WinForms TabControl validation: Switch to a tab where validation failed - winforms

I currently have a Form with a TabControl containing some TabPages. Each TabPage has several controls with validation logic and appropriate ErrorProviders. On my OK_Button_Clicked event, I call Form.ValidateChildren() in order to determine whether to save and close the form . Now, suppose I have a control in tab 1 that fails validation, but the currently visible tab is tab 2. When the user presses OK, he would get no visual indication as to why the form is not closing. I would like to be able to automatically switch to a tab where validation failed, so the user would see the ErrorProvider's indication of error.
One approach would be subscribing to the Validated and validating events of all appropriate controls, and knowing which tab each of them is in, whenever one fails validation, a list of tabs that failed validation could be built. Since no ValidationFailed event is generated as far as I know, this could be cumbersome (e.g. defining a boolean for each control, setting it to false before validation and to true on its Validated event). And even if I had such an event, I would be forced to listen to many validation events, one for each control that might fail validation, and maintain the list of unvalidated tabs in code. I should note here that subscribing directly to the TabPage's validation events doesn't work, because they pass as validated even if controls contained inside them fail validation.
Another approach could leverage the fact that the controls in my TabPage happen to be custom controls. I could then make them implement an interface such as:
interface ILastValidationInfoProvider
public bool LastValidationSuccessful {get; set;}
For example:
public MyControl : UserControl, ILastValidationInfoProvider
MyControl_Validing(object sender, object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
if (this.PassesValidation())
this.ErrorProvider.SetError(sender, null);
LastValidationSuccessful = true;
e.Cancel = true;
this.ErrorProvider.SetError("Validation failed!", null);
LastValidationSuccessful = false;
And then, after the call to ValidateChildren I could use code such as:
public void OK_Button_Click
if (form.ValidateChildren())
foreach (TabPage tab in this.TabControl)
foreach (Control control in tab.Controls)
ValidationInfo = control as ILastValidationInfoProvider
if (ValidationInfo != null && !ValidationInfo.LastValidationSuccessful)
I like this approach better but it doesn't cater to cases where the controls being validated are not custom.
I would gladly use a better approach. Any ideas?
EDIT I am using Form.AutoValidate = EnableAllowFocusChange (as recommended by Chris Sells in his WinForms book), So the focus can indeed change from controls that failed validation (including moving to other tabs). I have also updated the sample code for the custom control to emphasize the fact that the ErrorProvider resides internally inside it.

OK so I finally figured it out.
I keep a dictionary whose keys are the TabPages and the values are HashSets of unvalidated controls within the corresponding tab. This is easily done by subscribing to all the validating and validated events of the controls in each tab. Finally, in OK_BUtton_Click, if ValidateChildren fails, I know one of the hashsets will be none empty and I simply jump to the first unvalidated tab (only if the currently selected tab doesn't have any error itself).
Dictionary<TabPage, HashSet<Control>> _tabControls
= new Dictionary<TabPage, HashSet<Control>>();
public OptionsForm()
private void RegisterToValidationEvents()
foreach (TabPage tab in this.OptionTabs.TabPages)
var tabControlList = new HashSet<Control>();
_tabControls[tab] = tabControlList;
foreach (Control control in tab.Controls)
var capturedControl = control; //this is necessary
control.Validating += (sender, e) =>
control.Validated += (sender, e) =>
private void Ok_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.ValidateChildren())
var unvalidatedTabs = _tabControls.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.Count != 0)
.Select(kvp => kvp.Key);
TabPage firstUnvalidated = unvalidatedTabs.FirstOrDefault();
if (firstUnvalidated != null &&
OptionTabs.SelectedTab = firstUnvalidated;
I think it's pretty sweet !


