How do filesystems handle concurrent read/write? - filesystems

User A asks the system to read file foo and at the same time user B wants to save his or her data onto the same file. How is this situation handled on the filesystem level?

Most filesystems (but not all) use locking to guard concurrent access to the same file. The lock can be exclusive, so the first user to get the lock gets access - subsequent users get a "access denied" error. In your example scenario, user A will be able to read the file and gets the file lock, but user B will not be able to write while user A is reading.
Some filesystems (e.g. NTFS) allow the level of locking to be specified, to allow for example concurrent readers, but no writers. Byte-range locks are also possible.
Unlike databases, filesystems typically are not transactional, not atomic and changes from different users are not isolated (if changes can even be seen - locking may prohibit this.)
Using whole-file locks is a coarse grained approach, but it will guard against inconsistent updates. Not all filesystems support whole-file locks, and so it is common practice to use a lock file - a typically empty file whose presence indicates that its associated file is in use. (Creating a file is an atomic operation on most file systems.)
Wikipedia - File Locking

For Linux, the short answer is you could get some strange information back from a file if there is a concurrent writer. The kernel does use locking internally to run each read() and write() operation serially. (Although, I forget whether the whole file is locked or if it's on a per-page granularity.) But if the application uses multiple write() calls to write information to the file, a read() could happen between any of those calls, so it could see inconsistent data. This is an atomicity violation in the operating system.
As mdma has mentioned, you could use file locking to make sure there is only one reader and one writer at a time. It sounds like NTFS uses mandatory locking, where if one program locks the file, all other programs get error messages when they try to access it.
Unix programs generally don't use locking at all, and when they do, the lock is usually advisory. An advisory lock only prevents other processes from getting an advisory lock on the same file; it doesn't actually prevent the read or write. (That is, it only locks the file for those who check the lock.)


How can I serialize access to a directory in Linux?

Lets say 4 simultaneous processes are running on a processor, and data needs to be copied from an HDFS (used with Spark) file system to a local directory. Now I want only one process to copy that data, while the other processes just wait for that data to be copied by the first process.
So, basically, I want some kind of a semaphore mechanism, where every process tries to obtain semaphore to try copying the data, but only one process gets the semaphore. All processes who failed to acquire the semaphore would then just wait for the semaphore to be cleared (the process who was able to acquire the semaphore would clear it after its done with copying), and when its cleared they know the data has already been copied. How can I do that in Linux?
There's a lot of different ways to implement semaphores. The classical, System V semaphore way is described in man semop and more broadly in man sem_overview.
You might still want to do something more easily scalable and modern. Many IPC frameworks (Apache has one or two of those, too!) have atomic IPC operations. These can be used to implement semaphores, but I'd be very very careful.
Generally, I regularly encourage people who write multi-process or multi-threaded applications to use C++ instead of C. It's often simpler to see where a shared state must be protected if your state is nicely encapsulated in an object which might do its own locking. Hence, I urge you to have a look at Boost's IPC synchronization mechanisms.
In addition of Marcus Müller's answer, you could use some file locking mechanism to synchronize.
File locking might not work very well on networked or remote file systems. You should use it on a locally mounted file system (e.g. Ext4, BTRFS, ...) not on a remote one (e.g. NFS)
For example, you might adopt the convention that your directory contains (or else you'll create it) some .lock file and use an advisory lock flock(2) (or a POSIX lockf(3)) on that .lock file before accessing the directory.
If using flock, you could even lock the directory directly....
The advantage of using such a file lock approach is that you could code shell scripts using flock(1)
And on Linux, you might also use inotify(7) (e.g. to be notified when some file is created in that directory)
Notice that most solutions are (advisory, so) presupposing that every process accessing that directory is following some convention (in other words, without more precautions like using flock(1), a careless user could access that directory - e.g. with a plain cp command -, or files under it, while your locking process is accessing the directory). If you don't accept that, you might look for mandatory file locking (which is a feature of some Linux kernels & filesystems, AFAIK it is sort-of deprecated).
BTW, you might read more about ACID properties and consider using some database, etc...

