Freeing all malloc()-created pointers with one command? - c

Is there a one-liner that will free the memory that is being taken by all pointers you created using mallocs? Or can this only be done manually by freeing every pointer separately?

you could do that by creating some kind of "wrapper" around malloc.
(warning that's only pseudo code showing the idea, there is no checking at all)
void* your_malloc(size_t size)
void* ptr = malloc(size);
// add ptr to a list of allocated ptrs here
return ptr;
void your_free(void *pointer)
for each pointer in your list
free( ptr_in_your_list );
But it doesn't sound like a good idea and I would certainly not do that, at least for general purpose allocation / deallocation. You'd better allocate and free memory responsibly when it is no longer needed.

You might want to look into memory pools. These are data structures built to do exactly this.
One common implementation is in the Apache Portable Runtime, which is used in the Apache web server, as well as other projects, such as Subversion.

malloc on it's own has implementation-defined behavior. So there isn't a necessity for it to keep track of all the pointers it has, which obviously puts a damper on the idea.
You'd need to make your own memory manager that tracks the pointers, and then provides a function called free_all or something that goes through the list of pointers it has and calls free on them.
Note, this sounds like a somewhat bad idea. It's better to be a bit more strict/responsible about your memory usage, and free things when you're done; not leave them hanging about.
Perhaps with a bit more background on where you want to apply your idea, we might find easier solutions.

Check out dlmalloc
look at the following functions
mspace is an opaque type representing an independent
region of space that supports mspace_malloc, etc.
typedef void* mspace;
create_mspace creates and returns a new independent space with the
given initial capacity, or, if 0, the default granularity size. It
returns null if there is no system memory available to create the
space. If argument locked is non-zero, the space uses a separate
lock to control access. The capacity of the space will grow
dynamically as needed to service mspace_malloc requests. You can
control the sizes of incremental increases of this space by
compiling with a different DEFAULT_GRANULARITY or dynamically
setting with mallopt(M_GRANULARITY, value).
mspace create_mspace(size_t capacity, int locked);
destroy_mspace destroys the given space, and attempts to return all
of its memory back to the system, returning the total number of
bytes freed. After destruction, the results of access to all memory
used by the space become undefined.
size_t destroy_mspace(mspace msp);
The following operate identically to their malloc counterparts
but operate only for the given mspace argument
void* mspace_malloc(mspace msp, size_t bytes);
void mspace_free(mspace msp, void* mem);
void* mspace_calloc(mspace msp, size_t n_elements, size_t elem_size);
void* mspace_realloc(mspace msp, void* mem, size_t newsize);

You might want to do something called "arena allocation", where you allocate certain requests from a common "arena" which can be freed all at once when you're done.
If you're on Windows, you can use HeapCreate to create an arena, HeapAlloc to get memory from the heap/arena you just created, and HeapDestroy to free it all at once.
Note that when your program exit()s, all the memory you allocated with malloc() is freed.

Yes, you can do that unless you write your own defintion of malloc() and free(). You should probably call myCustomMalloc() instead of regular malloc() and you should be keeping track of all the pointers in some memory location and when you call the myCustomFree() method, you should be able to clear all the pointers that was created using your myCustomMalloc(). Note: both your custom methods will be calling malloc() and free() internally
By this way you can achieve your goal. I am a java person but I use to work a lot in C in my early days. I assume that you're trying to achieve a common solution where memory is being handled by the compiler. That has a cost of performance as it is seen in Java. You dont have to worry about allocation and freeing the memory. But that has a severe effect on performance. Its a tradeoff that you have to live with.


