LinqToSql how to implement calculated columns - silverlight

I want to have a field in my entity where the returned data comes from a class function in mydomainservice and not from the database.
The reason is that I want to generate an image URL (Silverlight bind) based rather loosely upon other fields in a table
How can I obtain that ?

The other two have mentioned a partial class. They are correct. Here's an example...
public partial class MyImage
public string CompleteUrl
get { return string.Format("http://{0}/{1}/{2}.png", Host, Folder, Filename); }
This would assume that you already have columns named "Host", "Folder", and "Filename" in your database, and those have already been mapped to the appropriate columns.
L2S generates partial classes for all of its implementations. You shouldn't be doing your own mapping. These partial classes allow you to create a new file (with ClassName.cs) that will allow you to extend the functionality of your domain objects.

You can extend your linq2sql generated class by making a partial class with the same name (in the same namespace) and putting the method in that file.

Declare a partial class with the same name as the entity class and in the same assembly. Declare your function/property as usual.


Orchard CMS connect external SQL Server

I'm planning to create some pages which display data from an external SQL Server with Orchard CMS. It looks like I need to write a new module to implement this function. Is there any example or idea to implement this requirement?
Yes, you will need to write a new module, which provides a new content part and a content part driver. That driver will be responsible for fetching the data from the external SQL Server, which you will set to a property on the shape you will be returning from your driver. The shape's view will then display your data.
This tutorial will walk you through writing a custom content part:
When you do, make sure not to create the content part Record type, since you will not be storing and loading data from the Orchard database - you want to load data from an external database. These are the steps you should follow:
Create a new module
Create a content part class
Have your part inherit from ContentPart, not ContentPart<TRecord> since there won't be any "TRecord".
Create a content part driver
On the Display method, return a shape by calling the ContentShape method. Make sure to add the SQL data access logic within the lambda. If you do it outside of that lambda, that data access code will be invoked every time the content item using your content part is invoked. Although that sounds as if that is exactly what you want, there's a subtlety here that involves, which you can use to determine when your shape will actually be rendered or not. If the placement logic determines that your shape should not be rendered, then you don't want to access your external data for nothing.
Create a file to configure the shape's placement (within the context of the content item being rendered).
Create the Razor view for the shape that you return in step 3.2.
Create a Migrations class that will define your custom content part, and any content types to which you want to add your part to. See for more information on how to create migrations.
PS. Instead of implementing your data access code directly in the driver, I recommend you implement that in a separate class. Because you know, separation of concerns and such. You can then inject that service into your driver. To have your service class be registered with the service container, make sure that you define an interface for it, that itself derives from IDependency.
Some sample pseudo code:
Service code:
public interface IMyExternalDataStore : IDependency {
IList<MyExternalDataRecord> GetMyData();
public class MyExternalDataStore : IMyExternalDataStore {
public IList<MyExternalDataRecord> GetMyData() {
// Connect to your SQL Server database, perhaps using EF, load the data and return it. Could of course also be simply a DataSet.
Content Part:
public class MyExternalDataPart : ContentPart {
// Nothing here, unless you want to include some properties here that influence the data that you want to load. If so, you'll also want to implement the Editor methods in your content part driver, but I'm keeping it simple.
Content Part Driver:
public class MyExternalDataPartDriver : ContentPartDriver<MyExternalContentPart> {
private readonly IMyExternalDataStore _dataStore;
public MyExternalDataPartDriver(IMyExternalDataStore dataStore) {
_dataStore = dataStore;
protected override DriverResult Display(SlideShowProPart part, string displayType, dynamic shapeHelper) {
return ContentShape("Parts_MyExternalData", () => {
// Notice that we're performing the data access here within the lambda (the so called "shape factory method").
var data = _dataStore.GetMyData();
// Notice that I'm creating a property called "MyData"on the shape (which is a dynamic object).
return shapeHelper.Parts_MyExternalData(MyData: data));
Razor view for the Parts_MyExternalData shape:
Filename: Parts.MyExternalData.cshtml
var records = (IList<MyExternalDataRecord>)Model.MyData;
#foreach(var record in records) {
<Place Parts_MyExternalData="Content:0"/>
public class Migrations : DataMigrationImpl {
public int Create() {
// Define your content part so that you can attach it to any content type from the UI.
ContentDefinitionManager.AlterPartDefinition("MyExternalDataPart", part => part.Attachable());
// Optionally, define a new content type here programmatically or attach it to an existing type.
return 1;

Use of Wrapper class for deserialization in callout?

