Very Simple Stored Procedure Will Time Out - sql-server

I have a problem with this one stored procedure that works 99% of the time throughout our application, but will time out when called from a particular part of the application.
The table only has 3 columns and contains about 300 records. The stored proc will only bring back one record and looks like this
"Select * from Table Where Column = #parameter"
When the sp is executed in management studio it takes :00 seconds.
The stored procedure is used a lot in our application, but only seems to time out in one particular part of our program. I can't think of any reason why such a simple sp would time out. Any ideas?
This is a desktop application and using sql server 2005.

You've got some code that's already holding a lock on the table so it can't be read.

SELECT * FROM Table WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Column = #parameter

We had a very similar problem, we had several stored procedures that would keep timing out in the application (~30 sec), but run fine in SSMS.
The short term solution that we used was to re-run the stored procedures which fixed the problem temporarily. If this also fixes the problem temporarily for you, then you should investigate parameter sniffing problems.
For futher information see

you need to get performance metrics. Use the sql profiler to confirm that the SP is slow at that time or something else. If it is the sql that's slow at that time - consider things like locks that may be forcing your query to wait. Lets us know and we might be able to give more specific information at that point.
If it not the SP but say the VB code, a decent profile like RedGate's Ants or JetBrains' DotTrace may help.


SQL Server SPIDS go into a sleeping state and never recover

I have a long running stored procedure that is executed from IIS. On average this stored procedure takes between two and five minutes to complete because it is searching through a large dataset. (although it has take around 20 minutes in some cases)
Most of the time the stored procedure works fine but every now and then the SPIDS go into a sleeping state and never recover. The only solution I have found is to restart the SQL Server and re-run the stored procedure
The are no table inserts in the proc (only table variable inserts), and the other statements are selects on a large table.
I'm stuck for where to start debugging this issue. Any hints one what it might be or suggestions on tools that would help me find the issue would be most helpful
EDIT: More info added:
The actual issue is the proc doesn't return the resultset. My first thought was to look at the spids, they were sleeping but the cputime was still increasing
It's a .Net app so .Net Core 3.1 with ASP.NET Core and a Blazor UI. The libary used for db connection is I believe uses it's own custom driver. Calling code below:
The stored procedure doesn't return multiple result sets, however obviously different instances of the proc run at the same time.
No limits to connection pooling in IIS
#RichardWatts when you say " re-run the stored procedure" you mean that the same stored proc with the same parameter and data works once you restart SQL Server ?
If so look over your loc (sp_loc} inside your table probably another process loc some data and doesnt release it properly, specialy if you have transaction accessing the same tables.
What is your your isolation level on your connexion ? If you can, try to change it to READ UNCOMMITTED to see if that solve your problem.
as an alternate you can also add a WITH (NOLOCK) or (READUNCOMMITTED) to your sql command.
Know that you will need to hold query with a read uncommited or nolock if you have some modification on the structure of your table or index re construction for example or they will in turn block its execution
Nevertheless be cautious this solution depend on your environment, specially if your tables gots lots of update, delete, insert,... this kind of isolation can lead to a Dirty read and doesnt adress the root cause of your problem wich I would bet is uncomited transaction (good article that explain it)
Make also a DBCC CHECKTABLE just to be sure on this side

SSRS report DataRetrieval time increased by 60 seconds overnight

I have an SSRS report which has seen its TimeDataRetrieval (as per the ExecutionLog3 table in the ReportingServices database) increase by 60 seconds overnight and I can't figure out why.
The report has two parameters and contains a single Dataset which passes one of those report parameters to a SQL stored procedure. I can run the stored procedure standalone in SSMS and it completes in seconds, in line with the previous report performance.
I have read many threads and articles online about how parameter sniffing affects the execution plan which SQL builds for a stored procedure when it's been called from an SSRS report versus when it is run direct, but I've tried adding an internal variable to the stored procedure, assigning the incoming parameter value to that variable and using that variable in the query within the stored procedure instead of the parameter, but this didn't make any difference to the issue. I also even tried adding OPTION(RECOMPILE) to the stored procedure, but again this had no impact.
The issue began occurring right after we upgraded our Dynamics CRM 2015 system (whose database resides on the same SQL Server as this instance of SSRS - probably a bad idea I know) to Dynamics 365, so I'm wondering if that could somehow have something to do with it, but I'm at a loss as to how to troubleshoot this one, so any suggestions would be most welcome!
Do the tables that this SP runs from steadily grow in size? Sometimes you get a 'threshold' affect where suddenly the number of rows cause performance issues. I suggest you rebuild statistics on all the tables in use and add the OPTION(RECOMPILE) and retest.
Also when trying to recreate in SSMS, you must make sure you also include all the SET options. You should capture the SQL using profiler and use exactly that, including all of the four or five set options before it (i.e. SET ARITHABORT)
You might find you can then reproduce in SSMS, in which case it is definiteley a parameter sniffing issue. (although recompile usually fixes that)

