In what way does denormalization improve database performance? - database

I heard a lot about denormalization which was made to improve performance of certain application. But I've never tried to do anything related.
So, I'm just curious, which places in normalized DB makes performance worse or in other words, what are denormalization principles?
How can I use this technique if I need to improve performance?

Denormalization is generally used to either:
Avoid a certain number of queries
Remove some joins
The basic idea of denormalization is that you'll add redundant data, or group some, to be able to get those data more easily -- at a smaller cost; which is better for performances.
A quick examples?
Consider a "Posts" and a "Comments" table, for a blog
For each Post, you'll have several lines in the "Comment" table
This means that to display a list of posts with the associated number of comments, you'll have to:
Do one query to list the posts
Do one query per post to count how many comments it has (Yes, those can be merged into only one, to get the number for all posts at once)
Which means several queries.
Now, if you add a "number of comments" field into the Posts table:
You only need one query to list the posts
And no need to query the Comments table: the number of comments are already de-normalized to the Posts table.
And only one query that returns one more field is better than more queries.
Now, there are some costs, yes:
First, this costs some place on both disk and in memory, as you have some redundant informations:
The number of comments are stored in the Posts table
And you can also find those number counting on the Comments table
Second, each time someone adds/removes a comment, you have to:
Save/delete the comment, of course
But also, update the corresponding number in the Posts table.
But, if your blog has a lot more people reading than writing comments, this is probably not so bad.

Denormalization is a time-space trade-off. Normalized data takes less space, but may require join to construct the desired result set, hence more time. If it's denormalized, data are replicated in several places. It then takes more space, but the desired view of the data is readily available.
There are other time-space optimizations, such as
denormalized view
precomputed columns
As with any of such approach, this improves reading data (because they are readily available), but updating data becomes more costly (because you need to update the replicated or precomputed data).

The word "denormalizing" leads to confusion of the design issues. Trying to get a high performance database by denormalizing is like trying to get to your destination by driving away from New York. It doesn't tell you which way to go.
What you need is a good design discipline, one that produces a simple and sound design, even if that design sometimes conflicts with the rules of normalization.
One such design discipline is star schema. In a star schema, a single fact table serves as the hub of a star of tables. The other tables are called dimension tables, and they are at the rim of the schema. The dimensions are connected to the fact table by relationships that look like the spokes of a wheel. Star schema is basically a way of projecting multidimensional design onto an SQL implementation.
Closely related to star schema is snowflake schema, which is a little more complicated.
If you have a good star schema, you will be able to get a huge variety of combinations of your data with no more than a three way join, involving two dimensions and one fact table. Not only that, but many OLAP tools will be able to decipher your star design automatically, and give you point-and-click, drill down, and graphical analysis access to your data with no further programming.
Star schema design occasionally violates second and third normal forms, but it results in more speed and flexibility for reports and extracts. It's most often used in data warehouses, data marts, and reporting databases. You'll generally have much better results from star schema or some other retrieval oriented design, than from just haphazard "denormalization".

The critical issues in denormalizing are:
Deciding what data to duplicate and why
Planning how to keep the data in synch
Refactoring the queries to use the denormalized fields.
One of the easiest types of denormalizing is to populate an identity field to tables to avoid a join. As identities should not ever change, this means the issue of keeping the data in sync rarely comes up. For instance, we populate our client id to several tables because we often need to query them by client and do not necessarily need, in the queries, any of the data in the tables that would be between the client table and the table we are querying if the data was totally normalized. You still have to do one join to get the client name, but that is better than joining to 6 parent tables to get the client name when that is the only piece of data you need from outside the table you are querying.
However, there would be no benefit to this unless we were often doing queries where data from the intervening tables was needed.
Another common denormalization might be to add a name field to other tables. As names are inherently changeable, you need to ensure that the names stay in synch with triggers. But if this saves you from joining to 5 tables instead of 2, it can be worth the cost of the slightly longer insert or update.

If you have certain requirement, like reporting etc., it can help to denormalize your database in various ways:
introduce certain data duplication to save yourself some JOINs (e.g. fill certain information into a table and be ok with duplicated data, so that all the data in that table and doesn't need to be found by joining another table)
you can pre-compute certain values and store them in a table column, insteda of computing them on the fly, everytime to query the database. Of course, those computed values might get "stale" over time and you might need to re-compute them at some point, but just reading out a fixed value is typically cheaper than computing something (e.g. counting child rows)
There are certainly more ways to denormalize a database schema to improve performance, but you just need to be aware that you do get yourself into a certain degree of trouble doing so. You need to carefully weigh the pros and cons - the performance benefits vs. the problems you get yourself into - when making those decisions.