I found the following use of a wrapper class, and was wondering if it is a good practice or whether its just duplication of code for no reason.
public class SomeClass{
public Integer someInt;
public String someString;
//Callout Class:
public class CalloutClass{
public SomeClass someMethod(){
//...code to do a callout to an api
SomeClass someClassObj = (SomeClass)JSON.Deserialize(APIResponse.getBody(), SomeClass.class);
return someClassObj;
public class SomeController {
public SomeController(){
someClassObj = calloutClassObj.someMethod();
SomeWrapper wrapperObj = new SomeWrapper();
for(SomeClass iterObj : someClassObj){
wrapperObj.someWrapperInt = iterObj.someInt;
wrapperObj.someWrapperString = iterObj.someString;
public class someWrapper{
public Integer someWrapperInt{get;set;}
public String someWrapperString{get;set;}
The wrapper class "someWrapper" could be eliminated if we just use getters and setters ({get;set;}) in "SomeClass."
Could anyone explain if there could be a reason for following this procedure?
My assumption (because, code in controller is extra pseudo) is
SomeClass is a business entity, purpose of which is to store/work with business data. By work I mean using it's values to display it (using wrapper in controller), to calculate smth in other entities or build reports... Such kind of object should be as lightweight as possible. You usually iterate through them. You don't need any methods in such kind of objects. Exception is constructor with parameter(s). You might want to have SomeObject__c as parameter or someWrapper.
someWrapper is a entity to display business entity. As for wrapper classes in controllers. Imagine, that when you display entity on edit page and enter a value for someWrapperInt property, you want to update someWrapperString property (or you can just put validation there, for example, checking if it is really Integer). Usually, as for business entity, you don't want such kind of functionality. But when user create or edit it, you may want smth like this.

Dapper can't ignore nested objects for parameter?

I am beginning to use Dapper and love it so far. However as i venture further into complexity, i have ran into a big issue with it. The fact that you can pass an entire custom object as a parameter is great. However, when i add another custom object a a property, it no longer works as it tries to map the object as a SQL parameter. Is there any way to have it ignore custom objects that are properties of the main object being passed thru? Example below
public class CarMaker
public string Name { get; set; }
public Car Mycar { get; set; }
propery Name maps fine but property MyCar fails because it is a custom object. I will have to restructure my entire project if Dapper can't handle this which...well blows haha
Dapper extensions has a way to create custom maps, which allows you to ignore properties:
public class MyModelMapper : ClassMapper<MyModel>
public MyModelMapper()
//use a custom schema
//have a custom primary key
Map(x => x.ThePrimaryKey).Key(KeyType.Assigned);
//Use a different name property from database column
Map(x=> x.Foo).Column("Bar");
//Ignore this property entirely
Map(x=> x.SecretDataMan).Ignore();
//optional, map all other columns
Here is a link
There is a much simpler solution to this problem.
If the property MyCar is not in the database, and it is probably not, then simple remove the {get;set;} and the "property" becomes a field and is automatically ignored by DapperExtensions. If you are actually storing this information in a database and it is a multi-valued property that is not serialized into a JSON or similar format, I think you are probably asking for complexity that you don't want. There is no sql equivalent of the object "Car", and the properties in your model must map to something that sql recognizes.
If "Car" is part of a table in your database, then you can read it into the CarMaker object using Dapper's QueryMultiple.
I use it in this fashion:
dynamic reader = dbConnection.QueryMultiple("Request_s", param: new { id = id }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
if (reader != null)
result = reader.Read<Models.Request>()[0] as Models.Request; = reader.Read<Models.Review>() as IEnumerable<Models.Review>;
The Request Class has a field as such:
public IEnumerable<Models.Review> reviews;
The stored procedure looks like this:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Request_s]
#id int = null
FROM [biospecimen].requests as bn
order by desc;
if #id is not null
FROM [biospecimen].reviews as bn
where bn.request_id = #id;
In the first read, Dapper ignores the field reviews, and in the second read, Dapper loads the information into the field. If a null set is returned, Dapper will load the field with a null set just like it will load the parent class with null contents.
The second select statement then reads the collection needed to complete the object, and Dapper stores the output as shown.
I have been implementing this in my Repository classes in situations where a target parent class has several child classes that are being displayed at the same time.
This prevents multiple trips to the database.
You can also use this approach when the target class is a child class and you need information about the parent class it is related to.

