How difficult is it to migrate away from Google App Engine? - google-app-engine

I am thinking of making an (initially) small Web Application, which would eventually have a potential to grow. All things considered Google App Engine seems like a very attractive option. Say, user base and complexity grows and for one or other reason I needed to leave GAE behind. How difficult would it be to migrate away?
1) Does GAE provide a way to export the database? What format would it be? Would it be difficult to put it under MySQL (or similar)?
2) In which areas (ex. database access, others?) would I have to use GAE API? I.e. which parts of implementation would have to be abstracted away / interfaced?
Edit: 3) Alternatively, is it even worth to abstract away GAE API?

For question #1: I don't know if GAE specifically supports exports of a database but you can always roll your own, worst case scenario. If you are in a position where you need to, you'll probably have the resources to do it, too.
For question #2: You can and should always encapsulate those kinds of outside dependencies anyway. It doesn't matter whether or not they provide interfaces. Coupling to those interfaces should be kept to an absolute minimum.
For question #3: This question is not really super-clear so I cannot answer it.

I'm speaking strictly from a java webapp point of view...
Google App Engine for python has a backup/restore utility:
There is a huge interested in porting this to the java flavor.
You can use the higher level standard database apis (JDO/JPS) to allow you to move your app away from google's database services. I suggest purchasing the data nucleus tools in order to smooth the transition from big tables to something like mysql or oracle.
The packaged services GAE provides are enumerated at
The stock JRE should handle porting of the urlfetch, mail, and memcache api packages.
You'll have to find a substitute technology for the users, blobstore, xmpp, and taskqueue packages.


Alternative for Google AppEngine?

I recently had to realize a project on Google AppEngine. At the beginning I was sceptic. But there a some really nice approaches on Appengine:
No server setup. Everything works out of the box. Gzip, libraries, etc.
One-Click-Deployment. Fire up GAE Launcher on the Mac and click DEPLOY. Done.
Low costs
Easy in-production-logging
But there are some things I don't like if I'm thinking about professional projects
The blobstore. It's just... weird. And non-backupable
All the 1 MB restrictions
The feeling that your code will only run on AppEngine. (BigTable)
Do you know any similar alternatives to AppEngine? And I don't mean services like EC2.
You can have a look at AppScale
Its an open-source implementation of AppEngine which you can deploy on your own machines, with a host of databases to choose from.
I think Heroku is a great alternative.
It can run most of GAE existing apps, since it supports django, but also:
It supports Ruby (w or w/o Rails), Java (w or w/o Spring), Node.js, Clojure,...
It has a strong CLI support (git push for publishing, creation of apps, scaling, log, ps,...)
It supports MySql and PostgreSQL (and, so on, MongoDB, Amazon RDS, etc.)
It has a free tier for 750 hours a month (~1 machine always up) for every app.
It has a collection of addons for providing cloud services as a resources for the apps
It has an add-on program to develop your own add-ons.
Really, it is a good alternative.
If you want your application is not binded to GAE, the best approach is to use well-known langs and well-known persistence providers. Ruby+PostgreSQL, for instance, could be a combination very portable. Django as well, but w/o BigTable...
AppScale and TyphoonAE are both third-party implementations of the App Engine platform. TyphoonAE is targeted at small-to-medium scale, while AppScale is targeted at the large-scale end of things.
As far as backing up the blobstore goes, this is quite doable: just use the built in handler to serve blobs, and, in conjunction with remote_api, you can download your blobs just fine.
I almost hate to mention Microsoft in a Google-related question, but I'm completely vendor-agnostic. So, I'll offer Microsoft's Azure as a platform that offers many similarities to AppEngine but enough differences that it might fit as a good answer to your question.
Azure and AppEngine are similar in that they are both designed to allow you to build easily scalable applications. Azure gives you Microsoft's standard web toolkit options: C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET ASP.NET MVC, but also offers PHP. It has a NoSQL, document database like AppEngine but also gives you the option of choosing a more standard instance of SQL Server. Although I haven't used it myself, it looks like AppEngine for Business now offers SQL, too.
Azure gives you a ready means of having long-running background processes. AppEngine does not to the best of my knowledge.
From my perspective, AppEngine has the huge advantage of charging you for usage only when a request is actually being processed. An Azure instance causes you to get billed even for time that it is completely idle. That's entirely typical, but the fact that Google doesn't so it that way makes me choose AppEngine every time. My budget is too tight to allow me to spend money for idle CPU hours.
There's a port of django to non-relational databases that works with app engine or mongodb.
google for django non-rel
documentation is a bit sparse though

