What encoding used when invoke fopen or open? - c

When we invoke system call in linux like 'open' or stdio function like 'fopen' we must provide a 'const char * filename'. My question is what is the encoding used here? It's utf-8 or ascii or iso8859-x? Does it depend on the system or environment setting?
I know in MS Windows there is a _wopen which accept utf-16.

It's a byte string, the interpretation is up to the particular filesystem.

Filesystem calls on Linux are encoding-agnostic, i.e. they do not (need to) know about the particular encoding. As far as they are concerned, the byte-string pointed to by the filename argument is passed down to the filesystem as-is. The filesystem expects that filenames are in the correct encoding (usually UTF-8, as mentioned by Matthew Talbert).
This means that you often don't need to do anything (filenames are treated as opaque byte-strings), but it really depends on where you receive the filename from, and whether you need to manipulate the filename in any way.

It depends on the system locale. Look at the output of the "locale" command. If the variables end in UTF-8, then your locale is UTF-8. Most modern linuxes will be using UTF-8. Although Andrew is correct that technically it's just a byte string, if you don't match the system locale some programs may not work correctly and it will be impossible to get correct user input, etc. It's best to stick with UTF-8.

The filename is the byte string; regardless of locale or any other conventions you're using about how filenames should be encoded, the string you must pass to fopen and to all functions taking filenames/pathnames is the exact byte string for how the file is named. For example if you have a file named ö.txt in UTF-8 in NFC, and your locale is UTF-8 encoded and uses NFC, you can just write the name as ö.txt and pass that to fopen. If your locale is Latin-1 based, though, you can't pass the Latin-1 form of ö.txt ("\xf6.txt") to fopen and expect it to succeed; that's a different byte string and thus a different filename. You would need to pass "\xc3\xb6.txt" ("ö.txt" if you interpret that as Latin-1), the same byte string as the actual name.
This situation is very different from Windows, which you seem to be familiar with, where the filename is is a sequence of 16-bit units interpreted as UTF-16 (although AFAIK they need not actually be valid UTF-16) and filenames passed to fopen, etc. are interpreted according to the current locale as Unicode characters which are then used to open/access the file based on its UTF-16 name.

As already mentioned above, this will be a byte string and the interpretation will be open to the underlying system. More specifically, imagine to C functions; one in user space and one in kernel space which take char * as their parameter. The encoding in user space will depend upon the execution character set of the user program (eg. specified by -fexec-charset=charset in gcc). The encoding expected by the kernel function depends upon the execution charset used during kernel compilation (not sure where to get that information).

I did some further inquiries on this topic and came to the conclusion that there are two different ways how filename encoding can be handled by unixoid file systems.
File names are encoded in the "sytem locale", which usually is, but needs not to be the same as the current environment locale that is reflected by the locale command (but some preset in a global configuration file).
File names are encoded in UTF-8, independent from any locale settings.
GTK+ solves this mess by assuming UTF-8 and allowing to override it either by the current locale encoding or a user-supplied encoding.
Qt solves it by assuming locale encoding (and that system locale is reflected in the current locale) and allowing to override it with a user-supplied conversion function.
So the bottom line is: Use either UTF-8 or what LC_ALL or LANG tell you by default, and provide an override setting at least for the other alternative.


Using iconv with WCHAR_T on Linux

I have the following code on Linux:-
rc = iconv_open("WCHAR_T", SourceCode);
prior to using iconv to convert the data into a wide character string (wchar_t).
I am trying to understand what it achieves in order to port it to a platform where the option on parameter 1, "WCHAR_T", does not exist.
This leads to sub-questions such as:
Is there a single representation of wchar_t on Linux?
What codepage does this use? I imagine maybe UTF-32
Does it rely on any locale settings to achieve this?
I'm hoping for an answer that says something like: "The code you show is shorthand for doing the following 2 things instead...." and then I might be able to do those two steps instead of the shorthand on the platform where "WCHAR_T" option on iconv_open doesn't exist.
The reason the (non-standard) WCHAR_T encoding exists is to make it easy to cast a pointer to wchar_t into a pointer to char and use it with iconv. The format understood by that encoding is whatever the system's native wchar_t is.
If you're asking about glibc and not other libc implementations, then on Linux wchar_t is a 32-bit type in the system's native endianness, and represents Unicode codepoints. This is not the same as UTF-32, since UTF-32 normally has a byte-order mark (BOM) and when it does not, is big endian. WCHAR_T is always native endian.
Note that some systems use different semantics for wchar_t. Windows always uses a 16-bit type using a little-endian UTF-16. If you used the GNU libiconv on that platform, the WCHAR_T encoding would be different than if you ran it on Linux.
Locale settings do not affect wchar_t because the size of wchar_t must be known at compile time, and therefore cannot practically vary based on locale.
If this piece of code is indeed casting a pointer to wchar_t and using that in its call to iconv, then you need to adjust the code to use one of the encodings UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE, or UTF-32BE, depending on sizeof(wchar_t) and the platform's endianness. Those encodings do not require (nor allow) a BOM, and assuming you're not using a PDP-11, one of them will be correct for your platform.
If you're getting the data from some other source, then you need to figure out what that is, and use the appropriate encoding from the list above for it. You should also probably send a patch upstream and ask the maintainer to use a different, more correct encoding for handling their data format.