Consider a database with a properly normalized parent-child relationship.
Let's say the cardinality is an average of 2x1.
You have two tables, Parent, with p rows. Child with 2x p rows.
The join operation means for p parent rows, 2x p child rows must be read. The total number of rows read is p + 2x p.
Consider denormalizing this into a single table with only the child rows, 2x p. The number of rows read is 2x p.
Fewer rows == less physical I/O == faster.

As per the last section of this article,
one could use Virtual Denormalization, where you create Views with some denormalized data for running more simplistic SQL queries faster, while the underlying Tables remain normalized for faster add/update operations (so long as you can get away with updating the Views at regular intervals rather than in real-time). I'm just taking a class on Relational Databases myself but, from what I've been reading, this approach seems logical to me.

Benefits of de-normalization over normalization
Basically de-normalization is used for DBMS not for RDBMS. As we know that RDBMS works with normalization, which means no repeat data again and again. But still repeat some data when you use foreign key.
When you use DBMS then there is a need to remove normalization. For this, there is a need for repetition. But still, it improves performance because there is no relation among the tables and each table has indivisible existence.


Database design: one large table versus several smaller tables

I have to create a database to store information being sent and received to / from a 3rd party web service portal. There are about 150 fields of information to be sent though I can remove about 50 of those fields by normalising (there are three sets addresses that can be saved in an address table, for example). However, this still leaves a table that could potentially have 100 columns.
I've come up with two ways of handling this though I'm not sure which to use:
1. Have a table with 100 columns and three references to an address table.
2. Break it down into maybe 15-20 separate dedicated tables.
Option 1 seems the quickest as it involves the fewest joins but the idea of a table with 100 columns doesn't feel right.
Option 2 feels better and would break things down in to more managable chunks but it won't save any database space and will increase the number of joins. Pretty much all the columns in the database will have a value and I cannot normalise these columns any further.
My question is, in this situation is it acceptable to have a table with c.100 columns in it or should I try and break it down over several tables for presentation?
Please note: The table structure will not change over the course of it's useage, a new database would be created for a new version of the web service portal. I have no control over the web service data structure.
Edit: #Oded's answer below has made me think a bit more about how the data will be accessed; it will really only be accessed in whole and not in part. I wouldn't for example, need to return columns 5-20 on a regular basis.
Answer: I accepted Oded's answer based on the comments after he posted it helped me make my mind up and I decided to go with option 1. As the data is accessed in full then having one table seems the better solution. If, for example, I regularly wanted to access columns 5-20 rather than the full table row then I'd see about breaking it up into separate tables for performance reasons.
Speaking from a relational purist point of view - first, there is nothing against having 100 columns in a table, if they are related. The point here is that if after normalizing you still have 100 columns, that's OK.
But you should normalize, and in the process you may very well end up with 15-20 separate dedicated tables, which most relational database professionals would agree is a better design (avoid data duplication with the update/delete issues associated, smaller data footprint etc...).
Pragmatically, however, if there is a measurable performance problem, it may be sensible to denormalize your design for performance benefit. The key here - measureable. Don't optimize before you have an actual problem.
In that respect, I'd say you should go with the set of 15-20 tables as an initial design.
From MSDN:Maximum Capacity Specifications for SQL Server :
Columns per nonwide table: 1,024
Columns per wide table: 30,000
So I think 100 columns is ok in your case. And also maybe you need to note(from same link):
Columns per primary key: 16
Of course this is only in the case if need data only as Log for a service.
If after reading from service you need to maintain data -> then normalising seems better...
If you find it easier to "manage" tables with fewer columns, however you happen to define manageability (e.g. less horizontal scrolling when looking at the table data in SSMS), you can break the table up into several tables with 1-to-1 relationships without violating the rules of normalization.

