Using a duplicate SQL Server database for queries - sql-server

I have a very large (100+ gigs) SQL Server 2005 database that receives a large number of inserts and updates, with less frequent selects. The selects require a lot of indexes to keep them functioning well, but it appears the number of indexes is effecting the efficiency of the inserts and updates.
Question: Is there a method for keeping two copies of a database where one is used for the inserts and updates while the second is used for the selects? The second copy wouldn't need to be real-time updated, but shouldn't be more than an hour old. Is it possible to do this kind of replication while keeping different indexes on each database copy? Perhaps you have other solutions?

Your looking to setup a master/child database topology using replication. With SQL server you'll need to setup replication between two databases (preferrably on separate hardware). The Master DB you should use for inserts and updates. The Child will service all your select queries. You'll want to also optimize both database configuration settings for the type of work they will be performing. If you have heavy select queries on the child database you may also want to setup view's that will make the queries perform better than complex joins on tables.
Some reference material on replication:
Just google it and you'll find plenty of information on how to setup and configure:

Transactional replication can do this as the subscriber can have a number of aditional indexes compared with the publisher. But you have to bear in mind a simple fact: all inserts/updates/deletes are going to be replicated at the reporting copy (the subscriber) and the aditional indexes will... slow down replication. It is actually possible to slow down the replication to a rate at wich is unable to keep up, causing a swell of the distribution DB. But this is only when you have a constant high rate of updates. If the problems only occur durink spikes, then the distribution DB will act as a queue that absorbes the spikes and levels them off during off-peak hours.
I would not take this endevour without absolute, 100% proof evidence that it is the additional indexes that are slowing down the insert/updates/deletes, and w/o testing that the insert/updates/deletes are actually performing significantly better without the extra indexes. Specifically , ensure that the culprit is not the other usual suspect: lock contention.

Generally, all set-based operations (including updating indexes) are faster than non set-based ones
1,000 inserts will most probably be slower than one insert of 1,000 records.
You can batch the updates to the second database. This will, first, make the index updating more fast, and, second, smooth the peaks.

You could task schedule a bcp script to copy the data to the other DB.
You could also try transaction log shipping to update the read only db.

Don't forget to adjust the fill factor when you create your two databases. It should be low(er) on the database with frequent updates, and 100 on your "data warehouse"/read only database.


Database select queries running slow after bulk delete from tables

Over the years our sql sever database has accumulated a lot of data which was causing the queries to run slow which further resulted in the application to slow down significantly.
We eventually decided to archive certain data by storing it in a different data store and deleting from SQL Server. Note that the data is spread over 22 tables (meta-data). After deleting about 40% of the data we saw that certain queries were running significantly slower. Even though there are queries which have slight performance improvement, we are observing that the response times and transactions per second have come down significantly when we ran a load test.
As part of cleanup on the database side, we Reorganized and Rebuilt the indexes. We made sure that the fragmentation after the deletes was with in permissible limits (ideally < 30% but it was way less than that). After this we ran update statistics with full scan.
We identified a particular query which runs significantly slower after the deletes and saw that it had a different query plan as compared to before delete (we created a new database with the pre-delete data set to compare the differences) even though the table definitions (indexes, constraints etc) are the same for all tables in the query.
We ran the load tests again after these steps but still saw the same performance as before. I am not a SQL Server expert but am working with closely with the DBAs to understand the underlying issue for the slow down.
The DBAs are suggesting to optimize the queries but I am not convinced if that would actually help, the queries are performing better with a larger dataset which means deleting the data caused some change on the tables which is resulting in the slowdown.
I would really appreciate any pointers or guidance on addressing this issue.