How can I open a file that has a Chinese Filename in C? [duplicate]

Is there a standard way to do an fopen with a Unicode string file path?
No, there's no standard way. There are some differences between operating systems. Here's how different OSs handle non-ASCII filenames.
Under Linux, a filename is simply a binary string. The convention on most modern distributions is to use UTF-8 for non-ASCII filenames. But in the beginning, it was common to encode filenames as ISO-8859-1. It's basically up to each application to choose an encoding, so you can even have different encodings used on the same filesystem. The LANG environment variable can give you a hint what the preferred encoding is. But these days, you can probably assume UTF-8 everywhere.
This is not without problems, though, because a filename containing an invalid UTF-8 sequence is perfectly valid on most Linux filesystems. How would you specify such a filename if you only support UTF-8? Ideally, you should support both UTF-8 and binary filenames.
The HFS filesystem on OS X uses Unicode (UTF-16) filenames internally. Most C (and POSIX) library functions like fopen accept UTF-8 strings (since they're 8-bit compatible) and convert them internally.
The Windows API uses UTF-16 for filenames, but fopen uses the current codepage, whatever that is (UTF-8 just became an option). Many C library functions have a non-standard equivalent that accepts UTF-16 (wchar_t on Windows). For example, _wfopen instead of fopen.
In *nix, you simply use the standard fopen (see more information in reply from TokeMacGuy, or in this forum)
In Windows, you can use _wfopen, and then pass a Unicode string (for more information, see MSDN).
As there is no real common way, I would wrap this call in a macro, together with all other system-dependent functions.
This is a matter of your current locale. On my system, which is Unicode-enabled, file paths will be in Unicode. I'm able to detect this by means of the locale command:
$ locale
The encoding of file paths is normally set system wide, so if your file path is not in the system's locale, you will need to convert it, perhaps by means of the iconv library.
Almost all POSIX platforms use UTF-8 nowadays. And modern Windows also support UTF-8 as the locale, you can just use UTF-8 everywhere and open any files without using wide strings on Windows. fopen just works portably
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_us.utf8"); // need some setup before calling this
fopen(R"(C:\filê\wíth\Ünicode\name.txt)", "w+");
Starting in Windows 10 build 17134 (April 2018 Update), the Universal C Runtime supports using a UTF-8 code page. This means that char strings passed to C runtime functions will expect strings in the UTF-8 encoding. To enable UTF-8 mode, use ".UTF8" as the code page when using setlocale. For example, setlocale(LC_ALL, ".UTF8") will use the current default Windows ANSI code page (ACP) for the locale and UTF-8 for the code page.
To use this feature on an OS prior to Windows 10, such as Windows 7, you must use app-local deployment or link statically using version 17134 of the Windows SDK or later. For Windows 10 operating systems prior to 17134, only static linking is supported.
UTF-8 Support

how to handle russian string as a command line argument in C program

I have an exe file build from C code. There is a situation where russian string is passed as an argument to this exe.
When I call exe with this argument, task manager shows russian string perfectly as command line argument.
But when I print that argument from my exe it just prints ???
How can I make my C program(hence exe) handle russian character?
The answer depends on a target platform for your program. Traditionally, a C- or C++-program begins its life from main(....) function which may have byte-oriented strings passed as arguments (notice char* in main declaration int main(int argc, char* argv[])). Byte-oriented strings mean that characters in a string are passed in a specific byte-oriented encoding and one character, for example Я or Ñ in UTF-8 may take more than 1 char.
Nowadays the most wide used encoding on Linux/Unix platform is UTF-8, but some time ago there were other encodings in use such as ISO8859-1, KOI8-R and a lot of others. Most of programs are still byte oriented as UTF-8 encoding is mostly backward-compatible with all traditional C strings API.
In other hand wide strings can be more convenient in use, because each character in a widestring uses a predefined space. Thus, for example, the following expression passes assertion test: std::wstring hello = L"Привет!¡Hola!"; assert(L'в' == hello[3]); (if UTF-8 char strings are used the test would fail). So if your program performs a lot of operations on letters, not strings as a whole, then widestrings can be the solution.
To convert strings from multi-byte to a wide character encoding, you may use mbtowc functions family or that awesome fancy codecvt C++-11 facility if your compiler supports it (likely it doesn't as of mid-2014 :))
In Windows strings are also can be passed as byte-oriented strings, and for Russian most likely CP1251 is used (depends on Operating system settings, but for Windows sold within Russia and CIS this is the most popular variant). Also MSVC has a language extension which allows an application programmer to avoid all this complexity with manual conversion of bytestring to widestrings, and use a variant of main() function which instantly receives widestrings
#user3159253 provided a good answer that I will complete with some more references:
Windows: Usually it uses wide characters.
Linux: Normally it uses UTF-8 encoding: please do NOT use wide chars in this case.
You are facing an internationalization (cf i18n, i10n ) issue.
You might need tools like iconv for character set conversion, and gettext for string translation.

