crt0.o and crt1.o -- What's the difference? - c

Recently I've been trying to debug some low-level work and I could not find the crt0.S for the compiler (avr-gcc) but I did find a crt1.S (and the same with the corresponding .o files).
What is the difference between these two files? Is crt1 something completely different or what? They both seem to have to do with something for 'bootstrapping' (setting up stack frame and such), but why the distinction?

Both crt0/crt1 do the same thing, basically do what is needed before calling main() (like initializing stack, setting irqs, etc.). You should link with one or the other but not both. They are not really libraries but really inline assembly code.
As far as I understand, crt comes in two "flavors"
crt1 is used on systems that support constructors and destructors (functions called before and after main and exit). In this case main is treated like a normal function call.
crt0 is used on systems that do not support constructors/destructors.


STM32 linkerscript initialization sections, are they needed when using C?

As far as I know, sections like .init, .preinit_array, .init_array, .finit, .fini_array... found in STM32CubeIDE linkerscripts are used in C++ for calling the static objects' constructors that need to be executed before main (and the fini versions for the destructors).
My assumption is that these sections are used by functions called implicitly by the compiler and the C/C++ runtime libraries, but if your firmware is written in C, are all these sections really needed? What does the compiler do behind the scenes?
You can live without many of them.
Other than C++, some of them may initialize things required by the standard library. If you only call pure functions from the standard library and you only have code in C or assembly then you could try taking them out.
If you are trying to do this as a learning exercise, then take them out and just see what doesn't work. Also search on google, there are loads of sites that explain this sort of thing in a way that is far too long to reproduce here.
If you are just trying to get your project finished, then leave them alone. They only add a tiny amount to your program size and it isn't worth your time to fight with them.
are used in C++ for calling the static objects' constructors that need
to be executed before main (and the fini versions for the
It is not 100% truth. cubeIDE uses gcc based ARM toolchain which has some extensions which may use some of those sections. For example, you can use use attributes to make functions which will be executed before main and/or called after the main function return.
void __attribute__((constructor)) called_before_main(void)
/* some code */
void __attribute__((destructor)) called_after_main(void)
/* some code */
If you even not use any of those, external libraries may use them. Even if you do not use external libraries keeping those sections does not hurt as they will be discarded if they are empty.

how to make shared library an executable

I was searching for asked question. i saw this link which is doing exactly the same thing which I want. But there is no explanation of whats going on. I am also confused whether shared library with out main() can be made executable if yes how? I can guess i have to give global main() but know no details. Any further easy reference and guidance is much appreciated
I am working on x86-64 64 bit Ubuntu with kernel 3.13
This is fundamentally not sensible.
A shared library generally has no task it performs that can be used as it's equivalent of a main() function. The primary goal is to allow separate management and implementation of common code operations, and on systems that operate that way to allow a single code file to be loaded and shared, thereby reducing memory overhead for application code that uses it.
An executable file is designed to have a single point of entry from which it performs all the operations related to completing a well defined task. Different OSes have different requirements for that entry point. A shared library normally has no similar underlying function.
So in order to (usefully) convert a shared library to an executable you must also define ( and generate code for ) a task which can be started from a single entry point.
The code you linked to is starting with the source code to the library and explicitly codes a main() which it invokes via the entry point function. If you did not have the source code for a library you could, in theory, hack a new file from a shared library ( in the absence of security features to prevent this in any given OS ), but it would be an odd thing to do.
But in practical terms you would not deploy code in this manner. Instead you would code a shared library as a shared library. If you wanted to perform some task you would code a separate executable that linked to that library and code. Trying to tie the two together defeats the purpose of writing the library and distorts the structure, implementation and maintenance of that library and the application. Keep the application and the library apart.
I don't see how this is useful for anything. You could always achieve the same functionality from having a main in a separate binary that links against that library. Making a single file that works as both is solidly in the realm of "silly computer tricks". There's no benefit I can see to having a main embedded in the library, even if it's a test harness or something.
There might possible be some performance reasons, like not having function calls go through the indirection of the PLT.
In that example, the shared library is also a valid ELF executable, because it has a quick-and-dirty entry-point that grabs the args for main from where the ABI says they go (i.e. copies them from the stack into registers). It also arranges for the ELF interpreter to be set correctly. It will only work on x86-64, because no definition is provided for init_args for other platforms.
I'm surprised it actually works; I thought all the crap the usual CRT (startup) code does was actually needed for stdio to work properly. It looks like it doesn't initialize extern char **environ;, since it only gets argc and argv from the stack, not envp.
Anyway, when run as an executable, it has everything needed to be a valid dynamically-linked executable: an entry-point which runs some code and exits, an interpreter, and a dependency on libc. (ELF shared libraries can depend on (i.e. link against) other ELF shared libraries, in the same way that executables can).
When used as a library, it just works as a normal library containing some function definitions. None of the stuff that lets it work as an executable (entry point and interpreter) is even looked at.
I'm not sure why you don't get an error for multiple definitions of main, since it isn't declared as a "weak" symbol. I guess shared-lib definitions are only looked for when there's a reference to an undefined symbol. So main() from call.c is used instead of main() from because main already has a definition before the linker looks at libtest.
To create shared Dynamic Library with Example.
Suppose with there are three files are : sum.o mul.o and print.o
Shared library name " "
cc -shared -o sum.o mul.o print.o
and compile with
cc main.c ./

