How to read unlimited characters in C - c

How to read unlimited characters into a char* variable without specifying the size?
For example, say I want to read the address of an employee that may also take multiple lines.

You have to start by "guessing" the size that you expect, then allocate a buffer that big using malloc. If that turns out to be too small, you use realloc to resize the buffer to be a bit bigger. Sample code:
char *buffer;
size_t num_read;
size_t buffer_size;
buffer_size = 100;
buffer = malloc(buffer_size);
num_read = 0;
while (!finished_reading()) {
char c = getchar();
if (num_read >= buffer_size) {
char *new_buffer;
buffer_size *= 2; // try a buffer that's twice as big as before
new_buffer = realloc(buffer, buffer_size);
if (new_buffer == NULL) {
/* Abort - out of memory */
buffer = new_buffer;
buffer[num_read] = c;
This is just off the top of my head, and might (read: will probably) contain errors, but should give you a good idea.

Just had to answer Ex7.1, pg 330 of Beginning C, by Ivor Horton, 3rd edition. Took a couple of weeks to work out. Allows input of floating numbers without specifying in advance how many numbers the user will enter. Stores the numbers in a dynamic array, and then prints out the numbers, and the average value. Using Code::Blocks with Ubuntu 11.04. Hope it helps.
/*realloc_for_averaging_value_of_floats_fri14Sept2012_16:30 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define TRUE 1
int main(int argc, char ** argv[])
float input = 0;
int count=0, n = 0;
float *numbers = NULL;
float *more_numbers;
float sum = 0.0;
while (TRUE)
printf("Enter an floating point value (0 to end): ");
scanf("%f", &input);
more_numbers = (float*) realloc(numbers, count * sizeof(float));
if ( more_numbers != NULL )
numbers = more_numbers;
numbers[count - 1] = input;
puts("Error (re)allocating memory");
} while ( input != 0 );
printf("Numbers entered: ");
while( n < count )
printf("%f ", numbers[n]); /* n is always less than count.*/
/*need n++ otherwise loops forever*/
n = 0;
while( n < count )
sum += numbers[n]; /*Add numbers together*/
/* Divide sum / count = average.*/
printf("\n Average of floats = %f \n", sum / (count - 1));
return 0;
/* Success Fri Sept 14 13:29 . That was hard work.*/
/* Always looks simple when working.*/
/* Next step is to use a function to work out the average.*/
/*Anonymous on July 04, 2012*/
/* */

How about just putting a 1KB buffer (or 4KB) on the stack, reading into that until you find the end of the address, and then allocate a buffer of the correct size and copy the data to it? Once you return from the function, the stack buffer goes away and you only have a single call to malloc.


How to rearrange array using spaces?