Bound Button Not Enabling After Background Worker Process Completes

I have a background worker process that starts provisioning a new client for our system. Here is what the DoWork method looks like:
ProvisioningManager manager = new ProvisioningManager(false)
System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
this.MaxSteps = manager.MaxProgress;
manager.StatusUpdated += new ProvisioningManager.StatusUpdatedHandler(manager_StatusUpdated);
manager.TaskCompleted += new ProvisioningManager.TaskCompleteHandler(manager_TaskCompleted);
while (!manager.Completed)
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100 * 60);
Basically it creates the manager that handles talking to the different sub-systems which provision the client.
Now I have a status update event and completed event for the provisioning manager. When the TaskCompleted event fires I want to be able to set a property on my display object so that the finish button in the wizard is enabled:
void manager_TaskCompleted(object sender, ProvisioningManager.Task taskType)
System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
this.ProvisioningComplete = true;
The XAML for the button looks like this:
<wizard:WizardPage Header="Provisioning Client..."
AllowFinish="{Binding Source={StaticResource ResourceKey=dataObject}, Path=ProvisioningComplete}"
This isn't working. Even though I make sure to hit the dispatcher thread to set the property of the display object it doesn't actually change the button to enabled until I click on the window. Is this a bug in AvalonWizard or am I not on the correct thread to set an INotifyPropertyChanged? Is there a way to hack this; basically can I programmatically focus the window without the mouse click?
I tired placing that while loop in the DoWork method so that I could use the BackgroundWorker's completed method:
void provisioningWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
this.ProvisioningComplete = true;
That doesn't work either. What gives?!
Here is the requested static resource instantiation for the display object:
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="dataObject" ObjectType="{x:Type winDO:NewClientWizardDO}" />
Update II
Here is the property and property change firer:
public bool ProvisioningComplete
get { return this._ProvisioningComplete; }
this._ProvisioningComplete = value;
protected void NotifyPropertyChanged(params string[] propertyNames)
if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
foreach (string propertyName in propertyNames)
this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
sorry if I don't understand something, but is the ProvisioningComplete property marked as "volatile"? If not then this might be the problem.
So I couldn't find out exactly why I was having this issue. I tried setting focus to the window, the button, etc. I tried multiple ways of letting the view know the viewmodel had updated. Basically every suggestion I could find on the web didn't work. It almost seems like a bug.
A smarty on my team suggested faking a mouse click on the window. His idea was that since all it took to activate the button was a simple mouse click on the screen then faking one should have the same effect. I thought (and think) that this hack was ridiculous. I did try it out just to see if I could call it a "solution".
Well, it worked. We had this same problem in another one of our wizards (not AvalonWizard but a homegrown one). I think there has to be some underlying issue with the way the window redraws after a background thread updates objects that are bound to the UI.
Anyhow, the way I found to solve this issue is with the following hack-tastic code.
//import user32.dll and setup the use of the mouse_event method
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
/// <summary>
/// Watches for properties to change on the data object, mainly the ProvisioningComplete method
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
void DataObject_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
switch (e.PropertyName)
case "ProvisioningComplete":
//if the provisioning is completed then we need to make the finish button selectable.
if (this.DataObject.ProvisioningComplete)
System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
//give the window focus
//update the layout
//fake mouse click 50 pixels into the window
mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN | MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, (uint)(this.Left + 50), (uint)(this.Top + 50), 0, 0);
I've tested this when the window is not the active window and when the user leaves the window as selected. The focus method seems to take care of this issue when the window isn't active. Our QA team hasn't run a complete test against the UI so I can't say if there is any situations where it doesn't work, but it seems to be the best solution that I've come up with to date.
I'm open to any other suggestions if anyone out there has a better idea of what could be causing the button to not update.

ListView Insert new item on TAB

Having a WPF ListView with items bound to a data object and represented by editors (Text, DateTime, etc.). I would like to be able to insert a new item when the users is in the last editor at the last item and presses TAB. Then after set input focus to the first editor of the newly added item.
Thus far I have this:
private Boolean _tabAddedNewSpec = false;
private void OnBaseEditKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (!_tabAddedNewSpec)
if (e.Key == Key.Tab)
if (this.listview.SelectedItem == this.listview.Items[this.listview.Items.Count - 1])
// No further tabbing out of this control, we manage it ourselves in this special case...
e.Handled = true;
_tabAddedNewSpec = true;
// Select last item (is NEW one)
this.listview.SelectedItem = this.listview.Items[this.listview.Items.Count - 1];
private void OnBaseEditKeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (_tabAddedNewSpec)
((BaseEdit)sender).MoveFocus(new TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection.Next));
_tabAddedNewSpec = false;
This code almost does the trick. But, I don't allow that a spec (specification) is added when there are other specs that contain validation errors (on the business object). The problem is that when pressing TAB the editvalue on the last editor isn't yet passed to the business object. Then when calling this.AddSpec() results in nothing because it detects that there are still errors. Follow me still...
And by the way, this solution seems pretty dirty to me. Anybody good advice? Very welcome!
As mentioned before, the solution nearly did the trick. With first updating the binding of the active control the desired solution was produced. Using this code:
BindingExpression bindingExpression = ((BaseEdit)sender).GetBindingExpression(TextEdit.TextProperty);
if (bindingExpression != null)

