MVVM Passing data to dialog View Model - wpf

I'm looking into using MVVM and while I understand it for the most part, there is one thing I can't get my head around.
Imagine I have a View and ViewModel combination that show a list of foobars. When the user selects a foobar in the list and clicks the edit button I want the foobar to be shown in a popup dialog window so it can be edited. This dialog window (the view) will have its own associated ViewModel.
I understand that the button can be bound to a command on the list ViewModel, but from here how do I instantiate the foobar editor?
1) Do I have to send a message back to the View, which will open the dialog window? If so, doesn't this defeat the purpose of having the command?
2) How does the foobar get passed into the ViewModel for the editor? If it is by its constructor, doesn't this make it hard to declare the ViewModel in XAML?
I feel that this is the last piece of the puzzle that is preventing me from using MVVM and I'd really like to get a nice decoupled solution to this.

I would perhaps do it in the following way:
The command attached to the edit button starts edit dialog, creating a custom ViewModel (VM) for it. The command itself should be perhaps either in the list's VM or in the Model (not quite sure).
Foobar edit dialog's VM gets a reference to the Foobar at its constructor.
The foobar is cloned and the clone is edited.
As soon as the user presses OK in the foobar edit dialog, the clone's values are written back to the original foobar in the VM (and the dialog is closed).
The need for a clone comes from the fact that the user doesn't want to see the changes in the foobar list until he accepts the changes in the edit dialog. If however online editing is okay, the clone is not needed.
The changes are propagated automatically.
PS: although I am MVVM's proponent, I am not sure that my solution is an orthodox one from pure MVVM point of view.

This article from codeproject shows a WPF Dialog control that does exactly what you need. The reason this implementation is necessary is that you can't put a Window inside the visual tree of any other control. Which means out of the box WPF doesn't let you create a dialog inside a window. So the above article creates a subclass ContentControl that creates a window.
Anyways, you put this in your FooBarList View
<dialog:Dialog Content="{Binding Path=DialogViewModel}" />
You make sure you have something like this in a resource dictionary somewhere:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type dialog:Dialog}">
<Trigger Property="HasContent" Value="True">
<Setter Property="Showing" Value="True" />
and just write something like this(For WPF to work you need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged):
public Class FooBarListViewModel
IList<FooBar> FooBarList {get;set;}
FooBar SelectedFooBar {get;set;}
ViewModelBase DialogViewModel {get;set;}
public EditFooBar(object param)
DialogViewModel = FooBar;
To link the View to edit the FooBar to the FooBar ViewModel just do something like this(preferably in the Application.Resources so it's global)
<DataTemplate DataType={x:Type vm:FooBarViewModel}>
(Or optionally: Use an IValueConverter to Convert get your View from a ViewModel like this post shows)
And then you're set. May sound like a lot, but it really frees you up a lot.

What’s missing is a Controller which is responsible for the workflow of the ViewModels. The Controller creates the ViewModels and it passes the necessary data between the ViewModels.
The WPF Application Framework (WAF) project contains sample applications that show how this might work.


How can my design implement MVVM?

I have an issue trying to understand how to implement the MVVM pattern in my application. It's a small application and I will explain what it does.
My application creates a backup of files. The UI lets the user choose which folder they want to back up and where it should be backed up too. After making their selection they click the "start" button.
This then passes the folder source and folder destination to a class library (called backup.cs) which creates the back ups of all the files inside each folder. During this, a log (Log.cs) is created logging each stage and the state of each file it attempted to back up (complete, failed, other, etc). Now, the log is in memory only.
When the back up is complete I want a window to open (a view) which will display all the logs. It's at this point I can't understand how to use the MVVM pattern.
As it stands today, I pass my log (which holds the data in a hierarchical way) to my MainWindow's constructor and bind to the datacontext, using a treeview in my xaml I get the desired results. However, I now want to use MVVM.
My question is very similar to my previous question, as you can see the answer is to pass the log as a paramter to the ViewModel constructor. The issue is, I don't know how to do that and also display a window!
The only way (in my head) I can achieve this is by passing the Log as a parameter to a constructor of my View but this defeats the point of the MVVM. I could pass the parameter to my ViewModel's constructor (which would fit the MVVM pattern) but would that then mean I have to also create an instance of my View from my ViewModel constructor as well? Otherwise all I would do is create my ViewModel but have no way to display the results since the View isn't displayed.
I hope I have explained where I'm struggling clearly, can any one suggest a way forward please?
Most likely you 'll want the viewmodel to accept (and expose through a property) a collection such as a List<Log> -- typically this would be an ObservableCollection<Log>, but if the operation has already completed there is no real point in going that way. This is what you are describing as a possible solution.
To wire the viewmodel to the view, in essence you need to do this:
var viewModel = new LogsViewModel(...);
var view = new LogsView(); // no constructor parameters
view.DataContext = viewModel;
And finally you add view at some place of the application window's logical tree so that it gets displayed. MVVM frameworks automate this procedure, but you can also do it manually as simply as this.
Your view would then bind to the logs collection to display each log, perhaps using a DataTemplate:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Logs}">
<!-- XAML to display each Log does here -->
<TextBlock Text="{Binding FileName}" />
As an example, if you wanted that LogView being shown based on a button click in you main View.
public override void ShowCommandExecute()
var popup = new LogsView
WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen,
DataContext = new LogsViewViewModel();