Architecting a high performing "inserting solution"

I am tasked with putting together a solution that can handle a high level of inserts into a database. There will be many AJAX type calls from web pages. It is not only one web site/page, but several different ones.
It will be dealing with tracking people's behavior on a web site, triggered by various javascript events, etc.
It is important for the solution to be able to handle the heavy database inserting load.
After it has been inserted, I don't mind migrating the data to an alternative/supplementary data store.
We are initial looking at using the MEAN stack with MongoDB and migrating some data to MySql for reporting purposes. I am also wondering about the use of some sort of queue-ing before insert into db or caching like memcached
I didn't manage to find much help on this elsewhere. I did see this post but it is now close to 5 years old, feels a bit outdated and don't quite ask the same questions.
Your thoughts and comments are most appreciated. Thanks.
Why do you need a stack at all? Are you looking for a web-application to do the inserting? Or do you already have an application?
It's doubtful any caching layer will outrun your NoSQL database for inserts, but you should probably confirm that you even need a NoSQL database. MySQL has pretty solid raw insert performance, as long as your load can be handled on a single box. Most NoSQL solutions scale better horizontally. This is probably worth a read. But realistically, if you already have MySQL in-house, and you separate your reporting from your insert instances, you will probably be fine with MySQL.
Some initial theory
To understand how you can optimize for the heavy insert workload, I suggest to understand the main overheads involved in inserting data in a database. Once the various overheads are understood, all kings of optimizations will come to you naturally. The bonus is that you will both have more confidence in the solution, you will know more about databases, and you can apply these optimizations to multiple engines (MySQL, PostgreSQl, Oracle, etc.).
I'm first making a non-exhaustive list of insertion overheads and then show simple solutions to avoid such overheads.
1. SQL query overhead: In order to communicate with a database you first need to create a network connection to the server, pass credentials, get the credentials verified, serialize the data and send it over the network, and so on.
And once the query is accepted, it needs to be parsed, its grammar validated, data types must be parsed and validated, the objects (tables, indexes, etc.) referenced by the query searched and access permissions are checked, etc. All of these steps (and I'm sure I forgot quite a few things here) represent significant overheads when inserting a single value. The overheads are so large that some databases, e.g. Oracle, have a SQL cache to avoid some of these overheads.
Solution: Reuse database connections, use prepared statements, and insert many values at every SQL query (1000s to 100000s).
2. Ensuring strong ACID guarantees: The ACID properties of a DB come at the cost of logging all logical and physical modification to the database ahead of time and require complex synchronization techniques (fine-grained locking and/or snapshot isolation). The actual time required to deal with the ACID guarantees can be several orders of magnitude higher than the time it takes to actually copy a 200B row in a database page.
Solution: Disable undo/redo logging when you import data in a table. Alternatively, you could also (1) drop the isolation level to trade off weaker ACID guarantees for lower overhead or (2) use asynchronous commit (a feature that allows the DB engine to complete an insert before the redo logs are properly hardened to disk).
3. Updating the physical design / database constraints: Inserting a value in a table usually requires updating multiple indexes, materialized views, and/or executing various triggers. These overheads can again easily dominate over the insertion time.
Solution: You can consider dropping all secondary data structures (indexes, materialized views, triggers) for the duration of the insert/import. Once the bulk of the inserts is done you can re-created them. For example, it is significantly faster to create an index from scratch rather than populate it through individual insertions.
In practice
Now let's see how we can apply these concepts to your particular design. The main issues I see in your case is that the insert requests are sent by many distributed clients so there is little chance for bulk processing of the inserts.
You could consider adding a caching layer in front of whatever database engine you end up having. I dont think memcached is good for implementing such a caching layer -- memcached is typically used to cache query results not new insertions. I have personal experience with VoltDB and I definitely recommend it (I have no connection with the company). VoltDB is an in-memory, scale-out, relational DB optimized for transactional workloads that should give you orders of magnitude higher insert performance than MongoDB or MySQL. It is open source but not all features are free so I'm not sure if you need to pay for a license or not. If you cannot use VoltDB you could look at the memory engine for MySQL or other similar in-memory engines.
Another optimization you can consider is to have a different database for doing the analytics. Most likely, a database with a high data ingest volume is quite bad at executing OLAP-style queries and the other way around. Coming back to my recommendation, VoltDB is no exception and is also suboptimal at executing long analytical queries. The idea would be to create a background process that reads all new data in the frontend DB (i.e. this would be a VoltDB cluster) and moves it in bulk to the backend DB for the analytics (MongoDB or maybe something more efficient). You can then apply all the optimizations above for the bulk data movement, create a rich set of additional index structures to speed up data access, then run your favourite analytical queries and save the result as a new set of tables/materialized for later access. The import/analysis process can be repeated continuously in the background.
Tables are usually designed with the implied assumption that queries will far outnumber DML of all sorts. So the table is optimized for queries with indexes and such. If you have a table where DML (particularly Inserts) will far outnumber queries, then you can go a long way just by eliminating any indexes, including a primary key. Keys and indexes can be added to the table(s) the data will be moved to and subsequently queried from.
Fronting your web application with a NoSQL table to handle the high insert rate then moving the data more or less at your leisure to a standard relational db for further processing is a good idea.

