WPF CollectionViewSource in Custom Control misuse? - wpf

Should you use CollectionViewSource in the WPF Custom Control's code behind?
I'am asking because the CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(SOURCE) with .Filter set
changes the view so that all instances of the Control have the same view.
Doesn't it mean, that in the Custom Control's code behind, you should avoid use of CollectionViewSource ?

It depends on the desired behavior. E.g. if you had multiple lists of states on the screen and wanted to filter all of them by region at the same time, then this could be desired behavior. You can always force a different view source in cases where you do not want the items bound to the same filter criteria.
I think avoiding the use of CollectionViewSource until you understand the interactions of ItemsSource -> CollectionView -> Bound Item controls is probably a good idea, but I don't know that I would go so far as to say that you should avoid it in general.
I think it might be reasonable to say that if two lists on a form have different filtering/sorting requirements then they should be bound from different source properties (even if those properties are straight clones of a single underlying source). That way you can still apply filtering and storing at the CollectionViewSource level but without unintended consequences later on.


How to reorder a ListBox's bound ItemsSource without access to the underlying collection?

I have created a control derived from a WPF ListBox that allows me to reorder the contents of the ListBox by dragging and dropping. I do this with the below code:
ListBox.Items.Insert(targetIndex, droppedObject);
The problem shows up when I bind an ObservableCollection to this derived class's ItemsSource. When bound, an exception is thrown when I try to access the ListBox.Items and edit it. It instead wants me to edit the ObservableCollection instead. This makes sense to me, but I don't have access to this collection in the .cs file of my derived ListBox class. Since the implementation of my derived control should be generic, I shouldn't ever access a global ObservableCollection within it. I have attempted to access the ListBox's ItemsSource and try and do my updates to it, but I cannot seem to cast it into a list that allows me to easily edit it without knowing what the contents are. Is there an easy fix to this issue that I am missing?
but I cannot seem to cast it into a list that allows me to easily edit it without knowing what the contents are
You need to make sure that the type assigned to the ItemsSource property actually supports re-ordering of items, i.e. that it implements the IList interface. Otherwise you cannot use the RemoveAt and Insert methods.
Cast using the as operator:
var sourceCollection = ListBox.ItemsSource as IList;
if(sourceCollection != null)
sourceCollection.Insert(targetIndex, droppedObject);
If you get a null reference back, it means that the source collection doesn't implement the IList interface and you cannot move an item based on an index.
Yes, the correct way to do it is to actually reorder items in the underlying ItemsSource. I mean, you can coerce ListView to apply its own ordering (e.g. binding ItemsSource to a custom CollectionView instead), but things will get very messy when underlying collection changes. Personally, I'd avoid that route.
The proper answer would depend on why exactly do you want to order items and whether the ViewModel and Model layers should react to this reordering somehow (e.g. save the new items layout somewhere so it won't disappear after application is restarted). Normally, ViewModels are not expected to listen on changes to their ObservableCollections, but would rather accept 'MoveUp'/'MoveDown' commands from view and alter ObservableCollection accordingly.
On the other hand, if you're not creating an externally reusable library, and can guarantee that your ViewModels will not freak out if View starts to actually moving items around bound collection, its a relatively safe bet to just cast ItemsSource to non-generic IList interface and manipulate the items directly, as you suggested. Note that theoretically a bound collection may not implement IList, but in a real world application it almost certainly would.

Hide Elements in WPF TreeView

i have the following scenario:
I have a ViewModel with hierachical elements to display in a TreeView. So far so good. What i want to do now is hide/remove elements from the TreeView according to some property set on a ViewModel-Element, like IsConfigurable or such.
If i disable die DataTemplate, the element is removed, but also all child-elements, which is not what i want.
Is that even possible?
That sounds somewhat strange, but nevertheless...
You should consider that your application shall remain test and debuggable.
Your model contains the orginal data (collection) as it is - no meddling here. In your ViewModel, the object that you are binding to, you can calculate the transformation as you want to display your hierarchy. This approach has the benefit, that you can "easily" test/debug your transformation. Now bind your TreeView to the calculated hierarchy without obscure experiments. If properties in your ViewModel (you mentioned IsConfigurable or whatever) change, you know when to re-calc your bound hierarchy.