Dynamically bind Views into a ContainerControl with MVVM

I've been learning the MVVM pattern with Josh Smith's article and I want to create a classic layout with some links to the right (managed with commands) so when I click one I can show my view to the right into a tab control (inside it there is a ContentControl).
This is simple when I use a DataTemplate with the specific View and ViewModel I want to show on screen like this.
<!-- this section into my MainWindow's resources file -->
<DataTemplate xmlns:vm='clr-namespace:WpfFramework.ViewModels'
DataType="{x:Type vm:MySpecificViewModel }" >
<vw:MySpecificView />
But, I want something more generic. I mean that my mainWindow should not know a specific View nor a specific ViewModel. It should only know that it binds to some commands and has a tab control which shows "some view". Every sample including Josh Smith's article seems to have limited universe of views and viewmodels, that's great with a sample.
So, how can I tell my ContentControl that some view (with its corresponding viewModel) is gonna be there without being so specific (without "burning" into the mainView the concrete types)?
best regards
PD. I have tryed with base a ViewModel and Base View but it doesn't seem to work.
In your main View, bind a ContentControl to a generic ViewModelBase property
<ContentControl Content="{Binding CurrentPage}" />
CurrentPage would be defined in the main ViewModel as a ViewModelBase object, and to switch pages you simply set CurrentPage to whatever you want.
So when you click on something like the HomePageCommand, the main ViewModel would execute CurrentPage = new HomePageViewModel(); providing that HomePageViewModel inherits from ViewModelBase.
I wrote something a little while ago that shows some samples here if you're interested

Using Microsoft (or other) ribbon with large project and MVVM

Our application is a large project with many modules and view. The main window has a ribbon in it, and we are looking for the best way to integrate the ribbon in the application.
I've created a service which modules a views can register to add ribbon items relevant for them, and, in addition, any main view instance can provide its own ribbon items relevant to the that instance. a RibbonItem is a small class which abstract the options of a ribbon item, and mainly have Title, Description, Command, UIType and ChildItems. The service is in charge to rebuild the ribbon when the main view changes.
A colleague of mine thinks this is bad MVVM, as users need to design their ribbon view in C# code and not in XAML, and he also say it would be hard in this way to make a group of items disabled or enabled at once, as each command of these items will need to update its CanExecute separately. Instead, he suggested to have a main Ribbon View and ViewModel files, where each developer that want to add a ribbon button for her module or view would need to add them in the View XAML and add a relevant command in the ViewModel. In addition, VisualStates will be used to determine what items will be displayed or enabled based on changes in the ViewModel (such as view change, or selection change). I really don't like this solution, mainly because all developers will have to put their modules knowledge in once big file.
Note that some items in the ribbon (e.g. Options, Exit) are common to the entire application, while some are relevant to a specific application domain and some are only relevant for a specific view.
Edit: I guess my main question is what is the recommended way to allow multiple development teams integrate on a single ribbon? Should we have a single RibbonView and single RibbonViewModel which will contain all of the possible items in a ribbon, and each team will add its items to these V/VM and also define the logic on when to show them (probably by using visual state)? Or do we allow every view, view-model or module register ribbon items (within their own C# code) against a service, and have the service then render the ribbon as needed when the active view changes with all items registered to that type? Or is there any better way to achieve this integration?
What do you think?
Do you have a better idea or an opinion about how to manage the single ribbon resource which is common to multiple developers?
I agree with Will's comment, your viewmodel should not care or know how it is being rendered or if the designers ever decide to change how it's rendered.
A ViewModel should only contain all required information for the presentation layer to render it.
So the ViewModel should have all the properties that the Ribbon bar needs bind to in order to function. Then you can use a Resources.xaml or some other strategy to present it.
Taking a shot in the dark I would try something like this for the ViewModels:
public interface IMenuViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
ICommand Command {get;}
string Title {get;}
string Description {get;}
UIType Type {get;}
IList<IMenuViewModel> ChildItems {get;}
I would then probably create an abstract class that provides implements INotifyPropertyChanged with a collection class the implements INotifyCollectionChanged to take care of the plumbing code.
I would then probably do something like this in the Resources.xaml
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:IMenuViewModel}">
<Button Command="{Binding Command}" Content="{Binding Type}"/>
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding ChildItems}"/>
to provide a default view for your viewmodels
and then all someone has to do to create an entry into your ribbon bar is
1) Implement IMenuViewModel
2) Optionally add another DataTemplate entry into your resources.xaml if they want their widget rendered differently like so:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:FooViewModel}">
<v:FooView />
I hope I didn't dig to deep on how I would implement.
The main point is that a ViewModel should only expose properties required for the view to do it's job(which is rendering the ViewModel), not for the ViewModel to do the job or care how it's done.