C: Malloc and Free

I am trying to undestand the C functions malloc and free. I know this has been discussed a lot on StackOverflow. However, I think I kind of know what these functions do by now. I want to know why to use them. Let's take a look at this piece of code:
int n = 10;
char* array;
array = (char*) malloc(n * sizeof(char));
// Check whether memory could be allocated or not...
// Do whatever with array...
array = NULL;
I created a pointer of type char which I called array. Then I used malloc to find a chunk of memory that is currently not used and (10 * sizeof(char)) bytes large. That address I casted to type char pointer before assigning it to my previously created char pointer. Now I can work with my char array. When I am done, I'll use free to free that chunk of memory since it's not being used anymore.
I have one question: Why wouldn't I just do char array[10];? Wikipedia has only one small sentence to give to answer that, and that sentence I unfortunately don't understand:
However, the size of the array is fixed at compile time. If one wishes to allocate a similar array dynamically...
The slide from my university is similarily concise:
It is also possible to allocate memory from the heap.
What is the heap? I know a data structure called heap. :)
However, I've someone could explain to me in which case it makes sense to use malloc and free instead of the regular declaration of a variable, that'd be great. :)
C provides three different possible "storage durations" for objects:
Automatic - local storage that's specific to the invocation of the function it's in. There may be more than one instance of objects created with automatic storage, if a function is called recursively or from multiple threads. Or there may be no instances (if/when the function isn't being called).
Static - storage that exists, in exactly one instance, for the entire duration of the running program.
Allocated (dynamic) - created by malloc, and persists until free is called to free it or the program terminates. Allocated storage is the only type of storage with which you can create arbitrarily large or arbitrarily many objects which you can keep even when functions return. This is what malloc is useful for.
First of all there is no need to cast the malloc
array = malloc(n * sizeof(char));
I have one question: Why wouldn't I just do char array[10];?
What will you do if you don't know how many storage space do you want (Say, if you wanted to have an array of arbitrary size like a stack or linked list for example)?
In this case you have to rely on malloc (in C99 you can use Variable Length Arrays but for small memory size).
The function malloc is used to allocate a certain amount of memory during the execution of a program. The malloc function will request a block of memory from the heap. If the request is granted, the operating system will reserve the requested amount of memory.
When the amount of memory is not needed anymore, you must return it to the operating system by calling the function free.
In simple: you use an array when you know the number of elements the array will need to hold at compile time. you use malloc with pointers when you don't know how many elements the array will need to be at compile time.
For more detail read Heap Management With malloc() and free().
Imagine you want to allocate 1,000 arrays.
If you did not have malloc and free... but needed a declaration in your source for each array, then you'd have to make 1,000 declarations. You'd have to give them all names. (array1, array2, ... array1000).
The idea in general of dynamic memory management is to handle items when the quantity of items is not something you can know in advance at the time you are writing your program.
Regarding your question: Why wouldn't I just do char array[10];?. You can, and most of the time, that will be completely sufficient. However, what if you wanted to do something similar, but much much bigger? Or what if the size of your data needs to change during execution? These are a few of the situations that point to using dynamically allocated memory (calloc() or malloc()).
Understanding a little about how/when the stack and heap are used would be good: When you use malloc() or calloc(), it uses memory from the heap, where automatic/static variables are given memory on the stack, and are freed when you leave the scope of that variable, i.e the function or block it was declared in.
Using malloc and calloc become very useful when the size of the data you need is not known until run-time. When the size is determined, you can easily call one of these to allocate memory onto the heap, then when you are finished, free it with free()
Regarding What is the heap? There is a good discussion on that topic here (slightly different topic, but good discussion)
In response to However, I've someone could explain to me in which case it makes sense to use malloc() and free()...?
In short, If you know what your memory requirements are at build time (before run-time) for a particular variable(s), use static / automatic creation of variables (and corresponding memory usage). If you do not know what size is necessary until run-time, use malloc() or calloc() with a corresponding call to free() (for each use) to create memory. This is of course a rule-of-thumb, and a gross generalization. As you gain experience using memory, you will find scenarios where even when size information is known before run-time, you will choose to dynamically allocate due to some other criteria. (size comes to mind)
If you know in advance that you only require an array of 10 chars, you should just say char array[10]. malloc is useful if you don't know in advance how much storage you need. It is also useful if you need storage that is valid after the current function returns. If you declare array as char array[10], it will be allocated on the stack. This data will not be valid after your function returns. Storage that you obtain from malloc is valid until you call free on it.
Also, there is no need to cast the return value of malloc.
Why to use free after malloc can be understood in the way that it is a good style to free memory as soon as you don't need it. However if you dont free the memory then it would not harm much but only your run time cost will increase.
You may also choose to leave memory unfreed when you exit the program. malloc() uses the heap and the complete heap of a process is freed when the process exits. The only reason why people insist on freeing the memory is to avoid memory leaks.
From here:
Allocation Myth 4: Non-garbage-collected programs should always
deallocate all memory they allocate.
The Truth: Omitted deallocations in frequently executed code cause
growing leaks. They are rarely acceptable. but Programs that retain
most allocated memory until program exit often perform better without
any intervening deallocation. Malloc is much easier to implement if
there is no free.
In most cases, deallocating memory just before program exit is
pointless. The OS will reclaim it anyway. Free will touch and page in
the dead objects; the OS won't.
Consequence: Be careful with "leak detectors" that count allocations.
Some "leaks" are good!
Also the wiki has a good point in Heap base memory allocation:-
The heap method suffers from a few inherent flaws, stemming entirely
from fragmentation. Like any method of memory allocation, the heap
will become fragmented; that is, there will be sections of used and
unused memory in the allocated space on the heap. A good allocator
will attempt to find an unused area of already allocated memory to use
before resorting to expanding the heap. The major problem with this
method is that the heap has only two significant attributes: base, or
the beginning of the heap in virtual memory space; and length, or its
size. The heap requires enough system memory to fill its entire
length, and its base can never change. Thus, any large areas of unused
memory are wasted. The heap can get "stuck" in this position if a
small used segment exists at the end of the heap, which could waste
any magnitude of address space, from a few megabytes to a few hundred.

