I have a website which is used by all branches of a store and what it does is that it records customer purchases into a table called myTransactions.myTransactions table has a column named SerialNumber. For each purchase I create a record in the transactions table and assign a serial to it. The stored procedure that does this calls a UDF function to get a new serialNumber before inserting the record. Like below :
Create Procedure mytransaction_Insert
as begin
insert into myTransactions(column1,column2,column3,...SerialNumber)
values( Value1 ,Value2,Value3,...., getTransactionNSerialNumber())
Create function getTransactionNSerialNumber
RETURN isnull(SELECT TOP (1) SerialNumber FROM myTransactions READUNCOMMITTED
ORDER BY SerialNumber DESC),0) + 1
The website is being used by so many users in different stores at the same time and it is creating many duplicate serialNumbers(same SerialNumbers). So I added a Sql transaction with ReadCommitted level to the transaction and I still got duplicate transaction numbers. I changed it to SERIALIZABLE in order to lock the resources and I not only got duplicate transaction numbers(!!HOW!!) but I also got sporadic deadlocks between the same stored procedure calls. This is what I tried : (With omissions of try catch blocks and rollbacks)
Create Procedure mytransaction_Insert
as begin
insert into myTransactions(column1,column2,column3,...SerialNumber)
values( Value1 ,Value2 , Value3, ...., getTransactionNSerialNumber())
I even copied the function that gets the serial number directly into the stored procedure instead of the UDF function call and still got duplicate serialNumbers.So,How can a stored procedure line create something Like the c# lock() {} block.
By the way, I have to implement the transaction serial number using the same pattern and I can't change the serialNumber to any other identity field or whatever.And for some reasons I need to generate the serialNumber inside the database and I can't move SerialNumber generation to application level.
Sorry but I have already tried this without READUNCOMMITTED in the function and I still get duplicate SerialNumbers.
As for the IDENTITY column, I should say that this app is going to be used by other companies that require different SerialNumbers and we can't just simply change it to identity.
You have READUNCOMMITTED in the UDF. This will cause it to ignore any exclusive locks held by other transactions.
SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE is not the same as an applock, it is not a "critical section" in the database, it just controls the locking behaviour of subsequent statements in the transaction.
Take out the READUNCOMMITTED and it should start working as you expect.
Of course, this ignores the fact that you've essentially re-implemented an IDENTITY column. If your serial numbers are really incremental then you should throw all of this away and replace it with a simple IDENTITY column. You claim that you "can't", but don't provide any justification for that statement; it looks to me like you almost certainly can.
What you are missing is a unique constraint (or primary key) down your transactions table. If you had that the duplicate entry would back out when you attempt to commit it.
But I would state clearly that you should use the "Identity" (as said by #Aaronaught) column in SQL. This will start at whatever you want it to and increment forward or backward. If you need your orders to start at a given number then forward it. But if you need an identifier that is unique and also happens to be an integer value then use identity.
I've been unable to find docs that address this, and I've tried both the serializable and snapshot isolation levels to no benefit.
I am interested in querying a table during a transaction where I've modified the table in the transaction, but my query is not aware of those data modifications.
I'm sure I could carefully sequence things and potentially use temp tables to accomplish my functionality, but if there's a query hint or isolation level that simplifies my code I'd like to use it!
In a regular table, you don't have access to the previous versions of the rows that you have modified in the current transaction.
If the table is indeed a regular table, you can add the output clause to your update statement to capture the previous version:
declare #t table(...);
update ...
set ...
output deleted.column1, ... into #t;
If the table is a temporal table through, you can access the previous version:
declare #before_update datetime = getdate();
update ... ;
select ... from table ... for system_time as of #before_update;
Note this may not be quite what you want, given the concurrent nature of SQL Server. It might return you data that is just a bit too old, if another transaction gets in between of your = getdate() and update.
I think the issue I'm having is a concurrency issue, but I guess I don't understand SQL Server transactions well enough to be sure of what to do.
I have a stored procedure which inserts a new row into one table, then uses the ID created by that INSERT to create a record in another table, which has a foreign key constraint on RID:
INSERT INTO tbl_Registrations ...