Grails on google app engine

What is the current status of grails and google app engine deployment. I am new to app engine but wonder worth exploring it. Some specific qns are
the latest plugin, which has high user rating, has any restrictions? or it work seamlessly with all gorm features
is there any issue with high startup time for grails application. How is it in real world scenario? (with a typical small and large scale application)
what about other grails plugins (like, shiro, joda time, nimble etc). I guess they wont play well. So using those libraries directly is the better option
If decided to give up goole-app as a deployment option, how easy to switch to a normal environment. The JPA support ensures the compatibility with other traditional DBs?
Not sure what else are major issues.. probably, this is the foundation for a good discussion.
I got few good response from grails mailing list, and the conclusion shares the comment by David. see the thread here
Couple of relevant responses:
From Tomas Lin:
I would suggest looking into Gaelyk if you really want to build a
project on the App Engine. It is built from the ground up with the App
Engine as the target engine, so it can bypass problems like long
loadtimes due to Spring and Hibernate. The newly introduced plugin
mechanism guarantees that your Gaelyk applications can be extended in
a way guaranteed to work on GAE.
Gaelyk has it's own native entity persistence DSL, which is a little
cleaner that the JPA/JDO abstractions on top of the App Engine.
I currently see many HardDeadlineExceeded exceptions with the App
Engine and Grails. It is just not designed to work well with Spring
right now. Hopefully this will improve with the later releases of
Groovy, Grails and the Spring / Google partnership for GAE for
business, but I wouldn't consider Grails on GAE production ready.
Even with Gaelyk, there are reports of slow performance. So imagine
the difficulties that arise with the much bigger Grails stack.
The app-engine comes with it's own implementation of a user / security
management system based on GMail accounts. If you just want to provide
an admin / non-admin implementation, this is supported in the
appengine configuration. Cannot comment on Shiro.
Be aware that one of the major restrictions of the App Engine is the
inability to write a file, so even basic file uploading in Spring
becomes problematic since the default mechanism writes to a temporary
file. I would imagine that most of the plugins would not work out of
the box without digging into their code and changing it.
I think the biggest issue here is lack of support for native JDBC. JPA
is not as well supported as plain JDBC GORM, things like named queries
would probably not work out of the box without retrofitting. If you
want to use the latest and greatest parts of Grails, it might be
worthwhile to consider other hosting solutions.
From Aaron Eischeid
1.The GAE plugin and the JPA-GORM plugins combined do not get you all GORM features seamlessly. Though you should get basics like .save(), .delete(), and maybe .list() the dynamic finders etc. are going to be out (at least for now). I could be way off here, but I think most/all Hibernate dependent features are out or replaced by something else (since it relies on SQL under the hood and GAE doesn't currently have SQL based DB...) so for example any criteria builders are a no go. It is unclear to me how much of the dot drilling you can do on objects. For example, not sure if you could do something like:
def b = new Book()
def stores = b.authors.publishers.bookstores
One place I could use some pointers is how to use JPA in the domain classes. I am sure there is good info out there, but I just haven't found it yet.
grails plugins that include domain classes or manipulate your current domain classes are bound to have issues since you have to construct your domain classes differently to play nice with JPA which is necessary because Googles Datastore isn't quite like a relational DB. On the flip side. you can use Google's built in security so you shouldn't necessarily need plugins like Acegi or Shiro.
This probably boils down to the different levels of GORM that you can use in controllers and services and the different ways you define domain classes. Some refactoring seems inevitable unless JPA plays just as nice with SQL DB's as it does with Googles Datastore. If JPA can move like that then transferring should be easy, but by using JPA-GORM you give up some stuff you would probably want if you weren't benefiting from due to being on GAE.
Eager to hear what others have to say,