I'm struggling with rearranging my array. I have used from single to multiple loops trying to put spaces (white characters) between two pairs of characters, but I was constantly rewriting the original input. So there is always an input of even length, for example ABCDEFGH. And my task would be to extend the size of the array by putting spaces after every 2 chars (except the last one).
So the output would be:
So the size of output (if I'm correct) will be (2*input_len)-1
This is my code so far
// output = "ABCDEFGHIJKL
char c1;
char c2;
char c3;
int o_len = strlen(output);
for(int i = 2; i < o_len + olen/2; i = i + 3){
if(i == 2){
c1 = output[i];
c2 = output[i+1];
c3 = output[i+2];
output[i] = ' ';
output[i+1] = c1;
output[i+2] = c2;
c1 = output[i];
c2 = output[i+1];
output[i] = ' ';
output[i+1] = c3;
output[i+2] = c1;
c3 = c2;
So the first 3 pairs are printed correctly, then it is all a mess.
Presuming you need to store the space separate result, probably the easiest way to go about inserting the spaces is simply to use a pair of pointers (one to your input string and one to your output string) and then just loop continually writing a pair to your output string, increment both pointers by 2, check whether you are out of characters in your input string (if so break; and nul-terminate your output string), otherwise write a space to your output string and repeat.
You can do it fairly simply using memcpy (or you can just copy 2-chars to the current pointer and pointer + 1, your choice, but since you already include string.h for strlen() -- make it easy on yourself) You can do something similar to:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ARRSZ 128 /* constant for no. of chars in output string */
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
char *instr = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "ABCDEFGH", /* in string */
outstr[ARRSZ] = "", /* out string */
*ip = instr, *op = outstr; /* pointers to each */
size_t len = strlen (instr); /* len of instr */
if (len < 4) { /* validate at least 2-pairs worth of input provided */
fputs ("error: less than two-pairs to separate.\n", stderr);
return 1;
if (len & 1) { /* validate even number of characters */
fputs ("error: odd number of characters in instr.\n", stderr);
return 1;
if (ARRSZ < len + len / 2) { /* validate sufficient storage in outstr */
fputs ("error: insufficient storage in outstr.\n", stderr);
return 1;
for (;;) { /* loop continually */
memcpy (op, ip, 2); /* copy pair to op */
ip += 2; /* increment ip by 2 for next pair */
op += 2; /* increment op by 2 for next pair */
if (!*ip) /* check if last pair written */
*op++ = ' '; /* write space between pairs in op */
*op = 0; /* nul-terminate outstr */
printf ("instr : %s\noutstr : %s\n", instr, outstr);
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/strspaceseppairs
instr : ABCDEFGH
outstr : AB CD EF GH
$ ./bin/strspaceseppairs ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQ
outstr : AB CD EF GH IJ LM NO PQ
Odd number of chars:
$ ./bin/strspaceseppairs ABCDEFGHIJLMNOP
error: odd number of characters in instr.
Or short string:
$ ./bin/strspaceseppairs AB
error: less than two-pairs to separate.
Look things over and let me know if you have further questions.
Edit To Simply Output Single-Pair or Empty-String
Based upon the comment by #chqrlie it may make more sense rather than issuing a diagnostic for a short string, just to output it unchanged. Up to you. You can modify the first conditional and move it after the odd character check in that case, e.g.
if (len & 1) { /* validate even number of characters */
fputs ("error: odd number of characters in instr.\n", stderr);
return 1;
if (len < 4) { /* validate at least 2-pairs worth of input provided */
puts(instr); /* (otherwise output unchanged and exit) */
return 0;
You can decide how you want to handle any aspect of your program and make the changes accordingly.
I think you are looking for a piece of code like the one below:
This function returns the output splitted array, as you requested to save it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
char* split_by_space(char* str, size_t length, size_t step) {
size_t i = 0, j = 0, spaces = (length / step);
char* splitted = malloc(length + spaces + 1);
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < length; ++i, ++j) {
if (i % step == 0 && i != 0) {
splitted[j] = ' ';
splitted[j] = str[i];
splitted[j] = '\0';
return splitted;
int main(void) {
// Use size_t instead of int.
size_t step = 2; // Also works with odd numbers.
char str[] = "ABCDEFGH";
char* new_str;
// Works with odd and even steps.
new_str = split_by_space(str, strlen(str), step);
printf("New splitted string is [%s]", new_str);
// Don't forget to clean the memory that the function allocated.
return 0;
When run with a step value of 2, the above code, outputs:
New splitted string is [AB CD EF GH]
Inserting characters inside the array is cumbersome and cannot be done unless you know the array is large enough to accommodate the new string.
You probably want to allocate a new array and create the modified string there.
The length of the new string is not (2 * input_len) - 1, you insert a space every 2 characters, except the last 2: if the string has 2 or fewer characters, its length is unmodified, otherwise it increases by (input_len - 2) / 2. And in case the length is off, you should round this value to the next integer, which is done in integer arithmetics this way: (input_len - 2 + 1) / 2.
Here is an example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char *reformat_with_spaces(const char *str) {
size_t len = strlen(str);
size_t newlen = len > 2 ? len + (len - 2 + 1) / 2 : len;
char *out = malloc(newlen + 1);
if (out) {
for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i > 0 && i % 2 == 0) {
out[j++] = ' ';
out[j++] = str[i];
out[j] = '\0';
return out;
int main(void) {
char buf[256];
char *p;
while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin)) {
buf[strcspn(buf, "\n")] = '\0'; // strip the newline if any
p = reformat_with_spaces(buf);
if (p == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
return 1;
return 0;
Try this,
void rearrange(char *str)
int len=strlen(str),n=0,i;
char *word=malloc((len+(int)(len/2)));
printf("Memory Error");
if( i % 2 == 0 && i != 0)
word[n]=' ';
int main()
char word[40];
printf("Enter word:");
return 0;
See Below:
The rearrange function saves the letters in str into word. if the current position is divisible by 2 i.e i%2 it saves one space and letter into str, otherwise it saves letter only.