How to write a simple malloc function in c

As an assignment in operating systems we have to write our own code for malloc and free in C programming language, I know if i asked the code for it there is no point of me to study. i'm facing the problem of not knowing where to include initializing char array with 50000 bytes and making two lists free and used. in my function i can't trigger malloc or free to happen automatically. and a 3rd party main program will be used to test my functions.....
if my file is mymalloc.c or what ever
void* myalloc(size_t size)
//code for allocating memory
void myfree(void *ptr)
//code for free the memory
where do the code for initiating memory space and lists will go..
I will provide you with the basic concept which you can use to write your own code for malloc() and free() functions using C.
Assume that we have a contiguous block of memory of a certain size. It will be our abstract sense of memory which will carry all the requested memory allocations plus the data structures that are used to hold data about those allocated blocks.
We use a simple linked list to carry the data related to the allocated as well as free blocks of memory.
Its structure is as follows.
struct block{
size_t size; /*Specifies the size of the block to which it refers*/
int free; /*This is the flag used to identify whether a block is free
or not*/
struct block *next; /*This points to the next metadata block*/
You will need 2 source files for this purpose. One is mymalloc.h which is the header file which contains the initialization parts and the function prototypes of the rest of the functions that we are going to implement. The other is the mymalloc.c source file which contains all the necessary function implementations.
There needs to be a function to initialize the first free memory block.
And another function to split a block of memory which has more than enough space to give to the requested size. And another method to scan through the linked list and merge any consecutive blocks that are free, so that it prevents external fragmentation.
Note: We use the First-fit-algorithm to find a free block to allocate memory.
I think this will help anyone who is in search of a simple way to write their own malloc and free functions using C. Please follow the following link for a detailed explanation.
I think you only have to implement a memory manager. So you don't have to use brk, sbrk, ...
Just put used memory in a simple array and fragment it somehow. Since it's homework you want to make it as simple as possible or else you run into problems due to complexity/time constraints of your assignment.
You only have to decide which tactic you want to use. I'd suggest to use the buddy system. Though it's a bit more complicated than the most simple ones.. maybe fixed sized fragmentation is simpler..
Maybe this is also a good read.
Don't do something low-level as suggested in the other answers..
The implementation greatly depends upon operating system and architecture, anyhow you may take a look at this:
(and study how it works!).
If you are on a unix system you can look the manual of brk and sbrk. Those system calls "push/set" the limit of the heap.
Using those you can manage your memory pages, allocating them as you need.
I would advise a chained-list to manage your different allocated spaces and building functions to split them or to merge them if they are free.
If you need to try your code with high-level applications, you can name your functions malloc/free, compile them to a shared-object (.so) and then use LD_PRELOAD and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables to load your .so and replace system's malloc.
Every command you call then will use your shared object and thus your malloc, telling you if your malloc is stable or if it fails to comply with reality.
If you need a clear example of this i'd be happy to put some code here, but I do not want to make my answer too hard to read.
First, you could make a fake malloc which always fail
/* fake malloc */
void* myalloc(size_t sz)
{ return NULL; }
but that is "cheating". You want to make a malloc which is useful.
You probably want to make a system call which asks the kernel for memory. Of course, you'll need the symetrical syscall to release memory. On Linux and many Posix systems you'll often use mmap and munmap syscalls.
(You could also use sbrk, but using mmap with munmap is easier and more general)
The idea is that you get big chunks of memory (with mmap) and then you manage smaller memory zones inside. The interesting detail is how to manage these smaller zones. You may want to deal with large malloc differently than "small" allocations.
You really want to read wikipedia page on memory allocation
You could have a global static variable that is initialized to zero. Then check that variable at the start of your malloc and free function. In your malloc function, if the variable is zero then initialize whatever you need, and then set the variable to non-zero. In your free function, just return if the variable is zero.
More like that, is a simple malloc :
void* my_malloc(size_t size)
return (sbrk(size));
man sbrk will help you.
The problem now is to create a free and to create a efficient malloc :-)
if you want to test your malloc you can do like this :
$> LD_PRELOAD=/mypath/ /bin/ls
but you need to create a dynamic library before because malloc is a .so

