WPF Horizontal Scrollbar is not visible - wpf

I have a Grid inside ScrollViewer. Grid has only one columns and many rows. I add controls into grid rows. The problem is I can see VerticalScrollBar when I am adding controls but I cannot see HorizontalScrollBar although I add very wide controls.
My xaml looks like the following
rows ...

Set the HorizontalScrollBarVisibility of the ScrollViewer to "Auto" or "Visible".
<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
... rows ...


WPF Bottomless DataGrid keeps expanding downward

I've got this Grid which contains a TabControl with a number of TabItem.
Each TabItem loads a UserControl.
In this specific UserControl I placed a Grid with nested a DockPanel, left side for menu, right for content.
On the right side are loaded a Border containing a single UserControl relative to the selection on the menu on the left.
<UserControl Content="{Binding MainDock, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>
Finally, the UserControl consists of a StackPanel which contains a TextBlock and a ScrollViewver with inside a DataGrid.
<!-- datagrid stuff -->
The problem consist in the latest StackPanel being bottomless and expanding well over the bottom of the window application, which never activate the ScrollViewer hiding part of the grid data, when there are enough rows.
Any idea how to solve this?

Xaml - Vertical scrollbar in stackpanel

I have creating a wpf application and in my settings panel I have tons of UI elements. The problem is that when I resize the window some of these elements are not visible anymore. Is there any way to add a simple vertical scrollbar?
I have tried this below and add my content into it :
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
I'm not sure if I put the ScrollViewer to the right Place but I got this error :
The member resources is not recognized or is not accessible
and for this error I have tried to replace the Page.Resources with Window.Resources but it did not help.
Anyways how could I get my vertical scrollbar working? Any helps?
Problem solved by removing the Width and Height properties from the Page.
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
Height="800" Width="1400"
WindowTitle="ScrollViewer Sample">
<ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
You should get rid of the StackPanel. A StackPanel measures its children with an infinite space and therefore it doesn't work very well with scroll bars:
Horizontal scroll for stackpanel doesn't work

Scroll position within a ScrollViewer?

I have a form that with a TabControl that contains a number of TabItems. Each of the TabItems contains a ScrollViewer that contains some various contained content.
My problem - if the size of the form and the TabControl and the contained content is such that the ScrollViewer displays its vertical scrollbars, the content is displayed vertically centered within the ScrollViewer. In order to see the top of the content, the user needs to manually scroll to the top.
Oddly enough, when the size is such that the Horizontal scrollbars are displayed, the content is initially aligned to the left, which is what I want.
How do I make these ScrollViewers open with the scrollposition initialized to the top?
// Assorted Junk
<ChildUserControl />
<OtherChildUserControl />
I think what's happening is the ScrollIntoView event is being fired. This solution worked for me in the past: Stop WPF ScrollViewer automatically scrolling to perceived content

DataGrid-like scrolling behaviour

I need to implement control with header and items pane. This control should have scrolling behaviour similar to DataGrid. Header should scroll horizontally along with items, but should be fixed while vertical scrolling. How do I implement such behaviour?
I would use two ScrollViewers, not one
Here's the control layout I would use
<ScrollViewer x:Name="HeaderScrollViewer" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<Grid x:Name="Headers" />
<ScrollViewer x:Name="ContentScrollViewer">
<Grid x:Name="Content" />
There are a few things to note to make this work correctly.
Hide the ScrollBars on the HeaderScrollViewer. The ScrollViewer is only there for the functionality - the User won't actually interact with it.
When the ContentScrollViewer scrolls horizontally, manually scroll the HeaderScrollViewer the same distance.
Use Grid.IsSharedSizeScope and Grid.SharedSizeGroup to align your header Grid columns with your content Grid columns

WPF: Trigger a content resize with GridSplitter

I'm trying to force a grid/expander to reevaluate whether it needs a scrollbar, as it's showing emptiness.
I'm using this layout:
<toolstrip /> <!-- fixed height row -->
<Scrollviewer> <!-- * height -->
<Grid> <!-- all rows are 'Auto' height -->
<Expander />
<Expander> <!-- this one stretches far too high -->
<WPF Toolkit: DataGrid />
<Expander />
<stackpanel /> <!-- fixed height row -->
The DataGrid (WPF Toolkit) is bound to a property when the Window is initialized. Through some investigating, I've realized that when the window is initialized, the columns in the GridView start at about 10 pixels wide, then the content is added, then they're resized based on the sizes in the XAML (All using star widths - eg: 2*). This causes the grid to resize to about 6 times the height it needs to be as the window is showing, then it doesn't spring back and the only way to see what's at the bottom of the window is to either scroll or move the GridSplitter back up to where it should be and resize the Window. I haven't set the VerticalAlignment properties on anything.
So far I've tried all of the following called InvalidateArrange(), InvalidateVisual();, InvalidateMeasure() and UpdateLayout() on the problem expander and InvalidateArrange(), InvalidateScrollInfo(), InvalidateVisual() and UpdateLayout() on the Grid above it but it won't shrink back.
Is there any way I can force it to short of forcing the width of the columns in the DataGrid?
Try setting these properties on the ScrollViewer:
<ScrollViewer CanContentScroll="True"
... content ...
If that doesn't work, can you provide a more exact representation of your XAML. Also, taking a look at the ScrollViewer in depth may help.