MPFR, printf, decimal places, locales, file i/o problem

A user of my program has reported problems reading a settings file written by my program. I looked at the settings file in question and instead of decimal points using the period "." it uses commas ",".
I'm assuming this is to do with locales?
The file i/o is using fprintf and mpfr_out_str for file output and getline combined with atol, atof, mpfr_set_str, etc for file input.
What do I do here? Should I force my program to always use periods even if the machine's locale wants to use commas? If so, where do I start?
Edit: I've just noticed that this problem occurs when specifying the settings file to use on the command line instead of loading it via the GUI - would this indicate a problem on the OP's machine or in my code?
Do you call setlocale at all? If not, I would suggest either embedding the locale used to generate the file in the settings file or force all settings file I/O to use the C locale, via the previous suggestion of setlocale(LC_ALL, "C").
One other option is to use the locale specific formatting functions (suffixed with _l in MSVC) and create the C locale explicitly, via _create_locale(LC_ALL, "C").

Is there a standard way to do an fopen with a Unicode string file path?

Is there a standard way to do an fopen with a Unicode string file path?
No, there's no standard way. There are some differences between operating systems. Here's how different OSs handle non-ASCII filenames.
Under Linux, a filename is simply a binary string. The convention on most modern distributions is to use UTF-8 for non-ASCII filenames. But in the beginning, it was common to encode filenames as ISO-8859-1. It's basically up to each application to choose an encoding, so you can even have different encodings used on the same filesystem. The LANG environment variable can give you a hint what the preferred encoding is. But these days, you can probably assume UTF-8 everywhere.
This is not without problems, though, because a filename containing an invalid UTF-8 sequence is perfectly valid on most Linux filesystems. How would you specify such a filename if you only support UTF-8? Ideally, you should support both UTF-8 and binary filenames.
The HFS filesystem on OS X uses Unicode (UTF-16) filenames internally. Most C (and POSIX) library functions like fopen accept UTF-8 strings (since they're 8-bit compatible) and convert them internally.
The Windows API uses UTF-16 for filenames, but fopen uses the current codepage, whatever that is (UTF-8 just became an option). Many C library functions have a non-standard equivalent that accepts UTF-16 (wchar_t on Windows). For example, _wfopen instead of fopen.
In *nix, you simply use the standard fopen (see more information in reply from TokeMacGuy, or in this forum)
In Windows, you can use _wfopen, and then pass a Unicode string (for more information, see MSDN).
As there is no real common way, I would wrap this call in a macro, together with all other system-dependent functions.
This is a matter of your current locale. On my system, which is Unicode-enabled, file paths will be in Unicode. I'm able to detect this by means of the locale command:
$ locale
The encoding of file paths is normally set system wide, so if your file path is not in the system's locale, you will need to convert it, perhaps by means of the iconv library.
Almost all POSIX platforms use UTF-8 nowadays. And modern Windows also support UTF-8 as the locale, you can just use UTF-8 everywhere and open any files without using wide strings on Windows. fopen just works portably
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_us.utf8"); // need some setup before calling this
fopen(R"(C:\filê\wíth\Ünicode\name.txt)", "w+");
Starting in Windows 10 build 17134 (April 2018 Update), the Universal C Runtime supports using a UTF-8 code page. This means that char strings passed to C runtime functions will expect strings in the UTF-8 encoding. To enable UTF-8 mode, use ".UTF8" as the code page when using setlocale. For example, setlocale(LC_ALL, ".UTF8") will use the current default Windows ANSI code page (ACP) for the locale and UTF-8 for the code page.
To use this feature on an OS prior to Windows 10, such as Windows 7, you must use app-local deployment or link statically using version 17134 of the Windows SDK or later. For Windows 10 operating systems prior to 17134, only static linking is supported.
UTF-8 Support
