WPF - What information to capture when handling unhandled exceptions? - wpf

I am developing an application in WPF / .Net 3.5 that will be available for download on the internet. I am - to the best of my ability - writing bug free code, and using exceptions only where necessary. However my experience with software development has shown that users always manage to do something strange which causes an exception to be thrown in a way you could never imagined possible. I would like to gather additional information when I have to catch an unhandled exception. So far I am capturing the following:
Standard Exception fields (message, type, stacktrace etc)
OS Version
.Net version
Versions of the Applications DLLs loaded into the AppDomain
App licence information
Instrumentation of the last few commands executed by the user.
I am very concious that I do not want to capture any 'personal' information about the user as I just don't believe in that sort of thing. Hence not bothering with the username/domain/ip address (although as the exception information is delivered to a webservice I will inherently get ip information but it may be of a proxy machine).
My Question
Anyone who has released an application into the public domain (i.e. onto computers not in a controlled corporate environment) - can you suggest anything else that would be useful in tracking down the causes of errors?
Particularly I do not want to collect information that I cannot manage/code for - I.e. the amount of memory available on the PC, or type of printers attached - These things are handled by the .net framework and I shouldn't really (read: don't want to) have to alter my code to cope with the variations out there!

I think that should be enough. You have information about the environment, what the user was trying to do, and one of the most important debugging tools: the stack trace.
Unless you are talking about a printer management application or something, then printer information would not be worth it.
There is always that remote chance that you will encounter an error that results from a strange combination of hardware, running services, installed applications and moon phase. I don't think it is worth to rabidly collect information about the user environment just to deal with those rare errors.
Just remember to have a way that you can be contacted for bug reports, in case a user really needs his particular problem fixed, so that he can provide more information about it and help you reproduce it. Depending on your target audience you have to decide between something like a bug tracker or a simple e-mail address.


what is the best way to debug vCloud client REST applications?

I'm building a vClould client application via the REST APIs, however, the documentation is inconsistent an in some cases just wrong and misleading.
All I really need is a solid debug tool or even a log file. Any recommendations?
You already mentioned you have access to the message stream, which is one of the first steps. Typically if I'm using the Apache HttpClient/HttpComponents I'll go increase the log level so it logs the full HTTP requests.
My next step is usually to cheat and to log into vCD as a system administrator and see what's going on. When vCD was designed there was a very deliberate decision to not reveal infrastructure level problems to tenants of the cloud (normal org users or org admins), as that would break the cloud abstraction. Sadly, that means as an org-level user you're often going to get "contact your cloud admin" error responses. We are aware that this isn't ideal and try to find ways to make it better when we can (IIRC the new 5.5 release that was announced last month does have some improvements in that area).
The last step is usually to cheat even more and to look at the server side logs (vcloud-container-debug.log, specifically). That usually gives me a better clue as to what went wrong. Of course, you may be unlucky and not have access to the vCD cell machine.
My workaround in the latter two cases is to try the operations via the vCD UI and see (1) if they work as expected and (2) if they do, to check the system state via the API and see if I'm sending the wrong request payloads, etc. because the doc or schema reference may not have been clear enough.
In regards to the documentation, please use the feedback links () found on individual doc pages to let us know! Our technical writer reviews all the feedback and tries to address them.
My final suggestion is that you might want to post API questions to the vCloud API community forum VMware has. There are a number of experts (both users and VMware employees) that monitor it and respond to questions.

What can I do with generated error logs?

I'm currently working on a web application which generates daily error (and non error) logs.
The current system outputs a log per task to a text file, and outputs critical errors as well as "start" and "finish" type messages to an email account.
The current workflow is as follows: scour the email box for errors, then go and find the .txt file to look at the associated errors and find the cause.
There are around 30 txt files split across about 5 servers.
This system was set up before me, but I'm looking for any advice on how to deal with the situation.
I have control of the script forming the error logs so can do pretty much anything - but I'm lost where to start: I'd considered some kind of web facing dashboard tool, maybe output the files to RSS or something?
Are there any external or internal tools I should be using?
Of course you may use the SQL Server Reporting Services or review this comparison table, there are some packages which may support SQL Server but they may be overwhelming for your task.
It's not really clear what your problem is or what you want to do, but if I understand correctly, your biggest problem is that some messages are logged to a log file but others are sent by email. Therefore, there is no single location that has all error messages in it and that makes analysis and troubleshooting difficult.
The best solution would be to use a logging framework that supports multiple logging destinations (file, DB, email) and severities. That would allow you to specify a configuration like "all errors are logged to a text file and critical ones are also sent by email", so you can ensure that you have everything in one place for general analysis but critical errors are also handled with priority.
You didn't mention what programming language you use, but assuming it's .NET-based then log4net and Enterprise Library are two common frameworks and there are many questions about them here on SO. Googling should give you a good idea of the pros and cons for your situation. If you're using a different language then you can look for the equivalent package: log4j (Java), logging (Python) etc.