Input in specific format (matrix)

I have an issue with input in my homework. On stdin, I will get a specifically formatted input.
In first line, there will be 2 integers, that determine the size of a matrix (rows and cols). All the lines after represent rows of the matrix.
I essentially want to do something like getline(), but I don't want to use getline(). In fact I can't, its forbidden in the homework. Therefore I have to scan int by int (or char by char I guess). The issue here is I need it to be bulletproof (almost). Dummy-proof at least.
I'm imagining a big while loop that keeps going until EOF and inside that another loop (perhaps?) which always reads a line, saves it to my allocated matrix and carries on to the next. I'm aware that I'm supposed to be checking for '\n', but I kind of lack the ability to think of a solution today.
Here's what I'm working with: My matrices are a structure.
struct Matrix{
int nrows;
int ncols;
int** matrix;
I then have multiple functions.
A function to dynamically allocate space for the matrix of specific size:
struct Matrix init_matrix(int r, int c)
struct Matrix mat;
mat.nrows = r;
mat.ncols = c;
mat.matrix = calloc(r, sizeof(int *));
for(int i = 0; i < r; ++i)
*(mat.matrix+i) = calloc(c, sizeof(int));
return mat;
A function to free the previously allocated space:
void free_matrix(struct Matrix mat)
int top = mat.nrows;
for(int i = 0; i < top; ++i)
Those 2 functions work perfectly fine.
Now I'm trying to make a function create_matrix(void) (at least I think it shouldn't take any args), that will read the input I'm supposed to receive, for example:
3 3
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
when the function reads the input, it could tell if the input is incorrect or is in incorrect format and exit the program with corresponding exit value (like 100 f.e.) If the input is correct and in correct format, it calls init_matrix() and then saves input to the matrix.
For your deeper understanding: the whole input I'm supposed to receive is:
matrix A (like above, size in first line, values in lines after)
an operation (+,-,*)
matrix B
Then execute the operation (A*B, A+B etc.). I'm trying to make most things into functions, so the main would be very simple, f.e.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct Matrix mat1 = create_matrix();
char operation = get_operation();
struct Matrix mat2 = create_matrix();
struct Matrix result = compute(mat1,mat2, operation);
return 0;
Something in those lines, if you get me. The thing is I want to make the program complex enough so that I could later edit it to handle a bigger sequence (up to 100) of matrices than just two. Right now I could do it the dirty way, make it work for two matrices with one operation, but that's not what I really want.
Well, here's how I solved it. It works. It's not anywhere close to perfect, but it works, upload system took it and gave it full amount of points, so I'm satisfied.
struct Matrix read_matrix(FILE *fp)
struct Matrix mat;
int ch;
int i = 0;
int n = 20;
char* line = calloc(n,sizeof(char));
while((ch = fgetc(fp)) != EOF && ch != '\n')
*(line + i++) = ch;
*(line + n-1) = '\0';
int r,c;
int k = sscanf(line,"%d %d", &r, &c);
if(k != 2)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Chybny vstup!\n");
line = calloc(c, sizeof(int));
mat = init_matrix(r, c);
i = 0;
r = 0;
while(r < mat.nrows && (ch = fgetc(fp)))
if(ch == '\n' || ch == EOF)
*(line + i) = '\0';
int offset;
char *data = line;
for(int j = 0; j < mat.ncols; ++j)
int d = sscanf(data, " %d%n", &mat.matrix[r][j], &offset);
if(d != 1){
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Chybny vstup!\n");
data += offset;
i = 0;
if(ch == EOF){
} else
*(line + i++) = ch;
return mat;

