WPF Clipping Problem - wpf

I have a UserControl which has a quadratic Image as a Child. This Image is at the bottom of the UserControl, and half of it is clipped (e.g. the Control's Height is 400, Image's height is 200 and it is set to y=300).
Now, When I rotate the Image, it is still clipped like the way it was first. Like when rotating around 90 degrees, I suddenly have an Image which is only 100px wide.
It seems like the original clipping which was made because of the bounds of the UserControl, are applied forever.
How do I solve this problem? I hope I explained my problem understandable ;)

How are you rotating the image? If you are rotating using a RenderTransform, then WPF does not re-render what was already displayed on the screen - it simply rotates the pixels.
Instead, rotate the image using a LayoutTransform; this forces WPF to re-render the control given the new area it occupies, which should eliminate the clipping you see.

You can also call InvalidateMeasure() after applying render transform.


[XAML-WP8.1]Grid View background image clip to bounds

I'm new on Windows development and more in Windows Phone Development.
I'm trying to create a grid view composed of three cell.
Each grid view are composed of one image (for the background) and a textblock.
My background image is a cloud image and I want the first image partialy hidden by the second one and the second one partially hidden by the third one.
I tried to play with the margin of the cell for the y part, that's works but my cloud image doesn't make the entire width of my cell. So I tried the "UnifirmToFill" option but my images are cropped...
On iOS development in this case we can use the magic property "ClipToBounds", everywhere I saw the answer "use the clip to bounds property" but apparently this property is a legend or Visual Studio lie me...
Do you have an idea to resolve my problem ?
Thank you in advance!
To resume:
If I use the "uniformToFill" stretch option, my image is zoomed. It is ok for me.
But there is a way to display the cropped part? I want my image zoomed and displayed out the cell view.
In XAML there are four possible Stretch options:
The image is shown in it's original size. If its larger than the parent element, it'll only show the top left portion of the image that fits inside. If the image is smaller than the parent element, then it's shown in it's entirety.
The image is resized to fill the parent element. If the aspect ratios are different, then the image will be stretched to fit the parent. This will distort the image.
The image will be scaled up as large as it can be, while still being completely inside of the parent. Unlike Fill which will stretch the image to make it fit perfectly, Uniform will keep the aspect ratio of the image and stop scaling when it reaches the bounds of the parent.
This is the bastard child of the previous two. It will scale the image, while keeping the aspect ratio, until it fills the parent element. This means that some parts of the image will be clipped if the aspect ratios are different.
For more information on the Stretch enumeration, hit it up on MSDN
If you want to show the image outside of the bounds of the parent you could do something like this:
<Grid Width="100" Height="50">
<RectangleGeometry Rect="0 0 100 50"/>
This was suggested here on SO

Shapes Clipping

I'm having a problem that's driving me crazy for a couple hours...
I am drawing a shape - ellipse,
then im creating a new brush - from an image,
I apply the brush to my shape,
and then I rotate the shape..
The problem is: Everthying is displaying correctly - but...
As soon as I drag the shape to the edge of the window - thats where the formular ends,
it's starting to cut of some parts of the shape.
It's simply not drawing the part that should be not visible, because overflowing the form.
But in my case, I've rotated the shape, so it's cutting the wrong part of it.
This is what it look's like. Is there a way to kinda "reset" the cliping.. Or another solution...
Solved It.
Set the parent element's width and height larger then the window is (its was HorizontalAlignment.Stretch) before.
Now you'll never reach the cliping edge of the parent

stretchable histogram overlaying a picture

I'm in the process of making a WPF program that:
can scan a bitmap image, pixel-by-pixel, and assign it a data value (0-255)
design a class that allows panning and zooming of the picture
create a histogram, from the data values, that overlays the bitmap image.
I was able to do all three, however the issue that I am having is that the histogram doesn't dynamically (I think that's the word for it) stretch as I re-size the main window. Actually, nothing stretches to the correct size in the main window (the bitmap image just re-centers itself while keeping the same size). The histogram originally started as a transparent canvas that had many rectangle children. I changed it to a grid but am getting the same results as the canvas; the rectangles don't want to stretch horizontally or vertically. If I do set a horz/vert alignment the histogram disappears altogether. Can anyone help with this problem?
I ended up making a class that was a derivative of the canvas class i cave it some rendering overrides and a paint method that took into account the actual width and height of the window.

Keeping canvas in the same position during scrolling

I have some problems with zooming wpf canvas control. I zoom canvas using ScaleTransform operation which is provieded by WPF. The problem is that canvas location is changing during zooming. Is there any efficient (and simple) way to keep the scroll position intact during zooming operation ?? I konow I could set a scroll position myself every time but it will be unefficient
How about using LayoutTransform instead of RenderTransform? You didn't mention which one you were using, but because LayoutTransform is not changing the position i guess you used the later.
I think you are looking for something that maintains scroll position while zooming, have a look at > http://www.codeproject.com/KB/docview/WpfZoomAndDragPanel.aspx
You need to set the CenterX and CenterY of the ScaleTransform. That is what controls what's in the middle of the display and it's how you can keep your zoom centered.

WPF Scale Transform and ScrollViewer - When Zoomed can't scroll beyond original size

I have a StackPanel inside of a ScrollViewer.
I have a slider that does a scale transform on the stackpanel to allow zoom-in and zoom-out functionality. The problem is that when I zoom in, the scrollviewer doesn't treat the content as being 'bigger'.
So, if I scroll in a little and scroll as far right as I can go - it stops me before I get to the end of the content. If I zoom back out to the untransformed level, I see that it's stopping exactly at that point. If I zoom in a lot, I can only see a small fraction of my total content when I scroll all the way over.
I can change the TransformOrigin to control which side loses the most content; but I figure there should be some way for the scrollviewer (or another control?) to take care of it for me.
Are you doing render transform, or layout transform? You should be doing the latter.