fflush, fsync and sync vs memory layers

I know there are already similar questions and I gave them a look but I couldn't find an explicit univocal answer to my question. I was just investigating online about these functions and their relationship with memory layers. In particular I found this beautiful article that gave me a good insight about memory layers
It seems that fflush() moves data from the application to kernel filesystem buffer and it's ok, everyone seems to agree on this point. The only thing that left me puzzled was that in the same article they assumed a write-back cache saying that with fsync() "the data is saved to the stable storage layer" and after they added that "the storage may itself store the data in a write-back cache, so fsync() is still required for files opened with O_DIRECT in order to save the data to stable storage"
Reading here and there it seems like the truth is that fsync() and sync() let the data enter the storage device but if this one has caching layers it is just moved here, not at once to permanent storage and data may even be lost if there is a power failure. Unless we have a filesystem with barriers enabled and then "sync()/fsync() and some other operations will cause the appropriate CACHE FLUSH (ATA) or SYNCHRONIZE CACHE (SCSI) commands to be sent to the device" [from your website answer]
if the data to be updated are already in the kernel buffers and my device has a volatile cache layer in write-back mode is it true, like said by the article, that operations like fsync() [and sync() I suppose] synchronize data to the stable memory layer skipping the volatile one? I think this is what happens with a write-through cache, not a write-back one. From what I read I understood that with a write-back cache on fsync() can just send data to the device that will put them in the volatile cache and they will enter the permanent memory only after
I read that fsync() works with a file descriptor and then with a single file while sync() causes a total deployment for the buffers so it applies to every data to be updated. And from this page also that fsync() waits for the end of the writing to the disk while sync() doesn't wait for the end of the actual writing to the disk. Are there other differences connected to memory data transfers between the two?
Thanks to those who will try to help
1. As you correctly concluded from your research fflush synchronizes the user-space buffered data to kernel-level cache (since it's working with FILE objects that reside at user-level and are invisible to kernel), whereas fsync or sync (working directly with file descriptors) synchronize kernel cached data with device. However, the latter comes without a guarantee that the data has been actually written to the storage device — as these usually come with their own caches as well. I would expect the same holds for msync called with MS_SYNC flag as well.
Relatedly, I find the distinction between synchronized and synchronous operations very useful when talking about the topic. Here's how Robert Love puts it succinctly:
A synchronous write operation does not return until the written data is—at least—stored in the kernel’s buffer cache. [...] A synchronized operation is more restrictive and safer than a merely synchronous operation. A synchronized write operation flushes the data to disk, ensuring that the on-disk data is always synchronized vis-à-vis the corresponding kernel buffers.
With that in mind you can call open with O_SYNC flag (together with some other flag that opens the file with a write permission) to enforce synchronized write operations. Again, as you correctly assumed this will work only with WRITE THROUGH disk caching policy, which effectively amounts to disabling disk caching.
You can read this answer about how to disable disk caching on Linux. Be sure to also check this website which also covers SCSI-based in addition to ATA-based devices (to read about different types of disks see this page on Microsoft SQL Server 2005, last updated: Apr 19, 2018).
Speaking of which, it is very informative to read about how the issue is dealt with on Windows machines:
To open a file for unbuffered I/O, call the CreateFile function with the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING and FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH flags. This prevents the file contents from being cached and flushes the metadata to disk with each write. For more information, see CreateFile.
Apparently, this is how Microsoft SQL Server 2005 family ensures data integrity:
All versions of SQL Server open the log and data files using the Win32 CreateFile function. The dwFlagsAndAttributes member includes the FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH option when opened by SQL Server. [...]
This option instructs the system to write through any intermediate cache and go directly to disk. The system can still cache write operations, but cannot lazily flush them.
I'm saying this is informative in particular because of this blog post from 2012 showing that some SATA disks ignore the FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH! I don't know what the current state of affairs is, but it seems that in order to ensure that writing to a disk is truly synchronized, you need to:
Disable disk caching using your device drivers.
Make sure that the specific device you're using supports write-through/no-caching policy.
However, if you're looking for a guarantee of data integrity you could just buy a disk with its own battery-based power supply that goes beyond capacitors (which is usually only enough for completing the on-going write processes). As put in the conclusion in the blog article mentioned above:
Bottom-line, use Enterprise-Class disks for your data and transaction log files. [...] Actually, the situation is not as dramatic as it seems. Many RAID controllers have battery-backed cache and do not need to honor the write-through requirement.
2. To (partially) answer the second question, this is from the man pages SYNC(2):
According to the standard specification (e.g., POSIX.1-2001), sync() schedules the writes, but may return before the actual writing is done. However, since version 1.3.20 Linux does actually wait. (This still does not guarantee data integrity: modern disks have large caches.)
This would imply that fsync and sync work differently, however, note they're both implemented in unistd.h which suggests some consistency between them. However, I would follow Robert Love who does not recommend using sync syscall when writing your own code.
The only real use for sync() is in the implementation of the sync utility. Applications should use fsync() and fdatasync() to commit to disk the data of only the requisite file descriptors. Note that sync() may take several minutes or longer to complete on a busy system.
"I don't have any solution, but certainly admire the problem."
From all I read from your good references, is that there is no standard. The standard ends somewhere in the kernel. The kernel controls the device driver and the device driver (possibly supplied by the disk manufacturer) controls the disk through an API (device has small computer on board). The manufacturer may have added capacitors/battery with just enough power to flush its device buffers in case of power failure, or he may have not. The device may provide a sync function but whether this truely syncs (flushes) the device buffers is not known (device dependent). So unless you select and install a device according to your specifications (and verify those specs), you are never sure.
This is a fair problem. Even after handling error conditions, you are not safe of the data presence in your storage.
man page of fsync explains this issue clearly!! :)
For applications that require tighter guarantees about the integrity of
their data, Mac OS X provides the F_FULLFSYNC fcntl. The F_FULLFSYNC fcntl asks the drive to flush all buffered data to permanent storage.
Applications, such as databases, that require a strict ordering of writes
should use F_FULLFSYNC to ensure that their data is written in the order they expect. Please see fcntl(2) for more detail.
Yes, fflush() ensures the data leaves the process memory space, but it may be in dirty pages of RAM awaiting write back. This is proof against app abort, but not system crash or power failure. Even if the power is backed up, the system could crash due to some software vulnerability! As mentioned in other answers/comments, getting the data from dirty pages written to disk magnetically or whatever SSD do, not stuck in some volatile buffer in the disk controller or drive, is a combination of the right calls or open options and the right controllers and devices! Calls give you more control over the overhead, writing more in bulk at the end of a transaction.
RDBMS, for instance, need to worry not only about the database holding files but even more about the log files that allow recovery, both after disk loss and on any RDBMS restart after a crash. In fact, some may be more sync'd in the log than the database, to preserve speed, since recovery is not a frequent process and not usually a long one. Things written to the log by transactions are guaranteed to be recoverable if the log is intact.

