How to solve the jpa error? - google-app-engine

i created one web application for accessing google bigtable.
but i shows the following error how to solve this
Description Resource Path Location Type
Your Web Application Project must be configured to use a JDK in order to use JSPs. guestbook.jsp /cftljpa/war Unknown Google App Engine Problem
how to solve this

Both the local App Engine server and the deployment process need to run javac in order to compile your JSPs. If your project isn't set to use a JDK ("Java Development Kit", which includes javac), then the JSPs can't be compiled.
Go to Preferences > Java > Installed JREs and make sure that you have a JDK installed -- if you don't, you can easily download one. Now right-click on your project and choose Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries and make sure that your project is using this JDK


GAE PDO not support sqlsrv

I use Laravel with Sql Server in GAE, but I get error "could not find driver",
so I echo phpinfo in my site, and I found GAE PDO not support sqlsrv also not support pdo_sqlsrv.....
Is anyway I can fix that?
※I test my local environment is work, only GAE have this problem!
As mentioned in the The PHP Runtime documentation of the App Engine Flex, you can enable an extension by adding a php.ini to the root of your app before deploying it.
For installing drivers you will need to extend the runtime by creating a custom one, based on the basic PHP runtime available for App Engine. This will generate a Dockerfile in which you can add the necessary steps to install what you need.
This only works for App Engine Flex however, as you will need to deploy the Custom Runtime with the Dockerfile at the root of your app's folder.

Does my PHP project need appengine-web.xml

Setting up IntelliJ IDEA to run my PHP Wordpress (for App Engine) projects. Google Cloud Tools installed.
Have imported existing project files and then went to Tools > Google Cloud Tools > Run on a local App Engine Standard dev server.
An error is returned:
Project does not contain App Engine Standard modules: To use the App Engine Standard local development server, the project must contain at least one App Engine Standard module with an appengine-web.xml configuration file.
I read up on appengine-web.xml and apparently its used for Java projects. I'm trying to run PHP at the moment.
I haven't dealt with this file type before, is it similar to app.yaml?
Do I need this fie to set up my local server for PHP?
Actually the file appengine-web.xml corresponds to the App Engine Java runtime, you don't need to use it in your PHP project. It is similar to the app.yaml in the sense that it is where you define your default service.
In order to define the default service in your PHP app, you need the app.yaml. There are also optional configuration files, such as:
dispatch.yaml, queue.yaml, index.yaml, cron.yaml, dos.yaml
On a side note, maybe PHP Storm or Eclipse with the PHP Development tools are more suitable for your use case.

How to setup IntelliJ IDEA for Google App Engine Go development?

I want to use IntelliJ IDEA IDE for developing GAE Golang apps. I know I need to download the program and the Golang plugin, but beyond that I am lost. Is there a tutorial available on how to configure IDEA for GAE Go development?
I have my project set up in GOPATH/src/... folder, App Engine SDK is configured and I can run my project from command line using goapp. However, I would like to be able to setup an IDE for syntax checking and be able to run and debug the app from the IDE, rather than resort to using the console.
Right click your project in the left pane and select 'Open Module Settings'. From there:
go to Project Settings -> Project
New SDK -> select the path to the goroot directory of the appengine sdk
Apply and you should have completion for the standard go appengine stuff.
If you also want completion for packages that you download using goapp get XXX, go to 'Platform Settings -> SDKs' and add the appropriate path there. It should be somewhere under gopath.

Which version of Eclipse works with PHP Google App Engine?

I've search in vain for about a month now and I can't get my PHP application pushed to Google App Engine, for the PHP platform. I've got the Java version set up nicely on my computer. I followed the instructions for GAE PHP here:
..but it's really confusing because it essentially tells me to install Eclipse made for PHP which is Luna, but the only versions of Eclipse that GAE supports is Kepler, Juno and Indigo (, so I'm super confused.
I don't think you can install two different GAE plugins on a standard version of Eclipse (which is what I use for the Java GAE plugin).
I also tried (in vain, but it was worth a shot) to upload my app using my Java plugin/setup and obviously this was a terrible idea because all it does is just print the php script/code to the browser.
Any thoughts, brothas/sistas?
I have figured out how to push php files to GAE. There are essentially 3 ways.
Use Run following command: update helloworld/, where helloworld is replaced by the name of the folder containing your project files. Make sure the path is relative to directory or an absolute path.
--Enter your Google username and password at the prompts.
**2. Use the App Engine Launcher, probably found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\google_appengine\launcher. Executable is called GoogleAppEngineLauncher.exe. Simply select the project in Launcher and click Deploy.
**3. Use Git. Create a local repository on your machine. Add a repo to your Github account, and follow these instructions:
**4. Use PhPStorm. Download PHPStorm for free for 30 days, or buy a student version/whatever version you quality for here: . Then follow these instructions: The only thing I haven't figured out is #5 - where to find the php-cgi.exe file. I can't provide a path for a file I don't have.
** denotes super easy and I have used successfully.
The Google Plugin for Eclipse is only for Java applications. For PHP applications, you'll want to use the Python/PHP SDK and either the command-line tools or the Launcher UI app for running the development server. You can still use Eclipse for editing your PHP source files.
RE #5 - "I can't provide a path for a file I don't have".
That was also my problem.
They are fond of pointing out that the SDK directory should contain and ‘google’ and ‘php’ packages but you don't find those in a simple search cause they are invisible. You have to muck through the installation directory.

Google App Engine Server in netbeans 7.2 Error Missing value for property jvmargs

I am trying to use Google App Engine on Netbeans 7.2. I get the plugin from , but when I am running it, I get "Missing value for property jvmargs".
I use sample project, so there shouldn't be any problem at all.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Check and make sure your PATH environment variable includes the Program Files/Java/jdk.#.#_##/bin directory. If it is pointed at something else it probably won't work that's what my problem was. Make sure your project is using 6 JDK or lower because google app engine does not support JDK 7 at this time.
Found a post somewhere that said to use the plugin for Netbeans 6.7 which does mostly work in Netbeans 7.2.1.
Had to do the following to get it working.
- Goto Plugin->Settings and add
- Goto Plugin->Available Plugins search for Google and install all the appengine plugins
- Create a appengine server under services
- Create a new project for an app server other than appengine (i used glassfish)
- After the project is created goto properties->run and switch to app engine
- Add false to appengine-web.xml
I'm running Windows 8, Netbeans 7.2.1, jdk1.7.0_11