--get newly-created registration ID
SET #RID=(SELECT MAX(RID) FROM tbl_Registrations WHERE ...);
INSERT INTO tbl_RegistrationCertificates VALUES (#RID, 9);
This stored procedure is called from a user interaction on a website, and every time I've tested it, it works fine. However, every once in a while, I'll get an email from our error handler with the following exception:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_tbl_RegistrationCertificates_tbl_Registrations".
The conflict occurred in ... table "dbo.tbl_Registrations", column 'RID'.
The statement has been terminated.
But, either my users are persistent in clicking the "update" button until they see a change, or the transaction is going through even though the message says The statement has been terminated, because, using other information from the email, I can see that both tables have actually been updated.
I know I'm not giving a ton of information here, but the big questions that I can't find answers to are:
Does the semicolon on the end of a statement do anything in T-SQL? I just noticed that there's not a semicolon at the end of the INSERT statement. (I normally put them out of habit, but I'm working on systems that other people built.)
Does this look like a concurrency issue to people who know more about SQL Server than I do?
If it does look like a concurrency issue, can I use transactions to mitigate it, and how do I do that?
EDIT: I just realized the SP isn't what's throwing the error after all. There's another place in the website that's doing an insert without checking to see that the RID exists. Still, I'm glad I asked the questions because I still wouldn't have known the answers otherwise.
T-SQL treats the semicolon as a statement separator, though it wasn't always required. More in-depth discussion on that point can be found in this question.
As for the foreign key error, the stored procedure as you've presented it could use some improvement for a couple of reasons.
First, it's highly likely that you should be using a transaction here. If you don't want a registration record to be added unless a registration certificate record is also added, then the entire operation should be in a single transaction.
Second, SELECTing the MAX value of an identity insert column can easily be a source of concurrency issues if you get simultaneous calls to the stored procedure. Imagine a scenario where thread A INSERTS but can't run its SELECT MAX(RID) before thread B INSERTs. Now both thread A and B will try to INSERT the same value to tbl_RegistrationCertificates.
The SCOPE_IDENTITY() function will help with this by giving you the latest identity value generated from a query within this stored procedure.
Some updated code:
INSERT INTO tbl_Registrations ...
--get newly-created registration ID
INSERT INTO tbl_RegistrationCertificates VALUES (#RID, 9);
I'm starting to work with SQL Server database and I'm having a hard time trying to understand Transaction Isolation Levels and how they lock data.
I'm trying to accomlish the following simple task:
Accept a pair of integers [ID, counter] in a SQL stored procedure
Determine whether ID exists in a certain table: SELCT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable WHERE Id = {idParam}
If the previous COUNT statement returns 0, insert this ID and counter:
INSERT INTO MyTable(Id, Counter) VALUES({idParam}, {counterParam})
If the COUNT statement returns 1, update the existing record: UPDATE MyTable SET Counter = Counter + {counterParam} WHERE Id = {idParam}
Now, I understand I have to wrap this whole stored procedure in a transaction, and according to this MS article the appropriate isolation level would be SERIALIZABLE (it says: No other transactions can modify data that has been read by the current transaction until the current transaction completes). Please correct me if I'm wrong here.
Suppose I called the procedure with ID=1, so the first query woluld be SELCT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable WHERE SomeId=1 (1st transaction began). Then, immediately after this query was executed, the procedure is called with ID=2 (2nd transaction began).
What I fail to understand is how much data would be locked during the execution of my stored procedure in this case:
If the 1st query of the 1st transaction returns 0 records, does this mean that 1st transaction locks nothing and other transactions are able to INSERT ID=1 before 1st transaction tries it?
Or does the 1st transaction lock the whole table making the 2nd transaction wait even though those 2 transactions can never try to read/update the same row?
Or does 1st transaction somehow forbid anyone else to read/write only records with ID=1 until it is comleted?
If your filter is on an index, that's what's going to get locked. So regardless of whether the row already exists or not, it's locked for the duration of the transaction. Take care, though - it's very easy to turn a row lock into something nastier, especially full table locks. And of course, it's easy to introduce deadlocks this way :)
However, I'd suggest a different approach. First, try to do an insert. If it works, you're done - if it doesn't, you know you can safely do an atomic update. Very fast, very cheap, very reliable :)
In a script used for interactive analysis of subsets of data, it is often useful to store the results of queries into temporary tables for further analysis.
