How to make Pylons work in Google App Engine? - google-app-engine

I am new to Pylons and GAE and was wondering if any team has had success with this combination. I have followed this howto that is available on the web and have got it to work. But after I have everything working I cannot even create a controller. I have also gone through this but still no results.
Also I want to able to put it in source control and allow other developers to work with it. So far it seems everything is tied to the location where I have my pylons application. Has a TEAM developed using Pylons + GAE?

I've tried the steps described here and got it to work without a problem.


Ionic v1 build issue

Hope everything is fine.
I have an old ionic v1 project.
The project was using sms features.
however after google update:
I received
Issue: Violation of the Permissions policy
We only allow apps to access Call Log or SMS data for permitted uses and only to enable the app’s core functionality
Google has removed my app.
I need to rebuild it again after fixing the issue.
Now we have ionic v 4.1.0.
My project structure is missed up.
The earlier developer, was using cord-ova, ionic,phone gap... etc
Any suggestions ?
I was finding myself in a similar situation. The best and fastest way in this case would be to start a new project while you have the other one open and try to copy as much code as you can. I hope that helps, good luck!

Google Developers Console - Missing custom domain

I had two custom domains on my setup. Now one is not there, the domain in question, is still working and pointing to the app engine code, but missing from the developers console. The other domain is This is working also and visible under custom domains.
I have not done anything with the custom domains since they have been working so no changes on my part there. However, I have recently setup an account on with Google's search console and both the same domains are listing on there. My domain settings remain unchanged since verification of the domain first time around and everything seems fine that end.
Does anyone have a clue, I could try to re-verify the missing domain but that will mean changing the CNAME record and that will take the domain down for a while.
Here is the CNAME record data:
Can anyone from Google or anyone else for that matter explain this or provide a solution.
Ok, I just had to re-verify again. But why? It would be nice to get some answers as to why a custom domain falls of the face of the map without explanation, yet still manages to point to the app engine project code no problem?
However, there is one anomaly still remaining and that is the other custom domain is showing A and AAA records on the developers console, but is setup with a CNAME record on my DNS management system, but it is working at the moment.

App Engine SSL for Custom Domain within Developer Console (not via Google Apps)

When will SSL support for custom domain be available within the developer console, instead of having to go over to Google Apps? I read somewhere it says Q3 of 2015. But seems like people have some ways of getting that to work already. Is it a private beta feature?
Building some apps for a client and they can't get their Google Apps account to work and we already have the custom sub-domain mapped to the GAE, and just need the last piece. Help!
This is the tracking issue, indeed Q3 seems to be more likely:
FWIW, I detailed a bit my solution to get things working via Google Apps in this Q&A: AppEngine subdomains to modules without wildcard mapping, maybe it can help with your customer's problems in the meantime.

Possible to test website with GAE over LAN in Mountain Lion?

I'm hosting my website using Google App Engine. It's a pretty simple website, but I've got some javascript drawing to a canvas element, which I'm trying to test on my iPhone. I'd also like to take a crack at reworking my CSS for mobile. However, I can't access http://localhost:8080/ (which is the url that GoogleAppEngineLauncher spits out when I run the app locally) from my phone. This seems obvious.
Unfortunately, it seems that Mountain Lion has removed the web sharing preference from system preferences. I found at least two different sites with "solutions" for re-activating web sharing (Apache server?), but none of them seem to work in conjuction with Google App Engine... I also tried this preference pane, which also doesn't work. I keep getting "Safari cannot open the page because it could not connect to the server."
Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm a relative noob to this stuff. Also, I see a lot of questions here on SO which seem related, but I think I'm still too uninitiated to understand how they're releated. Is there an extra step here that's GAE specific which I'm missing?
This isn't anything specific to your OS. By default, the App Engine dev server binds to the loopback interface, making it accessible only to your machine. If you want to access it from other machines, you need to pass the --address= flag to the dev server - which you can do in the launcher's preference pane.
As of March 2013 - the "address" argument has been renamed to "host" - (at least for Python version of the app engine)
--address= argument not working after upgrading to App Engine 1.7.6

How to deploy into app engine

I am trying to use openid/hybrid in app engine, but so far, no luck.
No success with openid4java (because it creates socket etc), and no luck with dyuproject either.
How do it deploy dyuproject into my java appengine?
I just could not understand the different structure of the code in
It is just so different than the default new google web application.
Many thanks..
I have been struggling the whole week
Better late than never. I'm working on SixFixMix and implemented a popup OpenID consumer. Check out its Wiki page that gives a quick overview of my usage of OpenId.