Issue With DAO 3.6 on VB6 database

I am currently in the process of trying to launch a database that has a VB6 front end connected to an access 2000 database. On certain computers we are experiencing a problem where the data being pulled from the database does not show up or does not show up correctly.
The computers that work seem to have the same dao360.dll date modified in both the system 32 and microsoftshared/dao while the one that are not working do not have the same date modified.
Is this whats causing the error? How can I correct this? Or is it something else that is happening?
There shouldn't be two copies of the DLL on the system. It sounds like a poorly designed install of some application had been previously done on these systems. There is no telling what the full extent of this has been.
Packaging as an isolated application can insulate your programs from these kinds of bad installs that create DLL Hell. Sadly MDAC/DAC and related components are very difficult to isolate.
This is another reason to have moved to ADO back in 1998, if not in the time since then. While you can't isolate the ADO-related parts of MDAC/DAC any more than you can DAO, those libraries are now shipped as part of Windows. You don't need to deploy them and they are protected from bad installers by the increasingly better system file protection mechanisms in Windows.
However providing specific assistance will probably require a more specific and detailed description of what is going on than "does not show up or show up corectly."
I'd create a minimal test case using DAO to begin exploring where (and what) the problems really are. To begin with perhaps just a simple query displaying the returned rowset without data binding.
I suggest installing the latest version of MDAC and Jet. While Jet used to be a part of the MDAC, I'm pretty sure they dropped it into its own installl/update/service pack at this point. Perhaps start here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/239114

How to make obfuscation + error reporting?

Good day!
I want to distribute the c# application and want protect it.
I need:
obfuscation - protection of the source code + text resource files.
error reporting - a report on Unhandled Error.
clear view obfuscated stack trace
ensure there are no changes to source code.
What problems can get out due to the obfuscation (eg serialization / deserialization / reflection / globalization)? Appreciate the complexity of solutions this problems?
What methods / tools / approaches you recommend?
Thanks for help!
Disclaimer: I work for Red Gate.
SmartAssembly does what you're after. For your points in turn:
1) It does control flow obfuscation, method / field renaming, compression / encryption of resources and embedded strings, and separation of methods from their containing classes.
2) Automated error reporting automatically detects and reports unhandled execptions (it also grabs and sends the stack trace, values of all local variables, and some general system info).
3) The obfuscated stack trace gets decoded again on your machine so you can see it in clear view.
4) Not 100% that I know what you mean by this, but tamper protection prevents the app from running at all if any modifications are made to it. If you mean you don't want to make changes to your own source code, it is run as a post-build process so doesn't need any changes to be made to the source.
Re problems you might get with obfuscation, by far the most common are because of reflection (as a result WPF often causes problems), and data binding causes lots of issues too. Most obfuscators should let you exclude individual types and methods which have problems with reflection, though obviously that leaves those types and methods unprotected.
There are other obfuscators too - I know a couple of people who use one from PreEmptive called dotfuscator.
Crypto Obfuscator supports all the features you are looking for including obfuscation, code-protection as well as Exception Reporting (with automatic de-obfuscation as well as full values of all method parameters and local variables).
Another unique feature of Crypto Obfuscator is the Warnings tab shown after obfuscation. This lists all lines of code in your assemblies which can potentially cause the obfuscated assembly to fail. SO you don't have to shoot in the dark trying to figure out why obfuscated assemblies are not working.
DISCLAIMER: I work for LogicNP Software, the developer of Crypto Obfuscator.

Logging when application is running as XBAP?