Database tables optimized for both read and write

We have a web service that pumps data into 3 database tables and a web application that reads that data in aggregated format in a SQL Server + ASP.Net environment.
There is so much data arriving to the database tables and so much data read from them and at such high velocity, that the system started to fail.
The tables have indexes on them, one of them is unique. One of the tables has billions of records and occupies a few hundred gigabytes of disk space; the other table is a smaller one, with only a few million records. It is emptied daily.
What options do I have to eliminate the obvious problem of simultaneously reading and writing from- and to multiple database tables?
I am interested in every optimization trick, although we have tried every trick we came across.
We don't have the option to install SQL Server Enterprise edition to be able to use partitions and in-memory-optimized tables.
The system is used to collect fitness tracker data from tens of thousands of devices and to display data to thousands of them on their dashboard in real-time.
Way too broad of requirements and specifics to give a concrete answer. But a suggestion would be to setup a second database and do log shipping over to it. So the original db would be the "write" and the new db would be the "read" database.
Read db would be out of date by the length of time for log tranfser
- Could possible drop some of the indexes on "write" db, this would/could increase performance
- You could then summarize the table in the "read" database in order to increase query performance
Here's some ideas, some more complicated than others, their usefulness depending really heavily on the usage which isn't fully described in the question. Disclaimer: I am not a DBA, but I have worked with some great ones on my DB projects.
[Simple] More system memory always helps
[Simple] Use multiple files for tempdb (one filegroup, 1 file for each core on your system. Even if the query is being done entirely in memory, it can still block on the number of I/O threads)
[Simple] Transaction logs on SIMPLE over FULL recover
[Simple] Transaction logs written to separate spindle from the rest of data.
[Complicated] Split your data into separate tables yourself, then union them in your queries.
[Complicated] Try and put data which is not updated into a separate table so static data indices don't need to be rebuilt.
[Complicated] If possible, make sure you are doing append-only inserts (auto-incrementing PK/clustered index should already be doing this). Avoid updates if possible, obviously.
[Complicated] If queries don't need the absolute latest data, change read queries to use WITH NOLOCK on tables and remove row and page locks from indices. You won't get incomplete rows, but you might miss a few rows if they are being written at the same time you are reading.
[Complicated] Create separate filegroups for table data and index data. Place those filegroups on separate disk spindles if possible. SQL Server has separate I/O threads for each file so you can parallelize reads/writes to a certain extent.
Also, make sure all of your large tables are in separate filegroups, on different spindles as well.
[Complicated] Remove inserts with transactional locks
[Complicated] Use bulk-insert for data
[Complicated] Remove unnecessary indices
Prefer included columns over indexed columns if sorting isn't required on them
That's kind of a generic list of things I've done in the past on various DB projects I've worked on. Database optimizations tend to be highly specific to your situation...which is why DBA's have jobs. Some of the 'complicated' answers could be simple if your architecture supports it already.

How reliable is SQL server replication?