Checking if a certain adress in memory is allocated

I have a function that recieves a pointer to dynamic array of 100 ints. But instead of 100 I have just 50 allocated by malloc or calloc before that.
Is there a way that I could check if any ellement (like 79th for example) is allocated rather than wonder what this SIGSEGV actually means ?
My question is purely theoretic and I have no actual code to show.
No, the pointer does not store its size. You may be better off storing the size and the pointer in a struct and passing it instead:
typedef struct
size_t size;
int *ptr;
} my_data;
void myFunc(my_data *data)
size_t i;
for(i = 0; i < data->size; i++)
// data->ptr[i];
void myFunc2(my_data *data, size_t index)
if(index < data->size)
// memory location exists
Well, you could do such a thing according to your description, given an array and looking for an index (which is slightly different from "any raw pointer"). And with some more work, it is even possible to do such a thing for any pointer.
The malloc function necessarily stores information about how much was allocated. Unluckily, there is no standard how this must be done. Some compilers over-allocate and store the size immediately preceding the allocated data. Others may store addresses in a map, yet others may do something else, you don't know.
However, most (all?) C libraries and at least one linker that I know of have explicit support for overloading/hooking/replacing allocation functions.
For example in the GNU C library, you can set __malloc_hook. and GNU ld lets you do such a thing at linker level with __wrap_malloc.
You could thus overload/hook malloc and free with a function that simply calls the real malloc function and stores the information how much was allocated yourself somewhere (e.g. by over-allocating and using the first word, or whatever you like).
Then write a function which takes a base pointer and an index. That function looks at the allocation info (now you know where to find it!), and can trivially check whether the index is in range. This does not work for "just any pointer".
An alternative solution which works for "just any pointer" would be to write an allocator that satisfies allocations from separate arenas rather than simply wrapping the real malloc. All allocations coming from the same arena have the same allocation size. Given any pointer, you would then only need to iterate over all your arenas and look whether the address is within the arena's start and end address.
However, one should normally be quite sure how much one has allocated, this should not be guesswork, or random luck, or something to figure out at runtime.
Also, given the presence of ready-to-use memory debuggers, I doubt it is really worth investing time in doing such a thing application-side. Just use something like valgrind, no need to write any code at all.
No, there's no portable and reliable way to check this from within the code.
There exist tools -- such as valgrind -- that may help diagnose certain types of memory bugs.
No, there isn't.
This is when you break out your dynamic analysis tool (e.g. valgrind), or use a real container that keeps information about its size.
Some years ago i used one library, i forget its name. Using it, you can create try-catch block and try to access to unknown data e.g. x[79] in try-block, and, if memory is not allocated in it, exception was generated.

