Does anyone here use the make-cdf & program? - c

I came across this page: Plotting Tools
where I found a set of tools with the name and make-cdf. I can write my own but don't want to spend too much time when someone else has already done that. Does anyone have these tools or at least point me to a similar set of tools somewhere?

I do not know who Dave, Binju, Vijay and Dan are and I did not see a way of figuring out what and make-cdf contain.
There are a number of excellent statistics related modules on CPAN including Statistics::Descriptive, Statistics::KernelEstimation and Math::GSL::CDF to name but a few that might be relevant given the names of the scripts you mention.
However, if you want to do serious statistics, I would recommend you consider using R which you can control using Statistics::R. AFAIK, the R tag on StackOverflow is pretty active.


How to use dapper.fluentmap in Dapper?

Does anyone know or have link in how to use in my Dapper CRUD?. Right now I am using Dapper.Contrib but we are trying to implement Clean architecture which we remove the Dapper.Contrib in our structure. Now I am trying to use this Dapper-FluentMap to map the properties but there documentation is very poor.
I've wrote an article and a sample that shows how to use Dapper-FluentMap:
After beating my head against a few brick walls, I have established this much as fact (at least as of late 2018, which is after the date of the OP)...
Answering the question "Is FluentMap supposed to work with Dapper.Contrib extensions?", henkmollema (author of Dapper.FluentMap) responds, "Nope, it does not work with Dapper.Contrib".
So there's your answer, user3928241.
However for me as well as for user3928241 and others desperately searching for answers, he adds, "Shameless plug: it does work together with Dommel using the Dapper.FluentMap.Dommel integration component."
YMMV, but I'm pressing on. Going to try Dommel now.

Jump-Point searching in detail

I have been trying to implement jump-point search to my already implemented A* pathfinding code, but I don't fully understand how it works. The website here (which is all that I could find on it) doesn't really explain much about how to prune or how to determine a jump-point successor. Could anyone explain these two things in detail?
The technical details are in the research paper, which can be found on Alban Grastien's web page.
There is also a tutorial on
It appears that an improved paper will appear at ICAPS 2014, but I don't believe the papers are online yet.
If these resources are insufficient, a more directed question (what don't you understand) will be easier to answer. But, one thing important to note is that JPS scans the state space looking for obstacles. In doing so it may look at far more states than A* does. But, its time savings come from not putting most states in the OPEN list.
In addition to the original 2011 paper, I also found this site: particularly helpful, as it explains how JPS works in simple terms with diagrams, and also includes a grid where you can add/remove obstacles and visualize how JPS finds and expands jump points.


Can any one please provide me the Source Code for "ScatterPlotDemo1" which comes with "JfreeChart DevloperGuide".I am developing exactly the same Application so it would be very helpful for me if I can get the code for the following Image attached.
Thanks very Much
Any one of these recent scatter plot demos would probably be a better starting point. The only difference is the demonstration dataset. ScatterPlotDemo1 is not hard to find, but the required SampleXYDataset2 is less than exemplary. I'd look at nextGaussian() to vary the slope of a line.
As you use the library frequently, I'd recommend The JFreeChart Developer Guide†.
†Disclaimer: Not affiliated with Object Refinery Limited; just a satisfied customer and very minor contributor.

How can I implement an AI-driven conversation system?

I want to implement a conversation system into my RPG (trying to get advanced AI as possible). Conversation as in, the player types:
"Hi, I would like a beer"
and the bartender would respond with
"Coming right up"
and then hand the player a beer.
I've got some ideas and some things I'd like to try, but first I would like to look at what's already been done. But extensive Googling does not turn up anything, so I'm wondering: has this been done or is there research being done in it? (I know this is very complicated, but I'm willing to give it a shot.)
Sure it has. Have a look at the "Eliza" program and its descendants. There's also a Wiki article on chatterbots that might interest you. Have a look at AIML as a way to represent the rules you might use.
For an advanced design, look up the game "Façade". The game's site describes the technologies used and gives links to relevant papers. There was also recently an extensive article in Gamasutra about this, called Beyond Façade: Pattern Matching for Natural Language Applications.
You may also want to look into the Turing Test and it's relevant scientific following/conferences/publications to see what has been done in the humanizing of AI speech.

Modelling C applications

I would like to know if there are any tools that can help me model C applications i.e. Functional programming.
E.g. I'm currently building a shared library.
But to communicate my design visually, I need something like UML. I would like to do this so that the person reviewing my design need not read through 100s of pages of functions, variables and so on.
I have read about UML for C, which I'm considering.
If there is anything better out there, please let me know.
The bottom line is to visualize the design of C applications and modules without reading through 100s of pages of text, because it takes time and is difficult for the reviewers.
Any help in this area from the experts here would be much appreciated.
A well written text documentation brings you a far. Much further than any UML diagram could ever achieve.
You should split this in two parts:
What do you want to say?
What's the best way to saying it?
Whatever formalism you use to answer the second part, you should be sure it's not ambigous.
The good of UML is that a lot of semantic is already defined by the language so you don't have to include a definition of what those boxes, lines and arrows mean in a collaboration diagram.
But most importantly, documenting something means create a path for others to understand the subject you are documenting. A very precise description that offers no clue on how to read it is as good as none. So, use UML, Finite state machines, ER diagrams, plain English, whatever you want but be sure to include a logical path that your "readers" can follow to understand what's going on.
I had a friend that was a fan of "preciseness at all cost" and it would ask us to go through all the details before some sort of meaning would emerge.
I once ask him to do this experiment: on his next trip to an unknown city, he would have to carry the most precise map he could get. Much better, he would have to carry a 1:1 map of the city with every single detail exactly reported in scale. That way he couldn't get lost!
He declined but I would love to see him trying to use that map. Just even folding it! :)
Whatever you like. It's not a standard but many devs use it and understand it. If it does help you to communicate with other people and document your work -> its for you. If it just takes too much time and you think it's not effective, drop it. Also, don't bother with all details, as long as it resembles UML and your team can work with it, it's fine.
It's meant to help you, not waste you time.