Pros & Cons of Google App Engine [closed]

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[An Updated List 21st Aug 09]
Help me Compile a List of all the Advantages & Disadvantages of Building an Application on the Google App Engine
No need to buy servers or server space (no maintenance).
Makes solving the problem of scaling easier.
Free up to a certain level of consumed resources.
Locked into Google App Engine ?
Developers have read-only access to the filesystem on App Engine.
App Engine can only execute code called from an HTTP request (except for scheduled background tasks).
Users may upload arbitrary Python modules, but only if they are pure-Python; C and Pyrex modules are not supported.
App Engine limits the maximum rows returned from an entity get to 1000 rows per Datastore call. (Update - App Engine now supports cursors for accessing larger queries)
Java applications may only use a subset (The JRE Class White List) of the classes from the JRE standard edition.
Java applications cannot create new threads.
Known Issues!! :
Hard limits
Apps per developer - 10
Time per request - 30 sec
Files per app - 3,000
HTTP response size - 10 MB
Datastore item size - 1 MB
Application code size - 150 MB
Update Blob store now allows storage of files up to 50MB
Pro or Con?
App Engine's infrastructure removes many of the system administration and development challenges of building applications to scale to millions of hits. Google handles deploying code to a cluster, monitoring, failover, and launching application instances as necessary.
While other services let users install and configure nearly any *NIX compatible software, App Engine requires developers to use Python or Java as the programming language and a limited set of APIs. Current APIs allow storing and retrieving data from a BigTable non-relational database; making HTTP requests; sending e-mail; manipulating images; and caching. Most existing Web applications can't run on App Engine without modification, because they require a relational database.
Easy and cheaper (in short term).
Nice option for start-ups/individuals.
Suitable for apps that just store and retrieve data.
Not suitable for CPU intensive calculations. They are slower and expensive.
Scalability doesn't matter much cuz if an app works at Google scale then probably it makes enough money to run on its own servers.
They have lots of limitations thrown here and there, as a result deep data analysis is difficult. Like you cannot produce a social graph using GAE.
I would say its not meant for serious businesses and expensive in long run.
(A huge new) PRO: GAE now supports MySQL :
built-in ui for unified logs
built-in web interface for task queues
built-in indexes on list of primary objects.
loose logs very fast
VERY expensive
VERY expensive
VERY expensive
Un-hackable. Scales because you're obligated to code in a way that scales.
Longer development cycles. Sometimes you just want to hack something together and throw it away after 5 hors. With appengine you have to proper code it and write a lot of stuff to make it sure it scales. You can't just do a "find . | grep .avi | xargs ffmpeg -compress ...." :)
You will loose hours trying to do the simplest tasks like sending push notifications to APNS (iPhone). Although it's fine if you only want to support android in the future.
Terrible to make cleanups on the database. It's a HUGE pain in the ass to fix rows in the database, mainly because terribly slow, but it also requires a lot of code to loop properly within it's time constraints.
It was a pain to port Lucene to work on it's "filesystem".
Slow for what you pay.
Even MORE expensive if your app has spikes of traffic. My app has those spikes if a user that has many followers makes an action and we have to push notifications to his followers. Because of that I have to keep 10 inactive servers always on ($$$$$) to handle spikes.
Appengine isn't too bad due to the fact that I have the option to burn $$$$ instead of being concerned about scalability and fixing bottlenecks to reduce server usage. Sometimes it worth it.
My advice to people starting new products is to go with which is where I host my other products servers. It's cheap and extremely hackable. I have one server at hetzner that is handling 3x more traffic than the product that I have on appengine. The difference in price is $100 a month versions $2700 a month!
I have system admin experience, so the bottom line is that I would never choose appengine over having my own ROOT server. Don't be that bored software engineer wanting to experiment new things instead of building great products!
Pro: Unlimited scalabity to your application and scales with demand.
Con: Not available in some countries (Argentina).
Available worldwide, but only through Google Groups for App Engine.
When assessing pros and cons, I think it is important to clarify the market for which one is representing. Developers looking for a cost-effective solution to help them with the steep part of their planned hockey-stick growth curve will weigh heavily the cons already listed. For a small business owner, however, GAE is a God-send. These folks most often are looking to "the cloud" as a means to more effectively run their business (i.e. sell physical product and services). For the SMB, GAE the pros already listed can be much more valuable compared to the hockey-stick seeking dev, whilst the cons weight in at a fraction of the devs' measure. I don't see the GAE team doing anything related to SMB positioning, so I guess answers like this are me just pulling on Superman's cape, and spitting into the wind. Really GAE should be absolutely ruling the SMB space now. If not (I have no insights re: user base), then its is a greatly lamentable failure.
I believe , GAE is yet to mature in terms of providing the basic features for serious business such as Datastore with complex primary key, java.awt.* support, these are just a few I'm naming.
Other than the free space and to build some "Hobby" websites, I strongly feel GAE is NOT the place java guys should looking into.
I'm having applications built on the JSP/Servlets and MySQL, thinking about migrating to GAE, but I find I will be spending more "value time" on the migration than just buying a space from some java hosting provider such as EATJ, etc (Sorry not marketing, just an experience).
Another big issue I've got is migration of my existing mySQL data into GAE, bulkupload is really pathetic and has no client support.
No support for Local Db to Server DB upload.
Once the GAE is ready with "all the Cons" mentioned by above, then I'll think we can look in to this migration.
You are force to own a cell phone line, and your country+carrier must be able to receive international SMSs.
(I hate cell phones, and my mom's or co-workers won't get the SMSs)
Con: No Other RDBMS or NoSQL databases are not possible ....
Con: All your base are belong to us
... On a serious note:
Con: You don't control the environment your application runs in. The same cons as with outsourcing any component. Fun for toys, not for business (yet) IMHO.
Various things like API for Google proprietary backends such as their database system and other 'lockdowns' and frameworks that mean your code is tied, in some loose sense to their system can create cost issues later if you want to migrate from GAE. Of course, you could abstract these.
I like GAE, AppJet and others. They are cool. But everything has its place. If you want freedom and the ability to control your language's modules, API, syntax/stdlib versions and whatnot ... don't relinquish control to a service provider.
The lack of standards for environments and specifications for what your app can expect worries me in the cloud arena.
common sense stuff really.
Con: Limited to Java and Python