Custom property dependant on other properties

Advance apologies for the event-style explanation; there's a lot of factors that I feel all play a role of their own. WPF is not my native framework of choice, and it probably shows. :)
Old situation: I had a window with several controls. Depending on their selections, I used multibindings and a converter to determine whether certain controls needed to be shown that inform the user about the implications of their changes before they'd eventually confirm them by OK (or simply dismissed by using Cancel). This worked perfectly.
Problem: Too many controls as time went by, too much clutter.
Solution: Put stuff in different Pages so it becomes easier to browse for the user. In order to have changes-to-be persist as a user arbitrarily browses between the pages, I create these dynamically and put them in a cache (Dictionary<string, BasePage>, see below), from which they will be pulled as the user chooses them.
Consequence: I need to decouple the bindings to the notification controls as the different options are now on different pages.
Solution? I put a BasePage class in that exposes certain abstract read-only properties that define the various aspects that the window needs to know about in order to do its notifications. For example, a bool requiresReboot property defines whether the current state of things on that page requires a reboot to take (full) effect. A specific page implements the property based on its controls.
Problem: I do not know how to keep create a proper binding that properly gets updated as the pages are changed. I tried giving my notification controls a binding to the Dictionary<string, BasePage> with a converter that checks all pages and the relevant property.
1) How do I create a proper property for this purpose? I presume I need a DependancyProperty as I did a fair bit of reading on MSDN, but I can't figure out how this fits together.
2) How do I make a link between my custom property so that it allows (multiple) control(s) on a page to change that property? Do I use INotifyPropertyChanged somehow? My old example bound against several CheckBox.IsChecked properties in XAML. I am trying to avoid putting tons of events (OnChange, etc) on the controls as the original code did not need it and I have been told it makes for a messy solution for as far WPF is concerned.
3) Finally, I suspect I may need to change my Dictionary<string, BasePage> class to a custom implementation that implements some sort of INotifyPropertyChanged but for Collections? Observable Collection is the term I am looking for, I believe.
I hope someone is able to bridge the gap in my understanding of WPF (property) internals; I would very much appreciate it. A basic sample would be even better, but if it is too complicated, just a nudge in the right direction will do. Thank you. :)
It's been a while since I solved this, and while I cannot remember the exact cause of the problems, there were a few different issues that made up the bulk of the trouble I ran into.
I ended up making the Property in question a non-abstract DependencyProperty in the base class; it was the only way in which I could properly delegate the change notifications to the interface. Derived classes simply ended up binding it to their controls (with a proper Converter in the case extra logic was necessitated).
As Dictionary<string, BasePage> does not support any sort of change notification, I made an extra collection of ObservableCollection<BasePage> which I used for binding purposes.
However, such a collection does not propagate a change event when items inside of it has a property changed. Since this situation required that, and I was binding to the collection itself in the context of a property that does not have a Master<->Detail relationship like a DataGrid (which basically add their own OnPropertyChanged handlers to the binded object), I ended up subclassing a VeryObservableCollecton<>. This one listens to its own items, and throws a proper change event (I think it was an OnPropertyChanged from the INotifyPropertyChanged interface) so that the binding (or in this case a multi-binding) would refresh properly and allow my interface to update.
It is hardly the prettiest code, and it feels over-engineered, but at least it allows me to properly bind the UI to the data in this manner.

wpf - bind label widths to calculated length property

If I had a label on a view that I wanted to have the width equal to the width of two columns in one of my grids on the same view, how would I set up the binding without using a converter? Should I use properties to preform my calculation and store a value? It is my intention that if the view's grid size changes then this label's size will also change to match the new width of the two columns.
And where should I put this logic? I am trying to follow MVVM pattern but I see that a lot of threads about "converters in MVVM" say to put the logic into the viewmodel.
I tried to implement this behavior with dependency properties on my view since my viewmodel technically has no knowledge of my view (so how would my viewmodel know how wide my columns currently are?). This goes against what I have read online though. When implementing this behavior I noticed that I cannot reference my columns by name unless my property is not static, but dependency properties are static so I am not sure how to shuffle my values around without creating yet more properties to hold values.
Can someone provide help here? I feel like i'm overcomplicating this. I just need this label to sit over these two columns however they stretch. It just provides a visual grouping of related fields in the grid. Once I can do this first one, the other two should be equally similar.
My rule of thumb is if it's "View" related then keep it away from the ViewModel. From your description this sounds like it's purely view related, so I would just use logic in either the codebehind or a converter.
Now what I don't understand is why you are reluctant to use Converters. With converters you certainly don't want to store business logic that is going to lead to confusion or pain points for refactoring, but if you have some value that needs to be converted for a specific view operation then Converters are exactly what you should be using.
So my advice is Converters ... if it's View related then feel free to use Converters and Codebehind ... in fact you should use them and not the ViewModel.
Does that help?

Binding WPF control to multiple sources (not traditional multibinding)

I am trying to do some databinding magic. I have a Shipments view that lists shipments, and provides filtering and ordering ability on the list. The filter string box, Delivery Status filters (checkboxes) and Ordering Radiobuttons are databound to properties in the ViewModel. I want to add the ability to save state and I have elected to do this by saving control states in an xml document. Previously I have done this before with little problem, using databinding to just read/write the values back and forth.
However, now I have a quandry. My filter controls are currently databound to items in the ViewModel. i can write code that changes their databinding from the xml to the ViewModel on load and vice versa, but that would be messy.
Is there a mechanism in place that I can use to achieve the ability to bind to two equal sources and have them updated at the same time?
This sounds like a concern for the view model.
Why not load the saved values into the view model, and have the view model decide what data to expose?
Then the view doesn't have to be concerned with managing data.
None that I'm aware of.
My opinion: I really wouldn't do this anyway - if your datacontext is the viewmodel, and the viewmodel has properties for the filter, you almost certainly should be persisting and retrieving the relevant viewmodel state to keep the state of the filters. Trying to save controlstate, then retrieve it, set it, and set the viewmodel based on the new controlstate sounds like a lot more work and much more prone to bugs.