Automatic compile-time mechanism for calling initialization code of modules in C

We are in the process of modularizing our code for an embedded device, trying to get from $%#!$ spaghetti code to something we can actually maintain. There are several versions of this device, which mostly differ in the amount of peripherals they have, some have an sd card, some have ethernet and so and on. Those peripherals need intialization code.
What I'm looking for is a way to execute the specific initialization code of each component just by putting the .h/.c files into the project (or not). In C++ right now I would be tempted to put a global object into each component that registers the neccessary functions/methods during its initialization. Is there something similiar for plain C code, preferably some pre-processor/compile-time magic?
It should look something like this
int main(void) {
STATUS_T sdio_init() {
STATUS_T ethernet_init() {
and just by putting the sdio.c/ethernet.c (and/or .h) into the project initAllComponents() would call the respective *_init() functions.
There is nothing in plain C that does this. There are however compiler extensions and linker magic that you can do.
GCC (and some others that try to be compatible) has __attribute__((constructor)) that you can use on functions. This requires support from the runtime (libc or or equivalent).
For the linker magic (that I personally prefer since it gives you more control on when things actually happen) look at this question and my answer. I have a functional implementation of it on github. This also requires gcc and a linker that creates the right symbols for us, but doesn't require any support from the runtime.

CPU dependent code: how to avoid function pointers?

I have performance critical code written for multiple CPUs. I detect CPU at run-time and based on that I use appropriate function for the detected CPU. So, now I have to use function pointers and call functions using these function pointers:
void do_something_neon(void);
void do_something_armv6(void);
void (*do_something)(void);
if(cpu == NEON) {
do_something = do_something_neon;
do_something = do_something_armv6;
//Use function pointer:
Not that it matters, but I'll mention that I have optimized functions for different cpu's: armv6 and armv7 with NEON support. The problem is that by using function pointers in many places the code become slower and I'd like to avoid that problem.
Basically, at load time linker resolves relocs and patches code with function addresses. Is there a way to control better that behavior?
Personally, I'd propose two different ways to avoid function pointers: create two separate .so (or .dll) for cpu dependent functions, place them in different folders and based on detected CPU add one of these folders to the search path (or LD_LIB_PATH). The, load main code and dynamic linker will pick up required dll from the search path. The other way is to compile two separate copies of library :)
The drawback of the first method is that it forces me to have at least 3 shared objects (dll's): two for the cpu dependent functions and one for the main code that uses them. I need 3 because I have to be able to do CPU detection before loading code that uses these cpu dependent functions. The good part about the first method is that the app won't need to load multiple copies of the same code for multiple CPUs, it will load only the copy that will be used. The drawback of the second method is quite obvious, no need to talk about it.
I'd like to know if there is a way to do that without using shared objects and manually loading them at runtime. One of the ways would be some hackery that involves patching code at run-time, it's probably too complicated to get it done properly). Is there a better way to control relocations at load time? Maybe place cpu dependent functions in different sections and then somehow specify what section has priority? I think MAC's macho format has something like that.
ELF-only (for arm target) solution is enough for me, I don't really care for PE (dll's).
You may want to lookup the GNU dynamic linker extension STT_GNU_IFUNC. From Drepper's blog when it was added:
Therefore I’ve designed an ELF extension which allows to make the decision about which implementation to use once per process run. It is implemented using a new ELF symbol type (STT_GNU_IFUNC). Whenever the a symbol lookup resolves to a symbol with this type the dynamic linker does not immediately return the found value. Instead it is interpreting the value as a function pointer to a function that takes no argument and returns the real function pointer to use. The code called can be under control of the implementer and can choose, based on whatever information the implementer wants to use, which of the two or more implementations to use.
Nonetheless, as others have said, I think you're mistaken about the performance impact of indirect calls. All code in shared libraries will be called via a (hidden) function pointer in the GOT and a PLT entry that loads/calls that function pointer.
For the best performance you need to minimize the number of indirect calls (through pointers) per second and allow the compiler to optimize your code better (DLLs hamper this because there must be a clear boundary between a DLL and the main executable and there's no optimization across this boundary).
I'd suggest doing these:
moving as much of the main executable's code that frequently calls DLL functions into the DLL. That'll minimize the number of indirect calls per second and allow for better optimization at compile time too.
moving almost all your code into separate CPU-specific DLLs and leaving to main() only the job of loading the proper DLL OR making CPU-specific executables w/o DLLs.
Here's the exact answer that I was looking for.
GCC's __attribute__((ifunc("resolver")))
It requires fairly recent binutils.
There's a good article that describes this extension: Gnu support for CPU dispatching - sort of...
Lazy loading ELF symbols from shared libraries is described in section 1.5.5 of Ulrich Drepper's DSO How To (updated 2011-12-10). For ARM it is described in section 3.1.3 of ELF for ARM.
EDIT: With the STT_GNU_IFUNC extension mentioned by R. I forgot that was an extension. GNU Binutils supports that for ARM, apparently since March 2011, according to changelog.
If you want to call functions without the indirection of the PLT, I suggest function pointers or per-arch shared libraries inside which function calls don't go through PLTs (beware: calling an exported function is through the PLT).
I wouldn't patch the code at runtime. I mean, you can. You can add a build step: after compilation disassemble your binaries, find all offsets of calls to functions that have multi-arch alternatives, build table of patch locations, link that into your code. In main, remap the text segment writeable, patch the offsets according to the table you prepared, map it back to read-only, flush the instruction cache, and proceed. I'm sure it will work. How much performance do you expect to gain by this approach? I think loading different shared libraries at runtime is easier. And function pointers are easier still.