Web Scraping with Google App Engine

I am trying to scrape some website and republish the data as a RSS feed. How hard is this to setup with Google App Engine? Disadvantages and Advantages using GAE. Any recommendations and guidelines greatly appreciated!
Google AppEngine offers much more functionality (and complexity) than you will need if truly all you will want to do is republish some structured data as RSS.
Personally, I would use something like Yahoo pipes for a task like this.
That being said... if you want/need to get your feet wet with GAE, go for it!
Working with Google App Engine is pretty straight forward. I would recommend going through the Getting Started guide. It's short and simple and touches on essential GAE topics. There are more pros and cons than I will list here.
In general, App Engine is designed for high traffic web applications that need to scale. Furthermore, it is designed from a programmer's perspective. Much of the scalability issues (database optimization, server administration, etc) are dealt with by Google. Having said that, I find it to be a nice platform. It is still being actively developed by Google engineers, and scheduling of tasks (a feature that has been long requested) is in the current road map.
Perhaps the biggest downside right now is again the lack of official scheduling support and the quota limits currently set for free accounts. However you can't complain much if its free. Currently it only supports Python as a programming interface (although a new language [Java I predict] is coming soon). Furthermore, Python 2.6 (and 3.0 for that matter) are not yet supported. In addition, Django 1.0 is not officially supported in App Engine (although you can package Django 1.0 with your application).
Harder than it would be in most other technologies.
GAE can sort of do scheduled batch stuff like this now, but it's really not intended for that type of thing. Pick pretty much any other language and platform for this particular task, and you'll make your life a lot easier.
I think BeautifulSoup could run on GAE, so all your scraping needs are handled :D
Also, GAE has a geturl thingy. The only problem I think you might have is not having enough time to get the data (30 secs limitation).
I am working on a same project and I've decided that it's easier to prepare the data on another server and push them to GAE.
You might also want to look into Yahoo! Query Language (YQL)

What alternatives are there to Google App Engine? [closed]