Anybody here has actually implemented any logging strategy when application is running as XBAP ? Any suggestion (as code) as to how to implement a simple strategy base on your experience.
My app in desktop mode actually logs to a log file (rolling log) using integrated asop log4net implementation but in xbap I can't log cause it stores the file in cache (app2.0 or something folder) so I check if browser hosted and dont log since i dont even know if it ever logs...(why same codebase)....if there was a way to push this log to a service like a web service or post error to some endpoint...
My xbap is full trust intranet mode.
I would log to isolated storage and provide a way for users to submit the log back to the server using either a simple PUT/POST with HttpWebRequest or, if you're feeling frisky, via a WCF service.
Keep in mind an XBAP only gets 512k of isolated storage so you may actually want to push those event logs back to the server automatically. Also remember that the XBAP can only speak back to it's origin server, so the service that accepts the log files must run under the same domain.
Here's some quick sample code that shows how to setup a TextWriterTraceListener on top of an IsolatedStorageFileStream at which point you can can just use the standard Trace.Write[XXX] methods to do your logging.
IsolatedStorageFileStream traceFileStream = new IsolatedStorageFileStream("Trace.log", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
TraceListener traceListener = new TextWriterTraceListener(traceFileStream);
Here is a revised answer due to the revision you've made to your question with more details.
Since you mention you're using log4net in your desktop app we can build upon that dependency you are already comfortable working with as it is entirely possible to continue to use log4net in the XBAP version as well. Log4net does not come with an implementation that will solve this problem out of the box, but it is possible to write an implementation of a log4net IAppender which communicates with WCF.
I took a look at the implementation the other answerer linked to by Joachim Kerschbaumer (all credit due) and it looks like a solid implementation. My first concern was that, in a sample, someone might be logging back to the service on every event and perhaps synchronously, but the implementation actually has support for queuing up a certain number of events and sending them back to the server in batch form. Also, when it does send to the service, it does so using an async invocation of an Action delegate which means it will execute on a thread pool thread and not block the UI. Therefore I would say that implementation is quite solid.
Here's the steps I would take from here:
Download Joachim's WCF appender implementation
Add his project's to your solution.
Reference the WCFAppender project from your XBAP
Configure log4net to use the WCF appender. Now, there are several settings for this logger so I suggest checking out his sample app's config. The most important ones however are QueueSize and FlushLevel. You should set QueueSize high enough so that, based on how much you actually are logging, you won't be chattering with the WCF service too much. If you're just configuring warnings/errors then you can probably set this to something low. If you're configuring with informational then you want to set this a little higher. As far as FlushLevel you should probably just set this to ERROR as this will just guarantee that no matter how big the queue is at the time an error occurs everything will be flushed at the moment an error is logged.
The sample appears to use LINQ2SQL to log to a custom DB inside of the WCF service. You will need to replace this implementation to log to whatever data source best suits your needs.
Now, Joachim's sample is written in a way that's intended to be very easy for someone to download, run and understand very quickly. I would definitely change a couple things about it if I were putting it into a production solution:
Separate the WCF contracts into a separate library which you can share between the client and the server. This would allow you to stop using a Visual Studio service reference in the WCFAppender library and just reference the same contract library for the data types. Likewise, since the contracts would no longer be in the service itself, you would reference the contract library from the service.
I don't know that wsHttpBinding is really necessary here. It comes with a couple more knobs and switches than one probably needs for something as simple as this. I would probably go with the simpler basicHttpBinding and if you wanted to make sure the log data was encrypted over the wire I would just make sure to use HTTPS.
My approach has been to log to a remote service, keyed by a unique user ID or GUID. The overhead isn't very high with the usual async calls.
You can cache messages locally, too, either in RAM or in isolated storage -- perhaps as a backup in case the network isn't accessible.
Be sure to watch for duplicate events within a certain time window. You don't want to log 1,000 copies of the same Exception over a period of a few seconds.
Also, I like to log more than just errors. You can also log performance data, such as how long certain functions take to execute (particularly out-of-process calls), or more detailed data in response to the user explicitly entering into a "debug and report" mode. Checking for calls that take longer than a certain threshold is also useful to help catch regressions and preempt user complaints.
If you are running your XBAP under partial trust, you are only allowed to write to the IsolatedStorage on the client machine. And it's just 512 KB, which you would probably want to use in a more valuable way (than for logging), like for storing user's preferences.
You are not allowed to do any Remoting stuff as well under partial trust, so you can't use log4net RemotingAppender.
Finally, under partial trust XBAP you have WebPermission to talk to the server of your app origin only. I would recommend using a WCF service, like described in this article. We use similar configuration in my current project and it works fine.
Then, basically, on the WCF server side you can do logging to any place appropriate: file, database, etc. You may also want to keep your log4net logging code and try to use one of the wcf log appenders available on the internets (this or this).
