(O)Auth with ExtJS - extjs

today i tried to get django-piston and ExtJS working. I used the ExtJS restful example and the piston example to create a little restful webapp. Everything works fine except the authentication.
Whats the best way to get Basic/Digest/OAuth authentication working with ExtJS?
Atm I'm not sure where to set the Username/Password.

If you want to use piston with ExtJS, I would suggest writing an anonymous handler that checks the user is logged in via standard auth.
Try this:
class AnonymousUserProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
fields = ('title', 'url', 'affiliation')
model = UserProfile
def read(self, request, nickname):
profile = UserProfile.objects.get(nickname=nickname)
if request.user == profile.user:
return profile
class UserProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
anonymous = AnonymousUserProfileHandler
allowed_methods = ('GET')
fields = ('title', 'url', 'affiliation')
model = UserProfile
def read(self, request, nickname):
profile = UserProfile.objects.get(nickname=nickname)
return profile
In this example, when UserProfileHandler is called, without any authorization, it delegates to the anonymous handler. The anonymous handler checks whether the user is logged in via the usual request.user mode. If there is a valid user, it returns their profile object. You would then, obviously, mark the view calling this as requiring login.
The point is: when extJS makes its JSON call, it will send authentication data via the usual cookie. If you use an "anonymous" handler in Piston, but manually check the user is logged in before returning the data, then you essentially use traditional auth for your own site.


How to integrate custom authentication provider into IdentityServer4

Is it possible to somehow extend IdentityServer4 to run custom authentication logic? I have the requirement to validate credentials against a couple of existing custom identity systems and struggle to find an extension point to do so (they use custom protocols).
All of these existing systems have the concept on an API key which the client side knows. The IdentityServer job should now be to validate this API key and also extract some existing claims from the system.
I imagine to do something like this:
POST /connect/token
Then I do my logic to call my_custom_provider_1, validate the API key, get the claims and pass them back to the IdentityServer flow to do the rest.
Is this possible?
I'm assuming you have control over the clients, and the requests they make, so you can make the appropriate calls to your Identity Server.
It is possible to use custom authentication logic, after all that is what the ResourceOwnerPassword flow is all about: the client passes information to the Connect/token endpoint and you write code to decide what that information means and decide whether this is enough to authenticate that client. You'll definitely be going off the beaten track to do what you want though, because convention says that the information the client passes is a username and a password.
In your Startup.ConfigureServices you will need to add your own implementation of an IResourceOwnerPasswordValidator, kind of like this:
services.AddTransient<IResourceOwnerPasswordValidator, ResourceOwnerPasswordValidator>();
Then in the ValidateAsync method of that class you can do whatever logic you like to decide whether to set the context.Result to a successful GrantValidationResult, or a failed one. One thing that can help you in that method, is that the ResourceOwnerPasswordValidationContext has access to the raw request. So any custom fields you add into the original call to the connect/token endpoint will be available to you. This is where you could add your custom fields (provider name, api key etc).
Good luck!
EDIT: The above could work, but is really abusing a standard grant/flow. Much better is the approach found by the OP to use the IExtensionGrantValidator interface to roll your own grant type and authentication logic. For example:
Call from client to identity server:
POST /connect/token
Register your extension grant with DI:
services.AddTransient<IExtensionGrantValidator, MyCrapGrantValidator>();
And implement your grant validator:
public class MyCrapGrantValidator : IExtensionGrantValidator
// your custom grant needs a name, used in the Post to /connect/token
public string GrantType => "my_crap_grant";
public async Task ValidateAsync(ExtensionGrantValidationContext context)
// Get the values for the data you expect to be used for your custom grant type
var rhubarb = context.Request.Raw.Get("rhubarb");
var custard = context.Request.Raw.Get("custard");
var music = context.Request.Raw.Get("music");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rhubarb)||string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(custard)||string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(music)
// this request doesn't have the data we'd expect for our grant type
context.Result = new GrantValidationResult(TokenRequestErrors.InvalidGrant);
return Task.FromResult(false);
// Do your logic to work out, based on the data provided, whether
// this request is valid or not
if (bool.Parse(rhubarb) && bool.Parse(custard) && music=="ska")
// This grant gives access to any client that simply makes a
// request with rhubarb and custard both true, and has music
// equal to ska. You should do better and involve databases and
// other technical things
var sub = "ThisIsNotGoodSub";
context.Result = new GrantValidationResult(sub,"my_crap_grant");
// Otherwise they're unauthorised
context.Result = new GrantValidationResult(TokenRequestErrors.UnauthorizedClient);
return Task.FromResult(false);

