File descriptor limits and default stack sizes - c

Where I work we build and distribute a library and a couple complex programs built on that library. All code is written in C and is available on most 'standard' systems like Windows, Linux, Aix, Solaris, Darwin.
I started in the QA department and while running tests recently I have been reminded several times that I need to remember to set the file descriptor limits and default stack sizes higher or bad things will happen. This is particularly the case with Solaris and now Darwin.
Now this is very strange to me because I am a believer in 0 required environment fiddling to make a product work. So I am wondering if there are times where this sort of requirement is a necessary evil, or if we are doing something wrong.
Great comments that describe the problem and a little background. However I do not believe I worded the question well enough. Currently, we require customers, and hence, us the testers, to set these limits before running our code. We do not do this programatically. And this is not a situation where they MIGHT run out, under normal load our programs WILL run out and seg fault.
So rewording the question, is requiring the customer to change these ulimit values to run our software to be expected on some platforms, ie, Solaris, Aix, or are we as a company making it to difficult for these users to get going?
I added a bounty to hopefully get a little more information on what other companies are doing to manage these limits. Can you set these pragmatically? Should we? Should our programs even be hitting these limits or could this be a sign that things might be a bit messy under the covers? That is really what I want to know, as a perfectionist a seemingly dirty program really bugs me.

If you need to change these values in order to get your QA tests to run, then that is not too much of a problem. However, requiring a customer to do this in order for the program to run should (IMHO) be avoided. If nothing else, create a wrapper script that sets these values and launches the application so that users will still have a one-click application launch. Setting these from within the program would be the preferable method, however. At the very least, have the program check the limits when it is launched and (cleanly) error out early if the limits are too low.
If a software developer told me that I had to mess with my stack and descriptor limits to get their program to run, it would change my perception of the software. It would make me wonder "why do they need to exceed the system limits that are apparently acceptable for every other piece of software I have?". This may or may not be a valid concern, but being asked to do something that (to many) can seem hackish doesn't have the same professional edge as an program that you just launch and go.
This problem seems even worse when you say "this is not a situation where they MIGHT run out, under normal load our programs WILL run out and seg fault". A program exceeding these limits is one thing, but a program that doesn't gracefully handle the error conditions resulting from exceeding these limits is quite another. If you hit the file handle limit and attempt to open a file, you should get an error indicating that you have too many files open. This shouldn't cause a program crash in a well-designed program. It may be more difficult to detect stack usage issues, but running out of file descriptors should never cause a crash.
You don't give much details about what type of program this is, but I would argue that it's not safe to assume that users of your program will necessarily have adequate permissions to change these values. In any case, it's probably also unsafe to assume that nothing else might change these values while your program is running without the user's knowledge.
While there are always exceptions, I would say that in general a program that exceeds these limits needs to have its code re-examined. The limits are there for a reason, and pretty much every other piece of software on your system works within those limits with no problems. Do you really need that many files open at the same time, or would it be cleaner to open a few files, process them, close them, and open a few more? Is your library/program trying to do too much in one big bundle, or would it be better to break it into smaller, independent parts that work together? Are you exceeding your stack limits because you are using a deeply-recursive algorithm that could be re-written in a non-recursive manner? There are likely many ways in which the library and program in question can be improved in order to ease the need to alter the system resource limits.

The short answer is: it's normal, but not inflexible. Of course, limits are in place to prevent rogue processes or users from starving the system of resources. Desktop systems will be less restrictive than server systems but still have certain limits (e.g. filehandles.)
This is not to say that limits cannot be altered in persistent/reproduceable manners, either by the user at the user's discretion (e.g. by adding the relevant ulimit calls in .profile) or programatically from within programs/libraries which know with certitude that they will require large amounts of filehandles (e.g. setsysinfo(SSI_FD_NEWMAX,...)), stack (provided at pthread creation time), etc.

On Darwin, the default soft limit on the number of open files is 256; the default hard limit is unlimited.
AFAICR, on Solaris, the default soft limit on the number of open files is 16384 and the hard limit is 32768.
For stack sizes, Darwin has soft/hard limits of 8192/65536 KB. I forget what the limit is on Solaris (and my Solaris machine is unavailable - power outages in Poughkeepsie, NY mean I can't get to the VPN to access the machine in Kansas from my home in California), but it is substantial.
I would not worry about the hard limits. If I thought the library might run out of 256 file descriptors, I'd increase the soft limit on Darwin; I would probably not bother on Solaris.
Similar limits apply on Linux and AIX. I can't answer for Windows.
Sad story: a few years ago now, I removed the code that changed the maximum file size limit in a program - because it had not been changed from the days when 2 MB was a big file (and some systems had a soft limit of just 0.5 MB). Once upon a decade and some ago, it actually increased the limit; when it was removed, it was annoying because it reduced the limit. Tempus fugit and all that.
On SuSE Linux (SLES 10), the open files limits are 4096/4096, and the stack limits are 8192/unlimited.

As you have to support a large number of different systems i would consider it wise to setup certain known to be good values for system limits/resources because the default values can differ wildly between systems.
The default size for pthread stacks is for example such a case. I recently had to find out that the default on HPUX11.31 is 256KB(!) which isn't very reasonable at least for our applications.
Setting up well defined values increases the portability of an application as you can be sure that there are X file descriptors, a stack size of Y, ... on every platform and that things are not just working by good luck.
I have the tendency to setup such limits from within the program itself as the user has less things to screw up (someone always tries to run the binary without the wrapper script). To optionally allow for runtime customization environment variables could be used to override the defaults (still enforcing the minimum limits).

Lets look at it this way. It is not very customer friendly to require customers to set these limits. As detailed in the other answers, you are most likely to hit soft limits and these can be changed. So change them automatically, if necessary in a script that starts the actual application (you can even write it so that it fails if the hard limits are too low and produce a nice error message instead of a segfault).
That's the practical part of it. Without knowing what the application does I'm a bit at a guess, but in most cases you should not be anywhere close to hitting any of the default limits of (even less progressive) operating systems. Assuming the system is not a server that is bombarded with requests (hence the large amount of file/socket handles used) it is probably a sign of sloppy programming. Based on experience with programmers, I would guess that file descriptors are left open for files that are only read/written once, or that the system keeps open a file descriptor on a file that is only sporadically changed/read.
Concerning stack sizes, that can mean two things. The standard cause of a program running out of stack is excessive recursion (or unbounded recursion), which is an error condition that the limits actually are designed to address. The second thing is that some big (probably configuration) structures are allocated on the stack that should be allocated in heap memory. It might even be worse and those huge structures are being passed around by value (instead of reference) and that would mean a big hit on available (wasted) stack space as well as a big performance penalty.

A small tip : If you plan to run the application over 64 bit processor, then please be careful about setting stacksize unlimited. Which in 64 Bit Linux system give -1 as stacksize.

Perhaps you could add whatever is appropriate to the start script, like 'ulimit -n -S 4096'.
But having worked with Solaris since 2.6, its not unusual to modify rlim_fd_cur and rlim_fd_max in /etc/system permanently. In older versions of Solaris, they're just too low for some workloads, like running webservers.


