Good lightweight library for HTTP POST/GET for C? [closed] - c

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm planning of creating a Last.FM scrobbler plugin for a music player in Windows. Last.FM submissions API relays on HTTP/1.1 GET and POST.
I've never done Internet oriented programming and I've still to know about the HTTP protocol but I'd like to start playing around with it sending and getting some data. I've looked at the Winsock interface but I don't know if it would be better to use any easier thing.
Do anyone of you know how could I do it? What could I use?
If so, could you point me to a tutorial too?
If it's a library it would be good that I can link statically to it, I would want to supply only the DLL of the plugin.

LibCurl is one of the most widely used and most portable.

libghttp is pretty lightweight.
Im unsure if it will compile cleanly on win32 though.

Windows comes with WinHttp, which does support GET and POST.

This is an old thread but in case this helps anyone else:
Use libCurl
This is the easiest way I've found of doing a quick http post or get


How to create a GUI-like text interface in C [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have seen a few programs that use simple GUI-like interfaces made out of text. A good example would be links (see screenshots below).
Are there any C libraries for creating this sort of thing out there? I would ideally like mouse support but that is not strictly necessary. Cross-platform is good but I really only need it for *nix-like systems (including mac). I don't have a great deal of experience with C but I know my way around it, coming from C++.
If libraries aren't available, how would one go about coding this kind of thing from scratch?
Screenshots of the kind of thing I want:
EDIT: Yes, I know about curses/ncurses, but does anyone know of any good tutorials to make this kind of program with it?
You could have a look at CDK--
project home page.
This is a set of widgets for Menus, pulldowns etc. wrapped around the basic ncurses library so your coding is at a much higher level and a lot of the intricacies and gotchas of ncurses are already dealt with.
Try ncurses - this is a library which with you may create such GUI environments under console.
The best tutorial I know for curses is Using C With Curses, Lex, and Yacc: Building a Window Shell for Unix System V, by Axel-Tobias Schreiner

What package to use for Form + intelligent Answer website? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm new to web developing and I want to make a web where the user fill in a few info and then get an answer from the backend. The info filled in is sent to the backend; the backend then process the info and send the answer back for display.
My question is how can I do it with the simplest possible framework? LAMP and GAE both seem ok to me in the long run, but is there any simpler framework good for my needs? I have also looked into LAMP provider like bitnami, however I can't find the application I need in the list of applications. If needed, I can program in Java.
Thanks! and please let me know if I need to clarify my question. I think what I'm asking is general guidance on setting up such a simple web.
Google AppEngine will work fine for your needs. You will need to program it, and Java works on GAE. Start with Java Tutorial and then gradually add your own server side processing. Of course many other web server platforms are possible, but users of GAE generally consider it to be very capable and easy enough to use. LAMP is likely to take you longer to learn.

Is there a good tutorial or resource available on SolrJ? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been using SolrJ, the Java client for Apache Solr server, at my work. But it is disheartening to see that there are hardly any resources available online for it. Even the wiki on the parent site is kind of a "noob" guide !
There are few blogs like these which would get you started with SolrJ but no advanced stuff.
I would love to see if there are folks who have worked with SolrJ and could help me out by giving some pointers to valuable resources around it.
Beyond the SolrJ usage notes on the wiki I don't think there really is, although it's more than enough to get you running.
There are also the unit tests, which aren't really a "tutorial", but still useful.
Also, the general Solr documentation is helpful as well, since SolrJ is basically just a thin wrapper client.
SolrJ is not having full Documentation. But you can refer some basic example to understand SolrJ simple SolrJ Example

Any good examples on programming using libssl? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was wondering whether someone knows any good examples of using libssl as a programming library. Its kind of annoying only digging through the code of libssl trying to make sense of it.
You've run into the lack of documentation problem OpenSSL has. IBM DeveloperWorks does have an article about using OpenSSL.
If you want to utilize a better documented library, you can take a look at Mozilla NSS.
Just that I'm using Openssl too and think their wiki page also has some good info:
Here is a good working example that's especially useful for iOS developers:
the remail email client uses MailCore iOS email library wrapper, which in turn uses the multi-purpose libetpan email library, which in turn uses SASL, an authentication layer, which in turn uses your beloved openSSL.
So if you're a believer in the learn-by-example methodology, the above gives you a lot to work with and practice on.

Efficient network server design examples, written in C [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am interested in learning how to write extremely efficient network server software and I don't mind getting my hands dirty with pointers, sockets and threading. I'm talking a server being able to handle thousands of concurrent connections. There is not much processing for each client, but a little.
Do you know of any code examples for really efficient network servers?
Optionally points for small, well documented code that is cross-platform as well.
You'll find a lot of good references and discussion about building highly scalable network servers on Dan Kegel's The C10K problem page.
Have a look at nginx, lighttpd and varnish for some popular high performance http servers.
BTW, I am currently working on combining edge-triggered epoll with multithreading (plus user-level swapcontext-style threads/fibers) - see for some work-in-progress code (although this one is written in C++).
This may not be exactly what you are looking for, but I briefly recall looking at Space Tyrant a few years back and thinking it sounded cool.
Hope it helps!
Read this
an ldap-server handles lots of transactions per second
ACE is a wise choice.