How do I get data out of the Authorization header and use it in my API? (Lexik JWT)

I am in the process of making a SPA (hybrid app) using ionic and AngularJS (1.5.x). I am using Symfony 2.8 for my backoffice and to handle my API.
I wanted to use JWT, and i'm using the Lexik JWT package for it. Everything works fine. When the user logs in, he gets a token that is then saved in the Authorization header. Only users with this token (or rather token in this header) can access the API and do API calls.
The only thing which is unclear to me is how to make it so that the user can only do API calls (Get user information, update only their own posts or such) that concerns their OWN information.
So far I've tried to get the data out of the Authorization header to further on somehow use this token's data (username is in there) to check if it is equal to the user's name who has made this report.
Tried several things such as getallheaders(), $token = $_SERVER['Authorization']; and other general functions that check the request headers, but everytime I'm getting errors as well.
Am I misunderstanding something or am I missing a step? Am I incorrectly using JWT? Is my reasoning correct that this is how I should do it or is there a more fluent way/logical to do this?
I'm also using FOSRestBundle for my API as well as NelmioCORS, NelmioApiDoc and FOSUSERBundle
When your are behind the firewall provided by the bundle and if the user is correctly logged in, you can get the user object from your controller by calling the methods getToken() then getUser() of the security.token_storage service.
If your controller extends Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller, you can directly call $this->getUser().
namespace AcmeBundle\Controller;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Security;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
* #Route("/api")
class ApiController extends Controller
* #Route("/hello")
* #Security("is_granted('ROLE_USER')")
public function helloAction()
$token = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken();
$if (null !== $token) {
//$token should be an instance of Lexik\Bundle\JWTAuthenticationBundle\Security\Authentication\Token\JWTUserToken
$user = $token->getUser();
// or
$user = $this->getUser();

How can I manage authorization in GAE using Google Accounts?

So far I have used oauth2 to manage authentication using Google Accounts for my app, which gives me some data to complete a basic profile. The problem is that I now want to manage permissions to view and edit a lot of the content in the app, with different groups of people being able to view/edit different parts of the app.
I want some parts of my application to be accessed by users with permission for A, some for B, C, etc. The way I started doing this was using a decorator in the get and post method of each handler, like this:
class SomeHandler(Handler):
def get(self):
def post(self):
Where #validate_access executes the code in the function only if the user has permission for it, and returning an authorization error if not. This seemed to be a good solution a while back, but since there are many handlers I have to use that decorator everywhere, which is annoying and dangerous, since I may forget to put it in some functions.
Is there a way to put this validations in the initialization of the base handler, so that I don't have to use that decorator everywhere? I imagine something like this:
class BaseHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def initialize(self, request, response):
super(Handler, self).initialize(request, response)
self.user = users.get_current_user()
employee = Employee.query(user_id=self.user.user_id).get()
if employee.auth_level > 3:
#See the content: Do whatever the "get" method of the corresponding handler does.
#Raise authorization error
Or is there a better way to do this? (Sorry if it's a basic question, I've never done this before)
Yes, you can overwrite the webapp2 dispatch handler for this purpose. I used this method to enforce role based access control (RBAC).
Example code:
class BaseHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
""" webapp2 base handler """
def dispatch(self):
# UserAccess aborts if the user does not have permission to use a handler
super(BaseHandler, self).dispatch()
class ExampleHandler(BaseHandler):
def get(self):
I use a config file with the allowed roles for a handler. This file is also used to create the webapp2 routes and the dynamic user menu.