How do I determine the query that sp_cursorfetch is using

Profiler shows my server is overloaded by lots of calls to sp_cursorfetch, but I want to know which queries are causing all this traffic.
Profiler won't work in this case.
I ran one to test it out, and queried the table I created from it with this:
select CPU, TextData FROM cpu where LoginName = 'db_name_here' order by CPU desc
// Be sure to replace db_name_here
Result I got showed stuff like this:
0------exec sp_cursorfetch 180150000, 16, 7415, 1
*Note: The "-" above are just to format it so it's actually readable on this site.
The only answers I found on this are:
Select statements are the only cause of these cursor fetches, and examining your indexes of most commonly used tables is a good 1st start to resolving the problem
You maybe able to filter a trace on the SPID of the cursorfetch call to see what it's doing before and after the sp_cursorfetch is ran.
Only fetch a subset of the total RecordSet you are currently. Say you grab 100 rows now. Only grab 10,because 10 is the most the user can see at any given time.
In response to the comment:
Thanks for your suggestions, all of which are helpful. Unfortunately the queries in question are from a third party application, of which I do not have direct access to view or modify the queries. If I find a query that is a particuar problem, I can submit a support request to have it reviewed. I just need to know what the query is, first. – Shandy Apr 21 at 8:17
You don't need access to the application to try out most of my aforementioned recommendations. Lets go over them:
Select statements are the only cause of these cursor fetches, and examining your indexes of most commonly used tables is a good 1st start to resolving the problem
This is done on the database server. You need to just run a tuning profile on the database, and to run the SQL Tuning Advisor using the profile generated. This will assist with improving indexes
You maybe able to filter a trace on the SPID of the cursorfetch call to see what it's doing before and after the sp_cursorfetch is ran.
This is something you do using SQL profiler as well
Only fetch a subset of the total RecordSet you are currently. Say you grab 100 rows now. Only grab 10,because 10 is the most the user can see at any given time.
This is done at the application level
What SQL server version are you running on? The resolution for this ended up being an upgrade to SQL Server 2008 in my case. I would try this out to see where it goes.
Since you don't have access to the application, getting around cursor use is going to be a problem most likely. If you take a look at you can see that most alternatives involve editing the application queries ran.
What is the real problem? Why are you profiling the database?
You might need to use profiler for this.
I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve, if you are doing a batch process execution plan might be helpful.
Hope it helps :)

Usage history of Stored Procedures in SQL Server 2008

I work with legacy systems that have tens of thousand of lines of stored procedure code, where many of the stored procedures are obsolete and not used anymore. There doesn't seem to be a way to check execution history, so my question is if it might be a good idea to start each stored procedure by inserting a row into a table that keeps records of the execution?
could be very simple like:
insert into
executionHistory (
-- then rest of procedure
I imagine this could be very useful for doing cleanups of old unused code, and might also be handy when trying to decide where to optimize. I mean it's better to shave 10 seconds off execution time on a procedure that is executed 50 times a day, than saving 10 minutes execution time on a procedure that is only used once a year.
There is a tracing option (SQL Profiler) in SQL server. you could take a trace of a days SQL activity and see which sprocs are executed there.
This will give you a good idea of where to focus your optimisations.
because you're using sql server 2008 i wouldn't do what rwmnau suggest because this would mean you have to modify all your stored procedures.
SQL Server 2008 introduces a feature called Extended Events and SQL Server Auditing based on them. Extended events are high performance tracing system.
by using SQL Server Auditing you can trace your system withouth the overhead of sql trace.
I think your idea is simple enough and would accomplish your goal. Though it would involve modifying every SP, it's the route I would choose. Then you can ensure that you're getting an accurate recording of all activity on the database.
Another poster suggested you do a trace - while this works for short periods, it's only going to catch the time you're watching. You'd have to make sure you traces across any important, high-traffic periods, like month-end financial closing, and even then, you're missing other times you don't think are that big a deal, so you're being subjective.

SQL procedure running time widely divergent

I have an application that runs a huge stored procedure on SQL Server 2000. Usually it takes about 1 minute to complete, but occasionally it will take MUCH longer.
Just now I ran it three times in a row in my test system. It took 1:12, 1:23, and 55:25.
What would cause that behavior? There are other things going on in the database, so I wonder if it has something to do with locks. How can I catch this in the act?
Create a trace and examine it in Profiler. That should at least point towards where the problem lies - in your procedure or elsewhere.
It's probably parameter sniffing: based on the input, Sql Server chose a different query plan.
Another possibility is that a separate query was running at the same time and locked everything up.
