WPF Treeview contextmenu IsChecked binding MVVM - wpf

I've got a TreeView to which I associate a ContextMenu. That contextmenu has an item whose IsChecked property I want to bind to my ViewModel. Since I am using a tree each treeitem is bound to a subproperty of my ViewModel.
In the VS2010 output window I am seeing this databinding error:
BindingExpression path error: 'IsAutoStart' property not found on 'object' ''HostMgmtViewModel' (HashCode=12565727)'. BindingExpression:Path=IsAutoStart; DataItem='HostMgmtViewModel'
This clearly shows it is trying to bind to my ViewModel and not to the treeitem's associated data. How do I bind to the correct object? Remember my contextmenu is associated with the whole TreeView not to the specific treeitem.
---------- Edit
As xandy pointed out below the resolution to my problem was to bind the IsChecked like this:
{Binding Path=PlacementTarget.SelectedItem.IsDisabledStart, Mode=OneWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type ContextMenu}}}

<TreeView Name="tview" Grid.Row="0" Tag="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=SelectedItem}">
<MenuItem Name="miC" Header="{Binding Path=Tag.Key}" DataContext="{Binding Path=PlacementTarget, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type ContextMenu}}}"></MenuItem>
This is the working code snippet I have. Courtesy of [this].1 All you need is to change the binding path in the tag. I am currently binding the Treeview to a dictionary, so it is the Key property of it. It should not have any problem in binding to any object collections. One interesting finding is context menu is not in part of element tree and this cause the problem. I could bind the text box with no problem:
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1" DataContext="{Binding ElementName=tview, Path=SelectedItem}">
<Binding Path="Key" />
But it is not functioning if for menuitem if I put the same thing.


WPF CommandParameter value is changing to null on execution [duplicate]

My WPF uses the MVVM approach. I'm trying to bind 2 controls within my list control
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ParentDuplicate}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedParent, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}">
<ContentControl Content="{Binding}" />
<Button Content="Delete me now"
Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorLevel=1, AncestorType=Window}, Path=DeleteCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding FilePath}" />
The problem I'm having, is the DeleteCommand is not binding (the Ouput window informs me as well)
System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Data.Binding', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=DeleteCommand; DataItem=null; target element is 'Button' (Name=''); target property is 'Command' (type 'ICommand')
If I move this button to outside the ListBox, then the binding works and the event fires so I know the issue must be with the ListBox (I'm guessing the problem is the ItemsSource prevents the binding to anything but the ItemsSource bound property (in this case, ParentDuplicate))
So, within the Button control, there are 2 properties being bound, DeleteCommand and FilePath
Both of these properties live within my single ViewModel. FilePath is a child of ParentDuplicate and this binds as desired. The issue is only with the DeleteCommand. What am I doing wrong?
When I use the Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorLevel=1, AncestorType=Window}, Path=DeleteCommand} it is looking in my MainWindow code behind, not at the ViewModel. How do I make it use the ViewModel?
I tried
Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=xmlnsViewModel:MainWindowViewModel}, Path=DeleteCommand}"
but the above also results in the same binding errors
The ancestor search finds the control, not the DataContext, so you'll need to tell your binding where to find the DeleteCommand property. If your ViewModel is the DataContext of the MainWindow then you can just use:
<Button Content="Delete me now"
Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource
Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorLevel=1, AncestorType=Window},
CommandParameter="{Binding FilePath}" />

Binding Context menu commands to ViewModel which is not in context Visuals tree

I have a treeView whose itemsource is a collection of my Model class.
I have added a context menu on the treeView. Since the commands of the contextMenu should be in the visual tree, so I had to place them in my Model class. Which is wrong (Binding directory to the Model).
How can I Bind my context menu's Command to my ViewModel rather than Model?
You need not to place commands in model. Here you can access your commands in ViewModel like below:
Here Tag will contain the Binding to ViewModel and can be used to access the command.
<TreeView Tag="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}}"
<MenuItem Header="MyCommand"
CommandParameter="{Binding }"
Command="{Binding Path=PlacementTarget.Tag.DataContext.MyCommand, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType=ContextMenu}}"/>

Change DataContext of specific property inside control - WPF

I have User control which contains TextBox with WaterMark inside
Text="{Binding MainCategoryTextBoxValue, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Name="MainCatTextBox">
<TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center" x:Name="MainCategoryTextBlock"> </TextBlock>
You can see here WatermarkService implementation
I want take "MainCategoryTextBlock" textblock inside <controls:WatermarkService.Watermark> and set it DataContext to be same like my UserControl DataContext in order to change Watermark text in RunTime from my ViewModel.
I tried to bind "MainCategoryTextBlock" DataContext with RelativeSource to my UserControl DataContext but I didn`t succeed (maybe syntax error - Im not sure).
DataContext="{Binding DataContext, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}}"
Do you have any clue how can I solve it?
If your UserControl has a name then you can do it like this:
DataContext={Binding ElementName="YourUserControlName", Path=DataContext}
But i can see that you are using your textbox inside an adorner decorator so you can't use FindAncestor in this case because your textbox and your UserControl won't belong to the same visual tree.
You should be setting the data context property of your window to your view model, and bind the text property of your textblock to your view model property.
<TextBlock Text={Binding Path=PropertyOnViewModel} />

Treeview context menu command not firing

I have a treeview bound to a Observable collection of some property type. There is a HierarchicalDataTemplate that shows the data in treeview. Now i need to show specific context menu for each HierarchicalDataTemplate item.
I am using the following XAML to show context menu:
<HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Collections}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}">
<MenuItem Header="Create" Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}, Path=DataContext.AddCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding}"/>
Here the AddCommand is written in the view model that is bound to this under control..
I am able to see the context menu, but event is not firing on click on menu item.
Please help..
Your command binding will not work because the ContextMenu is not on the same logical tree as your UserControl is, therefore it will not find the UserControl ancestor. However your ContextMenu should inherit its container's datacontext automatically.
So this should work -
<MenuItem Header="Create" Command="{Binding AddCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding}"/>
However the AddCommand property should exist on your HierarchicalDataTemplate bound item.
If your Command is not defined in your HierarchicalDataTemplate's bound item and instead in your UserControl. Then another think you may try is giving your UserControl a name, and then bind the command to it by ElementName. Like this
Updated again:
<MenuItem Header="Create" Command="{Binding ElementName="MyUserControl" Path="DataContext.AddCommand"}" CommandParameter="{Binding}"/>

Binding to two different DataContexts in a ContextMenu

I'm trying to bind to a property of a container from inside a DataTemplate. A simplified version of my markup looks like:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type myCustomItem}">
<!--Visual stuff-->
<MenuItem Header="Add Item"
Command="{Binding myCustomItemsICommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type CustomContainerType}}, Path=ContainerProperty}"/>
My approach is based on this post but it doesn't seem to be working. The issue seems to arise from the placement of the ContextMenu within the visual tree. Basically I am trying to bind the Command to the DataContext of the DataTemplate but bind the CommandParameter to a DataContext outside the DataTemplate.
ContextMenus are not in the same visual tree as the rest of the controls, there are a few questions regarding how to do bindings accross that boundary but this might be somewhat difficult without specifying names.
ElementName fails as well because of the lacking tree connection, but you could use x:Reference in the Binding.Source instead.