Profiling a Single Function Predictably

I need a better way of profiling numerical code. Assume that I'm using GCC in Cygwin on 64 bit x86 and that I'm not going to purchase a commercial tool.
The situation is this. I have a single function running in one thread. There are no code dependencies or I/O beyond memory accesses, with the possible exception of some math libraries linked in. But for the most part, it's all table look-ups, index calculations, and numerical processing. I've cache aligned all arrays on the heap and stack. Due to the complexity of the algorithm(s), loop unrolling, and long macros, the assembly listing can become quite lengthy -- thousands of instructions.
I have been resorting to using either, the tic/toc timer in Matlab, the time utility in the bash shell, or using the time stamp counter (rdtsc) directly around the function. The problem is this: the variance (which might be as much as 20% of the runtime) of the timing is larger than the size of the improvements I'm making, so I have no way of knowing if the code is better or worse after a change. You might think then it's time to give up. But I would disagree. If you are persistent, many incremental improvements can lead to a two or three times performance increase.
One problem I have had multiple times that is particularly maddening is that I make a change and the performance seems to improve consistently by say 20%. The next day, the gain is lost. Now it's possible I made what I thought was an innocuous change to the code and then completely forgot about it. But I'm wondering if it's possible something else is going on. Like maybe GCC doesn't yield a 100% deterministic output as I believe it does. Or maybe it's something simpler, like the OS moved my process to a busier core.
I have considered the following, but I don't know if any of these ideas are feasible or make any sense. If yes, I would like explicit instructions on how to implement a solution. The goal is to minimize the variance of the runtime so I can meaningfully compare different versions of optimized code.
Dedicate a core of my processor to run only my routine.
Direct control over the cache(s) (load it up or clear it out).
Ensuring my dll or executable always loads to the same place in memory. My thinking here is that maybe the set-associativity of the cache interacts with the code/data location in RAM to alter performance on each run.
Some kind of cycle accurate emulator tool (not commercial).
Is it possible to have a degree of control over context switches? Or does it even matter? My thinking is the timing of the context switches is causing variability, maybe by causing the pipeline to be flushed at an inopportune time.
In the past I have had success on RISC architectures by counting instructions in the assembly listing. This only works, of course, if the number of instructions is small. Some compilers (like TI's Code Composer for the C67x) will give you a detailed analysis of how it's keeping the ALU busy.
I haven't found the assembly listings produced by GCC/GAS to be particularly informative. With full optimization on, code is moved all over the place. There can be multiple location directives for a single block of code dispersed about the assembly listing. Further, even if I could understand how the assembly maps back into my original code, I'm not sure there's much correlation between instruction count and performance on a modern x86 machine anyway.
I made a weak attempt at using gcov for line-by-line profiling, but due to an incompatibility between the version of GCC I built and the MinGW compiler, it wouldn't work.
One last thing you can do is average over many, many trial runs, but that takes forever.
EDIT (RE: Call Stack Sampling)
The first question I have is, practically, how do I do this? In one of your power point slides, you showed using Visual Studio to pause the program. What I have is a DLL compiled by GCC with full optimizations in Cygwin. This is then called by a mex DLL compiled by Matlab using the VS2013 compiler.
The reason I use Matlab is because I can easily experiment with different parameters and visualize the results without having to write or compile any low level code. Further, I can compare my optimized DLL to the high level Matlab code to ensure my optimizations have not broken anything.
The reason I use GCC is that I have a lot more experience with it than with Microsoft's compiler. I'm familiar with many flags and extensions. Further, Microsoft has been reluctant, at least in the past, to maintain and update the native C compiler (C99). Finally, I've seen GCC kick the pants off commercial compilers, and I've looked at the assembly listing to see how it's actually done. So I have some intuition of how the compiler actually thinks.
Now, with regards to making guesses about what to fix. This isn't really the issue; it's more like making guesses about how to fix it. In this example, as is often the case in numerical algorithms, there is really no I/O (excluding memory). There are no function calls. There's virtually no abstraction at all. It's like I'm sitting on top of a piece of saran wrap. I can see the computer architecture below, and there's really nothing in-between. If I re-rolled up all the loops, I could probably fit the code on about one page or so, and I could almost count the resultant assembly instructions. Then I could do a rough comparison to the theoretical number of operations a single core is capable of doing to see how close to optimal I am. The trouble then is I lose the auto-vectorization and instruction level parallelization I got from unrolling. Unrolled, the assembly listing is too long to analyze in this way.
The point is that there really isn't much to this code. However, due to the incredible complexity of the compiler and modern computer architecture, there is quite a bit of optimization to be had even at this level. But I don't know how small changes are going to affect the output of the compiled code. Let me give a couple of examples.
This first one is somewhat vague, but I'm sure I've seen it happen a few times. You make a small change and get a 10% improvement. You make another small change and get another 10% improvement. You undo the first change and get another 10% improvement. Huh? Compiler optimizations are neither linear, nor monotonic. It's possible, the second change required an additional register, which broke the first change by forcing the compiler to alter its register allocation algorithm. Maybe, the second optimization somehow occluded the compiler's ability to do optimizations which was fixed by undoing the first optimization. Who knows. Unless the compiler is introspective enough to dump its full analysis at every level of abstraction, you'll never really know how you ended up with the final assembly.
Here is a more specific example which happened to me recently. I was hand coding AVX intrinsics to speed up a filter operation. I thought I could unroll the outer loop to increase instruction level parallelism. So I did, and the result was that the code was twice as slow. What happened was there were not enough 256 bit registers to go around. So the compiler was temporarily saving results on the stack, which killed performance.
As I was alluding to in this post, which you commented on, it's best to tell the compiler what you want, but unfortunately, you often have no choice and are forced to hand tweak optimizations, usually via guess and check.
So I guess my question would be, in these scenarios (the code is effectively small until unrolled, each incremental performance change is small, and you're working at a very low level of abstraction), would it be better to have "precision of timing" or is call stack sampling better at telling me which code is superior?
I've faced a similar problem some time ago but that was on Linux which made it easier to tweak. Basically the noise introduced by OS (called "OS jitter") was as big as 5-10% in SPEC2000 tests (I can imagine it's much higher on Windows due to much bigger amount of bloatware).
I was able to bring deviation to below 1% by combination of the following:
disable dynamic frequency scaling (better do this both in BIOS and in Linux kernel as not all kernel versions do this reliably)
disable memory prefetching and other fancy settings like "Turbo boost", etc. (BIOS, again)
disable hyperthreading
enable high-performance process scheduler in kernel
bind process to core to prevent thread migration (use core 0 - for some reason it was more reliable on my kernel, go figure)
boot to single-user mode (in which no services are running) - this isn't as easy in modern systemd-based distros
disable ASLR
disable network
drop OS pagecache
There may be more to it but 1% noise was good enough for me.
I might put detailed instructions to github later today if you need them.
-- EDIT --
I've published my benchmarking script and instructions here.
Am I right that what you're doing is making an educated guess of what to fix, fixing it, and then trying to measure to see if it made any difference?
I do it a different way, which works especially well as the code gets large.
Rather than guess (which I certainly can) I let the program tell me how the time is spent, by using this method.
If the method tells me that roughly 30% is spent doing such-and-so, I can concentrate on finding a better way to do that.
Then I can run it and just time it.
I don't need a lot of precision.
If it's better, that's great.
If it's worse, I can undo the change.
If it's about the same, I can say "Oh well, maybe it didn't save much, but let's do it all again to find another problem,"
I need not worry.
If there's a way to speed up the program, this will pinpoint it.
And often the problem is not just a simple statement like "line or routine X spends Y% of the time", but "the reason it's doing that is Z in certain cases" and the actual fix may be elsewhere.
After fixing it, the process can be done again, because a different problem, which was small before, is now larger (as a percent, because the total has been reduced by fixing the first problem).
Repetition is the key, because each speedup factor multiplies all the previous, like compound interest.
When the program no longer points out things I can fix, I can be sure it is nearly optimal, or at least nobody else is likely to beat it.
And at no point in this process did I need to measure the time with much precision.
Afterwards, if I want to brag about it in a powerpoint, maybe I'll do multiple timings to get smaller standard error, but even then, what people really care about is the overall speedup factor, not the precision.