Change library load order at run time (like LD_PRELOAD but during execution)

How do I change the library a function loads from during run time?
For example, say I want to replace the standard printf function with something new, I can write my own version and compile it into a shared library, then put "LD_PRELOAD=/my/" in the environment before running my executable.
But let's say that instead, I want to change that linkage from within the program itself. Surely that must be possible... right?
And no, the following doesn't work (but if you can tell me how to MAKE it work, then that would be sufficient).
void* mylib = dlopen("/path/to/",RTLD_NOW);
printf = dlsym(mylib,"printf");
AFAIK, that is not possible. The general rule is that if the same symbol appears in two libraries, will favor the library that was loaded first. LD_PRELOAD works by making sure the specified libraries are loaded before any implicitly loaded libraries.
So once execution has started, all implicitly loaded libraries will have been loaded and therefore it's too late to load your library before them.
There is no clean solution but it is possible. I see two options:
Overwrite printf function prolog with jump to your replacement function.
It is quite popular solution for function hooking in MS Windows. You can find examples of function hooking by code rewriting in Google.
Rewrite ELF relocation/linkage tables.
See this article on codeproject that does almost exactly what you are asking but only in a scope of dlopen()'ed modules. In your case you want to also edit your main (typically non-PIC) module. I didn't try it, but maybe its as simple as calling provided code with:
void* handle = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY);
void* original;
original = elf_hook(argv[0], LIBRARY_ADDRESS_BY_HANDLE(handle), printf, my_printf);
If that fails you'll have to read source of your dynamic linker to figure out what needs to be adapted.
It should be said that trying to replace functions from the libc in your application has undefined behavior as per ISO C/POSIX, regardless of whether you do it statically or dynamically. It may work (and largely will work on GNU/Linux), but it's unwise to rely on it working. If you just want to use the name "printf" but have it do something nonstandard in your program, the best way to do this is to #undef printf and #define printf my_printf AFTER including any system headers. This way you don't interfere with any internal use of the function by libraries you're using...and your implementation of my_printf can even call the system printf if/when it needs to.
On the other hand, if your goal is to interfere with what libraries are doing, somewhere down the line you're probably going to run into compatibility issues. A better approach would probably be figuring out why the library won't do what you want without redefining the functions it uses, patching it, and submitting patches upstream if they're appropriate.
You can't change that. In general *NIX linking concept (or rather lack of concept) symbol is picked from first object where it is found. (Except for oddball AIX which works more like OS/2 by default.)
Programmatically you can always try dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT) and dlsym(RTLD_NEXT). man dlsym for more. Though it gets out of hand quite quickly. Why is rarely used.
there is an environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH where the linker searches for shred libraries, prepend your path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, i hope that would work
Store the dlsym() result in a lookup table (array, hash table, etc). Then #undef print and #define print to use your lookup table version.