Many of my analysis scripts contain this structure:
INSERT INTO #Results (a, b, c)
SELECT a, b, c
FROM ...
FROM #Results;
In SQL Server, temporary tables are connection-scoped, so the query results persist after the initial query execution. When the subset of data I want to analyze is expensive to calculate, I use this method instead of using a table variable because the subset persists across different batches of queries.
The setup part of the script is run once, and following queries (SELECT * FROM #Results is a placeholder here) are run as often as necessary.
Occasionally, I want to refresh the subset of data in the temporary table, so I run the entire script again. One way to do this would be to create a new connection by copying the script to a new query window in Management Studio, I find this difficult to manage.
Instead, my usual workaround is to precede the create statement with a conditional drop statement like this:
IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb.dbo.#Results', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #Results;
This statement correctly handles two situations:
On the first run when the table does not exist: do nothing.
On subsequent runs when the table does exist: drop the table.
Production scripts written by me would always use this method because it raises no errors for in the two expected situations.
Some equivalent scripts written by my fellow developers sometimes handle these two situations using exception handling:
I believe in the database world it is better always to ask permission than seek forgiveness, so this method makes me uneasy.
The second method swallows an error while taking no action to handle non-exceptional behavior (table does not exist). Also, it is possible that an error would be raised for a reason other than that the table does not exist.
The Wise Owl warns about the same thing:
Of the two methods, the [OBJECT_ID method] is more difficult to understand but
probably better: with the [BEGIN TRY method], you run the risk of trapping
the wrong error!
But it does not explain what the practical risks are.
In practice, the BEGIN TRY method has never caused problems in systems I maintain, so I'm happy for it to stay there.
What possible dangers are there in managing temporary table existence using BEGIN TRY method? What unexpected errors are likely to be concealed by the empty catch block?
What possible dangers? What unexpected errors are likely to be concealed?
If try catch block is inside a transaction, it will cause a failure.
This batch will fail with an error like this:
Msg 3930, Level 16, State 1, Line 7
The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction.
Msg 3998, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Uncommittable transaction is detected at the end of the batch. The transaction is rolled back.
Books Online documents this behavior:
Uncommittable Transactions and XACT_STATE
If an error generated in a TRY block causes the state of the current transaction to be invalidated, the transaction is classified as an uncommittable transaction. An error that ordinarily ends a transaction outside a TRY block causes a transaction to enter an uncommittable state when the error occurs inside a TRY block. An uncommittable transaction can only perform read operations or a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION. The transaction cannot execute any Transact-SQL statements that would generate a write operation or a COMMIT TRANSACTION.
now replace TRY/Catch with the Test Method
IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb.dbo.#Results', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #Results;
and run again.Transaction will commit without any error.
A better solution may be to use a table variable rather than a temporary table
declare #results table(
I also think that a try block is dangerous because can hide an unexpected problem. Some programing languages can catch only selected errors and don't catch unexpected ones, if your programing language has this functionality then use it (T-SQL can't catch for an specific error)
For your scenario, I can explain that I codify exactly like you, with this try catch block.
The desirable behavior would be:
begin try
drop table #my_temp_table
end try
begin catch __table_dont_exists_error__
end catch
But this don't exists! Then you can write some think like:
begin try
drop table #my_temp_table
end try
begin catch
declare #err_n int, #err_d varchar(MAX)
#err_n = ERROR_NUMBER() ,
#err_d = ERROR_MESSAGE() ;
IF #err_n <> 3701
raiserror( #err_d, 16, 1 )
end catch
This will raise an event when error deleting table is different that 'table don't exists'.
Notice that for your issue all this code not worth it. But can be useful for other approach. For your problem, elegant solution is drop table only if exists or use table variable.
Not in you question but possibly overlooked is the resources used by the temp table. I always drop the table at the end of the script so it does not tie up resources. What if you put a million rows in the table? Then I also test for the table at the start of the script to handle the condition there was an error in the last run and the table was not dropped. If you want to reuse the temp then at least clear out the rows.
