csp on your root element, there is on more crucial point (which affects ngShow/ngHide):
CSP forbids JavaScript to inline stylesheet rules. In non CSP mode Angular automatically includes some CSS rules (e.g. ngCloak). To make those directives work in CSP mode, include the angular-csp.css manually.
I found this to be necessary only if the angular.js script is defined inside the app's context.
In any case, here is the source code of minimal demo extension that seems to work fine for me:
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Test Extension",
"version": "0.0",
"browser_action": {
"default_title": "Test Extension",
//"default_icon": {
// "19": "img/icon19.png",
// "38": "img/icon38.png"
"default_popup": "popup.html"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Test Extension</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="angular-csp.css" />
<body ng-csp ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<div ng-show="loader">Fetching...</div>
<div ng-hide="loader">{{status}}</div>
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="popup.js"></script>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('mainCtrl', function ($http, $scope) {
$scope.loader = true;
url: "",
method: "GET"
}).finally(function () {
$scope.loader = false;
}).then(function (response) {
$ =;
$scope.status = 'Success !';
}, function (response) {
$scope.status = 'ERROR !';
(BTW, I am using AngularJS v1.2.16.)

Linking Backbone.js external files

I'm learning Backbonejs and I'm really confused with linking external JS files. So, if I write Backbone script in HTML document between everything works fine. But if I add a link in HTML to JS file it doesn't work. I have tested jQuery in this file and it works fine, it seems like only Backbone.js scripts doesn't work. So, the main question is:
How do I link external JS files where I'm using Backbone.js to my HTML file?
<!doctype html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="testingscript.js"></script>
<title>Backbone for beginners</title>
<div id="container">Loading...</div>
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#container'),
// template which has the placeholder 'who' to be substitute later
template: _.template('<h3>Hello <%= who %></h3>'),
initialize: function () {
render: function () {
// render the function using substituting the varibile 'who' for 'world'
this.$el.html(this.template({who: 'world!'}));
var appView = new AppView ();
There is no special magic to load other js files in the same HTML file that backbonejs is used.
I would make sure that your 'testingscript.js' file is in the right path and get loaded properly. You can look at the console in your web-browser (From FireBug if you use fireFox, or 'Inspect Element' if Chome is used).
Once you confirm that the file is loaded properly, things should work as I don't see you have any unusual in your code.
Good luck!
<script src="testingscript.js"></script>

Maintaining server side API urls in Javascript application

I'm building a modular javascript application (RequireJS/Backbone), and am looking for some advice on best practices for propagating server-side URLs into the JS application for use in client side templating, API requests, etc.
Inject it into the base template that kicks off the Javascript application?
API request specifically for this purpose?
Would love to hear solutions others have used. Thanks!
You can render a <script> tag in the body, define a module and put your URLs there in any way you like.
After that you can require it inside your modules (.js files).
HTML (e.g. your application layout):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Inline RequireJS define</title>
<h1 id="foo-holder"></h1>
<a id="sign-up-link" href="#"></a>
// This is rendered by your server-side application:
define('data/config', function(require, exports, module) {
exports.Url = {
HOME: '',
SIGN_IN: '',
SIGN_UP: '',
}; = 'bar';
JavaScript (somewhere in your module):
// This is somewhere in your JavaScript module
require(['data/config'], function(Config) {
.attr('href', Config.Url.SIGN_UP);
Another trick could be done with some kind of attribute-binding.
In your layout:
<a data-url="HOME" href="#">Home</a>
<a data-url="SIGN_IN" href="#">Sign In</a>
<a data-url="SIGN_UP" href="#">Sign Up</a>
<a data-url="LOG_OUT" href="#">Log Out</a>
// This is rendered by your server-side application:
define('data/config', function(require, exports, module) {
exports.Url = {
HOME: '',
SIGN_IN: '',
SIGN_UP: '',
}; = 'bar';
In your JavaScript file:
// This is somewhere in your JavaScript module
require(['data/config'], function(Config) {
$('a[data-url]').each(function() {
var $a,
$a = $(this);
urlConstant = $'url');
url = Config.Url[urlConstant];
if(url) {
$a.attr('href', url);

Adding html configured in a function into an ExtJS 4 MVC

I want to inject an old style, procedurally built string into a DIV element that's created in a standard ExtJS 4 MVC application, and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how I'm supposed to leverage dynamic loading.
So say I have this function by itself in a javascript file called "createHtml.js":
function fillDiv(strDivName) {
document.getElementById(strDivName).innerHTML = "<h1>TEST</h1>";
Elsewhere, in my MVC ExtJS 4 app (so in an object referenced within app.js, I have the following:
myPanel = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
title: 'Map',
html: '<div style="width:100%; height:100%" id="map"></div>'
In my index.html page, I include a reference to createHtml.js. In my app.js file, I have something like the following:
( function() {
enabled : true,
paths : {
MyJive: 'media/js/ext/MyCom/MyJive',
Ext.onReady( function() {
var urlparams = document.URL.split('?')[1];
var param = Ext.urlDecode( urlparams ? urlparams : '' );
var pcard = Ext.create( 'MyJive.view.MyUI',{
param1 : param.param1,
param2: param.param2
Ext.create( 'Ext.container.Viewport', {
layout: 'fit',
items: [pcard]
Now if I attach a listener to a button somewhere on MyUI and have it call fillDiv('map'); I get a Uncaught ReferenceError: fillDiv is not defined error.
If I put fillDiv not in its own file (createHtml.js) but MyUI.js (referenced by pcard, above), I'm golden. So I know it's not a super-stupid issue like having the div id wrong or some wacky, invalid innerHTML value.
I would have thought the app would know about fillDiv() because fillDiv()'s parent file is in index.html's javascript includes, but fine, createHtml.js isn't being dynamically loaded. I've got that, I guess.
But how do I tell app.js that my function exists in a file outside of its bounds?
(Now, "IRL", I've got fillDiv creating a complicated piece of html via OpenLayers so that we can display a map identified by param1 and param2 embedded in the ExtJS form, but I've gone to this simpler setup to try and figure out what I'm doing wrong.)
EDIT: Added index.html. createHtml.js contains the fillDiv() method. Note that the DIV that takes the map isn't in the index.html; it's, again, defined in an ExtJS Panel.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>My Project</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="media/js/ext/ext-4.0/css/ext-all.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="media/js/ext/MyCom/MyJive/css/main.css" />
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"
<div id="divParent"></div>
EDIT: Adding app.js:
( function() {
enabled : true,
paths : {
MyProj: 'media/js/ext/MyCom/MyProj',
OpenLayers: 'media/js/ext/MyCom/MapJive/OpenLayers-2.11',
MyComExt : 'media/js/ext/MyCom/MyComExt'
Ext.onReady( function() {
var urlparams = document.URL.split('?')[1];
var param = Ext.urlDecode( urlparams ? urlparams : '' );
var pcard = Ext.create( 'MyProj.view.MyProj',{
param1: param.p1,
param2: param.p2
Ext.create( 'Ext.container.Viewport', {
layout: 'fit',
items: [pcard]
I would leave just a comment, but I don't have enough points for that.
You didn't include a index.html file with imports of your createHtml.js and app.js files. But the first thing I would check is that your createHtml.js import is placed above app.js.