SQL Server: Many columns in a table vs Fewer columns in two tables

I have a database table (called Fields) which has about 35 columns. 11 of them always contains the same constant values for about every 300.000 rows - and act as metadata.
The down side of this structure is that, when i need to update those 11 columns values, i need to go and update all 300.000 rows.
I could move all the common data in a different table, and update it only one time, in one place, instead of 300.000 places.
However, if i do it like this, when i display the fields, i need to create INNER JOIN's between the two tables, which i know makes the SELECT statement slower.
I must say that updating the columns occurs more rarely than reading (displaying) the data.
How you suggest that i should store the data in database to obtain the best performances?
I could move all the common data in a different table, and update it only one time, in one
place, instead of 300.000 places.
I.e. sane database design and standad normalization.
This is not about "many empty fields", it is brutally about tons of redundant data. Constants you should have isolated. Separate table. This may also make things faster - it allows the database to use memory more efficient because your database is a lot smaller.
I would suggest to go with a separate table unless you've concealed something significant (of course it would be better to try and measure, but I suspect you already know it).
You can actually get faster selects as well: joining a small table would be cheaper then fetching the same data 300000 times.
This is a classic example of denormalized design. Sometimes, denormalization is done for (SELECT) performance, and always in a deliberate, measurable way. Have you actually measured whether you gain any performance by it?
If your data fits into cache, and/or the JOIN is unusually expensive1, then there may well be some performance benefit from avoiding the JOIN. However, the denormalized data is larger and will push at the limits of your cache sooner, increasing the I/O and likely reversing any gains you may have reaped from avoiding the JOIN - you might actually lose performance.
And of course, getting the incorrect data is useless, no matter how quickly you can do it. The denormalization makes your database less resilient to data inconsistencies2, and the performance difference would have to be pretty dramatic to justify this risk.
1 Which doesn't look to be the case here.
2 E.g. have you considered what happens in a concurrent environment where one application might modify existing rows and the other application inserts a new row but with old values (since the first application hasn't committed yet so there is no way for the second application to know that there was a change)?
The best way is to seperate the data and form second table with those 11 columns and call it as some MASTER DATA TABLE, which will be having a primary key.
This primary key can be referred as a foreign key in those 30,000 rows in the first table

How to deal with extremely wide tables in SQL server?

I have encountered the following dilemma several times and would be interested to hear how others have addressed this issue or if there is a canonical way that the situation can be addressed.
In some domains, one is naturally led to consider very wide tables. Take, for instance, time series surveys that evolve over many years. Such surveys can have hundreds, if not thousands, of variables. Typically though there are probably only a few thousand or tens-of-thousands of rows. It is absolutely natural to consider such a result set as a table where each variable corresponds to a column in the table however, in SQL Server at least, one is limited to 1024 (non sparse) columns.
The obvious workarounds are to
Distribute each record over multiple tables
Stuff the data into a single table with columns of say, ResponseId, VariableName, ResponseValue
Number 2. I think is very bad for a number of reasons (difficult to query, suboptimal storage, etc) so really the first choice is the only viable option I see. This choice can be improved perhaps by grouping columns that are likely to be queried together into the same table - but one can't really know this until the database is actually being used.
So, my basic question is: Are there better ways to handle this situation?
You might want to put a view in front of the tables to make them appear as if they are a single table. The upside is that you can rearrange the storage later without queries needing to change. The downside is that only modifications to the base table can be done through the view. If necessary, you could mitigate this with stored procedures for frequently used modifications. Based on your use case of time series surveys, it sounds like inserts and selects are far more frequent than updates or deletes, so this might be a viable way to stay flexible without forcing your clients to update if you need to rearrange things later.
Hmmm it really depends on what you do with it. If you want to keep the table as wide as it is (possibly this is for OLAP or data warehouse), I would just use proper indexes. Also based on the columns that are selected more often , I could also use covering indexes. Based on the rows that are searched more often, I could also use filtered indexes. If there are, let’s say, billions of records in the table, you could partition the table as well. If you just want to store the table over multiple tables, definitely use proper normalization techniques, probably up to 3NF or 3.5NF, to divide the big table into smaller tables. I would use the first method of yours, normalization, to store data for the big table just because it seems like it makes sense better to me that way.
This is an old topic but something we are currently working on resolving. Neither of the above answers really give as many benefits as the solution we feel we have found.
We previously believed that having wide tables wasn't really a problem. Having spent time analysing this we have seen the light and realise that costs on inserts/updates are indeed getting out of control.
As John states above, the solution is really to create a VIEW to provide your application with a consistent schema. One of the challenges in any redesign may be, as in our case, that you have thousands or millions of lines of code referencing an old wide table and you may want to provide backwards compatibility.
Views can also be used for UPDATES and INSERTS as John alludes to, however a problem we found initially was that if you take the example of myWideTable which may have hundreds of columns and you want to split this to myWideTable_a with columns a, b and c and myWideTable_b with columns x, y and z then an insert to a view which only sets column a will only insert a record for myWideTable_a
This causes a problem when you want to later update your record and set myWideTable.z as this will fail.
The solution we're adopting, and performance testing, is to have an 'insteadof' trigger on the View insert to always insert to our split-tables so that we can continue to update or read from the view with impunity.
The question as to whether using this trigger on inserts provides more overhead than a wide table is still open, but it is clear that it will improve subsequent writes to columns in each split table.