Removing event handlers from custom control's template parts

When I first started writing WPF custom controls, if I wanted to add an event handler, I would do so in the control's OnApplyTemplate override, after getting the template part:
public void override OnApplyTemplate() {
if ( addMenu != null ) {
addMenu.Click -= addMenu_Click;
addMenu = null;
addMenu = (MenuItem)Template.FindName("PART_AddMenu", this);
addMenu.Click += addMenu_Click;
But then one day I noticed that OnApplyTemplate() is not always called when I'd expect it to be, i.e. when the control is disconnected from the visual tree. That is, using the above technique, the event handlers won't always be removed. So I came up with a different way:
public MyCustomControl()
Loaded += this_Loaded;
void this_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Unloaded += this_Unloaded;
addMenu = (MenuItem)Template.FindName("PART_AddMenu", this);
addMenu.Click += addMenu_Click;
void this_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Unloaded -= this_Unloaded;
if (addMenu != null)
addMenu.Click -= addMenu_Click;
addMenu = null;
This way seems to do the trick. Does everyone concur that this is the better way of hooking up and removing event handlers in a custom control? If not, then why?
This method is fine, but you do have to understand that you get the unloaded event at times that you might not want the event handlers unhooked. For example, let's say you have a tab control. When you switch TabItems the content of the previous TabItem all gets Unloaded and then reloaded when the TabItem becomes selected again. This is fine for things like Button.Click because you can't perform such actions on an inactive tab, but any events that don't require the item to be loaded into the visual tree will be disconnected even though the items still exist.
Why do you feel you need to clean up all event handlers? I realize that there are some cases where they can hang onto a reference of another object, but this is an unusual case and is usually best handled by cleaning them up when used in that way. Here's some better details on this: How built-in WPF controls manage their event handlers to an attached event?
WPF controls (such as ComboBox) uses the OnTemplateChangedInternal() method to unregister events that are registered in OnApplyTemplate(). You can't override that method, as it's internal to the PresentationFramework dll, but you can override the protected OnTemplateChanged() method to do the same - it's called by OnTemplateChangedInternal() in the Control base class.
Here's sample code that could go into your custom control:
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
EditableTextBoxSite = GetTemplateChild("PART_EditableTextBox") as TextBox;
EditableTextBoxSite.TextChanged += new TextChangedEventHandler(this.OnEditableTextBoxTextChanged);
this.EditableTextBoxSite.PreviewTextInput -= new TextCompositionEventHandler(this.OnEditableTextBoxPreviewTextInput);
protected override void OnTemplateChanged(ControlTemplate oldTemplate, ControlTemplate newTemplate)
base.OnTemplateChanged(oldTemplate, newTemplate);
if (this.EditableTextBoxSite == null)
this.EditableTextBoxSite.TextChanged -= new TextChangedEventHandler(this.OnEditableTextBoxTextChanged);
this.EditableTextBoxSite.PreviewTextInput -= new TextCompositionEventHandler(this.OnEditableTextBoxPreviewTextInput);
I'm not sure about all the implications of doing this, but it does seem to be the closest way to emulate what WPF controls do.

Is there a way to cancel TabControl.Items.CurrentChanging?

There is unfortunately no TabControl.SelectionChanging event (Selector.SelectionChanging), I am struggling to implement this behavior so I can cancel the changing request.
I tried to handle the TabControl.Items.CurrentChanging (the Items property is and ItemCollection) event setting e.Cancel (of the CurrentChangingEventArgs) to true, but the UI is is updated with the new tab although the item is not changed in the collection.
Is there any way to prevent user from switching to a different TabItem when a condition is dissatisfied?
I don't know the exact reason why this happens, and it annoys me greatly.
But here's my workaround for it:
In the sample below, checkbox is "locking" the current tab. So checked means user can't change tab.
void Items_CurrentChanging(object sender, CurrentChangingEventArgs e)
if (checkBox1.IsChecked.Value)
var item = ((ICollectionView)sender).CurrentItem;
e.Cancel = true;
tabControl1.SelectedItem = item;
Basically, what happens is (if I understand this correctly) the visual tree gets updated, but the logical tree does not. The above way forces the visual to sync with the logical tree.
You can also handle the PreviewLostKeyboardFocus event on each TabItem, and set the Handled property of the event arguments to true to prevent switching to another tab:
protected void tabItem_PreviewLostKeyboardFocus(object sender,
KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
if (!ValidateTabItem((TabItem) sender)) {
e.Handled = true;

Silverlight datagrid not rebinding to new data

I have a datagrid that displays a list of orders. Above the datagrid, there is a box that filters the orders by capturing the text input and then calling a server side method to get orders matching the supplied text. This works fine on the page.
I've tried adding a page that passes in parameters via querystring that would automatically apply a filter when the user lands on the page. The code to call the server side method is called correctly and the data is returned correctly, but the datagrid doesn't show the results. If I type the same text into the textbox on the page and search, the results are finally shown on the datagrid. It is almost like the datagrid doesn't see the change the first time the user comes to the page with an automatic filter. Here are some relavent bits:
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) {
if (NavigationContext.QueryString.ContainsKey("filterkeyword") && NavigationContext.QueryString.ContainsKey("filtervalue")) {
string filterkeyword = NavigationContext.QueryString["filterkeyword"];
string filtervalue = NavigationContext.QueryString["filtervalue"];
switch (filterkeyword) {
default: ApplyDefaultFilter(filtervalue); break;
} else {
The datagrid is just bound to a data source object and the datasource is not set to auto load. Here are the bits for when a user does submit a search via the filter box:
private void txtFilter_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) {
if (e.Key == Key.Enter) {
txtFilter.Select(0, txtFilter.Text.Length);
They both call the same methods and return the results, it is just that the textbox somehow tells the page to refresh the datagrid and magically the data appears. Is there an event I can force on the page to cause a refresh of the datagrid?
Does you datasouce object implement INotifyPropertyChanged or if it's a collection, is it an ObservableCollection?
The TextBox rebinds on changes AFAIK.
I added this and it seems to work...though this does seem like a bit of kludge.
void ordersDataSource_LoadedData(object sender, LoadedDataEventArgs e) {
ordersDataGrid.ItemsSource = e.Entities;
I didn't need it when filtering within the page, but redirecting the user to the page requires this....odd.