Locking file in distributed system

I have a distributed application; that is, I have a homogeneous process running on multiple computers talking to a central database and accessing a network file share.
This process picks up a collection files from a network file share (via CIFS), runs an transformation algorithm on those files and copies the output back onto the network file share.
I need to lock the input files so that other servers -- running the same process -- will not work on the same files. For the sake of argument, assume that my description is oversimplified and that the locks are an absolute must.
Here are my proposed solutions, and some thoughts.
1) Use opportunistic locks (oplocks). This solution uses only the file system to lock files. The problem here is that we have to try to get the lock to find out if the lock exists. This seems that it can be expensive as the network redirectors negotiate the locks. The nice thing about this is that oplocks can be created in such a way that they self delete when there is an error.
2) Use database app locks (via sp_getapplock). This seems that it would be much faster, but now we are using a database to lock a file system. Also, database app locks can be scoped via transaction or session which means that I must hold onto the connection if I want to hold onto -- and later release -- the app lock. Currently, we are using connection pooling, which would have to change and that may be a bigger conversation unto itself. The nice thing about this approach is that the locks will get cleaned up if we lose our connection to the server. Of course, this means that if we lose connection to the database, but not the network file share, the lock goes away while we are still processing the input files.
3) Create a database table and stored procedures to represent the items which I would like to lock. This process is straight forward. The down side of this is of course potential network errors. If for some reason, the database becomes unreachable, the lock will remain in effect. We would need to then derive some algorithm to clean this up at a later date.
What is the best solution and why? Answers are not limited to those mentioned above.
For your situation you should use share-mode locks. This is exactly what they were made for.
Oplocks won't to what you want - an oplock is not a lock, and doesn't prevent anyone doing anything. It's a notification mechanism to let the client machine know if anyone accesses the file. This is communicated to the machine by "breaking" your oplock, but this is not something that makes its way to the application layer (i.e. to your code) - it just generates a message to the client operating system to tell it to invalidate it's cached copy and fetch again from the server.
See MSDN here:
The explanation of what happens when another process opens a file on which you hold an oplock is here:
However the important point is that oplocks do not prevent other processes opening the file, they just allow coordination between the client computers. Therefore, oplocks do not lock the file at the application level - they are a feature of the network protocol used by the network file system stack to implement caching. They are not really for applications to use.
Since you are programming on windows the appropriate solution seems to be Share-mode locks, i.e. opening the file with SHARE_DENY_READ|SHARE_DENY_WRITE|SHARE_DENY_DELETE.
If share-mode locks are not supported on the CIFS server, you might consider flock() type locks. (Named after a traditional Unix technique).
If you are processing xyz.xml create a file called xyz.xml.lock (with the CREATE_NEW mode so you don't clobber an existing one). Once you are done, delete it. If you fail to create the file because it already exists, that means that another process is working on it. It might be useful to write information to the lockfile which is useful in debugging, such as the servername and PID. You will also have to have some way of cleaning up abandoned lock files since that won't occur automatically.
Database locks might be appropriate if the CIFS is for example a replicated system so that the flock() lock will not occur atomically across the system. Otherwise I would stick with the filesystem as then there is only one thing to go wrong.