Database Structure for hierarchical data with horizontal slices

We're currently looking at trying to improve performance of queries for our site, the core hierarchical data-structure has 5 levels, each type has about 20 fields.
level1: rarely added, updated infrequently, ~ 100 children
level2: rarely added, updated fairly infrequently, ~ 200 children
level3: added often, updated fairly often, ~ 1-50 children (average ~10)
level4: added often, updated quite often, ~1-50 children (average <10)
level5: added often, updated often (a single item might update once a second)
We have a single data pipeline which performs all of these updates and inserts (ie. we have full control over data going in).
The queries we need to do on this are:
fetch single items from a level + parents
fetch a slice of items across a level (either by PK, or sometimes filtering criteria)
fetch multiple items from level3 and parts of their children (usually by complex criteria)
fetch level3 and all children
We read from this datasource a lot, as-in hundreds of times a second. All of the queries we need to perform are known and optimised as well as they can be to the current data structure.
We're currently using MySQL queries behind memcached for this, and just doing additional queries to get children/parents, I'm thinking that some sort of Tree-based or Document based database might be more suitable.
My question is: what's the best way to model this data for efficient read performance?
Sounds like your data belongs in an OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) database. The way you're describing levels, slices, and performance concerns seems to lend itself to OLAP. It's probably modeled fine (not sure though), but you need a different tool to boost performance.
I currently manage a system like this. We have a standard relational database for input, and then copy the pertinent data for reporting to an OLAP server. Our combo is Microsoft SQL Server (input, raw data), Microsoft Analysis Services (pre-calculates then stores the analytical data to increase speed), and Microsoft Excel/Access Pivot Tables and/or Tableau for reporting.
OLAP servers:
Combining relational and OLAP:
*Tableau is a superb product, and can probably replace an OLAP server if your data isn't terribly large (even then it can handle a lot of data). It will make local copies as necessary to improve performance. I strongly advise giving it a look.
If I've misunderstood the issue you're having, then by all means please ignore this answer :\
UPDATE: After more discussion, an Object DB might be a solution as well. Your data sounds multi-dimensional in nature, one way or the other, but I think the difference would be whether you're doing analytic aggregate calculations and retrieval (SUMs, AVGs), or just storing and fetching categorical or relational data (shopping cart items, or friends of a family member).
ODBMS info:
InterSystem's Cache is one Object Database I know of that sounds like a more appropriate fit based on what you've said.
If conversion to a different system isn't feasible (entirely understandable), then you might have to look at normalization and the types of data your queries are processing in order to gain further improvements in speed. In fact, that's probably a good first step before jumping to a different type of system (sorry I didn't get to this sooner).
In my case, I know on MS SQL that a switch we did from having some core queries use a VARCHAR field to using an INTEGER field made a huge difference in speed. Text data is one of the THE MOST expensive types of data to process. So for instance, if you have a query doing a lot of INNER JOINs on text fields, you might consider normalizing to the point where you're using INTEGER IDs that link to the text data.
An example of high normalization could be using ID numbers for a person's First or Last Name. Most DB designs store these names directly and don't attempt to reduce duplication, but you could normalize to the point where Last Name and/or First Name have their own tables (or one table to hold both First and Last names) and IDs for each unique name.
The point in your case would be more for performance than de-duplication of data, but something like switching from VARCHAR to INTEGER might have huge gains. I'd try it with a single field first, measure the before and after cases, and make your decision carefully from there.
And of course, in general you should be sure to have appropriate indexes on your data.
Hope that helps.
Document/Tree based database is designed to perform hierarchical queries. Do you have any hierarchical queries in your design -- I fail to see any? Querying one level up and down doesn't count: it is a simple join. Please have in mind that going "Document/Tree based database" route you would compromise your general querying ability. To summarize, just hire a competent db specialist who would analyze your performance bottlenecks -- they are usually cured with mundane index addition.
there's not really enough info here to say much useful - you'd need to measure things, look at "explains", etc - but one option that goes beyond the usual indexing would be to shard by level 3 instances. that would give you better performance on parallel queries that hit different shards, at its simplest (separate disks), or you could use separate machines if you want to throw more resources at each shard.
the only reason i mention this really is that your use cases suggest sharding at that level would work quite well (it looks like it would be simple enough to do in your application layer, if you wanted - i have no idea what tools mysql has for this).
and if your data volume isn't so high then with sharding you might be able to get it down to ssds...

