Where do I set properties in a VS 2008 Setup project? - winforms

I have a WinForms project in Visual Studio 2008, and I've created a Setup project for it. I can build this and it picks up the dependencies and creates the .exe and .msi. But I would like to customize it a little bit, for example by specifying my company name and changing the default 90s-style clip-art logo that appears when the installer executes. But I cannot find anything resembling a properties page where I would do any of this. If I right-click on the Setup project and go to Properties it just gives me options about the output file name, compression of the installer, etc.. Is there some other place I need to go to change things like my company name, the product name, and the image?

If you highlight the project, there will be new icons above the solution explorer.
These buttons are for the file system, registry, etc. Anything that is effected by the setup.


How to add meta data to Visual Studio C/C++ project

I made a simple program in Visual Studio and would like to distribute it. However, before I can do that, I would like to add metadata to the executable file (such as author, version, etc.) Is there any way to do this in a C or C++ project in Visual Studio 2017?
In the VS2008 Resource view, right-click on your project.
From the pop-up menu, select Add resource.
In the dialog, select Version
A Versioning resource is added to your project (program). Double-click on it and it will be shown in the editing pane. You can adapt the standard versioning elements.
If you right-click in the editor, you can add your own blocks.
If you compile your application, the version information will be added to the executable. Right-click the excutable, select Properties and then select the Detail tab to see your information.
Note: when testing, the executable was now flagged harmfull by F-Secure. I reported this false positive to F-Secure.

Toolbar Icons usage in Visual Studio 2010 Express

I am porting a Linux Mono/GTK application to MS.NET/WPF. The application uses a toolbar, which I could have sworn VS had built in support for adding icons to through the WYSIWYG designer.
However, firstly, in the "Items" property, the add button is greyed out. I did some research and found that I could add <Button></Button> tags directly to the XAML, however, I still couldn't figure out how to add icons. I'd like to use the default Windows icons.
I then found that you had to add <Image></Image> tags to create typical icon based toolbar items, however, I didn't know where to find the default windows icons.
I read on a different stack exchange post that they are available in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\VS2010ImageLibrary\1033\VS2010ImageLibrary.zip
However, I am stuck with VS Express edition, and according to the MSDN website this archive doesn't exist in VSE.
My question is this: is there any way to use the default Windows icons?
Also, is it possible I've missed something? How do most people handle toolbars?
All the system icons are not saved in the same place. They are spread across multiple dlls.
List of Windows 7 icons stored in imageres.dll is one such place. You can google for other stuff.
One you have the dll from which you want to create the WPF Image you can use Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon function after using LoadIcon

Changing the default file path for icons in Visual Studio

On a WPF project, if I have an image and click on 'Source' and then 'Add' I get the choice to import images into the project. Is there a way of changing this file location?
VS2010 currently defaults to the "Libraries / Pictures" setting. I'd rather not change where this library points to as I don't store icons and pictures together.
After a bit of research I set up a new Windows library (useful article here) for icons but I can't work out how to set VS to default to the icons library I created, does anyone know how to do this?
Using Process Monitor on my machine when doing this, I see the following:
Calls to RegOpenKey, RegQueryKey aimed at:
This seems to be a list of the last projects I've added/opened in Visual Studio. To test this, I added a project from a different location to my solution, then tried to change the source of the image.
Sure enough, the dialog defaulted to that location.
Your mileage my vary, but certainly, on my machine, the behaviour seems tied to what project I opened last. You can use Process Monitor to monitor devenv.exe while you choose an image on your machine to see what happens.
Given this, though, it would seem that you can't change this behaviour, although you can influence it.

How can I change the default image location for a Silverlight project in Visual Studio

Re: Visual Studio 2010 Silverlight 4.0 project.
When setting the source for an image element using the builder from the property sheet, it Visual Studio has a handy option to add an image file to the project and set it as the source for the control.
The Problem:
Visual Studio wants to put those images in a folder called images off the root of my project, and will even create that folder if it doesn't exist. However, my project is structured so that the images should go in a different directory (assets\images). So I am always having to move them after using that builder.
The Question:
Is there a way to configure the project or change the default in Visual Studio such that the builder puts newly imported images in a different directory?
I don't think we can configure that. The best workaround for you would be to put a create a folder with all the images and add it to the project. From the Source property for Image control in the Properties window, you will able to select images from the "Choose image" dialog box.

How do I recreate this design of silverlight?

I have a silverlight sample code that looks like this simple design of just an APP and a PAGE file. I want to recreate this sort of setup from scratch to create a project that ouputs a silverlight program yet it only has these couple of files along with some support files. I went through the creation of a number of Silverlight creations and none produced such a simple and small design. How do I create such a formation that is just an App and a Page and such a few additional files from scratch and still have it output as a silverlight app?
First of all, to create this kind of project - I see you are using Visual Studio 2010, simply go to : file-new-project. On the left window there should be a tab for the templates. Select Silverlight (it will be under Visual C#). In the main window, select "Silverlight application". Once you named your project and click ok, you will be prompted on whether to host the page in a new website. Untick the checkbox and click ok. Now you will have your project exactly as it looks in your image.
Just note though, as you run it in VS, it will automatically generate a page for the app to run in, but since you indicated that it should not create a website to host it in, when wanting to deploy, you will have to create your own page and add the required markup yourself.