Passing substring in C

I've spent last night debugging this little piece of code. I have two data text files, both contain 18000 chars. Id like to split these 18000 into two sub-strings each of 100 chars, that makes 180 iterations.
The tricky thing is, in the first 180 iterations the size of both sub-strings is fine. After 18 iterations, the sizes of the sub-strings are 0.
Both files were opened properly. I can print them and so on. I tried to allocate the sub-strings in all the possible ways I could think of but could find no solution so far.
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
//Ive loaded two files into two strings buff1 and buff2 both size of 18000 chars
//It works fine with small data example, I dunno why but eventually I have work with much more bigger data set
//Id like to divide them into 100 char long pieces and do some stuff with that
char *substrA; //substring for buff1
char *substrB; //substring for buff2
substrA = malloc((wlen+1)*sizeof(char)); //word length wlen=100
substrA = malloc((wlen+1)*sizeof(char));
for (int i= 0; i <numOfSubProblems; ++i){ //numOfSubProblems = 18000/100
strncpy(substrA, buff1+i*wlen, wlen);
strncpy(substrB, buff2+i*wlen, wlen);
substrA[wlen] = '\0';
substrA[wlen] = '\0';
int lenA = strlen(substrA);
int lenB = strlen(substrB);
printf("STRA a STR B: %d %d \n",lenA,lenB);
DoSomething(substrA,substrB,i); //some parser and other functionality
return 0;
strncpy does not null-terminate the destination string. So you have to do
strncpy(subA, buff1+i*wlen, wlen);
subA[wlen] = '\0';
strncpy(subB, buff2+i*wlen, wlen);
subB[wlen] = '\0';
Otherwise you cannot use strlen, and you access the buffers behind their end when doing so.
Use snprintf.
You may not be dealing with formatting strings, but at least it is a sane API. Also make sure to round up when determining the number of subproblems:
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define PROBSIZE 18002
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
char input[PROBSIZE];
for (size_t i = 0; i < PROBSIZE; ++i) {
input[i] = 'A' + (i % 10);
const size_t wlen = 10;
char *subA = malloc (wlen + 1);
if (!subA) {
for (int i = 0; i < (PROBSIZE + wlen - 1) / wlen; ++i) {
/* If there's no error, guarantees `wlen` characters copied */
int err = snprintf(subA, wlen + 1, "%s", input + i * wlen);
if (err < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "snprintf encountered an error\n");
/* In absence of errors, we expect that the return value is
* always >= wlen + 1, except the last iteration.
assert(err >= wlen + 1 || i == ((PROBSIZE + wlen - 1) / wlen) - 1);
printf("%s\n", subA);

Reallocation problems when assigning string to dynamic int array

Basically, I'm trying to convert a bunch of char inputs to ints and assign them to a dynamic int array. The string input and tokenization seem to work fine. The issue (from what I can tell) seems to be with the reallocation of the int array; after the array is reallocated twice, the pointer to the int array returns NULL.
What I tried to do was double the size of the int array every time the number of tokens meets or surpasses (size divided by sizeof(int)). The realloc statement works each time this condition is met.
I thought using a pointer to a pointer was the end-all solution to this. I bet it's some really obvious issue, but I'm at my wit's end here. If you request any further elaboration, I'll try my best. Understand that I've only taken C for a semester and have struggled most of the way.
Also, truth be told, this was part of a class assignment which has since passed. I'd prefer an explanation about what's wrong more than a full-on code, if that's alright.
I have a lot of printf statements, so apologies for any clutter.
EDIT: Replaced all instances of newArray within the input() function with *resize. However, I've never tried assigning values through pointers to pointers, so feel free to correct me with a syntactic example if you know how I messed up. Segmentation fault occurs here:
for (k = (numElem - count); k < numElem; k++)
printf("\nk = %i\n", k);
printf("j = %i\n", j);
printf("numElem = %i\n", numElem);
printf("results[j]: %s\n\n\n", results[j]);
/* Segmentation fault regardless of what is assigned
to *resize[k]. */
*resize[k] = atoi(results[j]); // PROBLEM HERE
The source code has been updated to reflect upon this. To make this ridiculously long post a little more subdued, let's state that I did this in main():
int *newArray = malloc(MAXTOKEN * sizeof(int));
Moving on.
/* String input takes in char values,
tokenizes them, converts the results
to int, assigns them to newresizeay. */
int input(int **resize)
int i, j, k, count;
int numElem = 0;
int currentSize = MAXTOKEN;
char str[MAXSTRING];
char *results[MAXTOKEN];
/* This entire loop takes place at least once,
provided the first input isn't NULL. */
i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
/* Char input process. Takes place until the user
presses ENTER. */
printf("Input integer values separated by spaces, or "
"press ENTER to exit.\n");
while ( ((str[i] = getchar() ) != '\n') && (i < MAXSTRING) )
str[i] = '\0';
/* Tokenization of the chars that were input */
count = 0;
if (results[0] = strtok(str, " \t"))
while (results[count] = strtok(NULL, " \t") )
/* numElem = 1 if the first input prompt established
str[0] as NULL */
if ( (count < 1) && (numElem < 1) )
count = 1;
numElem += count;
printf("numElem: %i\ncurrentSize: %i\n", numElem, currentSize);
/* If the number of elements to assign meet or surpass
the amount of [memory / sizeof(int)], exponentially
increase the size of the int resizeay. */
if ( numElem >= currentSize )
*resize = realloc(*resize, (currentSize) * sizeof(int));
if (*resize == NULL)
printf("\n\nYep, it threw up.\n\n");
currentSize *= 2;
printf("\nSize should be: %i\n", currentSize * 4);
printf("Actual size: %d\n", _msize(*resize));
/* The tokenized chars are converted to integers and
assigned to the int resizeay. */
for (k = (numElem - count); k < numElem; k++)
printf("\nk = %i\n", k);
printf("j = %i\n", j);
printf("numElem = %i\n", numElem);
printf("results[j]: %s\n\n\n", results[j]);
*resize[k] = atoi(results[j]); // PROBLEM HERE
for (i = 0; i < numElem; i++)
printf("resize[%i]: %i\n", i, *resize[i]);
} while (str[0] != NULL);
The input function receives both resize and arr. main sends the same pointer to both. This is a bug.
When resize is resized, arr stays the same and may point to an invalid address (when realloc returns a different address).
How to fix:
Remove arr function argument and only use resize.
When you call the realloc function,if the new memory block is smaller than previous ,it will maintain the original state pointing to the memory block which previous used.If the new memory block is larger than previous,the system will re allocate memory on the heap and the previous memory is released.
Among other problems:
char *results[MAXTOKEN];
should be
char *results[MAXTOKEN + 1];
because here the maximum value of count will be MAXTOKEN in this loop :
while (results[count] = strtok(NULL, " \t") )
char str[MAXSTRING];
is pretty scary, because as soon as the user enters more than MAXSTRIN (=11) characters without pressing Enter, you will get a buffer overflow.