What's the better database design: more tables or more columns?

A former coworker insisted that a database with more tables with fewer columns each is better than one with fewer tables with more columns each. For example rather than a customer table with name, address, city, state, zip, etc. columns, you would have a name table, an address table, a city table, etc.
He argued this design was more efficient and flexible. Perhaps it is more flexible, but I am not qualified to comment on its efficiency. Even if it is more efficient, I think those gains may be outweighed by the added complexity.
So, are there any significant benefits to more tables with fewer columns over fewer tables with more columns?
I have a few fairly simple rules of thumb I follow when designing databases, which I think can be used to help make decisions like this....
Favor normalization. Denormalization is a form of optimization, with all the requisite tradeoffs, and as such it should be approached with a YAGNI attitude.
Make sure that client code referencing the database is decoupled enough from the schema that reworking it doesn't necessitate a major redesign of the client(s).
Don't be afraid to denormalize when it provides a clear benefit to performance or query complexity.
Use views or downstream tables to implement denormalization rather than denormalizing the core of the schema, when data volume and usage scenarios allow for it.
The usual result of these rules is that the initial design will favor tables over columns, with a focus on eliminating redundancy. As the project progresses and denormalization points are identified, the overall structure will evolve toward a balance that compromises with limited redundancy and column proliferation in exchange for other valuable benefits.
It doesn't sound so much like a question about tables/columns, but about normalization. In some situations have a high degree of normalization ("more tables" in this case) is good, and clean, but it typically takes a high number of JOINs to get relevant results. And with a large enough dataset, this can bog down performance.
Jeff wrote a little about it regarding the design of StackOverflow. See also the post Jeff links to by Dare Obasanjo.
I would argue in favor of more tables, but only up to a certain point. Using your example, if you separated your user's information into two tables, say USERS and ADDRESS, this gives you the flexibility to have multiple addresses per user. One obvious application of this is a user who has separate billing and shipping addresses.
The argument in favor of having a separate CITY table would be that you only have to store each city's name once, then refer to it when you need it. That does reduce duplication, but in this example I think it's overkill. It may be more space efficient, but you'll pay the price in joins when you select data from your database.
A fully normalized design (i.e, "More Tables") is more flexible, easier to maintain, and avoids duplication of data, which means your data integrity is going to be a lot easier to enforce.
Those are powerful reasons to normalize. I would choose to normalize first, and then only denormalize specific tables after you saw that performance was becoming an issue.
My experience is that in the real world, you won't reach the point where denormalization is necessary, even with very large data sets.
Each table should only include columns that pertain to the entity that's uniquely identified by the primary key. If all the columns in the database are all attributes of the same entity, then you'd only need one table with all the columns.
If any of the columns may be null, though, you would need to put each nullable column into its own table with a foreign key to the main table in order to normalize it. This is a common scenario, so for a cleaner design, you're likley to be adding more tables than columns to existing tables. Also, by adding these optional attributes to their own table, they would no longer need to allow nulls and you avoid a slew of NULL-related issues.
It depends on your database flavor. MS SQL Server, for example, tends to prefer narrower tables. That's also the more 'normalized' approach. Other engines might prefer it the other way around. Mainframes tend to fall in that category.
The multi-table database is a lot more flexible if any of these one to one relationships may become one to many or many to many in the future. For example, if you need to store multiple addresses for some customers, it's a lot easier if you have a customer table and an address table. I can't really see a situation where you might need to duplicate some parts of an address but not others, so separate address, city, state, and zip tables may be a bit over the top.
Like everything else: it depends.
There is no hard and fast rule regarding column count vs table count.
If your customers need to have multiple addresses, then a separate table for that makes sense. If you have a really good reason to normalize the City column into its own table, then that can go, too, but I haven't seen that before because it's a free form field (usually).
A table heavy, normalized design is efficient in terms of space and looks "textbook-good" but can get extremely complex. It looks nice until you have to do 12 joins to get a customer's name and address. These designs are not automatically fantastic in terms of performance that matters most: queries.
