Strategy in storing ad-hoc numbers/constants? - database

I have a need to store a number of ad-hoc figures and constants for calculation.
These numbers change periodically but they are different type of values. One might be a balance, a money amount, another might be an interest rate, and yet another might be a ratio of some kind.
These numbers are then used in a calculation that involve other more structured figures.
I'm not certain what the best way to store these in a relational DB is - that's the choice of storage for the app.
One way, I've done before, is to create a very generic table that stores the values as text. I might store the data type along with it but the consumer knows what type it is so, in situations I didn't even need to store the data type. This kind of works fine but I am not very fond of the solution.
Should I break down each of the numbers into specific categories and create tables that way? For example, create Rates table, and Balances table, etc.?

Yes, you should definitely structure your database accordingly. Having a generic table holding text values is not a great solution, and it also adds overhead when using those values in programs that may pull that data for some calculations.
Keeping each of the tables and values separated allows you to do things like adding dates and statuses to your values (perhaps some are active while others aren't?) and also allows you to keep an accurate history (what if i want to see a particular rate from last year?). It also makes things easier for those who come behind you to sift through your data.
I suggest reading this article on database normalization.


Should I store this in the database or in the code?

I'm creating a small game composed of weapons. Weapons have characteristics, like the accuracy. When a player crafts such a weapon, a value between min and max are generated for each characteristic. For example, the accuracy of a new gun is a number between 2 and 5.
My question is... should I store the minimum and maximum value in the database or should it be hard coded in the code ?
I understand that putting them in the database allows me to change these values easily, however these won't change very often and doing this mean having to make a database request when I need these values. Moreover, its means having way much more tables... however, is it a good practice to store this directly in the code ?
In conclusion, I really don't know what solution to chose as both have advantages and disadvantage.
If you have attributes of an entity, then you should store them in the database.
That is what databases are for, storing data. I can see no advantage to hardcoding such values. Worse, the values might be used in different places in your code. And, when you update them, you might end up with inconsistent values throughout the code.
If these are default values, then I can imagine storing them in the code along with all the other information about the weapon -- name of the weapon, category, and so on. Those values are the source information for the weapons.
I still think it would be better to have a Weapons table or WeaponDefaults table so these are in the database. Right now, you might think the defaults are only used in one place. You would be surprised how software can grow. Also, having them in the database makes the values more maintainable.
I would have to agree #Gordon_Linoff.
I Don't think you will end up with "way more tables", maybe one or two. If you had a table that had fields of ID, Weapon, Min, Max ...
Then you could do a recordset search when needed. As you said, these variables might never change but changing them in a single spot, seems much more Admin-Friendly then scouring code that you have let alone for a long time. My Two cents worth.

Bitemporal Database Design Question

I am designing a database that needs to store transaction time and valid time, and I am struggling with how to effectively store the data and whether or not to fully time-normalize attributes. For instance I have a table Client that has the following attributes: ID, Name, ClientType (e.g. corporation), RelationshipType (e.g. client, prospect), RelationshipStatus (e.g. Active, Inactive, Closed). ClientType, RelationshipType, and RelationshipStatus are time varying fields. Performance is a concern as this information will link to large datasets from legacy systems. At the same time the database structure needs to be easily maintainable and modifiable.
I am planning on splitting out audit trail and point-in-time history into separate tables, but I’m struggling with how to best do this.
Some ideas I have:
1)Three tables: Client, ClientHist, and ClientAudit. Client will contain the current state. ClientHist will contain any previously valid states, and ClientAudit will be for auditing purposes. For ease of discussion, let’s forget about ClientAudit and assume the user never makes a data entry mistake. Doing it this way, I have two ways I can update the data. First, I could always require the user to provide an effective date and save a record out to ClientHist, which would result in a record being written to ClientHist each time a field is changed. Alternatively, I could only require the user to provide an effective date when one of the time varying attributes (i.e. ClientType, RelationshipType, RelationshipStatus) changes. This would result in a record being written to ClientHist only when a time varying attribute is changed.
2) I could split out the time varying attributes into one or more tables. If I go this route, do I put all three in one table or create two tables (one for RelationshipType and RelationshipStatus and one for ClientType). Creating multiple tables for time varying attributes does significantly increase the complexity of the database design. Each table will have associated audit tables as well.
Any thoughts?
A lot depends (or so I think) on how frequently the time-sensitive data will be changed. If changes are infrequent, then I'd go with (1), but if changes happen a lot and not necessarily to all the time-sensitive values at once, then (2) might be more efficient--but I'd want to think that over very carefully first, since it would be hard to manage and maintain.
I like the idea of requiring users to enter effective daes, because this could serve to reduce just how much detail you are saving--for example, however many changes they make today, it only produces that one History row that comes into effect tomorrow (though the audit table might get pretty big). But can you actually get users to enter what is somewhat abstract data?
you might want to try a single Client table with 4 date columns to handle the 2 temporal dimensions.
Something like (client_id, ..., valid_dt_start, valid_dt_end, audit_dt_start, audit_dt_end).
This design is very simple to work with and I would try and see how ot scales before going with somethin more complicated.