We have a database on SQL Server 2000 which should be truncated from time to time. It looks like the easiest solution would be to create a duplicate database and copy the primary database there. Then the primary database may be safely truncated by specially tailored stored procedures.
One way replication would guarantee that the backup database contains all updates from the primary one.
We plan to use backup database for reporting and primary for operative data.
Primary database will be truncated at night once in 2 days.
Database is several gigabytes. Only several tables are quite large (1-2 mln rows)
What are possible pitfalls? How reliable would such a solution be? Will it slow down the primary database?
Update: Variant with DTS for doing copying sounds good but has own disadvantages. It requires quite robust script which would run for about an hour to copy updated rows. There is also issue with integrity constraints in primary database which would make truncating it non-trivial task. Because of this replication cold straighten things up considerably.
It is also possible but not quite good variant to use union VIEW because system which woks mostly in unattended mode whiteout dedicated support personnel. It is related issue but not technical though.
While replication is usually robust, there are times where it can break and require a refresh. Managing and maintaining replication can become complicated. Once the primary database is truncated, you'll have to make sure that action is not replicated. You may also need an improved system of row identification as after you've truncated the primary database tables a couple of times, you'll still have a complete history in your secondary database.
There is a performance hit on the publisher (primary) as extra threads have to run to read the transaction log. Unless you're under heavy load at the moment, you likely won't notice this effect. Transaction log management can become more important also.
Instead, I'd look at a different solution for your problem. For example, before truncating, you can take a backup of the database, and restore it as a new database name. You then have a copy of the database as it was before the truncation, and you can query both at once using three-part names.
You've mentioned that the purpose of the secondary data is to keep report off. In this case you can create a view like SELECT * FROM Primary.dbo.Table UNION ALL SELECT * FROM SecondaryDBJune2008.dbo.Table UNION ALL SELECT * FROM SecondaryDBOctober2008.dbo.Table. You wouild then need to keep this view up to date whenever you perform a truncate.
The other alternative would be to take a snapshot of the current data before truncation and insert it into a single reporting database. Then you'd just have the Primary and the Historical databases - no need to modify views once they're created.
How much data are we talking about in GB?
As you're planning to perform the truncation once every two days, I'd recommend the second alternative, snapshotting the data before truncation into a single Historical database. This can be easily done with a SQL Agent job, without having to worry about replication keeping the two sets of data in synch.
I would not use replication for this. We have a fairly complex replication setup running with 80+ branches replicating a few tables to one central database. When connectivity goes down for a few days, the data management issues are hair raising.
If you want to archive older data, rather use DTS. You can then build the copying and truncation/deletion of data into the same DTS package, setting it so that the deletion only happens if the copy was successful.

SpeedUp Database Updates

There is a SqlServer2000 Database we have to update during weekend.
It's size is almost 10G.
The updates range from Schema changes, primary keys updates to some Million Records updated, corrected or Inserted.
The weekend is hardly enough for the job.
We set up a dedicated server for the job,
turned the Database SINGLE_USER
made any optimizations we could think of: drop/recreate indexes, relations etc.
Can you propose anything to speedup the process?
SQL SERVER 2000 is not negatiable (not my decision). Updates are run through custom made program and not BULK INSERT.
Schema updates are done by Query analyzer TSQL scripts (one script per Version update)
Data updates are done by C# .net 3.5 app.
Data come from a bunch of Text files (with many problems) and written to local DB.
The computer is not connected to any Network.
Although dropping excess indexes may help, you need to make sure that you keep those indexes that will enable your upgrade script to easily find those rows that it needs to update.
Otherwise, make sure you have plenty of memory in the server (although SQL Server 2000 Standard is limited to 2 GB), and if need be pre-grow your MDF and LDF files to cope with any growth.
If possible, your custom program should be processing updates as sets instead of row by row.
Ideally, try and identify which operation is causing the poor performance. If it's the schema changes, it could be because you're making a column larger and causing a lot of page splits to occur. However, page splits can also happen when inserting and updating for the same reason - the row won't fit on the page anymore.
If your C# application is the bottleneck, could you run the changes first into a staging table (before your maintenance window), and then perform a single update onto the actual tables? A single update of 1 million rows will be more efficient than an application making 1 million update calls. Admittedly, if you need to do this this weekend, you might not have a lot of time to set this up.
What exactly does this "custom made program" look like? i.e. how is it talking to the data? Minimising the amount of network IO (from a db server to an app) would be a good start... typically this might mean doing a lot of work in TSQL, but even just running the app on the db server might help a bit...
If the app is re-writing large chunks of data, it might still be able to use bulk insert to submit the new table data. Either via command-line (bcp etc), or through code (SqlBulkCopy in .NET). This will typically be quicker than individual inserts etc.
But it really depends on this "custom made program".