Avoid complexity if possible. For example, if a customer can have only two addresses (not arbitrarily many), then it might make sense to just keep them all in a single table (CustomerID, Name, ShipToAddress, BillingAddress, ShipToCity, BillingCity, etc.).
Here's Jeff's post on the topic.
There are advantages to having tables with fewer columns, but you also need to look at your scenario above and answer these questions:
Will the customer be allowed to have more than 1 address? If not, then a separate table for address is not necessary. If so, then a separate table becomes helpful because you can easily add more addresses as needed down the road, where it becomes more difficult to add more columns to the table.
i would consider normalizing as the first step, so cities, counties, states, countries would be better as separate columns... the power of SQL language, together with today DBMS-es allows you to group your data later if you need to view it in some other, non-normalized view.
When the system is being developed, you might consider 'unnormalizing' some part if you see that as an improvement.
I think balance is in order in this case. If it makes sense to put a column in a table, then put it in the table, if it doesn't, then don't. Your coworkers approach would definately help to normalize the database, but that might not be very useful if you have to join 50 tables together to get the information you need.
I guess what my answer would be is, use your best judgement.
There are many sides to this, but from an application efficiency perspective mote tables can be more efficient at times. If you have a few tables with a bunch of columns every time the db as to do an operation it has a chance of making a lock, more data is made unavailable for the duration of the lock. If locks get escalated to page and tables (well hopefully not tables :) ) you can see how this can slow down the system.
I think its a wash and depends on your particular design model. Definitely factor out entities that have more than a few fields out into their own table, or entities whose makeup will likely change as your application's requirements changes (for instance - I'd factor out address anyways, since it has so many fields, but I'd especially do it if you thought there was any chance you'd need to handle foreign country addresses, which can be of a different form. The same with phone numbers).
That said, when you're got it working, keep an eye out on performance. If you've spun an entity out that requires you to do large, expensive joins, maybe it becomes a better design decision to spin that table back into the original.
When you design your database, you should be as close as possible from the meaning of data and NOT your application need !
A good database design should stand over 20 years without a change.
A customer could have multiple adresses, that's the reality. If you decided that's your application is limited to one adresse for the first release, it's concern the design of your application not the data !
It's better to have multiple table instead of multiple column and use view if you want to simplify your query.
Most of time you will have performance issue with a database it's about network performance (chain query with one row result, fetch column you don't need, etc) not about the complexity of your query.
There are huge benefits to queries using as few columns as possible. But the table itself can have a large number. Jeff says something on this as well.
Basically, make sure that you don't ask for more than you need when doing a query - performance of queries is directly related to the number of columns you ask for.
I think you have to look at the kind of data you're storing before you make that decision. Having an address table is great but only if the likelihood of multiple people sharing the same address is high. If every person had different addresses, keeping that data in a different table just introduces unnecessary joins.
I don't see the benefit of having a city table unless cities in of themselves are entities you care about in your application. Or if you want to limit the number of cities available to your users.
Bottom line is decisions like this have to take the application itself into considering before you start shooting for efficiency. IMO.
First, normalize your tables. This ensures you avoid redundant data, giving you less rows of data to scan, which improves your queries. Then, if you run into a point where the normalized tables you are joining are causing the query to take to long to process (expensive join clause), denormalize where more appropriate.
Good to see so many inspiring and well based answers.
My answer would be (unfortunately): it depends.
Two cases:
* If you create a datamodel that is to be used for many years and thus possibly has to adept many future changes: go for more tables and less rows and pretty strict normalization.
* In other cases you can choose between more tables-less rows or less tables-more rows. Especially for people relatively new to the subject this last approach can be more intuitive and easy to comprehend.
The same is valid for the choosing between the object oriented approach and other options.