Designing a database with periodic sensor data

I'm designing a PostgreSQL database that takes in readings from many sensor sources. I've done a lot of research into the design and I'm looking for some fresh input to help get me out of a rut here.
To be clear, I am not looking for help describing the sources of data or any related metadata. I am specifically trying to figure out how to best store data values (eventually of various types).
The basic structure of the data coming in is as follows:
For each data logging device, there are several channels.
For each channel, the logger reads data and attaches it to a record with a timestamp
Different channels may have different data types, but generally a float4 will suffice.
Users should (through database functions) be able to add different value types, but this concern is secondary.
Loggers and channels will also be added through functions.
The distinguishing characteristic of this data layout is that I've got many channels associating data points to a single record with a timestamp and index number.
Now, to describe the data volume and common access patterns:
Data will be coming in for about 5 loggers, each with 48 channels, for every minute.
The total data volume in this case will be 345,600 readings per day, 126 million per year, and this data needs to be continually read for the next 10 years at least.
More loggers & channels will be added in the future, possibly from physically different types of devices but hopefully with similar storage representation.
Common access will include querying similar channel types across all loggers and joining across logger timestamps. For example, get channel1 from logger1, channel4 from logger2, and do a full outer join on logger1.time = logger2.time.
I should also mention that each logger timestamp is something that is subject to change due to time adjustment, and will be described in a different table showing the server's time reading, the logger's time reading, transmission latency, clock adjustment, and resulting adjusted clock value. This will happen for a set of logger records/timestamps depending on retrieval. This is my motivation for RecordTable below but otherwise isn't of much concern for now as long as I can reference a (logger, time, record) row from somewhere that will change the timestamps for associated data.
I have considered quite a few schema options, the most simple resembling a hybrid EAV approach where the table itself describes the attribute, since most attributes will just be a real value called "value". Here's a basic layout:
RecordTable DataValueTable
---------- --------------
[PK] id <-- [FK] record_id
[FK] logger_id [FK] channel_id
record_number value
Considering that logger_id, record_number, and logger_time are unique, I suppose I am making use of surrogate keys here but hopefully my justification of saving space is meaningful here. I have also considered adding a PK id to DataValueTable (rather than the PK being record_id and channel_id) in order to reference data values from other tables, but I am trying to resist the urge to make this model "too flexible" for now. I do, however, want to start getting data flowing soon and not have to change this part when extra features or differently-structured-data need to be added later.
At first, I was creating record tables for each logger and then value tables for each channel and describing them elsewhere (in one place), with views to connect them all, but that just felt "wrong" because I was repeating the same thing so many times. I guess I'm trying to find a happy medium between too many tables and too many rows, but partitioning the bigger data (DataValueTable) seems strange because I'd most likely be partitioning on channel_id, so each partition would have the same value for every row. Also, partitioning in that regard would require a bit of work in re-defining the check conditions in the main table every time a channel is added. Partitioning by date is only applicable to the RecordTable, which isn't really necessary considering how relatively small it will be (7200 rows per day with the 5 loggers).