Parameter must be an entity type exposed by the DomainService?

Trying to implement a domain service in a SL app and getting the following error:
Parameter 'spFolderCreate' of domain method 'CreateSharePointFolder' must be an entity type exposed by the DomainService.
public class FileUploadService : DomainService
public void CreateSharePointFolder(SharePointFolderCreate spFolderCreate)
SharePointFolder spf = new SharePointFolder();
spf.CreateFolder_ClientOM(spFolderCreate.listName, spFolderCreate.fileName);
void CreateSharePointFolder(SharePointFolderCreate spFolderCreate);
public class SharePointFolderCreate
private string m_listName;
private string m_fileName;
public string listName
get { return m_listName; }
set { m_listName = value; }
public string fileName
get { return m_fileName; }
set { m_fileName = value; }
So am I missing something simple here to make this all work?
It may be that the framework is inferring the intended operation because you have the word "Create" prefixing the function name (CreateSharePointFolder). Details of this behaviour can be found here
Although that is all fine for DomainServices and EntityFramework, following the information in that article, it can be inferred that methods beginning "Delete" will be performing a delete of an entity, so must accept an entity as a parameter. The same is true for "Create" or "Insert" prefixed methods. Only "Get" or "Select" methods can take non-entity parameters, making it possible to pass a numeric id (for example) to a "Get" method.
Try changing your method name temporarily to "BlahSharePointFolder" to see if it is this convention of inferrance that's causing your problem.
Also, as there is no metadata defined for your SharePointFolderCreate DC, you might need to decorate the class (in addition to the [DataContract] attribute) with the [MetadataType] attribute. You will see how to implement this if you used the DomainServiceClass wizard and point to an EF model. There is a checkbox at the bottom for generating metadata. Somewhere in your solution.Web project you should find a domainservice.metadata.cs file. In this file, you will find examples of how to use the [MetadataType] attribute.
For the RIA WCF service to work correctly with your own methods, you need to ensure that all entities existing on the parameter list have at least one member with a [Key] attribute defined in their metadata class, and that the entity is returned somewhere on your DomainService in a "Get" method.

How do I have a method or property on the model in the server also get generated in the client?

I've got an application set up with RIA Services, Entity Framework 4, and Silverlight 4. It is set up in the standard fashion prescribed on MSDN here: Walkthrough: Creating a RIA Services Solution
I've written a new method (or property) against one of the entity objects which resides on the server; I would like this method (or property) to also be generated (automagically) on the client. i.e.
I have a table in my database called Customer which has two fields: FirstName and LastName
(ASP.NET project - server side) EF has created a corresponding partial class called Protocol that has two properties: FirstName and LastName
(ASP.NET project - server side) In another file, I'm using the partial class mechanism to define a method (or property) to return the FirstName and LastName together in a string, e.g.
public function ReturnFullName() as String ...
public property FullName() as String ...
Is there a way for ReturnFullName() and FullName() to be generated in on the client side (my Silverlight application)? Or do I have to implement the method / property on the client side as well?
Create a .shared.cs or .shared.vb file with a partial class of the entity in it.
For example:
Partial Public Class Persoon
Public Function GetFullName() As String
Return Me.Voornaam & " " & Me.Naam
End Function
End Class
public partial class Persoon
public string GetFullName()
return this.Voornaam + " " + this.Naam;
It will then generate on client side to.
Methods in your Domain objects on the server side are not generated on the client side. (One reason for that is that obviously you could use .NET Framework features in these methods that are not available in Silverlight.) Properties are just copied with their signature, using class variables.
A solution to that problem is having a partial .cs file for your Customer class where you define these methods and create a link to that file in your Silverlight project. Of course, you can only use libraries in the using statements that are also available in Silverlight.