Setting a property on the ViewModel from the View in WPF

I have a dependency property on my ViewModel which is the DataContext for my View. The ViewModel has no reference to the View. The property on the ViewModel is going to reference a control on the view, but I need to be able to set this property in XAML.
How is this possible? One thought I had was to develop a custom control which has a Property property and a Value property, so you could do something like this in the View to set the property on the ViewModel:
<PropertySetter Property="{Binding MyViewModelDependencyProperty}" Value="{Binding ElementName=aControlOnMyView" />
Before I went down this route, I wanted to check if there was any other approach I could take?
Thanks for the detailed reply Ray, but if I give you a bit more detail about the problem I'm trying to solve, you might get a better idea of why I mentioned the approach I did.
Basically, what I'm trying to do is set the focus to a textbox when the user hits a button. I've written an attached property which you can attach to the Button control, specify what the trigger event is (in this case the 'Click' event), and then what control to focus on. This works really nicely, and keeps everything in XAML.
However, I now have a use case where the focus should be set to an arbitrary text box from the click event on a button which is part of a toolbar. This toolbar is itself a user control which is sitting inside another user control, which is inside another user control! This toolbar needs to be reusable across various different forms, and each time, the control to set focus on after you click the button will be different per form.
That's why I had the idea of making the focus control (i.e. a textbox) a property on the view model itself (on my ViewModel base to be precise), and have the ViewModel base code (which the toolbar is bound to), set the focus to the control when the button is clicked (and the e.g. Add/Edit method is called on the ViewModel base).
In unit test land, the control to focus on property will be null, so it's .Focus() method just won't be called. So I can't see an issue there. My problem is then how you set the focus control property from XAML, which is why I had the PropertySetter idea.
I don't like the fact that the ViewModel has any reference to controls sitting on the view, but I can't see another way to achieve what I need. What if the logic that dictates whether to set focus to the control is quite complex? This would sit in the ViewModel surely? Therefore, is there any harm in the ViewModel having this UIElement property? It still knows nothing about the specific View it is bound to, it just knows that there is a control which it needs to set focus to when some action happens on the ViewModel.
My first reaction (and it's a strong one) is so say "Don't do that!" By giving your view model a reference to a part of your UI you are breaking the encapsulation that makes view models so powerful and useful.
For example, what if you want to unit test your view model or serialize it to disk? In each case the piece of your UI will not be present, because there will be no view at all. Your tests will miss coverage and your reconstitution will be incomplete.
If your view model actually needs references to UI objects and there is no better way to architect it, the best solution is to have the view model itself construct those controls it requires a reference to. Then your view can incorporate that control as the Content of a ContentPresenter via binding and provide a Style to configure the control, including a ControlTemplate to provide its content. Thusly:
public class MyViewModel
public ListBox SpecialControl { get; set; }
public MyViewModel()
SpecialControl = new ListBox();
<DataTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:MyViewModel}">
<Style TargetType="ListBox" ... />
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding SpecialControl}" />
Other possibilities are:
Have the view model actually derive from the Control class, then override OnApplyTemplate() and use GetTemplateChild to find a template item whose name starts with "PART_"
Implement an attached property that takes a property name, finds that property in the DataContext, and sets it to the DependencyObject to which the property is attached.
Implement your PropertySetter idea
My option #2 would look like this:
<DataTemplate TargetType="{x:Type MyViewModel}">
<TextBox local:PropertyHelper.SetViewModelToThis="SpecialControl" />
The code in the SetViewModelToThis PropertyChangedCallback would get the view model from the DataContext, reflect on it to find the "SpecialControl" property, then set it to the TextBox. Note that the implementation of SetViewModelToThis must take into account the possiblity that DataContext is not set right away, and that it maybe changed requiring the old setting to be removed and a new one made.
First of all, the DataContext of the control should be the ViewModel object and not a property of it. Second, when you TwoWay bind a property of ViewModel to your control, changes in the control's value will update (in your case, 'set') the value of ViewModel's property.

