Is it possible to change the animation speeds in Silverlight themes? - silverlight

Is it possible to change the animation speeds that are used in the Silverlight toolkit themes?
Specifically, I like the look of the Expression Dark theme, however I feel that some of the animations it uses take too long and make it feel sluggish.
I'd like to be able to modify the animation speeds thru a setting, and be able to do so without having to copy the theme to my own and re styling the whole thing. I'm guessing the answer to this is that its not possible, but I'm hoping I'm wrong.

I don't have access to VS now, so I am just thinking out loud here. But I think you could create your own custom controls and derive from the controls you want to change. Then you could override OnApplyTemplate and hopefully find the animation elements you want to change in the visual tree. At that point you should be able to change their values (I think). But it would require a lot of code if you want to change many of the controls. And you would still need to look through the XAML of the templates to determine how to find them in OnApplyTemplate.

I would recommend building your own theme from the Expression Dark theme. They are open source and available for modification.
Inside the Toolkit install you'll find the .Xaml for the theme; you can use that with ISM.


Where to find a free style for my WPF applicaton?

I am not happy with the default style of my application and I'd like to add a style that makes it look more professional. I downloaded some themes but the ones I found kinda ruined my window interfaces.
Any idea where to find free recent WPF styles?
There does not exist anything like this, what you are describing. You can get Windows themes, which will impact your whole OS but also your application if you have been using system colors while developing.
There is no magic formula that would know how to style which button. This is something you have to implement on your own.
What you can do is to learn more about how to properly style an application using styles from from a external . In order to make your application more appealing you can download a color pallet and follow it. The designing you will, still, have to do on your own.
There are themes pre-made available on the internet. :
You need to add them to you project.

wpf devexpress change theme move position of controls

In wpf, devexpress,when The theme effect on forms,causes change theme position of controls
in run time ,and it causes moving controls from the position of design time.
Why this is so?
What do you mean by position of controls? Their theme also changes the style of various controls of theirs, so their appearance (including things like padding and margin) will change affecting the overall layout of your app.
If you want the theme to only change the colors of your controls then you will have to create your own custom themes using their Theme Editor tool (not an easy task though). Also you are better off asking this question in their help forums, they are quite helpful and often come up with good solutions.

Where can I find Metro theme control color definitions?

I'm trying to make my custom controls behave and look as others in the presentation framework.I tried looking through the GAC with ILSpy, and I can't seem to find a "Metro" definition.
Using colors defined under "SystemColors", don't come up with color matches to "native" controls.
Does anyone have any tips?
i.e.: The colors for hot tracking (within SystemColors), are not the same colors used by the WPF textbox.
It seems that "Metro" is really "Aero2". ILSpy is unable to peak at the baml for Aero2, but MSDN provides the source for Aero2.

WPF Animation Package

Is there any website that sells pre-made animations for WPF that would use or start from to incorporate in our on application? I found this one but it's too limited and a lot of the icons / animations even say "coming soon 2010. But it's exactly like what I'm looking for.
If you happen to know of websites like this please let me know.
PixelLab provide an open source Bag of Tricks which contains a set of transitions which can be use to animate changing the content of a control, eg when switching between views.

Bread-crumb style navigation for Winforms

Does anybody know of a bread-crumb style navigation for Winforms like the one from DotNetBar.
I really like that control. However I am using a other UI library already and just for this control I do not want a reference to another 4 MB lib. I just need this control. Does anybody if something like this is available as a standalone control?
I have used the Bread Crumb control of Krypton Toolkit, but you mentioned, that you donĀ“t want an other UI library.
But maybe this source can help you, to build your own Bread Crumb control Creating A Breadcrumb Control
Try this one i haven't used it but (i use the one from Krypton) but i guess it will be good for you.
The one Jehof gave you is way better.
However take a look at Krypton suite, i always use it with the DevExpress XtraEditors. together you can create some great looking apps. i know you said that you don't want a huge library, but it's worth it.