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What alternatives are there to GAE, given that I already have a good bit of code working that I would like to keep. In other words, I'm digging python. However, my use case is more of a low number of requests, higher CPU usage type use case, and I'm worried that I may not be able to stay with App Engine forever. I have heard a lot of people talking about Amazon Web Services and other sorts of cloud providers, but I am having a hard time seeing where most of these other offerings provide the range of services (data querying, user authentication, automatic scaling) that App Engine provides. What are my options here?
AppScale is a platform that allows users to deploy and host their own Google App Engine applications. It executes automatically over Amazon EC2 and Eucalyptus as well as Xen and KVM. It has been developed and is maintained by AppScale Systems. It supports the Python, Go, PHP, and Java Google App Engine platforms.
In the mean time... is amost 2015 and it seems that containers are the way to go forward. Alternatives to GAE are emerging:
Google has released Kubernetes, container scheduling software developed by them to manage GCE containers, but can be used on other clusters as well.
There are some upcoming PaaS on Docker such as
even Appscale themselves are supporting Docker
Interesting stuff to keep an eye on.
I don't think there is another alternative (with regards to code portability) to GAE right now since GAE is in a class of its own. Sure GAE is cloud computing, but I see GAE as a subset of cloud computing. Amazon's EC2 is also cloud computing (as well as Joyent Accelerators, Slicehost Slices), but obviously they are two different beasts as well. So right now you're in a situation that requires rethinking your architecture depending on your needs.
The immediate benefits of GAE is that its essentially maintenance free as it relates to infrastructure (scalable web server and database administration). GAE is more tailored to those developers that only want to focus on their applications and not the underlying system.In a way you can consider that developer friendly. Now it should also be said that these other cloud computing solutions also try to allow you to only worry about your application as much as you like by providing VM images/templates. Ultimately your needs will dictate the approach you should take.
Now with all this in mind we can also construct hybrid solutions and workarounds that might fulfill our needs as well. For example, GAE doesn't seem directly suited to this specific app needs you describe. In other words, GAE offers relatively high number of requests, low number of cpu cycles (not sure if paid version will be any different).
However, one way to tackle this challenge is by building a customized solution involving GAE as the front end and Amazon AWS (EC2, S3, and SQS) as the backend. Some will say you might as well build your entire stack on AWS, but that may involve rewriting lots of existing code as well. Furthermore, as a workaround a previous stackoverflow post describes a method of simulating background tasks in GAE. Furthermore, you can look into HTTP Map/Reduce to distribute workload as well.
As of 2016, if you're willing to lump PaaS (platform as a service) and FaaS (function as a service) in the same serverless computing category, then you have a few FaaS options.
AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You pay only for the compute time you consume - there is no charge when your code is not running. With Lambda, you can run code for virtually any type of application or backend service - all with zero administration. Just upload your code and Lambda takes care of everything required to run and scale your code with high availability. You can set up your code to automatically trigger from other AWS services or call it directly from any web or mobile app.
AWS Step Functions complements AWS Lambda.