C external memory corruption detection and correction libraries? [duplicate]

We are compiling an embedded C++ application that is deployed in a shielded device in an environment bombarded with ionizing radiation. We are using GCC and cross-compiling for ARM. When deployed, our application generates some erroneous data and crashes more often than we would like. The hardware is designed for this environment, and our application has run on this platform for several years.
Are there changes we can make to our code, or compile-time improvements that can be made to identify/correct soft errors and memory-corruption caused by single event upsets? Have any other developers had success in reducing the harmful effects of soft errors on a long-running application?
Working for about 4-5 years with software/firmware development and environment testing of miniaturized satellites*, I would like to share my experience here.
*(miniaturized satellites are a lot more prone to single event upsets than bigger satellites due to its relatively small, limited sizes for its electronic components)
To be very concise and direct: there is no mechanism to recover from detectable, erroneous
situation by the software/firmware itself without, at least, one
copy of minimum working version of the software/firmware somewhere for recovery purpose - and with the hardware supporting the recovery (functional).
Now, this situation is normally handled both in the hardware and software level. Here, as you request, I will share what we can do in the software level.
...recovery purpose.... Provide ability to update/recompile/reflash your software/firmware in real environment. This is an almost must-have feature for any software/firmware in highly ionized environment. Without this, you could have redundant software/hardware as many as you want but at one point, they are all going to blow up. So, prepare this feature!
...minimum working version... Have responsive, multiple copies, minimum version of the software/firmware in your code. This is like Safe mode in Windows. Instead of having only one, fully functional version of your software, have multiple copies of the minimum version of your software/firmware. The minimum copy will usually having much less size than the full copy and almost always have only the following two or three features:
capable of listening to command from external system,
capable of updating the current software/firmware,
capable of monitoring the basic operation's housekeeping data.
...copy... somewhere... Have redundant software/firmware somewhere.
You could, with or without redundant hardware, try to have redundant software/firmware in your ARM uC. This is normally done by having two or more identical software/firmware in separate addresses which sending heartbeat to each other - but only one will be active at a time. If one or more software/firmware is known to be unresponsive, switch to the other software/firmware. The benefit of using this approach is we can have functional replacement immediately after an error occurs - without any contact with whatever external system/party who is responsible to detect and to repair the error (in satellite case, it is usually the Mission Control Centre (MCC)).
Strictly speaking, without redundant hardware, the disadvantage of doing this is you actually cannot eliminate all single point of failures. At the very least, you will still have one single point of failure, which is the switch itself (or often the beginning of the code). Nevertheless, for a device limited by size in a highly ionized environment (such as pico/femto satellites), the reduction of the single point of failures to one point without additional hardware will still be worth considering. Somemore, the piece of code for the switching would certainly be much less than the code for the whole program - significantly reducing the risk of getting Single Event in it.
But if you are not doing this, you should have at least one copy in your external system which can come in contact with the device and update the software/firmware (in the satellite case, it is again the mission control centre).
You could also have the copy in your permanent memory storage in your device which can be triggered to restore the running system's software/firmware
...detectable erroneous situation.. The error must be detectable, usually by the hardware error correction/detection circuit or by a small piece of code for error correction/detection. It is best to put such code small, multiple, and independent from the main software/firmware. Its main task is only for checking/correcting. If the hardware circuit/firmware is reliable (such as it is more radiation hardened than the rests - or having multiple circuits/logics), then you might consider making error-correction with it. But if it is not, it is better to make it as error-detection. The correction can be by external system/device. For the error correction, you could consider making use of a basic error correction algorithm like Hamming/Golay23, because they can be implemented more easily both in the circuit/software. But it ultimately depends on your team's capability. For error detection, normally CRC is used.
...hardware supporting the recovery Now, comes to the most difficult aspect on this issue. Ultimately, the recovery requires the hardware which is responsible for the recovery to be at least functional. If the hardware is permanently broken (normally happen after its Total ionizing dose reaches certain level), then there is (sadly) no way for the software to help in recovery. Thus, hardware is rightly the utmost importance concern for a device exposed to high radiation level (such as satellite).
In addition to the suggestion for above anticipating firmware's error due to single event upset, I would also like to suggest you to have:
Error detection and/or error correction algorithm in the inter-subsystem communication protocol. This is another almost must have in order to avoid incomplete/wrong signals received from other system
Filter in your ADC reading. Do not use the ADC reading directly. Filter it by median filter, mean filter, or any other filters - never trust single reading value. Sample more, not less - reasonably.
NASA has a paper on radiation-hardened software. It describes three main tasks:
Regular monitoring of memory for errors then scrubbing out those errors,
robust error recovery mechanisms, and
the ability to reconfigure if something no longer works.
Note that the memory scan rate should be frequent enough that multi-bit errors rarely occur, as most ECC memory can recover from single-bit errors, not multi-bit errors.
Robust error recovery includes control flow transfer (typically restarting a process at a point before the error), resource release, and data restoration.
Their main recommendation for data restoration is to avoid the need for it, through having intermediate data be treated as temporary, so that restarting before the error also rolls back the data to a reliable state. This sounds similar to the concept of "transactions" in databases.
They discuss techniques particularly suitable for object-oriented languages such as C++. For example
Software-based ECCs for contiguous memory objects
Programming by Contract: verifying preconditions and postconditions, then checking the object to verify it is still in a valid state.
And, it just so happens, NASA has used C++ for major projects such as the Mars Rover.
C++ class abstraction and encapsulation enabled rapid development and testing among multiple projects and developers.
They avoided certain C++ features that could create problems:
Iostream (no console)
Multiple inheritance
Operator overloading (other than new and delete)
Dynamic allocation (used a dedicated memory pool and placement new to avoid the possibility of system heap corruption).
Here are some thoughts and ideas:
Use ROM more creatively.
Store anything you can in ROM. Instead of calculating things, store look-up tables in ROM. (Make sure your compiler is outputting your look-up tables to the read-only section! Print out memory addresses at runtime to check!) Store your interrupt vector table in ROM. Of course, run some tests to see how reliable your ROM is compared to your RAM.
Use your best RAM for the stack.
SEUs in the stack are probably the most likely source of crashes, because it is where things like index variables, status variables, return addresses, and pointers of various sorts typically live.
Implement timer-tick and watchdog timer routines.
You can run a "sanity check" routine every timer tick, as well as a watchdog routine to handle the system locking up. Your main code could also periodically increment a counter to indicate progress, and the sanity-check routine could ensure this has occurred.
Implement error-correcting-codes in software.
You can add redundancy to your data to be able to detect and/or correct errors. This will add processing time, potentially leaving the processor exposed to radiation for a longer time, thus increasing the chance of errors, so you must consider the trade-off.
Remember the caches.
Check the sizes of your CPU caches. Data that you have accessed or modified recently will probably be within a cache. I believe you can disable at least some of the caches (at a big performance cost); you should try this to see how susceptible the caches are to SEUs. If the caches are hardier than RAM then you could regularly read and re-write critical data to make sure it stays in cache and bring RAM back into line.
Use page-fault handlers cleverly.
If you mark a memory page as not-present, the CPU will issue a page fault when you try to access it. You can create a page-fault handler that does some checking before servicing the read request. (PC operating systems use this to transparently load pages that have been swapped to disk.)
Use assembly language for critical things (which could be everything).
With assembly language, you know what is in registers and what is in RAM; you know what special RAM tables the CPU is using, and you can design things in a roundabout way to keep your risk down.
Use objdump to actually look at the generated assembly language, and work out how much code each of your routines takes up.
If you are using a big OS like Linux then you are asking for trouble; there is just so much complexity and so many things to go wrong.
Remember it is a game of probabilities.
A commenter said
Every routine you write to catch errors will be subject to failing itself from the same cause.
While this is true, the chances of errors in the (say) 100 bytes of code and data required for a check routine to function correctly is much smaller than the chance of errors elsewhere. If your ROM is pretty reliable and almost all the code/data is actually in ROM then your odds are even better.
Use redundant hardware.
Use 2 or more identical hardware setups with identical code. If the results differ, a reset should be triggered. With 3 or more devices you can use a "voting" system to try to identify which one has been compromised.
You may also be interested in the rich literature on the subject of algorithmic fault tolerance. This includes the old assignment: Write a sort that correctly sorts its input when a constant number of comparisons will fail (or, the slightly more evil version, when the asymptotic number of failed comparisons scales as log(n) for n comparisons).
A place to start reading is Huang and Abraham's 1984 paper "Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance for Matrix Operations". Their idea is vaguely similar to homomorphic encrypted computation (but it is not really the same, since they are attempting error detection/correction at the operation level).