Guarantees in write ahead logging implementation

If one were to issue a sequential series of write(2) in Linux/Unix seperated by fdatasync(2) or fsync(2) or sync(2) is it guaranteed that the first write() will be committed to disk before your second write()? The following SO post seems to say that such guarantees cannot be given, since there are multiple caching layers involved. For database systems which guarantee consistency this seems to be important, since in WAL (Write Ahead Logging) recovery, you'd need your logs to be persisted on disk before actually changing your data, so that in the event of an application/system failure you can revert back to your last known consistent state. How is this ensured/implemented in an actual database system?
The sync() system call is practically no help whatsoever; it promises to schedule the write-to-disk operations, but that's about all.
The normal technique used is to set the correct options when you open() the file descriptor for the disk file: O_DSYNC, O_RSYNC, O_SYNC. However, the fsync() and fdatasync() get pretty close to the same effects. You can also look at O_DIRECTIO which is often supported, though it is not standardized at all by POSIX.
Ultimately, the DBMS relies on the O/S to undertake that data written and synchronized to one disk is secure. As long as the device will always return what the DBMS last wrote, even if it is not on actual disk yet because of caching (because it is backed up in non-volatile cache, or something like that), then it isn't critical. If, on the other, you have NAS (network attached storage) that doesn't guarantee that what you last wrote (and were told was safe on disk) is returned when you read it, then your DBMS can suffer if it has to do recovery. So, you choose where you store your DBMS with care, making sure the storage works sensibly. If the storage does not work sufficiently like the hypothetical disk, you can end up losing data.
Yes, fsync in modern versions of the kernel does both flush memory (buffer cache) to disk and disk hardware buffer to platter. Man page says older kernels used to only do the first thing.
DESCRIPTION fsync() transfers ("flushes") all modified in-core data
of (i.e., modi‐ fied buffer cache pages for) the file referred to
by the file descrip‐ tor fd to the disk device (or other permanent
storage device) so that all changed information can be retrieved
even after the system crashed or was rebooted. This includes
writing through or flushing a disk cache if present. The
call blocks until the device reports that the transfer has
completed. It also flushes metadata information associ‐ ated
with the file (see stat(2)).
The fsync() implementations in older kernels and lesser used
filesys‐ tems does not know how to flush disk caches. In these
cases disk caches need to be disabled using hdparm(8) or
sdparm(8) to guarantee safe operation.
This refers to what applications can request. Fsync is an interface that filesystems provide to applications, filesystems themselves use something else underneath. Filesystems use barriers, or rather explicit flushes and FUA requests to commit the journal. Look at LWN post.

fcntl, lockf, which is better to use for file locking?