Fill dynamically sized array in C++ and use the values

I'd like to fill a char-array dynamically and check whether the contained values are valid integers, here's what I got so far:
for(int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
if(input[i] == ',')
commaIndex = i;
commaIndex is the index of a comma inside a file, numerical values should have been entered before a comma, file looks like this: -44,5,19,-3,13,(etc), it's important for this part:
char *tempNumber = new char[commaIndex];
Fill tempNumber (which should presumably be just as big as the number due to my dynamic allocation) so I don't have a number in a size 50000 char-array (named input).
for(int i = 0; i < commaIndex; i++)
cout << i << "\n";
tempNumber[i] = input[i];
And now I want to use it:
cout << "ERROR!\n";
Unfortunately, tempNumber always seems to be of size 4 irregardless of the value of "commaIndex", i.e. I get the following output:
(Inputdata: 50000,3,-4)
commaIndex: 5
content of tempNumber: 5000 (one 0 missing)
commaIndex: 1
content of tempNumber: 3²²² (notice the 3 ^2s)
commaIndex: 2
content of tempNumber: -4²²
Any ideas?
One more thing: This is for a homework assignment and I am not allowed to use any object-oriented element of C++ (this includes strings and vectors, I've been there and I know it would be SO easy.)
You might be interested by the strtol function.
You may also consider using strtok() with sscanf(). Notice, that strtol() does not allow you to check for errors since it simply returns (perfectly valid) value 0 on parse error. On the other hand, sscanf() returns number of successfully read items, so you may easily check if there was an error while reading a number.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
int i = 0;
char str[] = "1,2,-3,+4,a6,6";
/* calculate result table size and alloc */
int max = 1;
char* tmp = str;
while (*tmp)
if (*tmp++ == ',')
int* nums = malloc(sizeof(int) * max);
/* tokenize string by , and extract numbers */
char* pch = strtok(str, ",");
while (pch != NULL) {
if (sscanf(pch, "%d", &nums[i++]) == 0)
printf("Not a number: %s\n", pch);
pch = strtok(NULL, ",");
/* print read numbers */
for (i = 0; i < max; ++i)
printf("%d\n", nums[i]);
return 0;