A more recent descendant of that paper is Bosilca, Delmas, Dongarra, and Langou's "Algorithm-based fault tolerance applied to high performance computing".
Writing code for radioactive environments is not really any different than writing code for any mission-critical application.
In addition to what has already been mentioned, here are some miscellaneous tips:
Use everyday "bread & butter" safety measures that should be present on any semi-professional embedded system: internal watchdog, internal low-voltage detect, internal clock monitor. These things shouldn't even need to be mentioned in the year 2016 and they are standard on pretty much every modern microcontroller.
If you have a safety and/or automotive-oriented MCU, it will have certain watchdog features, such as a given time window, inside which you need to refresh the watchdog. This is preferred if you have a mission-critical real-time system.
In general, use a MCU suitable for these kind of systems, and not some generic mainstream fluff you received in a packet of corn flakes. Almost every MCU manufacturer nowadays have specialized MCUs designed for safety applications (TI, Freescale, Renesas, ST, Infineon etc etc). These have lots of built-in safety features, including lock-step cores: meaning that there are 2 CPU cores executing the same code, and they must agree with each other.
IMPORTANT: You must ensure the integrity of internal MCU registers. All control & status registers of hardware peripherals that are writeable may be located in RAM memory, and are therefore vulnerable.
To protect yourself against register corruptions, preferably pick a microcontroller with built-in "write-once" features of registers. In addition, you need to store default values of all hardware registers in NVM and copy-down those values to your registers at regular intervals. You can ensure the integrity of important variables in the same manner.
Note: always use defensive programming. Meaning that you have to setup all registers in the MCU and not just the ones used by the application. You don't want some random hardware peripheral to suddenly wake up.
There are all kinds of methods to check for errors in RAM or NVM: checksums, "walking patterns", software ECC etc etc. The best solution nowadays is to not use any of these, but to use a MCU with built-in ECC and similar checks. Because doing this in software is complex, and the error check in itself could therefore introduce bugs and unexpected problems.
Use redundancy. You could store both volatile and non-volatile memory in two identical "mirror" segments, that must always be equivalent. Each segment could have a CRC checksum attached.
Avoid using external memories outside the MCU.
Implement a default interrupt service routine / default exception handler for all possible interrupts/exceptions. Even the ones you are not using. The default routine should do nothing except shutting off its own interrupt source.
Understand and embrace the concept of defensive programming. This means that your program needs to handle all possible cases, even those that cannot occur in theory. Examples.
High quality mission-critical firmware detects as many errors as possible, and then handles or ignores them in a safe manner.
Never write programs that rely on poorly-specified behavior. It is likely that such behavior might change drastically with unexpected hardware changes caused by radiation or EMI. The best way to ensure that your program is free from such crap is to use a coding standard like MISRA, together with a static analyser tool. This will also help with defensive programming and with weeding out bugs (why would you not want to detect bugs in any kind of application?).
IMPORTANT: Don't implement any reliance of the default values of static storage duration variables. That is, don't trust the default contents of the .data or .bss. There could be any amount of time between the point of initialization to the point where the variable is actually used, there could have been plenty of time for the RAM to get corrupted. Instead, write the program so that all such variables are set from NVM in run-time, just before the time when such a variable is used for the first time.
In practice this means that if a variable is declared at file scope or as static, you should never use = to initialize it (or you could, but it is pointless, because you cannot rely on the value anyhow). Always set it in run-time, just before use. If it is possible to repeatedly update such variables from NVM, then do so.
Similarly in C++, don't rely on constructors for static storage duration variables. Have the constructor(s) call a public "set-up" routine, which you can also call later on in run-time, straight from the caller application.
If possible, remove the "copy-down" start-up code that initializes .data and .bss (and calls C++ constructors) entirely, so that you get linker errors if you write code relying on such. Many compilers have the option to skip this, usually called "minimal/fast start-up" or similar.
This means that any external libraries have to be checked so that they don't contain any such reliance.
Implement and define a safe state for the program, to where you will revert in case of critical errors.
Implementing an error report/error log system is always helpful.
It may be possible to use C to write programs that behave robustly in such environments, but only if most forms of compiler optimization are disabled. Optimizing compilers are designed to replace many seemingly-redundant coding patterns with "more efficient" ones, and may have no clue that the reason the programmer is testing x==42 when the compiler knows there's no way x could possibly hold anything else is because the programmer wants to prevent the execution of certain code with x holding some other value--even in cases where the only way it could hold that value would be if the system received some kind of electrical glitch.
Declaring variables as volatile is often helpful, but may not be a panacea.
Of particular importance, note that safe coding often requires that dangerous
operations have hardware interlocks that require multiple steps to activate,
and that code be written using the pattern:
... code that checks system state
if (system_state_favors_activation)
... code that checks system state again
if (system_state_is_valid)
if (system_state_favors_activation)
If a compiler translates the code in relatively literal fashion, and if all
the checks for system state are repeated after the prepare_for_activation(),
the system may be robust against almost any plausible single glitch event,
even those which would arbitrarily corrupt the program counter and stack. If
a glitch occurs just after a call to prepare_for_activation(), that would imply
that activation would have been appropriate (since there's no other reason
prepare_for_activation() would have been called before the glitch). If the
glitch causes code to reach prepare_for_activation() inappropriately, but there
are no subsequent glitch events, there would be no way for code to subsequently
reach trigger_activation() without having passed through the validation check or calling cancel_preparations first [if the stack glitches, execution might proceed to a spot just before trigger_activation() after the context that called prepare_for_activation() returns, but the call to cancel_preparations() would have occurred between the calls to prepare_for_activation() and trigger_activation(), thus rendering the latter call harmless.
Such code may be safe in traditional C, but not with modern C compilers. Such compilers can be very dangerous in that sort of environment because aggressive they strive to only include code which will be relevant in situations that could come about via some well-defined mechanism and whose resulting consequences would also be well defined. Code whose purpose would be to detect and clean up after failures may, in some cases, end up making things worse. If the compiler determines that the attempted recovery would in some cases invoke undefined behavior, it may infer that the conditions that would necessitate such recovery in such cases cannot possibly occur, thus eliminating the code that would have checked for them.
This is an extremely broad subject. Basically, you can't really recover from memory corruption, but you can at least try to fail promptly. Here are a few techniques you could use:
checksum constant data. If you have any configuration data which stays constant for a long time (including hardware registers you have configured), compute its checksum on initialization and verify it periodically. When you see a mismatch, it's time to re-initialize or reset.
store variables with redundancy. If you have an important variable x, write its value in x1, x2 and x3 and read it as (x1 == x2) ? x2 : x3.
implement program flow monitoring. XOR a global flag with a unique value in important functions/branches called from the main loop. Running the program in a radiation-free environment with near-100% test coverage should give you the list of acceptable values of the flag at the end of the cycle. Reset if you see deviations.
monitor the stack pointer. In the beginning of the main loop, compare the stack pointer with its expected value. Reset on deviation.
What could help you is a watchdog. Watchdogs were used extensively in industrial computing in the 1980s. Hardware failures were much more common then - another answer also refers to that period.
A watchdog is a combined hardware/software feature. The hardware is a simple counter that counts down from a number (say 1023) to zero. TTL or other logic could be used.
The software has been designed as such that one routine monitors the correct operation of all essential systems. If this routine completes correctly = finds the computer running fine, it sets the counter back to 1023.
The overall design is so that under normal circumstances, the software prevents that the hardware counter will reach zero. In case the counter reaches zero, the hardware of the counter performs its one-and-only task and resets the entire system. From a counter perspective, zero equals 1024 and the counter continues counting down again.
This watchdog ensures that the attached computer is restarted in a many, many cases of failure. I must admit that I'm not familiar with hardware that is able to perform such a function on today's computers. Interfaces to external hardware are now a lot more complex than they used to be.
An inherent disadvantage of the watchdog is that the system is not available from the time it fails until the watchdog counter reaches zero + reboot time. While that time is generally much shorter than any external or human intervention, the supported equipment will need to be able to proceed without computer control for that timeframe.
This answer assumes you are concerned with having a system that works correctly, over and above having a system that is minimum cost or fast; most people playing with radioactive things value correctness / safety over speed / cost
Several people have suggested hardware changes you can make (fine - there's lots of good stuff here in answers already and I don't intend repeating all of it), and others have suggested redundancy (great in principle), but I don't think anyone has suggested how that redundancy might work in practice. How do you fail over? How do you know when something has 'gone wrong'? Many technologies work on the basis everything will work, and failure is thus a tricky thing to deal with. However, some distributed computing technologies designed for scale expect failure (after all with enough scale, failure of one node of many is inevitable with any MTBF for a single node); you can harness this for your environment.