Looking for information regarding the advantages and disadvantages of both fcntl and lockf for file locking. For example which is better to use for portability? I am currently coding a linux daemon and wondering which is better suited to use for enforcing mutual exclusion.
What is the difference between lockf and fcntl:
On many systems, the lockf() library routine is just a wrapper around fcntl(). That is to say lockf offers a subset of the functionality that fcntl does.
But on some systems, fcntl and lockf locks are completely independent.
Since it is implementation dependent, make sure to always use the same convention. So either always use lockf from both your processes or always use fcntl. There is a good chance that they will be interchangeable, but it's safer to use the same one.
Which one you chose doesn't matter.
Some notes on mandatory vs advisory locks:
Locking in unix/linux is by default advisory, meaning other processes don't need to follow the locking rules that are set. So it doesn't matter which way you lock, as long as your co-operating processes also use the same convention.
Linux does support mandatory locking, but only if your file system is mounted with the option on and the file special attributes set. You can use mount -o mand to mount the file system and set the file attributes g-x,g+s to enable mandatory locks, then use fcntl or lockf. For more information on how mandatory locks work see here.
Note that locks are applied not to the individual file, but to the inode. This means that 2 filenames that point to the same file data will share the same lock status.
In Windows on the other hand, you can actively exclusively open a file, and that will block other processes from opening it completely. Even if they want to. I.e., the locks are mandatory. The same goes for Windows and file locks. Any process with an open file handle with appropriate access can lock a portion of the file and no other process will be able to access that portion.
How mandatory locks work in Linux:
Concerning mandatory locks, if a process locks a region of a file with a read lock, then other processes are permitted to read but not write to that region. If a process locks a region of a file with a write lock, then other processes are not permitted to read nor write to the file. What happens when a process is not permitted to access the part of the file depends on if you specified O_NONBLOCK or not. If blocking is set it will wait to perform the operation. If no blocking is set you will get an error code of EAGAIN.
NFS warning:
Be careful if you are using locking commands on an NFS mount. The behavior is undefined and the implementation widely varies whether to use a local lock only or to support remote locking.
Both interfaces are part of the POSIX standard, and nowadays both interfaces are available on most systems (I just checked Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and Solaris). Therefore, choose the one that fits better your requirements and use it.
One word of caution: it is unspecified what happens when one process locks a file using fcntl and another using lockf. In most systems these are equivalent operations (in fact under Linux lockf is implemented on top of fcntl), but POSIX says their interaction is unspecified. So, if you are interoperating with another process that uses one of the two interfaces, choose the same one.
Others have written that the locks are only advisory: you are responsible for checking whether a region is locked. Also, don't use stdio functions, if you want the to use the locking functionality.
Your main concerns, in this case (i.e. when "coding a Linux daemon and wondering which is better suited to use for enforcing mutual exclusion"), should be:
will the locked file be local or can it be on NFS?
e.g. can the user trick you into creating and locking your daemon's pid file on NFS?
how will the lock behave when forking, or when the daemon process is terminated with extreme prejudice e.g. kill -9?
The flock and fcntl commands behave differently in both cases.
My recommendation would be to use fcntl. You may refer to the File locking article on Wikipedia for an in-depth discussion of the problems involved with both solutions:
Both flock and fcntl have quirks which
occasionally puzzle programmers from
other operating systems. Whether flock
locks work on network filesystems,
such as NFS, is implementation
dependent. On BSD systems flock calls
are successful no-ops. On Linux prior
to 2.6.12 flock calls on NFS files
would only act locally. Kernel 2.6.12
and above implement flock calls on NFS
files using POSIX byte range locks.
These locks will be visible to other
NFS clients that implement
fcntl()/POSIX locks.1 Lock upgrades
and downgrades release the old lock
before applying the new lock. If an
application downgrades an exclusive
lock to a shared lock while another
application is blocked waiting for an
exclusive lock, the latter application
will get the exclusive lock and the
first application will be locked out.
All fcntl locks associated with a file
for a given process are removed when
any file descriptor for that file is
closed by that process, even if a lock
was never requested for that file
descriptor. Also, fcntl locks are not
inherited by a child process. The
fcntl close semantics are particularly
troublesome for applications which
call subroutine libraries that may
access files.
I came across an issue while using fcntl and flock recently that I felt I should report here as searching for either term shows this page near the top on both.
Be advised BSD locks, as mentioned above, are advisory. For those who do not know OSX (darwin) is BSD. This must be remembered when opening a file to write into.
To use fcntl/flock you must first open the file and get its ID. However if you have opened the file with "w" the file will instantly be zeroed out. If your process then fails to get the lock as the file is in use elsewhere, it will most likely return, leaving the file as 0kb. The process which had the lock will now find the file has vanished from underneath it, catastrophic results normally follow.
To remedy this situation, when using file locking, never open the file "w", but instead open it "a", to append. Then if the lock is successfully acquired, you can then safely clear the file as "w" would have, ie. :
fseek(fileHandle, 0, SEEK_SET);//move to the start
ftruncate(fileno((FILE *) fileHandle), 0);//clear it out
This was an unpleasant lesson for me.
As you're only coding a daemon which uses it for mutual exclusion, they are equivalent, after all, your application only needs to be compatible with itself.
The trick with the file locking mechanisms is to be consistent - use one and stick to it. Varying them is a bad idea.
I am assuming here that the filesystem will be a local one - if it isn't, then all bets are off, NFS / other network filesystems handle locking with varying degrees of effectiveness (in some cases none)