Already freed memory

Is there any way in C to know if a memory block has previously been freed with free()? Can i do something like...
//code here
Ok if you need to check whether a pointer has already been freed you may want to check your design. You should never have to either track reference count on a pointer or if it's freed. Also some pointers are not dynamically allocated memory so I hope you mean ones called with malloc(). This is my opinion but again if you have a solid design you should know when the things your pointers point to are done being used.
The only place I have seen this not work is in monolithic kernels because pages in memory need a usage count because of shared mappings among other things.
In your case simply set unused pointers to NULL and check that. This gives you a guaranteed way of knowing in the case that you have unused fields in structures that were malloced. A simple rule is wherever you free a pointer that needs to be checked in the above way just set it to NULL and replace isFree() with if pointer == NULL. This way no reference count needs to be tracked and you know for sure if your pointer is valid and not pointing to garbage.
No, there is no way.
You can, however, use a little code discipline as follows:
Always always always guard allocations with malloc:
void * vp;
if((vp = malloc(SIZE))==NULL){
/* do something dreadful here to respond to the out of mem */
After freeing a pointer, set it to 0
free(vp); vp = (void*)0;
/* I like to put them on one line and think of them as one peration */
Anywhere you'd be tempted to use your "is freed" function, just say
if(vp == NULL)[
/* it's been freed already */
#Jesus in comments says:
I can't really recommend this because as soon as you're done with that
memory the pointer should go out of scope immediately (or at least at
the end of the function that releases it) these dangling pointers
existence just doesn't sit right with me.
That's generally good practice when possible; the problem is that in real life in C it's often not possible. Consider as an example a text editor that contains a doubly-linked list of lines. The list is really simple:
struct line {
struct line * prev;
struct line * next;
char * contents;
I define a guarded_malloc function that allocates memory
void * guarded_malloc(size_t sz){
return (malloc(sz)) ? : exit(-1); /* cute, eh? */
and create list nodes with newLine()
struct line * newLine(){
struct line * lp;
lp = (struct line *) guarded_malloc(sizeof(struct line));
lp->prev = lp->next = lp-contents = NULL ;
return lp;
I add text in string s to my line
lp->contents = guarded_malloc(strlen(s)+1);
and don't quibble that I should be using the bounded-length forms, this is just an example.
Now, how can I implement deleting the contents of a line I created with the char * contents going out of scope after freeing?
I see nobody has addressed the reason why what you want is fundamentally impossible. To free a resource (in this case memory, but the same applies to basically any resource) means to return it to a resource pool where it's available for reuse. The only way the system could provide a reasonable answer to "Has the memory block at address X already been freed?" is to prevent this address from ever being reused, and store with it a status flag indicating whether it was "freed". But in this case, it has not actually been freed, since it is not available for reuse.
As others have said, the fact that you're trying to answer this question means you have fundamental design errors you need to address.
In general the only way to do this portably is to replace the memory allocation functions. But if you're only concerned about your own code, a fairly common technique is to set pointers to NULL after you free() them, so any subsequent use will throw an exception or segfault:
pointer = NULL;
For a platform-specific solution, you may be interested in the Win32 function IsBadReadPtr (and others like it). This function will be able to (almost) predict whether you will get a segmentation fault when reading from a particular chunk of memory.
Note: IsBadReadPtr has been deprecated by Microsoft.
However, this does not protect you in the general case, because the operating system knows nothing of the C runtime heap manager, and if a caller passes in a buffer that isn't as large as you expect, then the rest of the heap block will continue to be readable from an OS perspective.
Pointers have no information with them other than where they point. The best you can do is say "I know how this particular compiler version allocates memory, so I'll dereference memory, move the pointer back 4 bytes, check the size, makes sure it matches..." and so on. You cannot do it in a standard fashion, since memory allocation is implementation defined. Not to mention they might have not dynamically allocated it at all.
On a side note, I recommend reading 'Writing Solid Code' by Steve McGuire. Excellent sections on memory management.