Here are some ideas:
Ensure that your entire hardware is replicated n times (where n is greater than 2, and preferably odd), and that each hardware element can communicate with each other hardware element. Ethernet is one obvious way to do that, but there are many other far simpler routes that would give better protection (e.g. CAN). Minimise common components (even power supplies). This may mean sampling ADC inputs in multiple places for instance.
Ensure your application state is in a single place, e.g. in a finite state machine. This can be entirely RAM based, though does not preclude stable storage. It will thus be stored in several place.
Adopt a quorum protocol for changes of state. See RAFT for example. As you are working in C++, there are well known libraries for this. Changes to the FSM would only get made when a majority of nodes agree. Use a known good library for the protocol stack and the quorum protocol rather than rolling one yourself, or all your good work on redundancy will be wasted when the quorum protocol hangs up.
Ensure you checksum (e.g. CRC/SHA) your FSM, and store the CRC/SHA in the FSM itself (as well as transmitting in the message, and checksumming the messages themselves). Get the nodes to check their FSM regularly against these checksum, checksum incoming messages, and check their checksum matches the checksum of the quorum.
Build as many other internal checks into your system as possible, making nodes that detect their own failure reboot (this is better than carrying on half working provided you have enough nodes). Attempt to let them cleanly remove themselves from the quorum during rebooting in case they don't come up again. On reboot have them checksum the software image (and anything else they load) and do a full RAM test before reintroducing themselves to the quorum.
Use hardware to support you, but do so carefully. You can get ECC RAM, for instance, and regularly read/write through it to correct ECC errors (and panic if the error is uncorrectable). However (from memory) static RAM is far more tolerant of ionizing radiation than DRAM is in the first place, so it may be better to use static DRAM instead. See the first point under 'things I would not do' as well.
Let's say you have an 1% chance of failure of any given node within one day, and let's pretend you can make failures entirely independent. With 5 nodes, you'll need three to fail within one day, which is a .00001% chance. With more, well, you get the idea.
Things I would not do:
Underestimate the value of not having the problem to start off with. Unless weight is a concern, a large block of metal around your device is going to be a far cheaper and more reliable solution than a team of programmers can come up with. Ditto optical coupling of inputs of EMI is an issue, etc. Whatever, attempt when sourcing your components to source those rated best against ionizing radiation.
Roll your own algorithms. People have done this stuff before. Use their work. Fault tolerance and distributed algorithms are hard. Use other people's work where possible.
Use complicated compiler settings in the naive hope you detect more failures. If you are lucky, you may detect more failures. More likely, you will use a code-path within the compiler which has been less tested, particularly if you rolled it yourself.
Use techniques which are untested in your environment. Most people writing high availability software have to simulate failure modes to check their HA works correctly, and miss many failure modes as a result. You are in the 'fortunate' position of having frequent failures on demand. So test each technique, and ensure its application actual improves MTBF by an amount that exceeds the complexity to introduce it (with complexity comes bugs). Especially apply this to my advice re quorum algorithms etc.
Since you specifically ask for software solutions, and you are using C++, why not use operator overloading to make your own, safe datatypes? For example:
Instead of using uint32_t (and double, int64_t etc), make your own SAFE_uint32_t which contains a multiple (minimum of 3) of uint32_t. Overload all of the operations you want (* + - / << >> = == != etc) to perform, and make the overloaded operations perform independently on each internal value, ie don't do it once and copy the result. Both before and after, check that all of the internal values match. If values don't match, you can update the wrong one to the value with the most common one. If there is no most-common value, you can safely notify that there is an error.
This way it doesn't matter if corruption occurs in the ALU, registers, RAM, or on a bus, you will still have multiple attempts and a very good chance of catching errors. Note however though that this only works for the variables you can replace - your stack pointer for example will still be susceptible.
A side story: I ran into a similar issue, also on an old ARM chip. It turned out to be a toolchain which used an old version of GCC that, together with the specific chip we used, triggered a bug in certain edge cases that would (sometimes) corrupt values being passed into functions. Make sure your device doesn't have any problems before blaming it on radio-activity, and yes, sometimes it is a compiler bug =)
Disclaimer: I'm not a radioactivity professional nor worked for this kind of application. But I worked on soft errors and redundancy for long term archival of critical data, which is somewhat linked (same problem, different goals).
The main problem with radioactivity in my opinion is that radioactivity can switch bits, thus radioactivity can/will tamper any digital memory. These errors are usually called soft errors, bit rot, etc.
The question is then: how to compute reliably when your memory is unreliable?
To significantly reduce the rate of soft errors (at the expense of computational overhead since it will mostly be software-based solutions), you can either:
rely on the good old redundancy scheme, and more specifically the more efficient error correcting codes (same purpose, but cleverer algorithms so that you can recover more bits with less redundancy). This is sometimes (wrongly) also called checksumming. With this kind of solution, you will have to store the full state of your program at any moment in a master variable/class (or a struct?), compute an ECC, and check that the ECC is correct before doing anything, and if not, repair the fields. This solution however does not guarantee that your software can work (simply that it will work correctly when it can, or stops working if not, because ECC can tell you if something is wrong, and in this case you can stop your software so that you don't get fake results).
or you can use resilient algorithmic data structures, which guarantee, up to a some bound, that your program will still give correct results even in the presence of soft errors. These algorithms can be seen as a mix of common algorithmic structures with ECC schemes natively mixed in, but this is much more resilient than that, because the resiliency scheme is tightly bounded to the structure, so that you don't need to encode additional procedures to check the ECC, and usually they are a lot faster. These structures provide a way to ensure that your program will work under any condition, up to the theoretical bound of soft errors. You can also mix these resilient structures with the redundancy/ECC scheme for additional security (or encode your most important data structures as resilient, and the rest, the expendable data that you can recompute from the main data structures, as normal data structures with a bit of ECC or a parity check which is very fast to compute).
If you are interested in resilient data structures (which is a recent, but exciting, new field in algorithmics and redundancy engineering), I advise you to read the following documents:
Resilient algorithms data structures intro by Giuseppe F.Italiano, Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Christiano, P., Demaine, E. D., & Kishore, S. (2011). Lossless fault-tolerant data structures with additive overhead. In Algorithms and Data Structures (pp. 243-254). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Ferraro-Petrillo, U., Grandoni, F., & Italiano, G. F. (2013). Data structures resilient to memory faults: an experimental study of dictionaries. Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA), 18, 1-6.
Italiano, G. F. (2010). Resilient algorithms and data structures. In Algorithms and Complexity (pp. 13-24). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
If you are interested in knowing more about the field of resilient data structures, you can checkout the works of Giuseppe F. Italiano (and work your way through the refs) and the Faulty-RAM model (introduced in Finocchi et al. 2005; Finocchi and Italiano 2008).
/EDIT: I illustrated the prevention/recovery from soft-errors mainly for RAM memory and data storage, but I didn't talk about computation (CPU) errors. Other answers already pointed at using atomic transactions like in databases, so I will propose another, simpler scheme: redundancy and majority vote.
The idea is that you simply do x times the same computation for each computation you need to do, and store the result in x different variables (with x >= 3). You can then compare your x variables:
if they all agree, then there's no computation error at all.
if they disagree, then you can use a majority vote to get the correct value, and since this means the computation was partially corrupted, you can also trigger a system/program state scan to check that the rest is ok.
if the majority vote cannot determine a winner (all x values are different), then it's a perfect signal for you to trigger the failsafe procedure (reboot, raise an alert to user, etc.).
This redundancy scheme is very fast compared to ECC (practically O(1)) and it provides you with a clear signal when you need to failsafe. The majority vote is also (almost) guaranteed to never produce corrupted output and also to recover from minor computation errors, because the probability that x computations give the same output is infinitesimal (because there is a huge amount of possible outputs, it's almost impossible to randomly get 3 times the same, even less chances if x > 3).
So with majority vote you are safe from corrupted output, and with redundancy x == 3, you can recover 1 error (with x == 4 it will be 2 errors recoverable, etc. -- the exact equation is nb_error_recoverable == (x-2) where x is the number of calculation repetitions because you need at least 2 agreeing calculations to recover using the majority vote).
The drawback is that you need to compute x times instead of once, so you have an additional computation cost, but's linear complexity so asymptotically you don't lose much for the benefits you gain. A fast way to do a majority vote is to compute the mode on an array, but you can also use a median filter.
Also, if you want to make extra sure the calculations are conducted correctly, if you can make your own hardware you can construct your device with x CPUs, and wire the system so that calculations are automatically duplicated across the x CPUs with a majority vote done mechanically at the end (using AND/OR gates for example). This is often implemented in airplanes and mission-critical devices (see triple modular redundancy). This way, you would not have any computational overhead (since the additional calculations will be done in parallel), and you have another layer of protection from soft errors (since the calculation duplication and majority vote will be managed directly by the hardware and not by software -- which can more easily get corrupted since a program is simply bits stored in memory...).