I also considered using the above with partial indexes on channel_id since DataValueTable will grow very large but the set of channel ids will remain small-ish, but I am really not certain that this will scale well after many years. I have done some basic testing with mock data and the performance is only so-so, and I want it to remain exceptional as data volume grows. Also, some express concern with vacuuming and analyzing a large table, and dealing with a large number of indexes (up to 250 in this case).
On a very small side note, I will also be tracking changes to this data and allowing for annotations (e.g. a bird crapped on the sensor, so these values were adjusted/marked etc), so keep that in the back of your mind when considering the design here but it is a separate concern for now.
Some background on my experience/technical level, if it helps to see where I'm coming from: I am a CS PhD student, and I work with data/databases on a regular basis as part of my research. However, my practical experience in designing a robust database for clients (this is part of a business) that has exceptional longevity and flexible data representation is somewhat limited. I think my main problem now is I am considering all the angles of approach to this problem instead of focusing on getting it done, and I don't see a "right" solution in front of me at all.
So In conclusion, I guess these are my primary queries for you: if you've done something like this, what has worked for you? What are the benefits/drawbacks I'm not seeing of the various designs I've proposed here? How might you design something like this, given these parameters and access patterns?
I'll be happy to provide clarification/details where needed, and thanks in advance for being awesome.
It is no problem at all to provide all this in a Relational database. PostgreSQL is not enterprise class, but it is certainly one of the better freeware SQLs.
To be clear, I am not looking for help describing the sources of data or any related metadata. I am specifically trying to figure out how to best store data values (eventually of various types).
That is your biggest obstacle. Contrary to program design, which allows decomposition and isolated analysis/design of components, databases need to be designed as a single unit. Normalisation and other design techniques need to consider both the whole, and the component in context. The data, the descriptions, the metadata have to be evaluated together, not as separate parts.
Second, when you start off with surrogate keys, implying that you know the data, and how it relates to other data, it prevents you from genuine modelling of the data.
I have answered a very similar set of questions, coincidentally re very similar data. If you could read those answers first, it would save us both a lot of typing time on your question/answer.
Answer One/ID Obstacle
Answer Two/Main
Answer Three/Historical
I did something like this with seismic data for a petroleum exploration company.
My suggestion would be to store the meta-data in a database, and keep the sensor data in flat files, whatever that means for your computer's operating system.
You would have to write your own access routines if you want to modify the sensor data. Actually, you should never modify the sensor data. You should make a copy of the sensor data with the modifications so that you can show later what changes were made to the sensor data.

Database design question - which is the best solution?