A table variable is another option. It is lighter weight and has limitations. Avoid a table variable if you are going to use it in a query join as the query optimizer does not handle a table variable was well as it does a temp.
SQL documentation:
If more than one temporary table is created inside a single stored procedure or batch, they must have different names.
If a local temporary table is created in a stored procedure or application that can be executed at the same time by several users, the Database Engine must be able to distinguish the tables created by the different users. The Database Engine does this by internally appending a numeric suffix to each local temporary table name. The full name of a temporary table as stored in the sysobjects table in tempdb is made up of the table name specified in the CREATE TABLE statement and the system-generated numeric suffix. To allow for the suffix, table_name specified for a local temporary name cannot exceed 116 characters.
Temporary tables are automatically dropped when they go out of scope, unless explicitly dropped by using DROP TABLE:
A local temporary table created in a stored procedure is dropped automatically when the stored procedure is finished. The table can be referenced by any nested stored procedures executed by the stored procedure that created the table. The table cannot be referenced by the process that called the stored procedure that created the table.
All other local temporary tables are dropped automatically at the end of the current session.
Global temporary tables are automatically dropped when the session that created the table ends and all other tasks have stopped referencing them. The association between a task and a table is maintained only for the life of a single Transact-SQL statement. This means that a global temporary table is dropped at the completion of the last Transact-SQL statement that was actively referencing the table when the creating session ended.
I'm trying to write to a log file inside a transaction so that the log survives even if the transaction is rolled back.
--start code
begin tran
insert [something] into dbo.logtable
[[main code here]]
-- end code
You could say just do the log before the transaction starts but that is not as easy because the transaction starts before this S-Proc is run (i.e. the code is part of a bigger transaction)
So, in short, is there a way to write a special statement inside a transaction that is not part of the transaction. I hope my question makes sense.
Use a table variable (#temp) to hold the log info. Table variables survive a transaction rollback.
See this article.
I do this one of two ways, depending on my needs at the time. Both involve using a variable, which retain their value following a rollback.
1) Create a DECLARE #Log varchar(max) value and use this: #SET #Log=ISNULL(#Log+'; ','')+'Your new log info here'. Keep appending to this as you go through the transaction. I'll insert this into the log after the commit or the rollback as necessary. I'll usually only insert the #Log value into the real log table when there is an error (in theCATCH` block) or If I'm trying to debug a problem.
2) create a DECLARE #LogTable table (RowID int identity(1,1) primary key, RowValue varchar(5000). I insert into this as you progress through your transaction. I like using the OUTPUT clause to insert the actual IDs (and other columns with messages, like 'DELETE item 1234') of rows used in the transaction into this table with. I will insert this table into the actual log table after the commit or the rollback as necessary.
If the parent transaction rolls back the logging data will roll back as well - SQL server does not support proper nested transactions. One possibility is to use a CLR stored procedure to do the logging. This can open its own connection to the database outside the transaction and enter and commit the log data.
Log output to a table, use a time delay, and use WITH(NOLOCK) to see it.
It looks like #arvid wanted to debug the operation of the stored procedure, and is able to alter the stored proc.
The c# code starts a transaction, then calls a s-proc, and at the end it commits or rolls back the transaction. I only have easy access to the s-proc
I had a similar situation. So I modified the stored procedure to log my desired output to a table. Then I put a time delay at the end of the stored procedure
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:12'; -- 12 second delay, adjust as desired
and in another SSMS window, quickly read the table with READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level (the "WITH(NOLOCK)" below
It's not the solution you want if you need a permanent record of the logs (edit: including where transactions get rolled back), but it suits my purpose to be able to debug the code in a temporary fashion, especially when linked servers, xp_cmdshell, and creating file tables are all disabled :-(
Apologies for bumping a 12-year old thread, but Microsoft deserves an equal caning for not implementing nested transactions or autonomous transactions in that time period.
If you want to emulate nested transaction behaviour you can use named transactions:
begin transaction a
create table #a (i int)
select * from #a
save transaction b
create table #b (i int)
select * from #a
select * from #b
rollback transaction b
select * from #a
rollback transaction a
In SQL Server if you want a ‘sub-transaction’ you should use save transaction xxxx which works like an oracle checkpoint.