One point no-one seems to have mentioned. You say you're developing in GCC and cross-compiling onto ARM. How do you know that you don't have code which makes assumptions about free RAM, integer size, pointer size, how long it takes to do a certain operation, how long the system will run for continuously, or various stuff like that? This is a very common problem.
The answer is usually automated unit testing. Write test harnesses which exercise the code on the development system, then run the same test harnesses on the target system. Look for differences!
Also check for errata on your embedded device. You may find there's something about "don't do this because it'll crash, so enable that compiler option and the compiler will work around it".
In short, your most likely source of crashes is bugs in your code. Until you've made pretty damn sure this isn't the case, don't worry (yet) about more esoteric failure modes.
You want 3+ slave machines with a master outside the radiation environment. All I/O passes through the master which contains a vote and/or retry mechanism. The slaves must have a hardware watchdog each and the call to bump them should be surrounded by CRCs or the like to reduce the probability of involuntary bumping. Bumping should be controlled by the master, so lost connection with master equals reboot within a few seconds.
One advantage of this solution is that you can use the same API to the master as to the slaves, so redundancy becomes a transparent feature.
Edit: From the comments I feel the need to clarify the "CRC idea." The possibilty of the slave bumping it's own watchdog is close to zero if you surround the bump with CRC or digest checks on random data from the master. That random data is only sent from master when the slave under scrutiny is aligned with the others. The random data and CRC/digest are immediately cleared after each bump. The master-slave bump frequency should be more than double the watchdog timeout. The data sent from the master is uniquely generated every time.
How about running many instances of your application. If crashes are due to random memory bit changes, chances are some of your app instances will make it through and produce accurate results. It's probably quite easy (for someone with statistical background) to calculate how many instances do you need given bit flop probability to achieve as tiny overall error as you wish.
What you ask is quite complex topic - not easily answerable. Other answers are ok, but they covered just a small part of all the things you need to do.
As seen in comments, it is not possible to fix hardware problems 100%, however it is possible with high probabily to reduce or catch them using various techniques.
If I was you, I would create the software of the highest Safety integrity level level (SIL-4). Get the IEC 61513 document (for the nuclear industry) and follow it.
Someone mentioned using slower chips to prevent ions from flipping bits as easily. In a similar fashion perhaps use a specialized cpu/ram that actually uses multiple bits to store a single bit. Thus providing a hardware fault tolerance because it would be very unlikely that all of the bits would get flipped. So 1 = 1111 but would need to get hit 4 times to actually flipped. (4 might be a bad number since if 2 bits get flipped its already ambiguous). So if you go with 8, you get 8 times less ram and some fraction slower access time but a much more reliable data representation. You could probably do this both on the software level with a specialized compiler(allocate x amount more space for everything) or language implementation (write wrappers for data structures that allocate things this way). Or specialized hardware that has the same logical structure but does this in the firmware.
Perhaps it would help to know does it mean for the hardware to be "designed for this environment". How does it correct and/or indicates the presence of SEU errors ?
At one space exploration related project, we had a custom MCU, which would raise an exception/interrupt on SEU errors, but with some delay, i.e. some cycles may pass/instructions be executed after the one insn which caused the SEU exception.
Particularly vulnerable was the data cache, so a handler would invalidate the offending cache line and restart the program. Only that, due to the imprecise nature of the exception, the sequence of insns headed by the exception raising insn may not be restartable.
We identified the hazardous (not restartable) sequences (like lw $3, 0x0($2), followed by an insn, which modifies $2 and is not data-dependent on $3), and I made modifications to GCC, so such sequences do not occur (e.g. as a last resort, separating the two insns by a nop).
Just something to consider ...
If your hardware fails then you can use mechanical storage to recover it. If your code base is small and have some physical space then you can use a mechanical data store.
There will be a surface of material which will not be affected by radiation. Multiple gears will be there. A mechanical reader will run on all the gears and will be flexible to move up and down. Down means it is 0 and up means it is 1. From 0 and 1 you can generate your code base.
Use a cyclic scheduler. This gives you the ability to add regular maintenance times to check the correctness of critical data. The problem most often encountered is corruption of the stack. If your software is cyclical you can reinitialize the stack between cycles. Do not reuse the stacks for interrupt calls, setup a separate stack of each important interrupt call.
Similar to the Watchdog concept is deadline timers. Start a hardware timer before calling a function. If the function does not return before the deadline timer interrupts then reload the stack and try again. If it still fails after 3/5 tries you need reload from ROM.
Split your software into parts and isolate these parts to use separate memory areas and execution times (Especially in a control environment). Example: signal acquisition, prepossessing data, main algorithm and result implementation/transmission. This means a failure in one part will not cause failures through the rest of the program. So while we are repairing the signal acquisition the rest of tasks continues on stale data.
Everything needs CRCs. If you execute out of RAM even your .text needs a CRC. Check the CRCs regularly if you using a cyclical scheduler. Some compilers (not GCC) can generate CRCs for each section and some processors have dedicated hardware to do CRC calculations, but I guess that would fall out side of the scope of your question. Checking CRCs also prompts the ECC controller on the memory to repair single bit errors before it becomes a problem.
Use watchdogs for bootup no just once operational. You need hardware help if your bootup ran into trouble.
Firstly, design your application around failure. Ensure that as part of normal flow operation, it expects to reset (depending on your application and the type of failure either soft or hard). This is hard to get perfect: critical operations that require some degree of transactionality may need to be checked and tweaked at an assembly level so that an interruption at a key point cannot result in inconsistent external commands.
Fail fast as soon as any unrecoverable memory corruption or control flow deviation is detected. Log failures if possible.
Secondly, where possible, correct corruption and continue. This means checksumming and fixing constant tables (and program code if you can) often; perhaps before each major operation or on a timed interrupt, and storing variables in structures that autocorrect (again before each major op or on a timed interrupt take a majority vote from 3 and correct if is a single deviation). Log corrections if possible.
Thirdly, test failure. Set up a repeatable test environment that flips bits in memory psuedo-randomly. This will allow you to replicate corruption situations and help design your application around them.
Given supercat's comments, the tendencies of modern compilers, and other things, I'd be tempted to go back to the ancient days and write the whole code in assembly and static memory allocations everywhere. For this kind of utter reliability I think assembly no longer incurs a large percentage difference of the cost.
Here are huge amount of replies, but I'll try to sum up my ideas about this.
Something crashes or does not work correctly could be result of your own mistakes - then it should be easily to fix when you locate the problem. But there is also possibility of hardware failures - and that's difficult if not impossible to fix in overall.
I would recommend first to try to catch the problematic situation by logging (stack, registers, function calls) - either by logging them somewhere into file, or transmitting them somehow directly ("oh no - I'm crashing").
Recovery from such error situation is either reboot (if software is still alive and kicking) or hardware reset (e.g. hw watchdogs). Easier to start from first one.
If problem is hardware related - then logging should help you to identify in which function call problem occurs and that can give you inside knowledge of what is not working and where.
Also if code is relatively complex - it makes sense to "divide and conquer" it - meaning you remove / disable some function calls where you suspect problem is - typically disabling half of code and enabling another half - you can get "does work" / "does not work" kind of decision after which you can focus into another half of code. (Where problem is)
If problem occurs after some time - then stack overflow can be suspected - then it's better to monitor stack point registers - if they constantly grows.
And if you manage to fully minimize your code until "hello world" kind of application - and it's still failing randomly - then hardware problems are expected - and there needs to be "hardware upgrade" - meaning invent such cpu / ram / ... -hardware combination which would tolerate radiation better.
Most important thing is probably how you get your logs back if machine fully stopped / resetted / does not work - probably first thing bootstap should do - is a head back home if problematic situation is entcovered.
If it's possible in your environment also to transmit a signal and receive response - you could try out to construct some sort of online remote debugging environment, but then you must have at least of communication media working and some processor/ some ram in working state. And by remote debugging I mean either GDB / gdb stub kind of approach or your own implementation of what you need to get back from your application (e.g. download log files, download call stack, download ram, restart)
I've really read a lot of great answers!
Here is my 2 cent: build a statistical model of the memory/register abnormality, by writing a software to check the memory or to perform frequent register comparisons. Further, create an emulator, in the style of a virtual machine where you can experiment with the issue. I guess if you vary junction size, clock frequency, vendor, casing, etc would observe a different behavior.
Even our desktop PC memory has a certain rate of failure, which however doesn't impair the day to day work.

