How to completely dump the data for Django-CMS - database

I have an instance of Django-CMS already running in a production environment. I would like to dump all the data related to the CMS (PAGES and PLUGINS) so that I may load it back into my development environment.
When I do python dumpdata cms it dumps most of the data, but not all of it. None of the content for the plugins is dumped. When I look at the django-cms source, I see that the plugins are organized in a different folder than the rest of the models - I'm sure this has something to do with the behavior of dumpdata.
Does anyone know how they would achieve what I am trying to do?
Thanks for your help/answers!

Django's built in dump and restore commands work well for migrating the contents of the CMS.
To dump the contents of the CMS, you need to include both the cms app as well as each of the plugin types you are using in the dumpdata command, so something like: dumpdata cms text picture link file [other plugin types] > cms_export.json
to dump your content (you just need the app name, not the full path, like cms.plugins.text).

Here's an update to the procedure I use:
./ dumpdata >fixtures/all.json
createdb -T template_postgis [DBNAME]
./ syncdb
psql [DBNAME]
delete from auth_group_permissions; delete from auth_permission; delete from django_admin_log; delete from django_content_type;
If you don't delete the tables above you'll get this error when loading the fixtures:
IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint django_content_type_app_label_key
And then:
./ loaddata fixtures/all.json

For DjangoCMS 3.0, the syntax is the same but the names of the plugins have all changed. To get all standard plugins:
./ dumpdata cms djangocms_column djangocms_file djangocms_flash djangocms_googlemap djangocms_inherit djangocms_link djangocms_picture djangocms_style djangocms_teaser djangocms_text_ckeditor djangocms_video > cms_export.json

Your dumpdata command only dumps the data for the cms app, but each plugin (cms.plugins.text, cms.plugins.picture, etc.) is its own app, and so needs to be added to the command line.


Configure Postgre DB in docker project

I'm very new to docker and docker-compose things. I have tried to use Kiwi TCMS open source project which supposed to use with Docker.
My question is can I run the projects on docker on the same server, I'm supposed to configure my development and production sites on the same server (CentOS)?
I'm following the below link to install docker and configure the kiwitcms application for the first time, I read the basics about the docker and how its working and all.
I want to use PostgreSQL as my Database, but the existing latest docker image has MariaDB. So after I pulled latest version of kiwitcms from docker hub using the following command,
docker pull kiwitcms/kiwi
Should I change to "docker-compose.yml" file db image value, and save it to a local new directory,
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Also there can we edit use our own DB name, user name passwords right?
then execute the following command.
docker-compose up -d
I'm very new to this model and read most of the articles related to docker, but this leads me few of these doubts, hence asking for these clarifications.
The web app and the DB server are 2 different images (aka 2 different servers). For example how we use Postgres in testing see:

Easy way to push postgres db to heroku in Win7? problems with db:pull and pg:transfer

Using Rails 3.2.2, finishing up my migration from sqlite to postgres 9.2.
Used answer in this tutorial as a guide to install postgres and got stuck on Step 11 where it asks run heroku db:pull where I get:
Failed to connect to database: Sequel::AdapterNotFound -> LoadError: cannot load such file --pg
I dug deeper and found db:pull (taps gem) is deprecated and came across a few recommendations for pg:transfer. Installed pg:transfer, but I get the impression it may be *nix only(?) as if I run: heroku pg:transfer it returns:
Heroku client internal error. No such file or directory - .env (Errno:ENOENT)
If I do pg:transfer with -f and -t it gives me:
'env' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file which means it isn't bound to path or doesn't exist as a command in windows.
Any thoughts on above errors?
Resolved by using pg:backups gem, which was recommended as the replacement for taps in the Heroku docs. I used this guide and uploaded my dump to dropbox for Heroku to pick it up.
Here's my exact list of steps and cmds:
Added pgbackups from add-ons to my instance.
heroku pgbackups:capture DATABASE (this just backs up your heroku db)
pg_dump -h localhost -U <pg username> -Fc dbname > dbname.dump
Moved dbname.dump into a folder on my dropbox
In Dropbox, right-click on dbname.dump => "Share link"
Cancel the sharing dialogue pop-up, right-click on "Download button", Copy Link Address (Chrome)
heroku pgbackups:restore DATABASE <paste dropbox download link here>
Dropbox trickiness: don't use the file link provided by Dropbox since it's an html redirect and will cause pg:restore to fail, even though the extension ends in .dump
Instead, navigate to your dropbox page and "right-click copy link address" on the Download button. That's the address you use in your pgbackups:restore (should be something like db.dump?token=<long random string>)
A bit clunky, but got the job done. If you know a better way please let me know!
You need to make a .env file containing something like:

Hook to create/add a database dump file to repository on git pull

My aim is to minimize the steps needed to locally clone my website + database.
I have a central git repository on a webserver and a local clone. When I pull updates on my local machine, not only should I get the latest file versions from the remote repository but also should a script run on this webserver to dump the live database and additionally add it to the repository prior to delivering the pull.
My guess is that I need the following actions to happen on the remote machine when I fire git pull on the local machine prior to delivering the repository:
Create database dump file, e.g. dump.sql (by exectuting mysqldump)
Add dump.sql to repository
Commit dump.sql to repository
… and only then deliver the pull to the local machine.
What kind of git hook should I use for this?
I'd also appreciate any additional experience with such a scenario.
git help hooks lists the types of hooks and how they work, but there isn't a hook that you can use to do what you want (you'd need something like pre-upload that would be executed by git-upload-pack).
However, you could create a wrapper script around git-upload-pack on the server that performs the necessary actions and then executes the real git-upload-pack command:
find the git-upload-pack executable
rename it to git-upload-pack.real
create a new script called git-upload-pack somewhere in PATH that does the following:
use the arguments to find the Git repository
cd into the Git repository
if hooks/pre-upload exists and is an executable file:
run it
if the hook exited with a non-zero status:
print an error message to standard error
exit with a non-zero return value
run git-upload-pack.real with the original command-line arguments
create a hooks/pre-upload script in your Git repository that does whatever you want

Google App Engine shows the help message for every command

I have GWT app, which is deployed on GAE (Java). I'm trying to download data from App Engine datastore using . I did all the setup according to .
GAE Python SDK version is 1.4.3
Python version is 2.5.4 is on my PATH. When I run on the command-line, I get the "help" message. But the problem is that no matter which command I use, it always returns the help message. I have not been able to run any command using
It doesn't give any specific error message no matter what arguments I give. My app is using Google Accounts authentication, but I don't think it even gets to the point of authentication.
I'm able to use the Java appcfg (for other actions like rollback) without any problem. But the Python version simply refuses to work for all commands.
I've tried different formats like: create_bulkloader_config --url= --application=myappid --filename=config.yml create_bulkloader_config --filename=bulkloader.yaml --url= --filename=bulkloader.yaml --url= create_bulkloader_config
All give me the same help message:
Usage: [options]
Action must be one of:
create_bulkloader_config: Create a bulkloader.yaml from a running application.
cron_info: Display information about cron jobs.
download_app: Download a previously-uploaded app.
download_data: Download entities from datastore.
help: Print help for a specific action.
request_logs: Write request logs in Apache common log format.
rollback: Rollback an in-progress update.
set_default_version: Set the default (serving) version.
update: Create or update an app version.
update_cron: Update application cron definitions.
update_dos: Update application dos definitions.
update_indexes: Update application indexes.
update_queues: Update application task queue definitions.
upload_data: Upload data records to datastore.
vacuum_indexes: Delete unused indexes from application.
Use 'help <action>' for a detailed description.
-h, --help Show the help message and exit.
-q, --quiet Print errors only.
-v, --verbose Print info level logs.
--noisy Print all logs.
-s SERVER, --server=SERVER
Even when I try " help create_bulkloader_config" for a detailed description, it still shows me the same standard help.
I have also tried on the local development server using the url but it still gives the same help message.
I'm totally clueless as to what the problem is. I'm new to GWT and GAE, and any help will be appreciated.
The following fix worked for me. It looks like doesn't like PYTHON27 and ALWAYS returns the help menu. I fixed it by executing it with PYTHON25 and hard coded all my file locations:
C:\Python25-archive\python "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\google_appengine\" rollback C:\scripts\myapp
The right way is to change the environment variables on Windows 7:
Go to System Properties
Go to Advance System Settings
Click on Environment Variables
Append to Path variable the values C:\Python27\
Click Ok and restart your computer. (Yes, it is needed.)
Another way is to:
Open command Prompt
Locate your python.exe file. For example:
Then, run a python command that looks like this.
python <appcfg_directory> download_app -A <your_app_id> -V <your_app_version> <output-dir>
Where <appcfg_directory> is equal to C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\ (Depending on your file location)
Don't forget to put quotes before and after <appcfg_directory>

How to provide model dependency information for use by Django's dumpdata?

Attempting to run the dumpdata command in Django release 1.2.1:
./ dumpdata myapp
I get the error "Can't resolve dependencies for myapp.model1 myapp.model2 myapp.model3".
Dumpdata is fine if I specify the list of models - e.g.,
./manage dumpdata myapp.model1 myapp.model2 myapp.model3 etc.
Is there a way to encode the dependency information in my ?
The dumpdata command incorrectly interprets ManyToMany relationships as dependencies of the model that declares them (rather than the other way around). There is a open ticket for this problem:
Try to apply the attached patch, it should solve your problem.
Perhaps you're using natural_keys & MySQL? There's a bug reported on this.
Try commenting out all you natural_keys' code. Then dumpdata and voila.
