payment gateway for mobile apps - mobile

Can you let me know on the best ones for the U.S please? Will be looking for all popular mobile SDKs iPhone, blackberry, android, j2me and windows mobile.



Web Portal with Desktop/Mobile Version. What are recommendations?

I am thinking develop a web portal with a desktop. This portal will be used in mobile phones and as one of its requirements is to work offline and when you are online, synchronize data, I think it must be a native version for Android and iOS. What is the framework that advise to develop one application and generate an Android application and other iOS?
The idea is to try to enjoy the same logic of development for desktop and mobile. I have experience with AngularJS but do not know whether it will help in the mobile.

Which Flurry SDK Should I Use With Phonegap

I am installing Flurry into a Phonegap application so that I might collect better in app analytics. I've seen numerous cordova plugins allowing you to use Flurry's iPhone and Android SDKs with Phonegap
However Flurry has released a Mobile Web SDK. I assume the Mobile Web SDK is easier to integrate with a phonegap application, however I'm concerned that it is not as full featured or ill suited for working with phonegap. Can anyone comment on which SDK should be used in this situation? Many thanks.
Posing the question to Flurry's support team I received the following reply:
"The Mobile Web SDK tracks devices on the basis of cookies. The native SDK's track it on the basis of device id.
Apart from that, the mobile web SDK doesn't provide metrics like carrier, device and OS metrics. The native SDK provides those.
Crash reporting is not supported on the Mobile Web SDK. The native iOS and Android SDK's provide that."
Ergo, the SDKs are not created equally. One should use the native SDKs whenever they have the opportunity.

Paypal in windows phone 7 App

I am developing a windows phone 7 application. In my app user can make purchases. The client need to use paypal for payments.
I found paypal APIs for all other phones (IPhone, Android, Blackberry). But there is no API for windows phone. Is windows phone support paypal ?.
Is there any other alternative method if there is no paypal API for windows phone ?
I think in-app purchasing currently is not available for Windows Phone 7.5.
This wil be the feature of WP8 exclusively!
We can use paypal in windows phone 7 by the Mobile Express Checkout method with the help of a webbrowser control. I implemented and succeeded the paypal implementation in windows phone.
Hope the above links will help others too to implement paypal in windows phone 7.

I cant call web service in j2me app

I have develop a j2me app which calls .net windows based web-service.
Its working good in emulator and nokia phones but not working in samsung and micromax.
May be this app can not call web-services in some devices.
Its very useful if any one can answer me.

Can an (Native/Web) app on mobile phone launch another (Native/Web) app in all the device?

is it possible to launch a app from another mobile app Also from native app? The requirement is for all the mobile devices.
Thanks in advance,
Launching anything from a web application on a phone would be dependent on that phone's browser, and launching anything from a native application would depend on that phone's platform.
I doubt anyone here knows the internals of every mobile device, you'll have to specify which platform you are working on if you want any answers.