Conceptual Ideas - Memory is limited for an application but need to pass more data

I have a situation as followed - (because of IP-right I cannot share technical details)
There are few individual embedded applications running as a part of a whole project.
Any of these applications can occpy maximum 9000 MB (9GB) of memory.
I am upgrading some application as per new requirement.
There are few tables with buffer length 32767 in each application with is passed to a network server for calculation using 15KHz frequency.
I need to make it double ie 65534 that will be passed to the network at the rate of 30KHz frequency.
The problem arises here -
One of these applications occupy 8094 MB (8GB+) so doubling the table buffer length goes beyond the maximum size of the application.
As a result the application output does not appear (but there is no crash).
My question is have you ever overcome such problem, could you share some idea how can I do memory management in this particular case? All these programs are written in cpp, perl, c and python (VxWorks, Linux, sunsolaris OS are used).
A quick reply is highly appreciated.
It is very vague, but I'll try to answer to the point:
If your program needs larger tables due to whatever reasons, but cannot occupy more memory, you have to change something to compensate that.
You don't mention why you need larger tables:
If the length of the records has increased, try to reduce their number.
If you then can store a fewer number of entries, you'll have to send them quicker so that you don't have to store so much of them.
What you can do as well is do some compressing in RAM. That is dependent on the nature of the data, but in general, this might help you.

Writing a VM - well formed bytecode?

I'm writing a virtual machine in C just for fun. Lame, I know, but luckily I'm on SO so hopefully no one will make fun :)
I wrote a really quick'n'dirty VM that reads lines of (my own) ASM and does stuff. Right now, I only have 3 instructions: add, jmp, end. All is well and it's actually pretty cool being able to feed lines (doing it something like write_line(&prog[1], "jmp", regA, regB, 0); and then running the program:
while (machine.code_pointer <= BOUNDS && DONE != true)
I'm using an opcode lookup table (which may not be efficient but it's elegant) in C and everything seems to be working OK.
My question is more of a "best practices" question but I do think there's a correct answer to it. I'm making the VM able to read binary files (storing bytes in unsigned char[]) and execute bytecode. My question is: is it the VM's job to make sure the bytecode is well formed or is it just the compiler's job to make sure the binary file it spits out is well formed?
I only ask this because what would happen if someone would edit a binary file and screw stuff up (delete arbitrary parts of it, etc). Clearly, the program would be buggy and probably not functional. Is this even the VM's problem? I'm sure that people much smarter than me have figured out solutions to these problems, I'm just curious what they are!
Is it the VM's job to make sure the bytecode is well formed or is it just the compiler's job to make sure the binary file it spits out is well formed?
You get to decide.
Best practice is to have the VM do a single check before execution, cost proportional to the size of the program, which is sophisticated enought to guarantee that nothing wonky can happen during execution. Then during actual execution of the bytecode, you run with no checks.
However, the check-before-running idea can require some very sophisticated analysis, and even the most performance-conscious VMs often have some checks at run time (example: array bounds).
For a hobby project, I'd keep things simple and have the VM check sanity every time you execute an instruction. The overhead for most instructions won't be too great.
The same issue arises in Java, and as I recall, in that case the VM does have to do some checks to make sure the bytecode is well formed. In that situation, it's actually a serious issue because of the potential for security problems: if someone can alter a Java bytecode file to contain something that the compiler would never output (such as accessing a private variable from another class), it could potentially expose sensitive data being held in the application's memory, or could allow the application to access a website that it shouldn't be allowed to, or something. Java's virtual machine includes a bytecode verifier to make sure, to the extent possible, that these sorts of things don't happen.
Now, in your case, unless your homemade language takes off and becomes popular, the security aspect is something you don't have to worry about so much; after all, who's going to be hacking your programs, other than you? Still, I would say it's a good idea to make sure that your VM at least has a reasonable failure strategy for when the bytecode is invalid. At a minimum, if it encounters something it doesn't understand and can't process, it should detect that and fail with an error message, which will make debugging easier on your part.
Virtual machines that interpret bytecode generally have some way of validating their input; for example, Java will throw a VerifyError if the class file is in an inconsistent state
However, it sounds like you're implementing a processor, and since they tend to be lower-level there's less ways you can manage to get things in a detectable invalid state -- giving it an undefined opcode is one obvious way. Real processors will signal that the process attempted to execute an illegal instruction, and the OS will deal with it (Linux kills it with SIGILL, for example)
If you're concerned about someone having edited the binary file, then there is only one answer to your question: the VM must do the check. It's the only way you have a chance to detect the tampering. The compiler just creates the binary. It has no way of detecting downstream tampering.
It makes sense to have the compiler do as much sanity checking as possible (since it only has to do it once), but there's always going to be issues that can't be detected by static analysis, like [cough] stack overflow, array range errors, and the like.
I'd say it's legitimate for your VM to let the emulated processor catch fire, as long as the VM implementation itself doesn't crash. As the VM implementor, you get to set the rules. But if you want virtual hardware companies to virtually buy your virtual chip, you'll have to do something a little more forgiving of errors: good options might be to raise an exception (harder to implement) or reset the processor (much easier). Or maybe you just define every opcode to be valid, except that some are "undocumented" - they do something unspecified, other than crashing your implementation. Rationale: if (!) your VM implementation is to run several instances of the guest simultaneously, it would be very bad if one guest were able to cause others to fail.

Run time Data and Code memory size estimate

I am working on a project, C programing language, to develop an application, that can be ported on to a number of different microcontroller platforms, such as ARM\Freescale\PIC microcontroller. I am developing this application on Linux now and then I will have to port it to the above said platforms.
I would like to know, are there any tools (open source preferably), using which I can determine the "code" and the data memory footprint\size, before porting it to the new platform.
I have been searching on "Google" for it and have not found anything so far, not even for Linux as well.
any help from you will greatly help me.
For a small program, much of the size is determined by the libraries/DLL your program depends on. Since you refer to ARM/Freescale/Pic I assume you're dealing with compact, embedded applications where data size is measured in bytes rather than MBytes.
For your own code, size differences will determined by:
word size (i.e. 32bit programs tend to be a bit larger /more data than 8 bit)
architecture (i.e. Intel code versus ARM, freescale, PIC)
In your case, I expect that PIC is the most critical part (for RAM/ROM constraints). So propably monitoring the PIC compile size during PC development is sufficient. The linker output will contain info on TEXT/DATA/BSS size, which you can monitor.
I generally work on embedded systems. In my work much of the data size is known at design time (i.e. number of buffers * buffer size). For code size, I have rules of thumb on different architectures which help me to do a sanity check at design time. For instance, I define a suite of some exising-code libraries, for which I know performance and size numbers for each architecture. This way I know what kind of ratio I can expect at design time. If the PC program has 1 MBytes of data, it won't fit in an 8-bit PIC.....
Nothing can tell you how much memory your application will need. You'll have to make some assumptions about how it will be used and try your application under different scenarios.
As you're testing, you can monitor the memory usage stats in the /proc file system or use the ps command to do the same.
The size of your text/code segment will depend on optimization level and back-end. GCC can be configured to generate that information for you.
Run-time is a little more difficult as Jeremy said. Besides his suggestion, you also might want to try gcov and/or gprof in order to analyse your program in the context of your most common use scenarios. This kind of instrumentation is focussed on complexity rather than size but at least you'll know better where to focus your memory analysis.
Your compiler can/will generate a map file. The map file will, generally speaking, have code and data size (or location ranges). There may be differences between different compilers for the different targets. And as pointed out in other posts here, your dependencies on supplied libraries will also impact overall memory usage.