PRISM + Tabs = Pain

I am having difficulty trying to get a very simple scenario working with PRISM 2.0 for WPF. I want the main workarea of my application to be a TabControl. Each time I add a view, I want it to appear as a TabItem on the TabControl.
Sounds easy right?
My region, which is in my Shell.XAML looks like this:
cal:RegionManager.RegionName="{x:Static Infrastructure:RegionNames.TabRegion}"
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource ShellTabItemStyle}" />
The style: ShellTabItemStyle looks like this:
<Style x:Key="ShellTabItemStyle" TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
<Setter Property="Header" Value="{Binding Content.DataContext.HeaderInfo, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" />
This should set the Header of the TabItem to the HeaderInfo property on the DataContext of the view. (I got this idea from this article) The DataContext of my view is a very simple Presenter which has a HeaderInfo property on it:
public string HeaderInfo = "The Header Text";
My view is a simple WPF usercontrol and looks like this:
<TextBox Text="Hello World" Name="MyTextBox"></TextBox>
<Image Source="..SomeImage.PNG" Name="MyImage"></Image>
So far, so good. If I add the view to the region I get a tab control and I get a tab with the text set to "The Header Text". My problem is that there is absolutely no content appearing on the tab. My view contains a simple Image and a TextBox, but neither of them show up in the TabItem. If I break out Snoop and look around, there isn't an image in sight.
What am I missing here - is there an easier way?
I was unable to get any of the suggested answers to work. Extensive googling didn't help either. I gave the problem some thought over the weekend and more I thought about it, the more it occured to me that there is a bit of a code smell about this approach. You inject a view into your Tab Region... some magic stuff happens and a tab gets added... you have to add some imcomprehensible dynamic binding to some XAML styling stored in a file somewhere and this may or may not set your header text. If any one single element of this is just a little bit wrong you won't get an error but it just won't work.
In my view this is both brittle (i.e. very easy to break) and pretty inpenetrable unless you have a deep understanding PRISM, the model, and of XAML. Fortunately there is a much nicer and simpler way to do this:
Simply create a view called TabRegionView which contains only a blank TabControl. You probably want to add this to your Shell.xaml. Create an Event called InjectTabView which has a Payload of type UserControl and subscribe to this event in your TabRegionView control. When the event fires in TabRegionView, you create the TabItem manually and add the view to the TabItem like so:
public void TabAdded(UserControl view)
var item = new TabItem();
item.Content = view;
item.IsSelected = true;
item.Header = "Header Text";
When you want to display a view as a new tab, your code looks something like this:
var view = new View(params);
This will be picked up by TabRegionView and the view will be added as a new tab. You could easily wrap the View in harness of some type that contains header text, an image and bool to indicate whether or not the tab should be autoselected.
IMHO this technique has the dual advantages of giving you direct control of what is going on AND it is much easier to follow.
I'd be very interested to get an opinion on this from any PRISM officianados.
If you are using RegionManager, you need to Activate your view. There's likely some piece of code where you are adding the view to the region, you just additionally need to tell that region to activate it.
public void AddViewToRegion(IRegion region, object view)
It seems silly, but you get the behavior you are seeing if you don't do this. I found this kinda frustrating, but it was easy enough to fix. The behavior is even stranger when you add multiple tabs if you don't at least Activate the first view you add.
My understanding is that if you don't do this, the view never becomes part of the visual tree (this is a side-effect of the fact that the TabControl deactivates (removes from the visual tree) when a tab isn't "in front". This is good for certain operations, but makes things like this be a little wonky.
Some random thoughts:
try to remove the style from TabControl
check visual tree with help of Snoop tool. You should see your TabItem with view's UserControl under the TabControl. Next you can check what's wrong with that UserControl and its children (your view's content). They are probably hidden for some reason.
other thing to think over - RegionAdapter. RegionAdapters are responsible for adapting regions' views to host UIControl.