Is there a malloc implementation which does bookkeeping outside its own heap?

I need to manage a memory heap, with the constraint that this memory should only be written to, never read, i.e. the malloc implementation should keep the bookkeeping information separately from the heap it manages, on the normal heap, and should in fact never touch the specific heap it manages. I was hoping to use a tested, optimized, off the shelf solution for that, if one is available. Examples of use include OpenGL VBOs and memory on external units of embedded systems.
I glanced at dlmalloc, and from the documentation, it seems to tag the memory blocks it allocates from both sides with bookkeeping information. Googling didn't do any good either - perhaps i don't have the right keywords to find what i'm looking for.
Clarifications: as a separate heap, i mean what i define to be a heap. I want to tightly use memory with small allocations within one or a small number of pre-allocated blocks. I don't even care if the bookkeeping information (outside the thus managed heap) is larger than the data inside :) Furthermore, the application itself will use stock malloc and heap for its operation, and only use those blocks for special purpose, which boils down to memory regions for speaking to external hardware, where writes from application are the purpose, reads are impossible or expensive. This is not a general malloc question, i was merely hoping to leverage something where a lot of research and testing has gone into.
and should in fact never touch the specific heap it manages.
What if it does not manage the heap? See this malloc function utilizing a particular implementation that neither manages the [heap] area (cf. /proc/$$/maps), nor stores its metadata in adressable memory, and yet, gives your program unique adressable memory.
void *mymalloc(size_t len)
void *x = mmap(NULL, len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
return (x == (void *)-1) ? NULL : x;
And now for the killer revelation: glibc uses exactly that for sufficiently large allocations.
It's not a ready to use library, but the resource management code in the Linux kernel does exactly this to manage resources such as PCI address space.
Here's a very simple malloc implementation that never writes bookkeeping information to the heap it manages:
void *malloc(size_t n) { return sbrk(n); }
void free(void *p) { }
void *realloc(void *p, size_t n }
void *q = malloc(n);
if (q) memcpy(q, p, n);
return q;
If you'd like some more realistic ideas, one simple solution is to choose a smallest unit of memory for allocation (8 or 16 bytes might be reasonable) and divide the managed heap into units of this size, then store which ones are free in a bitmap (e.g. one bit per 16 bytes, for 1/128, <1% overhead). Searching for free space is then O(n), but you can think of ways to improve it with multi-scale maps perhaps.
Another idea is to use the same principles as dlmalloc, but instead of storing data in the free chunks, perform a hash on a chunk's address to get its bookkeeping information from a hash bin. One big problem with any method like this that doesn't store information in the actual heap, though, is that freeing memory can paradoxically increase the amount of memory in use (due to the need to allocate new bookkeeping structures).
An implementation would probably be fairly simple to implement. One disadvantage of not storing the metatdata with the allocated block is that the performance of free() is likley to be slower and non-deterministic. But since malloc() already has that problem, perhaps that is not really an issue.
A simple deterministic solution is to implement a fixed-block memory allocator, where fixed size blocks are allocated from the conventional heap and a pointer to each block is placed on a queue or linked list. To allocate a block you simply take a pointer from the free-block queue/list, and to free it you place the pointer back on the free-block list.
Does the manager need to have the same semantics as malloc/free? Things would be greatly simplified if you could have your allocate function return a pointer to a structure which would in turn point to the actual memory; the deallocate function would accept a pointer to the structure, rather than a pointer to the memory.
Beyond that, the allocation method will be greatly influenced by your usage patterns. What can be said about the sizes of allocations, and the pattern of allocating and freeing memory blocks?
Just use the Buddy System.