AWS Step Functions makes it easy to coordinate the components of distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows. Building applications from individual components that each perform a discrete function lets you scale and change applications quickly. Step Functions is a reliable way to coordinate components and step through the functions of your application. Step Functions provides a graphical console to arrange and visualize the components of your application as a series of steps. This makes it simple to build and run multi-step applications. Step Functions automatically triggers and tracks each step, and retries when there are errors, so your application executes in order and as expected. Step Functions logs the state of each step, so when things do go wrong, you can diagnose and debug problems quickly. You can change and add steps without even writing code
Google Cloud Functions
As of 2016 it is in alpha.
Google Cloud Functions is a lightweight, event-based, asynchronous compute solution that allows you to create small, single-purpose functions that respond to cloud events without the need to manage a server or a runtime environment. Events from Google Cloud Storage and Google Cloud Pub/Sub can trigger Cloud Functions asynchronously, or you can use HTTP invocation for synchronous execution.
Azure Functions
An event-based serverless compute experience to accelerate your development. It can scale based on demand and you pay only for the resources you consume.
The Serverless Framework allows you to deploy auto-scaling, pay-per-execution, event-driven functions to any cloud. We currently support Amazon Web Service's Lambda, and are expanding to support other cloud providers.
IronFunctions is an open source serverless computing platform for any cloud - private, public, or hybrid.
It remains to seen how well FaaS competes with CaaS (container as a service). The former seems more lightweight. Both seem suited to microservices architectures.
I anticipate that functions (as in FaaS) are not the end of the line, and that many years forward we'll see further service abstractions, e.g. test-only development, followed by plain-language scenarios.
1. AppScale
2. Heroku.
Ref: Alternative for Google AppEngine?
Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud or EC2 is a good option. You basically run Linux VMs on their servers that you can control via a web interface (for powering up and down) and of course access via SSH or whatever you normally set up...
And as it's a linux install that you control, you can of course run python if you wish.
Microsoft Windows Azure might be worth consideration. I'm afraid I haven't used it so can't say if it's any good and you should bear in mind that it's a CTP at the moment.
Check it out here.
A bit late, but I would give Heroku a go:
Heroku is a polyglot cloud application platform. With Heroku, you
don’t need to think about servers at all. You can write apps using
modern development practices in the programming language of your
choice, back it with add-on resources such as SQL and NoSQL databases,
Memcached, and many others. You manage your app using the Heroku
command-line tool and you deploy code using the Git revision control
system, all running on the Heroku infrastructure.
You may also want to take a look at AWS Elastic Beanstalk - it has a closer equivalence to GAE functionality, in that it is designed to be PaaS, rather than an IaaS (i.e. EC2)
If you're interested in the cloud, and maybe want to create your own for production and/or testing you have to look at Eucalyptus. It's allegedly code compatible with EC2 but open source.
I'd be more interested in seeing how App Engine can be easily coupled with another server used for CPU intensive requests.
TyphoonAE is trying to do this. I haven't tested it, but while it is still in beta, it looks like it's atleast in active development.
The shift to cloud computing is happening so rapidly that you have no time to waste for testing different platforms.
I suggest you trying out Jelastic if you are interested in Java as well.
One of the greatest things about Jelastic is that you do not need to make any changes in the code of your application, except the changes for your application functionality, but not for the reason the chosen platform demands this. With reference to this you do not actually waste your time.The deployment process is just flawless, and you can deploy your .war file anywhere further.Using GAE requires you to modify the app around their system needs. In case if you happen to get working with Java and start looking for a more flexible platform, Jelastic is a compatible alternative.
You can also use Red Hat's Cape Dwarf project, to run GAE apps on top of the Wildfly appserver (previously JBoss) without modification.
You can check it out here:
