Word and Double Word integers in C - c

I am trying to implement a simple, moderately efficient bignum library in C. I would like to store digits using the full register size of the system it's compiled on (presumably 32 or 64-bit ints). My understanding is that I can accomplish this using intptr_t. Is this correct? Is there a more semantically appropriate type, i.e. something like intword_t?
I also know that with GCC I can easily do overflow detection on a 32-bit machine by upcasting both arguments to 64-bit ints, which will occupy two registers and take advantage of instructions like IA31 ADC (add with carry). Can I do something similar on a 64-bit machine? Is there a 128-bit type I can upcast to which will compile to use these instructions if they're available? Better yet, is there a standard type that represents twice the register size (like intdoubleptr_t) so this could be done in a machine independent fashion?

Any reason not to use size_t? size_t is 4 bytes on a 32-bit system and 8 bytes on a 64-bit system, and is probably more portable than using WORD_SIZE (I think WORD_SIZE is gcc-specific, no?)
I am not aware of any 128-bit value on 64-bit systems, could be wrong here but haven't come across that type in the kernel or regular user apps.

I'd strongly recommend using the C99 <stdint.h> header. It declares int32_t, int64_t, uint32_t, and uint64_t, which look like what you really want to use.
EDIT: As Alok points out, int_fast32_t, int_fast64_t, etc. are probably what you want to use. The number of bits you specify should be the minimum you need for the math to work, i.e. for the calculation to not "roll over".
The optimization comes from the fact that the CPU doesn't have to waste cycles realigning data, padding the leading bits on a read, and doing a read-modify-write on a write. Truth is, a lot of processors (such as recent x86s) have hardware in the CPU that optimizes these access pretty well (at least the padding and read-modify-write parts), since they're so common and usually only involve transfers between the processor and cache.
So the only thing left for you to do is make sure the accesses are aligned: take sizeof(int_fast32_t) or whatever and use it to make sure your buffer pointers are aligned to that.
Truth is, this may not amount to that much improvement (due to the hardware optimizing transfers at runtime anyway), so writing something and timing it may be the only way to be sure. Also, if you're really crazy about performance, you may need to look at SSE or AltiVec or whatever vectorization tech your processor has, since that will outperform anything you can write that is portable when doing vectored math.


Comparison uint8_t vs uint16_t while declaring a counter

Assuming to have a counter which counts from 0 to 100, is there an advantage of declaring the counter variable as uint16_t instead of uint8_t.
Obviously if I use uint8_t I could save some space. On a processor with natural wordsize of 16 bits access times would be the same for both I guess. I couldn't think why I would use a uint16_t if uint8_t can cover the range.
Using a wider type than necessary can allow the compiler to avoid having to mask the higher bits.
Suppose you were working on a 16 bit architecture, then using uint16_t could be more efficient, however if you used uint16_t instead of uint8_t on a 32 bit architecture then you would still have the mask instructions but just masking a different number of bits.
The most efficient type to use in a cross-platform portable way is just plain int or unsigned int, which will always be the correct type to avoid the need for masking instructions, and will always be able to hold numbers up to 100.
If you are in a MISRA or similar regulated environment that forbids the use of native types, then the correct standard-compliant type to use is uint_fast8_t. This guarantees to be the fastest unsigned integer type that has at least 8 bits.
However, all of this is nonsense really. Your primary goal in writing code should be to make it readable, not to make it as fast as possible. Penny-pinching instructions like this makes code convoluted and more likely to have bugs. Also because it is harder to read, the bugs are less likely to be found during code review.
You should only try to optimize like this once the code is finished and you have tested it and found the particular part which is the bottleneck. Masking a loop counter is very unlikely to be the bottleneck in any real code.
Obviously if I use uint8_t I could save some space.
Actually, that's not necessarily obvious! A loop index variable is likely to end up in a register, and if it does there's no memory to be saved. Also, since the definition of the C language says that much arithmetic takes place using type int, it's possible that using a variable smaller than int might actually end up costing you space in terms of extra code emitted by the compiler to convert back and forth between int and your smaller variable. So while it could save you some space, it's not at all guaranteed that it will — and, in any case, the actual savings are going to be almost imperceptibly small in the grand scheme of things.
If you have an array of some number of integers in the range 0-100, using uint8_t is a fine idea if you want to save space. For an individual variable, on the other hand, the arguments are pretty different.
In general, I'd say that there are two reasons not to use type uint8_t (or, equivalently, char or unsigned char) as a loop index:
It's not going to save much data space (if at all), and it might cost code size and/or speed.
If the loop runs over exactly 256 elements (yours didn't, but I'm speaking more generally here), you may have introduced a bug (which you'll discover soon enough): your loop may run forever.
The interviewer was probably expecting #1 as an answer. It's not a guaranteed answer — under plenty of circumstances, using the smaller type won't cost you anything, and evidently there are microprocessors where it can actually save something — but as a general rule, I agree that using an 8-bit type as a loop index is, well, silly. And whether or not you agree, it's certainly an issue to be aware of, so I think it's a fair interview question.
See also this question, which discusses the same sorts of issues.
The interview question doesn't make much sense from a platform-generic point of view. If we look at code such as this:
for(uint8_t i=0; i<n; i++)
array[i] = x;
Then the expression i<n will get carried out on type int or larger because of implicit promotion. Though the compiler may optimize it to use a smaller type if it doesn't affect the result.
As for array[i], the compiler is likely to use a type corresponding to whatever address size the system is using.
What the interviewer was fishing for is likely that uint32_t on a 32 bitter tend to generate faster code in some situations. For those cases you can use uint_fast8_t, but more likely the compiler will perform optimizations no matter.
The only optimization uint8_t blocks the compiler from doing, is to allocate a larger variable than 8 bits on the stack. It doesn't however block the compiler from optimizing out the variable entirely and using a register instead. Such as for example storing it in an index register with the same width as the address bus.
Example with gcc x86_64: https://godbolt.org/z/vYscf3KW9. The disassembly is pretty painful to read, but the compiler just picked CPU registers to store anything regardless of the type of i, giving identical machine code between uint8_t anduint16_t. I would have been surprised if it didn't.
On a processor with natural wordsize of 16 bits access times would be the same for both I guess.
Yes this is true for all mainstream 16 bitters. Some might even manage faster code if given 8 bits instead of 16. Some exotic systems like DSP exist, but in case of lets say a 1 byte=16 bits DSP, then the compiler doesn't even provide you with uint8_t to begin with - it is an optional type. One generally doesn't bother with portability to wildly exotic systems, since doing so is a waste of everyone's time and money.
The correct answer: it is senseless to do manual optimization without a specific system in mind. uint8_t is perfectly fine to use for generic, portable code.

Embedded C compile size is bigger with int16's than with int32's. Why?

I am working on embedded C firmware for Freescale Coldfire processors. After writing some code, I began to look at ways to reduce the size of the build. We are limited on space, so this is important for me to consider.
I realized I had several int32's in my code, but I only need int16's for them. To save space I tried replacing the relevant variables with int16's. When I built it, the size of the build went up by about 60 bytes.
I thought it might be how my structs were packed, so I defined how I wanted it packed, but it made no change.
#pragma pack(push, 1)
// Struct here
#pragma pack(pop)
I could kind of see it staying the same, but I can't figure what would cause it to go up. Any thoughts here? What might be causing this?
Yes, looks like it was simply generating extra instructions to account for 32-bit being the optimized size for the processor. I should have checked the datasheet first.
This was the extra assembly being generated:
0x00000028 0x3210 move.w (a0),d1
0x0000002A 0x48C1 ext.l d1
; Other instructions between
0x0000002E 0x3028000E move.w 14(a0),d0
0x00000032 0x48C0 ext.l d0**
Your compiler probably emits code for int32's just fine; it's probably the natural int size for your architectiure (is this true? Is sizeof(int)==4?).
I am guessing that the size increase is from three places:
Making alignment work
32-bit ints probably align naturally on the stack and other places,
so typically code would not have to be emitted to make sure "the
stack is 4 byte aligned". If you sprinkle a bunch of 16 bit ints in
your code, it may have to add padding (extra adds to frame pointer
as a fix-up?) Usually one add instruction covers the frame/stack
maintenance, but maybe extra instructions are emitted to guarantee
Translating between 16-bit and 32-bit ints
With 32-bit ints, most instructions naturally work. With smaller ints, sometimes the compiler has to emit code that chops/slices up bits so that
it preserves the semantics of the smaller. (Maybe doing an extra AND instruction to mask
off some high-order bits or an OR instruction to set some bits).
Going back and forth to memory
Standard LOADS and STORES are for 32-bit ints (which is probably natural size of your machine). It's possible, that when it has to store only 2 bytes instead of 4, that the architecture has to emit extra instructions to store a non-standard int (either by chopping up the int, using a strange instruction that has a longer encoding, or using bit instructions to chop up the instruction).
These are all guesses. The best way to see is to look at the assembly code and see what's going on!
To save space I tried replacing the relevant variables with int16's.
When I built it, the size of the build went up by about 60 bytes.
This doesn't make much sense to me. Using a smaller data type doesn't necessary translate to fewer instructions. It could reduce memory use when running the software but not necessarily build size.
So, for example, the reason using smaller data types here could be increasing the size of your binaries could be due to the fact that using smaller types requires more instructions or longer instructions. For example, for non-word/dword aligned memory, the compiler may have to use more instructions for unaligned moves. It may have to use special instructions to extract lower/upper words if all the general-purpose registers are larger. In that case, you might also get a slight performance hit in addition to the increased binary size using those smaller types (but less memory use when the code is running).
There may be a number of scenarios and it's specific to both the exact compiler you are using and architecture (the assembly code will reveal the exact cause), but in short, using smaller types for variables does not necessarily mean smaller-sized builds/fewer instructions, and could easily mean the opposite.

Difference between int32_t and int_fast32_t [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the difference between intXX_t and int_fastXX_t?
(4 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
What is the difference between the two? I know that int32_t is exactly 32 bits regardless of the environment but, as its name suggests that it's fast, how much faster can int_fast32_t really be compared to int32_t? And if it's significantly faster, then why so?
C is specified in terms of an idealized, abstract machine. But real-world hardware has behavioural characteristics that are not captured by the language standard. The _fast types are type aliases that allow each platform to specify types which are "convenient" for the hardware.
For example, if you had an array of 8-bit integers and wanted to mutate each one individually, this would be rather inefficient on contemporary desktop machines, because their load operations usually want to fill an entire processor register, which is either 32 or 64 bit wide (a "machine word"). So lots of loaded data ends up wasted, and more importantly, you cannot parallelize the loading and storing of two adjacent array elements, because they live in the same machine word and thus need to be load-modify-stored sequentially.
The _fast types are usually as wide as a machine word, if that's feasible. That is, they may be wider than you need and thus consume more memory (and thus are harder to cache!), but your hardware may be able to access them faster. It all depends on the usage pattern, though. (E.g. an array of int_fast8_t would probably be an array of machine words, and a tight loop modifying such an array may well benefit significantly.)
The only way to find out whether it makes any difference is to compare!
int32_t is an integer which is exactly 32bits. It is useful if you want for example to create a struct with an exact memory placement.
int_fast32_t is the "fastest" integer for your current processor that is at last bigger or equal to an int32_t. I don't know if there is really a gain for current processors (x86 or ARM)
But I can at last outline a real case : I used to work with a 32bits PowerPC processor. When accessing misaligned 16bits int16_t, it was inefficient for it has to first realign them in one of its 32bits registers. For non memory-mapped data, since we didn't have memory restrictions, it was more efficient to use int_fast16_t (which were in fact 32bits int).

Simple 32 to 64-bit transition?

Is there a simple way to compile 32-bit C code into a 64-bit application, with minimal modification? The code was not setup to use fixed type sizes.
I am not interested in taking advantage of 64-bit memory addressing. I just need to compile into a 64-bit binary while maintaining 4 byte longs and pointers.
Something like:
#define long int32_t
But of course that breaks a number of long use cases and doesn't deal with pointers. I thought there might be some standard procedure here.
There seem to be two orthogonal notions of "portability":
My code compiles everywhere out of the box. Its general behaviour is the same on all platforms, but details of available features vary depending on the platform's characteristics.
My code contains a folder for architecture-dependent stuff. I guarantee that MYINT32 is always 32 bit no matter what. I successfully ported the notion of 32 bits to the nine-fingered furry lummoxes of Mars.
In the first approach, we write unsigned int n; and printf("%u", n) and we know that the code always works, but details like the numeric range of unsigned int are up to the platform and not of our concern. (Wchar_t comes in here, too.) This is what I would call the genuinely portable style.
In the second approach, we typedef everything and use types like uint32_t. Formatted output with printf triggers tons of warnings, and we must resort to monsters like PRI32. In this approach we derive a strange sense of power and control from knowing that our integer is always 32 bits wide, but I hesitate to call this "portable" -- it's just stubborn.
The fundamental concept that requires a specific representation is serialization: The document you write on one platform should be readable on all other platforms. Serialization is naturally where we forgo the type system, must worry about endianness and need to decide on a fixed representation (including things like text encoding).
The upshot is this:
Write your main program core in portable style using standard language primitives.
Write well-defined, clean I/O interfaces for serialization.
If you stick to that, you should never even have to think about whether your platform is 32 or 64 bit, big or little endian, Mac or PC, Windows or Linux. Stick to the standard, and the standard will stick with you.
No, this is not, in general, possible. Consider, for example, malloc(). What is supposed to happen when it returns a pointer value that cannot be represented in 32 bits? How can that pointer value possibly be passed to your code as a 32 bit value, that will work fine when dereferenced?
This is just one example - there are numerous other similar ones.
Well-written C code isn't inherently "32-bit" or "64-bit" anyway - it should work fine when recompiled as a 64 bit binary with no modifications necessary.
Your actual problem is wanting to load a 32 bit library into a 64 bit application. One way to do this is to write a 32 bit helper application that loads your 32 bit library, and a 64 bit shim library that is loaded into the 64 bit application. Your 64 bit shim library communicates with your 32 bit helper using some IPC mechanism, requesting the helper application to perform operations on its behalf, and returning the results.
The specific case - a Matlab MEX file - might be a bit complicated (you'll need two-way function calling, so that the 64 bit shim library can perform calls like mexGetVariable() on behalf of the 32 bit helper), but it should still be doable.
The one area that will probably bite you is if any of your 32-bit integers are manipulated bit-wise. If you assume that some status flags are stored in a 32-bit register (for example), or if you are doing bit shifting, then you'll need to focus on those.
Another place to look would be any networking code that assumes the size (and endian) of integers passed on the wire. Once those get moved into 64-bit ints you'll need to make sure that you don't lose sign bits or precision.
Structures that contain integers will no longer be the same size. Any assumptions about size and alignment need to be cleaned out.

Determine word size of my processor

How do I determine the word size of my CPU? If I understand correct an int should be one word right? I'm not sure if I am correct.
So should just printing sizeof(int) would be enough to determine the word size of my processor?
Your assumption about sizeof(int) is untrue; see this.
Since you must know the processor, OS and compiler at compilation time, the word size can be inferred using predefined architecture/OS/compiler macros provided by the compiler.
However while on simpler and most RISC processors, word size, bus width, register size and memory organisation are often consistently one value, this may not be true to more complex CISC and DSP architectures with various sizes for floating point registers, accumulators, bus width, cache width, general purpose registers etc.
Of course it begs the question why you might need to know this? Generally you would use the type appropriate to the application, and trust the compiler to provide any optimisation. If optimisation is what you think you need this information for, then you would probably be better off using the C99 'fast' types. If you need to optimise a specific algorithm, implement it for a number of types and profile it.
an int should be one word right?
As I understand it, that depends on the data size model. For an explanation for UNIX Systems, 64-bit and Data Size Neutrality. For example Linux 32-bit is ILP32, and Linux 64-bit is LP64. I am not sure about the difference across Window systems and versions, other than I believe all 32-bit Window systems are ILP32.
How do I determine the word size of my CPU?
That depends. Which version of C standard are you assuming. What platforms are we talking. Is this a compile or run time determination you're trying to make.
The C header file <limits.h> may defines WORD_BIT and/or __WORDSIZE.
sizeof(int) is not always the "word" size of your CPU. The most important question here is why you want to know the word size.... are you trying to do some kind of run-time and CPU specific optimization?
That being said, on Windows with Intel processors, the nominal word size will be either 32 or 64 bits and you can easily figure this out:
if your program is compiled for 32-bits, then the nominal word size is 32-bits
if you have compiled a 64-bit program then then the nominal word size is 64-bits.
This answer sounds trite, but its true to the first order. But there are some important subtleties. Even though the x86 registers on a modern Intel or AMD processor are 64-bits wide; you can only (easily) use their 32-bit widths in 32-bit programs - even though you may be running a 64-bit operating system. This will be true on Linux and OSX as well.
Moreover, on most modern CPU's the data bus width is wider than the standard ALU registers (EAX, EBX, ECX, etc). This bus width can vary, some systems have 128 bit, or even 192 bit wide busses.
If you are concerned about performance, then you also need to understand how the L1 and L2 data caches work. Note that some modern CPU's have an L3 cache. Caches including a unit called the Write Buffer
Make a program that does some kind of integer operation many times, like an integer version of the SAXPY algorithm. Run it for different word sizes, from 8 to 64 bits (i.e. from char to long long).
Measure the time each version spends while running the algorithm. If there is one specific version that lasts noticeably less than the others, the word size used for that version is probably the native word size of your computer. On the other way, if there are several versions that last more or less the same time, pick up the one which has the greater word size.
Note that even with this technique you can get false data: your benchmark, compiled using Turbo C and running on a 80386 processor through DOS will report that the word size is 16 bits, just because the compiler doesn't use the 32-bit registers to perform integer aritmetic, but calls to internal functions that do the 32-bit version of each aritmetic operation.
"Additionally, the size of the C type long is equal to the word size, whereas the size of the int type is sometimes less than that of the word size. For example, the Alpha has a 64-bit word size. Consequently, registers, pointers, and the long type are 64 bits in length."
source: http://books.msspace.net/mirrorbooks/kerneldevelopment/0672327201/ch19lev1sec2.html
Keeping this in mind, the following program can be executed to find out the word size of the machine you're working on-
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
long l;
short s = (8 * sizeof(l));
printf("Word size of this machine is %hi bits\n", s);
return 0;
In short: There's no good way. The original idea behind the C data types was that int would be the fastest (native) integer type, long the biggest etc.
Then came operating systems that originated on one CPU and were then ported to different CPUs whose native word size was different. To maintain source code compatibility, some of the OSes broke with that definition and kept the data types at their old sizes, and added new, non-standard ones.
That said, depending on what you actually need, you might find some useful data types in stdint.h, or compiler-specific or platform-specific macros for various purposes.
To use at compile time: sizeof(void*)
What every may be the reason for knowing the size of the processor it don't matter.
The size of the processor is the amount of date that Arthematic Logic Unit(ALU) of One CPU Core can work on at a single point of time. A CPU Cores's ALU will on Accumulator Register at any time. So, The size of a CPU in bits is the the size of Accumulator Register in bits.
You can find the size of the accumulator from the data sheet of the processor or by writing a small assembly language program.
Note that the effective usable size of Accumulator Register can change in some processors (like ARM) based on mode of operations (Thumb and ARM modes). That means the size of the processor will also change based on the mode for that processors.
It common in many architectures to have virtual address pointer size and integer size same as accumulator size. It is only to take advantage of Accumulator Register in different processor operations but it is not a hard rule.
Many thinks of memory as an array of bytes. But CPU has another view of it. Which is about memory granularity. Depending on architecture, there would be 2, 4, 8, 16 or even 32 bytes memory granularity. Memory granularity and address alignment have great impact on performance, stability and correctness of software. Consider a granularity of 4 bytes and an unaligned memory access to read in 4 bytes. In this case every read, 75% if address is increasing by one byte, takes two more read instructions plus two shift operations and finally a bitwise instruction for final result which is performance killer. Further atomic operations could be affected as they must be indivisible. Other side effects would be caches, synchronization protocols, cpu internal bus traffic, cpu write buffer and you guess what else. A practical test could be run on a circular buffer to see how the results could be different. CPUs from different manufacturers, based on model, have different registers which will be used in general and specific operations. For example modern CPUs have extensions with 128 bits registers. So, the word size is not only about type of operation but memory granularity. Word size and address alignment are beasts which must be taken care about. There are some CPUs in market which does not take care of address alignment and simply ignore it if provided. And guess what happens?
As others have pointed out, how are you interested in calculating this value? There are a lot of variables.
sizeof(int) != sizeof(word). the size of byte, word, double word, etc have never changed since their creation for the sake of API compatibility in the windows api world at least. Even though a processor word size is the natural size an instruction can operate on. For example, in msvc/cpp/c#, sizeof(int) is four bytes. Even in 64bit compilation mode. Msvc/cpp has __int64 and c# has Int64/UInt64(non CLS compliant) ValueType's. There are also type definitions for WORD DWORD and QWORD in the win32 API that have never changed from two bytes, four bytes, and eight bytes respectively. As well as UINT/INT_PTR on Win32 and UIntPtr/IntPtr on c# that are guranteed to be big enough to represent a memory address and a reference type respectively. AFAIK, and I could be wrong if arch's still exist, I don't think anyone has to deal with, nor do, near/far pointers exist anymore, so if you're on c/cpp/c#, sizeof(void*) and Unsafe.SizeOf{IntPtr}() would be enough to determine your maximum "word" size I would think in a compliant cross-platform way, and if anyone can correct that, please do so! Also, sizes of intrinsic types in c/cpp are vague in size definition.
C data type sizes - Wikipedia