I'm using Firebird 2.1 and I'm looking for the best way to solve this issue.
I'm writing a calendaring application. Different users' calendar entries are stored in a big Calendar table. Each calendar entry can have a reminder set - only one reminder/entry.
Statistically, the Calendar table could grow to hundreds of thousands of records over time, while there are going to be much less reminders.
I need to query the reminders on a constant basis.
Which is the best option?
A) Store the reminders' info in the Calendar table (in which case I'm going to query hundreds of thousands of records for IsReminder = 1)
B) Create a separate Reminders table which contains only the ID of calendar entries which have reminders set, then query the two tables with a JOIN operation (or maybe create a view on them)
C) I can store all information about reminders in the Reminders table, then query only this table. The downside is that some information needs to be duplicated in both tables, like in order to show the reminder, I'll need to know and store the event's starttime in the Reminders table - thus I'm maintaining two tables with the same values.
What do you think?
And one more question: The Calendar table will contain the calender of multiple users, separated only by a UserID field. Since there can be only 4-5 users, even if I put an index on this field, its selectivity is going to be very bad - which is not good for a table with hundreds of thousands of records. Is there a workaround here?
There are advantages and drawbacks to all three choices. Whis one is best depends on details you have not provided. In general, don't worry too much about selecting three or four entries out of a hundred thousand, provided the indexes you have set up allow the right retrieval strategy. If don't understand indexing, you're likely to be in trouble no matter which of the three choices you make.
If it were me, I would go with choice B. I'd also store any attributes of a reminder in the table for reminders.
Be very careful about whether you identify an event by EventId alone or by (UserId, EventId). If you choose the latter, it behooves you to use a compound primary key for the Event table. Don't worry too much about compound primary keys, especially with Firebird.
If you declare a compound primary key, be aware that declaring (UserId, EventId) will not have the same consequences as declaring (EventId, UserId). They are logically equivalent, but the structure of the automatically generated index will be different in the two cases.
This in turn will affect the speed of queries like "find all the reminders for a given user".
Again, if it were me, I'd avoid choice C. the introduction of harmful redundancy into a schema carries with it the responsibility for some very careful programming when you go to update the data. Otherwise, you can end up with a database that stores contradictory versions of the same fact in different places of the database.
And, if you really want to know the effect on perfromance, try all three ways, load with test data, and do your own benchmarks.
I think you need to create realistic, fake user data and measure the difference with some typical queries you expect to run.
Indexing, query optimization and the types of query results you need can make a big difference,
so it's not easy to say what's best without knowing more.
When choosing Option (A) you should
provide an index on "IsReminder" (or a combined index on IsReminder, UserId, whatever fits best to your intended queries)
make sure your queries use this index
Option B is preferable over A if you have more than a boolean flag for each reminder to store (for example, the number of minutes the user shall be notified before the event). You should, however, make some guessing how often in your program you will have to JOIN both tables.
If you can, avoid option C. If you don't want to benchmark all three cases, I suggest start with A or B, according to the described circumstances, and probably the solution you choose will be fast enough, so you don't have to bother with the other cases.

Database Design Questions - Need Clarifications

i m designing a database using sql server 2005
main concept of our side is to import xml feeds from suppliers
different supplier can have different representation of data
the problem is i need to design table to store imported information
some of the columns are fixed means all supplier products must have similar data coming from the feed like , name, code, price, status, etc
but some product have optional details like
one product have might color property other might dont.
what is the best way to store these kind of scenario into the database.
should i create a table for mandatory columns and other tables to hold optional column.
or i should i list down all the column first and put them into the one table. (there might a lot of null values)
there will thousands of products and database speed is very essential .
we will be doing a lot of product comparison from different supplier
our database will be something like
i hope i explain the concept well
Thousands of products (so thousands of rows.) Thats really not many at all, so you could normalize the the optional data to a few separate tables without having a dramatic effect on query time.
I would say put your indexes in the correct place, optimize your queries, make sure you have filegroups split up nicely, etc (just the usual regular old database stuff) and you should be good.
Depends on how you want to access it.
As you say, speed is important - but what are you going t do with those extra, optional, bits of information? Do you need to store them at all? Assuming you do, how often do you need to access them?
Essentially, if you will always need to at least check if they're there, probably better to put them into one table. If you need to check anyway, might as well get it over with as part of the initial query.
If, on the other hand, you can usually run without bothering to check for these extra pieces, and only need to bother when specilly requested, then it might be better to put them into a different table. The join (or subsequent lookup) will be expensive - much more expensive than pulling nulls for empty columns - but if it's very infrequent, would probably cost less in runtime execution in the long run.
Also bear in mind the tradeoff in storage and transport terms - storing lots of empty fields does take some space, and sending back lots of empty fields takes network bandwidth.
If disk space is not a concern, but bandwidth is, make the application is carfully designed to minimse unecessary lookups, and then with tight queries you can store the extra (optional) data, but not pass it back unless it's requested.
So, it really all depends on what's important to you. Once you know what your overriding design concerns are, you will know which compromises to make to address those concerns at the expense of others. A balancing act.