app-engine endpoint method taking user object

I have an endpoint method that requires a user object. Would I do the following? It seems a bit strange since I could get user using endpoints.get_current_user()
#endpoints.method(FriendListRequest, FriendListResponse,
path='scores', http_method='POST',
def friend_list(self, request):
# work would go here
Then the FriendListRequest would be
class FriendListRequest(messages.Message):
user_object = messages.Field(1, required=True)
The reason I need the User object is because I must use the User email to query and find the friends of said user.
To securely authenticate a user, Cloud Endpoints provides simple OAuth 2.0 support. Instead of passing a user object (insecure) in with the request, the request message can be a VoidMessage and you can rely on the Authorization header, which contains the OAuth 2.0 token for the user.
To actually get the current user, you will call endpoints.get_current_user(); this will require adding allowed_client_ids and/or audiences in either the #endpoints.method decorator or the the #endpoints.api method. See the docs for more info.
For example, on the API:
#endpoints.api(name='myapi', ...,
class MyApi(...):
#endpoints.method(message_types.VoidMessage, FriendListResponse,
path='scores', http_method='POST',
def friend_list(self, request):
user = endpoints.get_current_user()
# work would go here
or, on the method:
#endpoints.method(message_types.VoidMessage, FriendListResponse,
path='scores', http_method='POST',
def friend_list(self, request):
user = endpoints.get_current_user()
# work would go here
Create a user object using users and pass the same
A User instance can be also constructed from an email address:
from google.appengine.api import users
user = users.User("A***.j***#gmail.com")

How to set cookie in a CakePHP dispatcher filter?

In my application I need do some kind of "auto login" logic at the beginning of app work. In this "auto login" function I do many actions, and one of them - setting cookie, using CookieComponent.
When I use this autoLogin in controller or component - all is fine, BUT cookies are NOT set when I do the same from dispatcher filter.
I dig deep into CakePHP code, and found that when I try set cookie from dispatcher filter, $_cookies property of CakeResponse are empty. So it's looks like dispatcher filter creates own CakeResponse, and it resets later, so cookie are not set.
My filter looks like this:
class UserLoadFilter extends DispatcherFilter
public $priority = 8;
public function beforeDispatch($event) {
App::uses('AuthComponent', 'Controller/Component');
if (!AuthComponent::user()) {
App::uses('CustomAuthComponent', 'Controller/Component');
//$controller = new AppController($event->data['request'], $event->data['response']);
$auth = new CustomAuthComponent(new ComponentCollection(), Configure::read('Auth'));
I also tried set cookie directly in beforeDispatch method in this way:
App::uses('CookieComponent', 'Controller/Component');
$cookie = new CookieComponent(new ComponentCollection());
$cookie->write('test', 'TEST!', false, "1 day");
but this has no sense too.
What do I do wrong? Maybe I just don't see some simple things, but I spent many time and still can't fix this. Is it's possible at all to set cookie from this place?
Sure I can try just use setcookie, or write own cookie wraper, but I want to do it in CakePHP style, using cookie component.
This looks just wrong to me. 2.x uses authentication and authorization objects so no CustomAuthComponent - meaning the component part - is needed. Instead you create customized authentication and authorization objects.
I see no reason why this has to be done in beforeDispatcher(). So what exactly is your goal? What kind of auth are you trying to implement?
Edit based on your comment:
Simply redirect after you identified the user as Boris said and your locale gets set (if you did it right). So just read the uuid from the cookie in beforeFilter(), get the user record based on that and use the user record to do a "manual" login and then redirect.
What have you modified in the AuthComponent?
